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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Cameron’s crony honours show Britain values sycophants more than pioneers

August 09,2014

Are you ashamed to be British today? If not, you should be.

David Cameron has handed out a dozen peerages – turned 12 people into Lords – not on the basis of any great work they have done for the benefit of everybody in the United Kingdom, but because they have done work for the benefit of David Cameron.

It is sickening to see how debased our system has become after four years under the thumb of one corrupt brat.

Look at them:

Karen Brady has been the Conservatives’ small business ambassador but rejected offers of a seat in the Commons – clearly in favour of the Lords. You know her as the one who sits next to Alan Sugar and isn’t Nick Hewer, on The Apprentice.

Michael Farmer has donated nearly £6 million to the Conservative Party and is the boss of a hedge fund. Considering the way these organisations have bet on our financial markets’ failure in order to make a buck or two, he should be in jail rather than Parliament.

Ranbir Singh Suri, head of Oceanic Jewellers, has reportedly given the Conservative Party £312,000, either personally or through his company. Have you ever heard of him?

Martin Callanan, former Conservative leader in the European Parliament, receives a peerage in compensation for the loss of his seat in May. Tories look after their own.

Sir Stuart Rose is a former boss of Marks and Spencer who apparently receives his peerage for helping Cameron’s wife Samantha get a £65 limited-edition polka-dot dress which had sold out.

Joanna Shields is a former Facebook executive who is now Cameron’s digital advisor. Now you know why your blogs knocking the Tories keep disappearing from FB or are marked as spam.

Dido Harding is chief executive of Talk Talk, and has done nothing to deserve a peerage. Sitting on Cameron’s business advisory committee doesn’t count.

Andrew Cooper worked for Cameron as his director of political operations and has done nothing to deserve a peerage.

Natalie Evans is director of the New Schools Network, which tries to help groups that want to set up free schools. She has done nothing to deserve a peerage – quite the opposite, judging by her CV.

Carlyn Chisholm is co-chair of the Conservative candidates committee and has done nothing to deserve a peerage.

Nosheena Mobarik is chair of the Confederation of British Industry in Scotland and has done nothing to deserve a peerage.

Arminka Helic was an advisor who worked for William Hague on preventing sexual violence in conflict. This might have the potential to be laudable, but then, you haven’t heard of Arminka Helic before, so how great was the contribution?

The fact that Cameron considers it acceptable to promote cronies into the House of Lords serves as yet another example of what a pathetic, pandering pimp we have squatting in 10 Downing Street.

Any incoming government should instigate a review of all life peerages, judging them by their contribution to society, rather than party political bank balances.

Knowing our Parliament, even that will be corrupted from within.

not mine.credit and source: VOX POLITICAL

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