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Monday, August 28, 2017


August  28, 2017

So #TaylorSwift spent a million dollars on a video to defend her lies. 🙄
Sit down. You lied on Kayne and it was on tape.

“I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative” but she keeps bringing it back #VMAs #TaylorSwift

i relate to taylor swift, i, too, am constantly victimizing myself in situations i get myself into & could've easily avoided

Taylor Swift released the best diss track of all time...

You don't mock Taylor Swift.
Only Taylor Swift mocks Taylor Swift

Good morning Taylor Swift who released a fire music video throwing shade back at everyone who thought they were hurting her

Hahaha! No, they are done! So is she
She’ll only be remembered as Brad Pitts ex. Her irrelevancy is gaining power at an alarming rate. Lol!!!
She lost her looks, sex appeal, her marriage, her family, real friends, long term staff, her careers, and her audience. Lol!!
This pathetic loser has destroyed herself and all in her path. Only her paid flying monkeys are left, which she pays to like her. They dont like her! They like her money and free trips around the world. They use her like she uses them only she is falling hard. Will they go down with her? Doubt it!
You are beyond irrelevant and the public dumped you just like Brad did Angie. You have no one who really likes you for you..well one, but you managed to screw that up too. Lol! You’re too pathetic.

She’s a self-serving hag. He deserves better

Angelina is a very spiteful woman. She should have kept her family life private for the sake of her kids.

When it gets down to the knitty  gritty, don't think any one likes or wants to be around her any more. Can't blame them she is a nut case from all the yrs of drugs.

You messed up bad Angie. Get used to little to no comments.

She's desperate to have anyone on her side about now.  cant stand her.

How do they know she is "makeup free" ? She is dressing like a monk ... she needs to find a job or do something besides adopt children, she is getting annoying lol

I wouldn't go out in public in my house dress! Good grief lady.

Cant help but notice she feeds the kids rubbish a lot of the time, fizzy drinks, ice cream etc. Plus they are mostly in flip-flops, not enough support for developing feet!

Another day, another pap stroll.

How does she look stylish in the same old black tent? Does she not own anything pretty with all that money she's got?

Seriously what is with the black outfits ALL the time

She is only 42??...she look like she is approaching 60

What on earth is she wearing????

She constantly dresses in these ridiculous black robe things now like she's in mourning. What a weirdo.

"Makeup-free:" I don't think that means what you think it means. Just say "natural look," because you have no idea if she's wearing makeup or not. Not everyone slaps it on in bright colors like a damn clown.

She makes herself look older than her real age

Angelina is beautiful but she always dresses like she's attending a funeralz

Shiloh is beautiful and would be a stunning young woman, despite what has been reported, she looks so feminine and is growing tall and slender.

I hope Shiloh escapes this circus. and does a tell all. lol.

September 07, 2017

 She attempted to wage war in the press against her husband. Doing so was not in the best interest of her children. For their sake, she should have kept these matters private. She didn't care about the kids then or subsequently. In fact, Pitt has a pretty good case for parental alienation and should have requested a psychological evaluation on her. She's a b%tch.

Just listen, she does everything for the children, she sells them, like her whole personal life and tries again to slander Brad Pitt. Nothing new. The more she tries to pour dirt him, the more she pours herself.

Brad Pitt did not touch his child and this is already proved, Jolie agreed to keep secret the documents on divorce, when she saw how Hollywood supported him on the Golden Globe. And to correct her image, she forced him to give an interview in GQ. This article is another spit in the direction of Brad Pitt. It's terrible ....

If you carefully read the article, you would have realized that mud is being for Brad Pitt poured here, not for your "classy lady" and indeed, Jolie does not have a regulatory mechanism, he told the truth.

Oh, yes, if you do not believe in her lies, remember the Vanity Fair, everything will become a little clear.

No sympathy for her at all ..

Always trying to play the victim smh

Wasn't she sleeping with Brad while he was married? Can't stand her.

Yes, take pity on poor Jolie, see how her people are trying to blacken Brad and make her a saint. Yes, she had planned this divorce for the sake of a political career for a long time and wanted to send Brad under the bus, and now she wonder why she is not supported ? Angelina, stop lying and pretend to be a victim. They still dare to say that Brad has a big PR? You're kidding, yes, no more than this Madame. A shame. seeks sympathy and support, good luck with it.

I think she is reaping what was sewn. And she's the one who dicked Brad around. He was blindsided

I swear this woman does not know who she is from day to day

Why did you leave him then??? Ugh.

She's the breadwinner? lol...like Brad Pitt just walked away without supporting his family? What a hoot! Bring on the violin! They are done. For sure.

She is a liar of the first order, a manipulating, underhanded sneaking thief who has no moral compass. She shouldn't be allowed to raise any children, because she is following her mother's scorched earth 🌏 policy. That woman was useless. And so is her daughter. Those kids will reap what she has sown. "Taking care of her family?" No, letting the nannies raise the children.

She's a witch all right!

I Lost All Respect For Her. She Hurts People . At Least Bratt Pitt Had The Decency To Admit He Was Wrong . She Hurt Jennifer Aniston . Have You Seen Jenifer Aniston Interviews . This Women Lies. She Never Admits Nothing. She Is No Role Model ..

Narcissistic Scarecrow!

Brad has no plans to go back to Miss Control Queen. He loves his kids more than he does not care about her.

Her pap stroll is really tiresome. she definitely is ano*rexia

I see Brad is speeding up the divorce. That's a great answer to the reconciliation rumors planted by her. LOL

Lord she is such a beautiful woman but looks so unwell.

totally skeleton

Attention seeking behaviour, who doesn't wear a bra going to the pet store with their young child

No rest for the attention-seeking, braless pap strolls with distressed kids. She looks scarily skinny, no wonder, a narcissist and manipulative liar may get far but she has already reached her limits, less and less people believe her lies.

Scary skinny

Don't think I've seen such a thin person not hooked up to drips in the ICU. What is she USING to keep on going?

I'm surprised she hasn't added osteoporosis to her list of ailments. She clearly does not eat properly or get the right nutrients. She's looks like a walking cor pse!

It's smells of cheap populism. It does not surprise me, from such personality as Angelina Jolie, this was to be expected. I still remember the incident with the Vanity Fair.

Look at her arms and hands. She's a walking skeleton.

Little Vivian always looks so sad & wistful. Doesn't anyone ever brush her hair?

Angelina doesn't know enough to have her kids dress nicely for a special ceremony like this.

At very least she tries to do some good in this world. Not perfect but who is? Participating more than the rest of us thats for sure. (meh...)

I have more respect for the everyday person that spends each and every day doing real work . The nurses , the fire fighters , the carers , the workforce in general . She gets well paid for her contributions and well supported . She has taken plenty of money from the average person to fund her extravagant adventures . To place her up on a pedestal is naive . What about the real people that go back to nothing after trying to save the world while she goes back to one of her many mansions with so much employed people making her life easier and more comfortable . her children want for nothing and will never have to worry about opportunities . A saint she is not ...look around you ..there are saints everywhere that get nothing for it

BS, everyday working people do a lot of good in the world they just don't pay for a camera crew to film them as they do it. Or take out ads in magazines. Angelina racks up hefty bills that the poor country she is in has to foot whenever she decides to go on a 'humanitarian trip', the security that must be in place is huge. What honestly has her speeches done for refugees besides inflating her ego?

what good? taking big paychecks for promoting the UN

Has AJ paid the DM to upvote all the positive comments about her?

She is a liar, and extremely deceptive. Constantly using her children to promote her own self worth. After the casting fiasco with children, you couldn't pay me to see her movie.


She'll manipulate him till his last breath, using the kids. Is Vivienne following in Shiloh's footsteps? Wouldn't it be kind of unusual to happen twice in the same family?

September 08, 2017

I find it very absurd that a CM contract has some restrictions on marriage or pregnancy. I get that divorce might be bad publicity but marriage or pregnancy...?? Yes, being pregnant has an effect when you are shooting a movie but for a cm..

I just don't get the image Japan has on women. Or even with idols, actors, any famous person. Like so many agencies forbids even dating (or making it public) because of fans. Imagine if that was the case with e.g. American celebrities. Imagine if everytime Taylor Swift started dating a guy and she had to make an video for her fans, cry, apologise and shave her head...

I'm not huge fan of Takei Emi but I wish her all the best and hope her sponsors don't leave her just because she wanted to start a family.

If she were to do CM for alcohol for example, having a pregnant woman will send wrong signals to the audience.
She has CM contracts for medicine which may not be suitable for pregnant woman.

This is scary, but not for the reasons you are mentioning. I remember she went to a show with Arashi (could have been Himitsu no Arashi-chan) and they went to a fortune teller.
Takei Emi told her that she had always assumed that she would marry at 23, but the fortune teller told her that she should marry at 33, that if she were to marry at 23 she would have a long and successful carrer in Japan only, but if she waited until she was 33 she would become a world star.
I remember Takei Emi's staff started to freak out and they called her agency (BTW I think her agency is still Oscar Promotions, who ban their artists from dating until age 25, lol), but Takei Emi was like I don't care I'm getting married at 23.
She's strong willed I'll give her that. Even Arashi menbers were like: Girl you should wait just in case!

Takei Emi's dream of marrying at 23 y/o has come true, just as she said in an Arashi show 6 years ago. Congratulations to her!

you,re a braver man than i brad ,she,s wacko

a worthy Oscar film, where they humiliated orphans and poor children. Bravo, the choice is yours Academy!

She would be difficult to live with. High maintenance.

...more like High Anxiety.
Remember this is the nut who carried a vial of her boyfiend's blood on her, around her neck. CooCoon personified.

She even had/has issues with her own father. Personally, I think she just can't accept anyone being something different than herself. Good luck with that. Wonder if she will lose contact with one of her male sons once they reach adulthood and live their own way.

wow, so much to go through. Health issues are so huge. And then a divorce on top of it.
Imagine doing it without 200 million.

If you don't want to be alone, then work through the tough times! I'm in my 32nd year of marriage. It's takes care, work, compromise, forgiveness and commitment.

The more she talks the more I'm turned off. this is just too much now.

That could be an interesting book, actually. Because I think Jolie is an extremely high maintenance, emotionally overwrought, and downright nasty woman. I feel sorry for her kids.

I can't wait her kids grow up and write "Mommie Dearest" on her.

I'm starting to see why little Vivienne looks so traumatized, if the littlest ones were told all about the Khmer Rouge at their tender age. Ange seems to have straw for brains.

Brad's production company is so successful producing so many award-winning and award-nominated movies but her production company is a failure. You bet she is jealous and unhappy.

I can see how Brad might have had a tough time--the kids make the decisions? How can you live like that?

She is just ridiculous. Her kids need a normal life instead of being being dragged all over the world with tutors.

They were emotionally involved? Most of them are too young to really grasp what happened in Cambodia during the Vietnam war and they should be allowed to be children. There will be plenty of time for them to learn about the evil that men do later on.

Still doing PR for a movie no one want see.

She always says how she wants her kids to be anything else besides actors, and there she goes constantly involving them in any film she's in. What a hyp,ocrite!

Ah yes, you are right, she IS trying to force the London move on the family by claiming it's the kids' idea. I don't see how Brad put up with her man ipulation for so many years.

She is very dark and twizzted, it seems

Angelina says all this stuff thinking it is cute. However, it smacks of Parentification. She has made those children responsible for her emotional wellbeing instead of it being the correct way around. She needs to realise that SHE is the adult, and they are the children. Then act like it! I see she is laying the groundwork for moving to London again, but claiming the children want it so she can force consent from Brad. Disingenuous

AJ finished her shameful film a year ago, but the divorce scandal did not allow her to speak at that time. She waited time to start her movie for a period of rewards. At that time, all of Pitt's films came out in the middle of hell, he was strongly labeled by the media and now they are doing it with him. Jolie's team, along and across, studied the story of Princess Diana, her interview, she wants to cause pity and look like Diana in the public eye. She will lying a lot and give false interviews, counting on the support and love of the public. All the press is bought, her team wants to influence people, with the help of articles, autobiographical films about her, it will soon be. If this is not a reasonable creature go to politicis, the end of the world will come. How can we be pride people? In this world everything can be bought, you are deceived as kittens.

Jolie will never find another good man. She lost all her looks, has six brats, is anorexic and still is on H. She’s a loser.

Hatred does not happen without a reason, people are tired of lies, from miserable millionaires who try to make for all puppets because they wants to manipulate and earn money.

After 20 years of her PR antics, lies, vengeance seeking, manipulation and spin you are still unable to see what everyone else can? She has a diagnosed personality disorder, surely you can't deny that as well as everything else you deny in your pursuit of being her bestest ever fan?

Using the kids again and lying again. Jolie doesn't have a genuine bone a bone in her body.

More lies. Lies about her own kids being abused and traumatized then covering up for what happened to the Cambodian kids on the set of her movie. Now the parental alienation of Brad by saying she's "the breadwinner of the family" like the kids don't have a loving supportive millionaire dad.

And what these poor people will say, if they start to rebel, her PR just shut up they the mouth with money. AJ has more than once tried so. She deceives you naive sheep.

Go away Jolie. Your time has been and gone.

Jolie's time has been and gone and she's worn out her welcome. She's still talking incessantly about her kids because she thinks it makes her seem relatable and organising papstrolls with her kids to the shops every couple of days and tipping off the photographers but it's tired now. The whole world now thinks she is a beeoytch.

Enough of this self serving woman.

she IS trying to force the London move on the family by claiming it's the kids' idea. I don't see how Brad put up with her man ipulation for so many years.

do you really think it is ok for this woman to use her children like this? And ok for her to push emotional baggage on them when they should be at school and making real friends, instead of the film maker's children she tries to pass off as their friends in all her pap-strolls? You Angieloonies will literally forgive her anything at all, even blatant explotation of her children from the day they were born.

The more she talks the more I'm turned off. this is just too much now.

Yes she gets jealous, she will not like it when he dates again. They will soon be ex’s, but Brad should ease into it or hell will break loose. Make sure she has someone too. It will only help all if he does and that way he can move forward.
Sounds nuts that he would show concern after split but it would make his life much more happier if her focus isnt on who he’s with but who she has too. Food for thought.
Too bad Angie let that nice lady get away. It was weird seeing my comment displayed here while someone borrowed my words (oh dear)

He’s better off without her.

This woman sounds so exhausting, I’m not surprised that he kept drinking when he was with her. She’s one complicated, spoiled HW br at.

Who cares what that hateful bi tch says or does, he’s single, he can do what he wants.

After 12-13 years with Angelina “It’s never my fault, I’m a perfect saint” Jolie, Brad is allowed to have fun

 Those poor little rich kids will need weekly therapy until they’re 30.

Anorexia Jolie will be jealous when he’s dating again, that’s just the way she is. She hates not being in control. It’ll be hard for her to find another partner – no sane man wants to date a crazy skeleton and her unruly brood.

I can imagine that jealous, possessive, insane Jolie will be stamping her feet, gnashing her teeth, screaming when he has a new girlfriend. This control freak/narcissist doesn’t want Pitt anymore, but she also doesn’t want any other woman to have him; can’t stand to see him happy with anyone but her loony self.

Would love to see Brad settle down with a down to earth non Hollywood type. I think that would be really good for him.

She needs to move on… Get a life…

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie dismiss persistent reunion reports? Are you talking about those articles that YOU wrote about it? Don't worry, we know they will divorce. This tabloid is a joke.

Of course Brad doesn't want to get back with this miserable and vile woman.

It's reported that Brad now he has had the operation to remove his brain that the divorce was a wrong decision and he wants to reconcile

dont go back to her Brad she'll suck the life out of you.

What did he expect would happen, she's a full on looney tune!

this is hysterical... SHE was responsible for the "getting back together" leaks. (& it's not the 1st time either.) after reports following hers, it was immediately leaked that brad is "rushing the divorce" & only NOW, is it being said that they are both on board with the divorce. she is so unbelievably see-thru. just like her constant pap strolls with the kids...& her numerous interviews...she is trying to re-write her reputation after the massive hit it took...plus, she knows that she just gets more attention when she brings up brad/the divorce. (let us not forget that she has a new flick to promote!)

She's been planting lie after lie about their reuniting and their great love, in order to try to distract people from that dreadful Vanity Fair article. She laughed about tasting orphans with food and money to get a dramatic reaction out of them for her film. That, plus working with the Cambodian Army and buying land from the Khmer Rouge is just more of the stuff she's trying to cover up. I LOVE that Pitt's team is refuting her lies.

Her PR is the same ilk as of the Kardashian's. Spread enough crap and people will start believing it. She's got issues and her method's of casting wont be forgotten. According to one of her minions Lainey Gossip, her film will be nominated for an Oscar. Sure, if they want to destroy any shread of believability they have.

She isn't a single mother. Brad is alive and wants to be part of his childrens lives. I can't imagine that he isn't paying money towards their keep, not that money would be a problem for either of them!

It's just more of her spin and pity-party PR. She is desperate to regain some reputation after the public saw through her.

Look at her exploiting those children and now claiming shes the bread winner? Excuse me? They have a FATHER too...who was a bigger bread winner than you and actually created a production company giving other families the ability to be bread winners; while you pretended to be a humanist when you actually picked easy causes to support that would keep away any scrutiny while you lined your pockets.

Shamelessly using the kids again. Now who is the abuser?

More lies. Lies about her own kids being abused and traumatized then covering up for what happened to the Cambodian kids on the set of her movie. Now the parental alienation of Brad by saying she's "the breadwinner of the family" like the kids don't have a loving supportive millionaire dad.

September 13, 2017

she is such a sick human being as far as family and her health and how she snows people.

Angelina is broken in many ways... i really don't think she's trying to snow people as Stellaj2 commented. She's a perfectionist in her career and trying hard to remain picture perfect herself because many HAVE put her on THAT pedestal. I really don't think she ever wanted to be there!

She had a big part in the difficulty of her life.

Women in the real world, not Angelina Jolie, give meaning to summit

She makes movies and doesn't care if people like her?!

If you're in the movie making business, you better care if people like you. She's a fool. Who the heck is going to see her films if no one likes her? She says she needs to work because she's the breadwinner... good luck making money when all your movies flop because you're so disliked.

It's creepy that she has absolutely no friends and she only needs her children?? Too much to put on your kids.

That's a massive burden to place on young children. Of course they'll always be faithful to their parents but they need a mother not a "best friend". It's seriously unhealthy that she doesn't have friends her own age!! No wonder things became difficult.

Your children should NOT be your friends... another dummy delusional mother... They are going to walk all over you one day.... you will see......that is what friends do NO?? IDIOT!!!!!

Women whose kids are their "best friends" are creating an unhealthy environment for children. Children hear to much and are asked to bear the burden of their mother's happiness. My mom emoted and shared way too much about her marital unhappiness when I was growing up. Only in adulthood did I realize the magnitude of the burden she placed on my small back that was not able to carry her issues and mine as well. Foolish Angelina. You are harming your kids.

I know I am a bit old fashioned...but your children are just that your children. They are not meant to be your friends and vice versa. They have their friends/you have your friends and you parent them...they are not meant to parent you. Sure you might when they get older think of them as pals etc....but they have at some point their own life to get on with.....JMO as always

And when it's time for them to leave? With this mentality, you then have nothing.

Please. Her attitude and crazy behavior pushed everyone away. One shouldn't want to be neat friends with their kids, you are their authority figure not their friend. Maybe this is the reason Brad flipped out and turned to alcohol cause he was the only adult in the house and thats a lot of stress.

She said in an interview before she didn't have many friends and that Brad was her best friend. It's a parent's responsibility to be a parent, not a child's best friend. Nor is it a child's responsibility to prop up their parent's ego and insecurities.

I'm not sociable by nature but I still have girlfriends even if I don't see them or talk to them often. I'm always suspicious of women who say they don't have any girlfriends. Those are the ones you need to keep away from. I know someone like this, she simpers and smiles for the guys but back stabs women all the time. Not trustworthy.

Angelna, your children don't need you to be their friend....they need you to be their mother....a parent...that's your job.

No "great parent" is best friends with their young children. They need to be parented. When they're adults, you transition into friendship.

It sounds like she has inappropriate expectations of her children.

As an off the charts BPD and narcissist, in her mind everything revolves around her and her needs. The poor children are just extensions of her ego, there to be used as she deems benefits her best. So was Brad, she's still using him now, to seek adulation for her film with the shady casting methods

Can't stand her. When she has 'health issues' she expects that her husband should stand by her and support her during her surgeries and recovery. But when HE has a health issue with regard to alcohol addiction, she files for divorce the next day, releases ALL the details to the press and grabs his kids and runs for the hills. Nicole Kidman and her husband had the same problems re alcohol but she didn't leave him, she supported him. And let's not forget Angelina didn't even want to seal the divorce documents although everybody could read everything about their kids etc. because she is a vengeful woman who is guilty of parental alienation. That's what she thinks families do to help each other and take care of one another?

Angelina needs to stop acting like the kids don't have a father. Sick behavior.

And that's exactly why we don't like you

She cares if people like her. She knows it's tied to the success of her film. As far as the kid statement. Very odd that she relies on them to get her through ordeals. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

It was her choice to alienate the kids from their father. I imagine they need just as much therapy from years of dealing with her volatile behavior.

Jolie acts like Brad doesn't exist, she's a very vengeful woman. I feel sorry for Brad and their children, can't be easy to deal/live with her.

She's on another 'I am a victim, please have sympathy with me' trip.

The poor kids, they have to be stronger than their mother so they can help her emotional and mental meltdown.

She's gotten her wish. Many don't like her. Feel sorry for the kids.

They are not your best friends. They are your children. End of. Go and get some best friends instead. Stop messing with their heads.

You don't need to be liked? Good, because you are not. You are a user and a taker. You are a destroyer of lives. You cannot be your children's friends until they are grown and on their own. You are destroying their lives now by trying to be their peer instead of their mother, the loving authority figure who sets limits. But you don't have any limits. You don't care about consequences. Your poor children will be crippled by you.

Like mother like daughter, her mother trained her well. Both are mental, bitter divorced single mother.

Never have liked her. Now I know why.

Of course she cares, considering she's talking. Btw someone give her a burger.

Raising your children as your friends is why so many children grow up with bad attitudes and everything else.

She lies

Brad is a saint for tolerating this crazy woman for 12 years.

No wonder she drags her children everywhere with her. She needs their support 24/7. She is the weakest link in this family.

I cant bear to see her without Brad still believe they were each others great love. so sad for that family.

I feel sorry for her for just one reason in that she doesn't understand irony.

Your interview for the New York Times made me laugh. I wonder how much you can lie? Until you finally achieve the result? You're just a pathetic liar and manipulator. Unbroken victim Angelina Jolie. Who will buy this? Yes, your fans who have not gone far from you. Its all garbage. And conscious people understand this ....

God she's just gone way too skinny, beautiful but pure skin and bones.

The angie loons are back out in force I see

Don't care how she looks, she is fake woman and hypocrite.

She has a pretty face but looks older than 42.

She looks 50+ in the pics where she walks down the stairs.

Looks like she could break her hip just walking down the stairs

This woman has always been mentally unstable. Her father tried to get her proper help when she was younger and into heroin, self harm, a sexual relationship with her brother, etc... she refused the help and dropped her last name to spite him. I realize that she's a beautiful woman, but Brad should have know what he was getting into with this woman. She's a nut. It's no wonder he turned to drinking.( not excusing him) There's no doubt she's difficult to live with, she lets the kids run wild, do as they please. the oldest, Maddox, is obsessed with knives, she lets him do as he pleases. She also looks malnourished, living on cigarettes and coffee... this woman needs major mental help.

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