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Sunday, February 14, 2016

6 Ways To Find Inner Peace

1. Sound

When I start to feel overwhelmed, I simply close my eyes and listen to the details and quality of the sounds around me. Sometimes I am treated to birdsong, wind blowing, and insects chirping. Other times I hear teenagers chatting, cats meowing, and dishes clinking. Sometimes I can listen to the sound of silence that exists in the space between sounds. Whatever I hear, by focusing my attention on sound, I give my mind a break from its incessant stream of thinking.

2. Compassion

When I connect with the human condition, and all those who suffer, I know that I am not alone. I send positive energy to others who are in chemo, to other spouses and caregivers, to people who suffer from grief, depression, addiction, anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. I think of those who have walked the earth before me and those who will walk when I am gone. By opening my heart to other beings with compassion, I feel calmer and more supported.

3. Visualization

There is a small, special island 10 miles off the coast of New Hampshire called Star Island. I have been going there for summer retreats for the past 12 years, and it is still one of my favorite places on this earth. When I feel most upset, I close my eyes and imagine myself there. I can summon smells, sounds, and visuals that instantly uplift my mood and offer me a refreshing perspective.

4. Affirmations

Repeating "anchor" words or phrases, such as "peace like a river," or "everything is as it should be," or "I am strong; I am calm" help redirect the mind to more peaceful and positive thoughts. Find an affirmation that feels right to you and experience how it can elicit a feeling of calm.

5. Breath

Using the breath as an object of attention is the classic technique for meditation. If I spend a few moments counting my breaths from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1, my mind reverts to a quiet stillness. Pay specific attention to your breath as it touches your nose.

6. Gratitude

Although it can be challenging to focus on gratitude when I'm throwing a personal pity party, I've discovered that it can really turn things around. There is always something to put on the gratitude list: fresh air, sunshine, electricity, running water, Western medicine, support of loved ones, faith, love, the comforts of home, flowers, chocolate, and the many life lessons that are embedded in every situation.

not mine.credit and source: HUFFINGTONPOST

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