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Friday, November 25, 2016

Is Brad Pitt an over-hyped actor?

Eric Tang, Cinephile

I thought he was amazing and under-appreciated in the movie, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. You fear him in one scene; in the other, you understand complex emotions and thoughts without needing much dialogue. Not too many actors can convey this.

You can feel his presence and sternness in the movie, Tree of Life. This is done mainly by his deliberate actions and movements.

And in Burn After Reading, he's a good comedic actor without silly gags or overdoing it.

I don't know too many actors who cover this much range successfully. I must agree with Ratnakar Sadasyula(రత్నాకర్ సదస్యుల) and say that his good looks cause many to overlook his skill. In my opinion, Brad Pitt is very much underrated as an actor.

Ratnakar Sadasyula

I would say Brad Pitt's  acting often does not get the due appreciation it deserves. Due to his drop dead handsome looks, Pitt more often than not has been dismissed as just a pretty boy. Something I feel that has not been too fair to his career.

On one hand, Pitt has done the standard commercial stuff, The Mexican, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Troy, Ocean's series, and then his work for the Coen Brothers, David Fincher has been really good.

Not many mainstream actors at the peak of their popularity would attempt to appear in something like Tree of Life, or play a supporting lead to George Clooney in Burn After Reading. And the range of roles Pitt has played from Fight Club to 12 Monkeys to Snatch to Inglorious Basterds, all different characters.

Geoffrey Widdison, Engineer, reader, thinker, dreamer. Scientist, scholar, Latter-Day Saint.

I didn't have much respect for Brad Pitt until I saw "12 Monkeys", it's the first time I saw him in a role that completely downplayed his looks, he's not even remotely appealing to look at, yet he completely owns the role. That's a fundamental test of an actor's skill, if you can't be good-looking, will you still be watchable?

Then go watch "Fight Club", and the conversation's over. You may or may not like any of his individual movies, but the man is a phenomenal actor.

Christy John

Really? He is one of the few super stars who also know how to act. Many people have already listed his famous movies including 'Curious case of Benjamin Button', 'Fight Club', '12 monkeys'. 'The inglorious basterds 'etc.

I am writing to add in one more movie which I believe brings out the best in him. Guy Ritchie's Snatch. See how easily he turns into an Irish gypsy inclusive of the talk and the walk. He is seriously an amazing star who can be moulded into whatever role you want.

I wonder what made you ask this question.

Manoj Arya, filmbuff, a junkie for the printed word

For me he is "best of both worlds" kind. He is a star - e.g. his Ocean movies where is exceptionally good especially in Ocean's 12 with his simmering romance with Catherine Zeta Jones, and he blew my mind with his part in Moneyball.

  • Ocean's 12 Rusy Ryan
  • Moneyball Billy Beane

Tatsam Mukherjee, Big mouth. On films.

2000 Snatch Mickey O'Neil (the Pikey)
2001 The Mexican Jerry Welbach
2001 Spy Game Tom Bishop
2001 Ocean's Eleven Rusty Ryan
2004 Troy Achilles
2004 Ocean's Twelve Rusty Ryan
2005 Mr. & Mrs. Smith John Smith
2006 Babel Richard
2007 Ocean's Thirteen Rusty Ryan
2007 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
2008 Burn After Reading Chad Feldheimer
2008 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Benjamin Button
2009 Inglourious Basterds Lt. Aldo Raine
2010 Megamind Metro ManVoice
2011 The Tree of Life Mr. O'Brien
2011 Moneyball
Billy Beane
2011 Happy Feet Two Will the Krill
2012 Killing Them Softly Jackie Cogan
2013 World War Z Gerry Lane
2013 12 Years a Slave

Even if you've seen half of the films mentioned above - Tell me you've seen a wider range by anyone else in the last decade.

David Maynard

Brad Pitt has always tried to take the hard road by shying away from roles that would make him a celebrity in preference for ones that challenged him as an actor. Other notable actors on this level are Denzel Washington and Johnny Depp.

David Durham

I've always thought of him as pretty solid.  In interviews he tends to come across as bemused by the hype around him rather than being consumed by it.

David Lamb

First, I will say that I like him as an actor, the movies he chooses to be in, and he seems like a decent person outside of acting.

Brad Pitt, to me seems to act in two different ways - subtle characters, or unhinged characters. I think he is at his best when he plays someone unhinged (see 12 Monkeys and Ingloriuous Basterds for examples). He can play subtle really well, as in Moneyball, or a solid performance as in World War Z, or mediocre as in Meet Joe Black. Sometimes an actor is only as good as the material they have to work with. Or a little mix of the two as in seven and Fight Club.

I think he has potential for comedy, but doesn't do them often (see Ocean's 11 and Inglorious Basterds, Snatch, Burn after Reading).

Then there are the overrated movies like Benjamin Button.

I think for the most part he is a good actor because he is smart about the movies he chooses to be in. And I had no idea I've seen so many Brad Pitt movies.


Seeing "Curious Case of Benjamin Button" made me realize Brad Pitt is a phenomenal actor.

In fact, I'd say his good looks(which look typical midwestern to me) hinder the fact  that he's a talented spectacular actor.

not mine.credit and source: QUORA

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