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Saturday, November 5, 2016


Brad has behaved with dignity throughout all of this. He was well brought up in a good family and it shows unlike his dysfunctional wife.

What about her guzzling her red wine or puffing non stop on cigarettes instead of eating talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Stupid bitch she's trying to character assassinate him and it just makes her look worse, she's so vindictive.

with angelina always keep in mind the "timing" of when a stupid news from her and her "team" will come out. remember brad's movie "allied" will be showing in a few weeks so whatever crappy stupid obviously a lie news from her don't bother at all. she's a liar and always has been.

Regardless of AJ falling out of love or not. What bothers me most is that she wants full custody of the kids. Each parent should be given equal custody. Both parents and all the kids need it. That is very wrong for her to request and I hope a judge sees that.

I hate what this woman is doing. Mean control freak.

 this is what a better, sane, normal parent would and should be seeking if you have the best interest of your kids in your mind. always think what is best for your kids amids a divorce don't be bitter and hateful like angelina.

 Go for it Brad Pitt they are your kids too. Fight for them I think Angelina Jolie's lawyer and Angelina herself thought this is it hands down Brad won't wanna settle down with 6 kids well guess he told you Angelina !!!

She is a nut case. Giving her sole custody is extremely harmful to the children. She is not stable mentally, never has been, great actress but unstable

What mom would seriously try to take away kids from their father. I could see if you weren't married or never lived together, but these kids have grown up with him as their dad for many years. No matter how good of a mom you are every kid enjoys having a father or father figure in life. I hope he gets joint custody, that makes him even sexier

 Good for him, that show that he cares for the kids. I don't understand why some women think that they get to keep the kids just because, kids need their dads in their life too, share the news.

 Parents yell at their kids ,get over it...get a divorce and have joint custody...why put kids thru ya'll BS...

She's gross
Angelina STOP being an ashole

She's a crazy woman, always was

 I hate her and always have!! F Her!

 that's what the judge will rule anyway joint custody

As he should. Fight for your kids Brad!

Go brad go!!!

She cant have it all


he deserves to have joint custody. Just shows how some women are so full of it and up their own arses thinking men are 2nd.

 I hope he gets full access to his kids. Shame they can't work it out amicably

.he did everything and more of what was asked. Still not enough for her.

I think"joint custody"is ideal for ALL children who have 2 competent, loving parents. Brad's trying to raise a MAN & mom's overreact!

I really commend him for not going after her. I think he could unload all sorts of secrets about how nuts she is. That he's not doing it is further proof of what a decent man he is and he's only concerned for the children.

Jolie is insane. Hopefully she loses custody and needs to have supervised visitation.

he should have joint custody.

As he should. As any good dad would...which he seems to be. He needs to be in the kids lives to balance out the kooky their mother brings.

She sure is a man eater. They both look like they have been drug around by the cat all night. Never got what he saw in her anyway. Use to be easy on the eye but not anymore. Then come her always crazy antics she is forever playing on. Getting a divorce, call in the FBI and then lets jet off England to get involved in politics. I'll give this man eater an aster for disaster. Oh, and by the way some hormone therapy should do wonders for her as she is starting to fade.

Good for Brad. While I think kids needs a mothers comfort. They also need their fathers love and influence. Who will show the boys how to be a gentlemen? And the girls what not to accept from boys? Their uncle and mom who kiss on the mouth in public ? Hmmm gotta think about that. There is a good humanitarian, but she doesn't, what do her kids think? Spoiling kids with toys where ever they go, is not parenting. Quality time and not buying their love is a great road to recovery for this family

good for him I really hope he gets it!!

yeah right forcing your kidds not see dad...thats high fasion style

Good! And I hope he gets it. Those children deserve better than being left with Angie to ruin them further. She must be furious that he hasnt rolled over and given her all her own way though. This is going to get messy. Hope the courts sort it quickly for their sakes as it's such a burden for young shoulders. Pax and Shiloh have asked to live with their father, I've read elsewhere, no idea if true, but this filing lends weight to it

Jolie hasn't once given a thought to those children and the effect on them. Selfish. (Dublin, Ireland)

He deserves to spend quality time with his children. Every father does they are his children as much as hers (Melbourne, Australia)

Good for him......nice to see a father fight for his kid's. So many just walk away without a care.

She wants sole custody, but will employ a load of nannys to look after them. She's a clown
( Leeds,United Kingdom)

A clown, best description of her yet!

He got all his ducks in a row - now he's coming for whats just. Now it's going to get interesting.

Brad has behaved with dignity throughout all of this. He was well brought up in a good family and it shows unlike his dysfunctional wife.

Go get them Brad.

Good for him. There's no reason for Angie to have full custody. Now hopefully some investigation has been going on all this time of Angie's parenting methods. It will be interesting to see if she fights him on this or if she will come to her senses and agree to joint custody. (Seattle, United States)

Good. I am a woman and I feel horrible how courts treat men during divorce. equal=equal

As a woman, thank you. I get sick seeing how men are treated! Equality means equal, not superior.

Angie Jolie is actually the one that high powered microscope of invasive inspection and full investigations by both the FBI & CPS need to begin exploring alongside Brad Pitt. Especially as she's had full custody over all the children; what better time could possibly be ripe enough for a thorough investigation & questioning of all the children & man nannies!?

Good...obviously the 'investigations' etc just have gone good for him. Team Brad!!!
(Vancouver, Canada)

Don't use the kids as pawns in a dead relationship. The kids are the ones who suffer the most

Some people here defend Jolie like she gives 2 licks about them. Like it's a vote for Brad or Jolie. What's right is right and wrong is wrong. Jolie is a nutcase and it will be like Madonna for her in a few years. Faking the British accent and screwing around and anything else for attention.

Brad Pitt wants to share responsibility for his own children. Shock horror. Dad's have rights too.

When all theses children become of age..... they'll all want to be with Brad anyway!

I'm always amazed by how she would say how much in love with him she was and now just hate. Terrible, terrible the way she treated him in this through the press.

I find it odd that only the bio-kids were given middle names, but having 6 kids 3 years into a relationship is also odd...and probably irresponsible given the current circumstances. Ms. Jolie-Pitt has a responsibility to these children to be civil and co-parent with the man she insisted on having them with. She needs to quit with the tantrum and act like an adult. P.S. put the kids in school F F S ( for fuck's sake)

He never hit the kids, he yelled at them. Any parent yells at their kids.

It should be joint custody, since nothing came of the allegations against him. Think she may be regretting letting him be a co-parent of the adopted children, but he is their father legally. Also feel she may be a control freak and would just lose her mind if he moves on and the kids get to know a new "step mommy". Oh well, you made your bed......

jolie is just a drunk and a druggie creep, give the kids to Brad for the sake of the kids

Angelina is a b!tch!!

I think angie has lost out of her mental stability way before this divorce was even thought of. I always sensed something was off or weird about her .

I think she is hurt worse then she let's people think she is and will do and say anything to hurt him or make him the bad guy. But he is their father ,and he wants to be around his kids. She should feel good about that.

He's a great dad & deserves joint custody.

How could she be so selfish???? Why does women put their interest first ahead of a child??? They want their children to grow up without a man. Horrible????🤔🤔🤔

 Go get her, Brad!!

Whether she likes it or not he is the father... And he deserves joint custody. Good on him i knew he wouldn't let those kids go without a fight

She don't want joint custody so she can live and go wherever she wants with the kids in tow. If it's joint she will have to live close. She is a mover! Kids need stability.

GOOD! I don't know her but from what ive ever read she seems like a control freak.

Good for brad pitt! Its about time his wife knows he is going to fight for his kids...shared custody is he way to go....

As it should be, shared custody is the right thing to do

Good for him. Don't let that bitch boss u around Brad!

They are going to end up with joint custody, no matter what

He is entitled, he is their father it is that simple.

Good for him, Angelina is psycho

 as he should !

Angelina is freaking psycho

She is horrid...ask the people that went to high school with her. Big goth bully...can't fool us Angie. You were rotten then and still are!

 ... and by all means, he should be granted !

 So he should and it's his right as a parent,custody of the kids is not a one way street.

And you should NEVER talk bad about the other parent in front of your kids. That's like telling them that half of them is bad, whether they're genetically theirs or adopted; just don't do it. It really is not that hard to get along with your ex if you set your pride aside and realize what is best for your children.

 He should have full custody she's a little cuckoo for my liking

The children need both their parents, so joint custody is fair.

So he should get joint custody they are his children too. Yelling at a child is not enough to deny a father his children and the children their father.

Why wouldn't he. Three are his biological children and the other three have been adopted by him and Angelina. He doesn't 'share' them with Angelina, he is their father.

 never read bad press about him, while the same can't be said for that junky ex-wife of his

team brad

So, Helic organizes the fauxmanitarian jaunts while Chloe Dalton writes her speeches. These two women must be desparate since they chose to work with Jolie, that's some serious downgrade. Anyway, even that stupid r@pe summit wasn't originally Jolie's idea, but Helic's. Everything she does is someone else's idea. Interesting how Helic worked closely w/Hague while admitting openly to be pro-US, hmm...

Helic and Dalton accompanied Jolie during her recent trip to Myanmar. They flew in a private jet. Did the UN pay for it? She is so insignificant, why wasting money on her? Such a jet-set 'humanitarian', such a hypocrite.

Well we could look at this way , since they have moved on to verbal and no charges were filed she obviously lied about Pitt hitting Maddox anywhere much less in the face. She is getting desperate .

Kids are BAD liars; anyone who knows how to question someone can easily get at the truth or at least establish "reasonable doubt" that the truth is being told.

This is what she did when she boycotted the press and made them sign agreements. Some refused . Others got pissed and talked badly about her. She turned it around by having her lawyers take the blame. I remember that. It's always someone's fault. Never hers.

Physical abuse is easier to prove than verbal/psychological abuse. Bruises can't be denied. She's now claiming verbal abuse because she didn't get what she wanted in the custody battle. Verbal abuse is just HOlie speak for disciplining the kids. This will drag out a while. Meanwhile, the kids are residing with her and getting coached as to what to say.

Guess he is realizing now she wasn't "misunderstood"

She is sick in the head!

pitt has a great career, is a very versatile actor and is one of bigger stars in world, critics respect him
pitt has 3 oscar noms, 5 golden globe noms (1 win), 2 sag noms, 3 bafta noms, won the best actor award on venice festival (the second most important film festival in the world, after cannes) and won best actor award on new york critics awards (the most important critics award).

I have been saying for years he has a great career in HW Angie is done but Brad has been steadily working & producing - he is not going to lose his career because of this - he will be fine.

Absolutely. I think all Jolie accomplished with this is - or will be - the utter destruction of her public perception as a "humanitarian," soon to be replaced with "crazy biotch."

I guess he has seen the light and is going to play hardball and fight back. He should get custody, she's a whack job!

And why shouldn't he? I would give him full custody if I were the judge, he seems to be the only one who's mentally balanced of the two-- Poor guy, I feel for him-- his love for the children clearly shows. Jolie is a totally narcissistic, vindictive, unbalanced person.

If nothing else, asking for joint custody immediately makes him looks more balanced, willing to compromise and sane, compared to her. (Akhetaten, Egypt)

Jolie has a strange relationship, with Maddox. Jolie favors him over the other kids. Shiloh noticed the strong bond and decided to dress like Maddox, to get her Mom's attention. I'm not surprised that Shiloh wants to live with Brad. Nothing worse in a kids life, than a mother that doesn't pay attention to you. Heartbreaking!!

Equally, THE CHILDREN deserve to spend equal time with both parents! And if she does not do the right thing, this whole thing will backfire on her, never underestimate the power of children and fact that your "enemy", is their parent whom they love dearly! See what is happening with Rocco! Not that Madonna did anything wrong, but Rocco is the one making decisions where he wants to live, that fact that his mother is a superstar, means nothing to him, his needs were met being with his dad and that is where he is! All the money & access to the best lawyers, Rocco still won!

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