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Friday, November 11, 2016


I for one hope he has the recordings, she is an always has been a nasty piece of work. Never understood why he stayed so long

A part of Brad must rue the day he ever got involved with that unstable woman, but he loves their kids so he probably tries not to even let his mind go "there" - so I'll think it for him - never should've gotten involved with that nut job, Brad

Saint Angelina she undoubtedly is not. Children should never be a battleground in civilised society. Get divorced, move on, but care control and custody should always be shared except in truly extreme situations, and even then a parent should always have access to their offspring. Isn't she supposed to be an humanitarian saint?!!

Mad as a snake.

I hope this beeotch goes down, she is a complete lunatic.....I wish he hadn't been seduced by her in the beginning.......she eats men up and spits them out when she is full!

She is being rather nasty in all of this.

She's a nut

Of course I don't know her personally, but I've always thought she has a scary vibe about her in the media.

She's a nut job. I hope it all back fires on her. (Dublin, Ireland)

I'll say, and fancy putting the kids through weeks of interviews?! claims to be such a great mother and immediately drags them into divorce proceedings, shortly after publicising it to the entire world!

He should have realized the caliber of this woman when she didn't give a rat's behind that he was with Jennifer Aniston. Did he really think she'd be different to him in the end?

For a so called humanitarian activist she's really let herself down badly, and worse, she's let down her own children.

She was never a humanitarian, she was always just one of the very creepy and well paid 'beautiful' faces of an extremely powerful industrial/military complex.

I am of the opinion she is an addict with a personality disorder!

No-one believes for a minute that Pitt abused his children. You made a grave mistake,Jolie.

Despite spending the last 10 years working a major PR campaign to convince the world that she is the next Mother Teresa, Jolie is (and always has been) toxic and unbalanced.

I never understand how people manage to get 'recordings' of spouses? Anyway, I hope, for the sake of the children, that Brad is awarded joint custody, for they need at least ONE stable parent to steer them through what will be a very difficult life, lived out in the limelight with just Angie at their side. I wish them all well.

People like them probably do not temper their behaviour in public or around staff. Cctv from elevators of public buildings and hotels, general security cameras around their properties or hotels. If either one behaved badly regularly around staff, the staff might have started recording them for insurance, blackmail, better severance pay or even to sue them.

The only chance his biological children have is to be with their Father, she's a complete crack pot and he should have know better!!!

I really hope these recordings come to light, she's brought this on herself. Lunatic!

What a high maintenance, vile woman. Using the children against her husband. She may have adopted 2 before she met him, but those kiddies as well as their own know him as their daddy. She really is a nasty piece of work and hope there is damaging evidence against her to shut her up and stop using the kids as a pawn. Still not really sure the real reason she wants a divorce. ll sounds very odd....

She had only adopted Maddox and she dangled him like a carrot in front of Brad who was desperate to be a dad.

( The DCFS is now satisfied the safeguards are put in place that will allow the children to heal ) what utter new age tripe, can tell a rep for her said this !!!

There's just something about her.....even before this....that seems completely loco and absolutely UNHINGED about her!! SINCE all this, I think her true colours have come out and her "perfect me," "perfect mother" image is very quickly taking care of itself!! She seems a controlling, vicious, narcisstic nutjob who needs a reality check, a slap & a nice, big meal!! If she thought she could spout off a buncha B@ ££@¢KS about the "evil Brad Pitt" & get everyone to immediately jump on Bandwagon Super Mum," I think her plan has, is and will backfire before she's had her 20th morning cuppa tea!

Fake story!!!!

Nut job off her mess. She's planted so many stories about Brad now it's coming back to harm her.

If either of them has any brains or common sense they will agree joint custody and stay out of Court, surely it is what is in the best interest of the children that should matter and they need a mother and a father. However I get the feeling that when this woman is done with a man she wants them completely out of her life. She she might come unstuck this time I bet he has got some stuff on her she wouldn't want published and people seem to have a lot of sympathy for him.

It looks like Saint Angelina was never really a SAINT!! A leopard does NOT change it's spots! She had a devious past before this marriage and it continues with this vicious divorce! It was ALWAYS about Angelina from the start! I feel sorry for the poor children!! HOW can a good mother do this??

SHEs got more nuts than a fruitcake.

Angie is a mean, mean cuckoo bird.

I hope her true colors come out. Seems like she just wants to run a smear campaign. I'm sure she's not perfect.

Said it before, say it again....Team Brad !!! (Canada)

What parent HASN'T had an argument with their 15 y/o smart-mouthed, know-it-all teenage son???? Even if he did happen to give Mad's mouth a smack, which has obviously not happened before, to her knowledge anyway, judging by her over the top reaction, what normal, sane person goes to the lengths that she has, trying to vilify her husband and the father to her children so immediately, completely and viciously??? My guess is that she was just DONE.....looking for a way out & this was not only HER big chance to be rid of him, but to completely cut him off from the only dad they've ever known, vilify him in the press and hopefully turn the world & all his fans against him.

She is angry that she is not able to fool the public. She doesn't seem to know when to quit. Or maybe she thinks if she wins sole custody, it "proves" that Brad is the unfit parent in the public eye. Brad fight on please. Don't let her win.

She's a very bitter, silly woman for doing all of this. Hope the children don't suffer.

She doesn't want to share bc she'd probably be the type of parent to try to alienate him from the kids. Which is considered abuse Angelina. I am shocked she has the same lawyer as Johnny Depp. This approach is ridiculous and does her no favors.

I thought it was really odd to cite an argument between Maddox and his Dad at the forefront of this divorce. Talk about making the boy feel responsible.

Wow she needs to rethink this stance. Children need to have a stabilizing force in their life and they also need to hear NO from time to time. They should be school and they all need to have a family connection to more than Angelina and her brother. Seems any time anyone says NO to Angelina bails on them. I think the truth is she wants a political life now but doesn't want to clean up her own act....drugs for one. Brad will win this war if there is one and after all this time she should know that. Settle this out of court and share custody because it is the best thing for those kids.

A 'nasty' woman who understands that the system favours her. She will be fried in the court of public opinion though and it wont be before time.

He's being too kind to the nut job. He should ask for sole physical custody. Go Brad!

Anyone else noticed he's started to look hot again since splitting with angie? Still can't see that he was abusive, I know we never know what goes on behind closed doors but.... She stayed a bit too long if he was...

Things will get better, Brad. Everything will be OK.

The breakup has Brad looking back to his old self. Looks 10 plus years younger and lighter.

What a waste of money for DCFS. There are so many other cases that need their time. Jolie is mostly for herself only. I hope Brad soon realizes this is probably for the best.....he needs to be empowered as a father and she took that from him

Angelina's loss, Brad gets his hotness back.

He always looked stressed around Angelina. He must be so relieved that he doesn't have to put on a show with her and pretend everything is OK.

feel sorry for both Cotillard and Pitt , evil Angelina tried her best to destroy Brad and Marion's familly, glad her plan failed

Angelina tried everything to destroy them and make herself the victim. Its worked out the opposite to what she intended. She must be livid.

He looks good! A lot better alone than with Angelina

Back to his se xy self!

I actually loved Angie and stuck up for her constantly! I ought to punch myself now! I cannot wait till he gets with someone else!!! Go Brad

Angelina's loss. Brad gets his sexy back.

Jolie's not going to like this. Her very hair will probably turn green.

This woman (not Marion) really is so insecure and troubled.

Brad s delicious. I am currently dating him in dreams, no one else can claim that.

I just get the feeling with Ange that she's as false as anything, everything appears an act. She's done being a wife now it's brave single mum protecting her children never mind that she's destroying their relationship with their dad she's done with Brad so they are too. If Shiloh truly has gender identity issues of course she should be supported through them but again I can't shake the feeling it fits Ange's agenda. If she's filed for sole custody so she can bring them to the UK to further her political career I hope the powers that be listen, we don't want her we've enough dippy left wing luvvies of our own.

So a Spoilt Son get's cheeky with his Father on a plane Father not allowed to check Son ends in Divorce . Those kids need Brad or they ill go down the same road as their Mother stop punishing Brad get them some disipline Angelina i know what your mom would say Brad was a loving Husband who grew up with a loving Family around him who must miss those kids so much and right now those kids need to ground them . wait and see the backlash of her selfishness in a few years . i don't like what i see .

Selfish, narcissistic, mentally damaged woman will damage their kids in return by blocking their dad out their lives. She needs sectioning instead of all the idolising and sycophantic kowtowing to her. La La Land indeed.

pathetic woman totally lost the plot

She seems more crazy than any of her characters, DCFS has cleared him in no time flat which means there was no case to file, Just Vicious, mean spirited, should leave the kids out of her trivial hatred.

Her dad Jon Voight dared mention her problems growing up and taking plenty of the blame on himself and she didn't speak to him for years. They have reconciled slightly, but she is still punishing him and he has to follow her directions or forget about his grandchildren. Brad is the one who convinced her the kids need a Grandpa. She is said to not be fond of Brad's folks because they raised Brad in a stable family atmosphere.

It looks like Brad is doing better.It looks like he's been through something awful. If it weren't for his children, he must regret having met that man eater, Angelina.

Team Brad. Lost all respect for her. Done.

She talks about humanity and her concerns for the elders and kids but she doesn't have any remorse when it comes to her family,she is obviously using her kids as a tool to get to Brad ... the hypocrisy of it all ugh

She is really messing up her kids now. Sad.

Angie is a weirdo.

That's because Angie likes control and she can't control of she only has joint custody. It's wrong to withhold access to your children!

This doesn't make any sense. If the investigation was closed because they didn't find anything and they questioned her for four hours, that means there was no abuse. So why is she only now saying she has 'evidence'. Obviously to get full custody. What a snake.

as the divorced mother of three it is important that both parents are involved in raising the children - the children are half of each and need both in their lives. Barring abuse - which Brad has been cleared of - I feel Angie is more interested in winning and causing Brad pain than in the welfare of the children.

what a selfish woman...she wants full custody only to further her own ambitions & not have to be tied down to any orders about having to adhere to a joint custody schedule!!! -she obviously is NOT thinking about what is in the best interests of THEIR children....very manipulative & mean-spirited.

If she is going for full custody she is severely disillusioned and not truly concerned with what's best for the children. Hope the courts see through her "my way or the highway" mentality.

Bee - 0tch

She wants to drag the kids all over dangerous territories on a whim ... she can't be saddled to a custody-sharing arrangement. This was all a farce to achieve her end goal.

This divorce might actually be a huge step in the right direction for him!

because he's happy


He deserves joint custody.

She's nuts! I've heard this kind of talk before... it's eerie how similar the standard game plan is from a woman scorned.

 I can't stand her,she the worst person,can't wait for Brad to take the kids and run.

I bet they want to live with Brad rather than the controlling witch – except for the entitled one – Madmax…

No sympathy for Angelina’s struggles with her children for she was only thinking of herself and not on the effect it would have on her six children

Angelina Jolie is a highly vindictive person who has no friends and no successful long term relationships unless you count the sick one with her brother. Brad Pitt is widely admired and liked by a large circle of his peers, friends, and family. Angelina has a legendary PR machine she is using to try and destroy Brad for wanting to leave her. She did not count on it backfiring. She doesn’t care how much the kids suffer as long as she can make Brad suffer more. Her only weapon is his love for the kids and she is mentally disturbed and emotionally abusive to every one around her. Let’s hope Brad can save his kids from her.

Brad and the children are victims here, not Angie. Angie wanted a divorce and the kids 100% to herself and she set her spin machine into high gear trying to ruin Brad. Brad has been cleared, as most people expected. The children should be reunited with Brad, they need one sane and stable parent.

As a probate court employee be very careful Angelina, you do not own those children, they are not your property. Children have the right to have a loving open relationship with both their parents unless to do so puts them at risk. That apparently has been proven not to be a concern. Do not confuse your issues with Brad and your father into his relationship with his children. Be very careful, your alienation could cost you in the courts.

Advisor, your comment is excellent. We all hope the courts see through all the manipulation Angie has used to discredit Brad. Children need the love and support of both parents, but if Angie keeps heading in her current direction, it would appear she is the abusive parent by not allowing the children to have a father. She is clearly following an agenda for her selfish reasons, not in the best interest of the children. She needs some very deep reflection, she is the bad guy here.

Brad if you have to play dirty it seems that Angie started it and if I had true information on what she has done you better believe it I would use every bit of it .. she is known for being a little bit crazy so take advantage of the information you have and use it………

# Don't worry Brad, there are better days ahead!!!!!..Angelina thinks everyone is stupid except of course herself!!!!//

Drama baby drama! No need to dramatise: he just lost a few pounds and looks perfectly alright, maybe even better than before, and far, far better than his hysterical, lunatic, self destructive and skeletal soon to be ex wife, that's for sure!

He's in his 50s and looks very good for a man his age.

He actually looks better than he has in a long time.

Angelina has Borderline Personality Disorder. She will manipulate the facts, blame Brad for everything, and alienate the children from him. I know this from unfortunate experience (my husband's ex has BPD and has done these things and more). Brad needs to fight for full custody of his kids, or he will wake up in ten years, after trying to be the best dad he can be, and find that the poison she has fed the children is too great to overcome.

More like NPD narcissistic personality disorder. They will fill a child head with poison. Lie after lie, never ever admitting fault, it's all about them.

I disagree with the statement that he looks worse. I think he looks very natural and back to his roots, before he was with Angelina. I do, however, agree with everything else in this article. Angelina's actions are extremely hypocritical and expose her as a person seriously lacking in the compassion department, undoing years of her attempts to craft her public image. I think the problem is that she jumped the gun, and is now too proud and self righteous to back down or admit any fault in herself.

GREAT OBSERVATION!! I bet you are right. I'm not a religious person but pride is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason.

A foolish woman tears down her marriage, a wise woman builds it up!

Really ??? I think he looks well fit and better now than he did a year ago.

Never liked her, she broke up his first marriage, now she's out to destroy him. She's clearly a man hater. After being found out to be a liar about him being abusive to the children, I'm surprised she's allowed to have the children with her. She seems very manipulative and manic in her hatred. Awful woman.

Saint Angelina....flies on her private jets to visit the poor, wafts in, smiles, looks around, acts humbled. All the while these poor people have no clue who she is and probably don't care. Then she leaves ( on her private jet). The people are still poor and still none the wiser.....

All Angelina has really helped is Angelina herself

I've always thought 'Saint 'Angelina was a weirdo and now I know it's true.

Those kids need to go to school where they can socialise with children their own age. Angelina is creating adults who won't be able to cope with the outside world because they've been so sheltered.

Amanda is quite right, Angelina has a long history of being a fruitcake, just read some of her well documented historical behaviour?? The fact that she hired a new home months before what was presented as a sudden reaction to Brad's bad behaviour, shows she is lying?? She is not the saint she would have us believe

she wants custody so she take them wherever her work takes her... she is a very selfish person, always has been always will be.

When she is done with someone, she wants everything about them erased from her life. She needs serious help and Pitt's lawyers should go after her stability dealing with their children. Let's face it, they already are going to be messed up with their lifestyle. The kids need a stable environment and that's certainly not with her.

She has always come across as very odd, not sure she's the best parent for these kids, joint custody at the very least would be healthier I think.

She is not thinking of what is right for the children she is only concerned with what she wants. The children should be first priority they all need both parents if she prevents that then she may find when they are old enough that they prefer their dad to her.

This Shiloh needs to be saved from her mother ! Why has this woman not been monitored ?? Just look at her past.
(Sydney, Australia)

She is a complete nut job. I feel sorry for the kids.

Sharing custody is the best for the children do why doesn't she agree to that? They're not her possessions .

All children need their father. Stop using children as pawns please.

All the children need a sane parent.

For a so called humanitarian activist she's really let herself down badly, and worse, she's let down her own children.

She's a nut job. I hope it all back fires on her.

Anything Angelina Jolie has done is for her own self promoting aims. The fact that she was allowed adopt so many vulnerable children always seemed bizarre to me.
(Dublin, Ireland)

She needed Brad to rehabilitate her bonkers image. She has gone back to her looney ways.

No-one believes for a minute that Pitt abused his children. You made a grave mistake,Jolie.

If anyone was abusing the kids, I would think it would be her! With her constant nagging and bitching. I call that emotional abuse! The woman is and has been known to be a mental case. The UN stuff is just a front for more attention. Wow, woman adopts kids! Whippy do dah! Millions of regular people adopt kids too and they do not use them to gain attention! (New York)

Despite spending the last 10 years working a major PR campaign to convince the world that she is the next Mother Teresa, Jolie is (and always has been) toxic and unbalanced.

She wants to live in the UK and seek fame and adulation for her UN work, so wants sole custody. She's doing this for herself, not her children.

The only chance his biological children have is to be with their Father, she's a complete crack pot and he should have know better!!!

I really hope these recordings come to light, she's brought this on herself. Lunatic!

What a high maintenance, vile woman. Using the children against her husband. She may have adopted 2 before she met him, but those kiddies as well as their own know him as their daddy. She really is a nasty piece of work and hope there is damaging evidence against her to shut her up and stop using the kids as a pawn. Still not really sure the real reason she wants a divorce. ll sounds very odd....

she is very close to her brother. She has also made it clear to the family, that Maddox, is her favourite. Sick woman.

Heal from their nut job of a mother cutting them off from their dad, calling the police on him and dragging his name through the gutter in the international press. She dropped the initial charges herself after he refused to bite so what does that tell you? She has only damaged herself.

He looks great. He will get those children back. Leave him alone.

Wow, he looks fantastic. Haven't seen him this good since he got together with Angie. Good for him to leave her.

He hasn't looked this good since he was married to JA. Getting dumped Jolie is the best thing that's happened to him since he met her.

I hope he remains strong and confident that truth is what matters. I wish for him a clearer understanding of how his soon to be ex wants things her way when it comes to raising kids. Which equals no discipline! She has lost the best person, husband and father ever. She is her own worst enemy.

he looks FINE. I can't see nothing drawn.

Brad will eventually put this behind him and wonder why he got together with Jolie in the first place. He will find a nice woman one day however, Jolie will struggle to find a man or woman who will trust her ever again!

He's lost weight but he looks good and boyish here.

she's no  educated human being to be admired for

she's trash

Go for it Brad. There is life after that witch.

Brad look good. His eyes are clear and sparkly...

Love you, Brad! Glad Julia was there to support you. You're gonna come back on the top. <3

Of course she is, she's taking advantage of his vulnerability- nothing more than that. After the looks she gave Amal on the red carpet it's clearly she's controlling, jealous and wants to be the only women for those Oceans lad! ( Australia)

Even though he must be under enormous strain right now, he looks almost as good as he did when he was with Jennifer! Angelina was the death of him, thank God for a rebirth! (New Zealand)

I think, AJ was the death for every man, not only Brad. (Germany)

She is also the death of herself. She is skeletal, ill, bad habits, unnecessary surgery, the lot.(United Kingdom)

Looks about ten yrs younger already

We've missed you Brad. Still looking great and don't worry the kids will know you love them and will realise what their mum is doing.

Angelina apparently never disciplines the children.Her actions presently are spoiling the children and are not good for them.They need their father’s discipline

They should be with Brad on the week-ends .. she is being selfish by not letting him have the 6 children on week-ends .. Brad case has been closed by the FBI and others .. this is unfair to him he has been cleared there is something that they are not telling us .. the truth will come out sooner or later .. in my opinion the 6 children want to be with there dad and he loves them

Angie just won’t give them what they really need, time with dad. Spoiling and allowing all sorts of conduct is a loser in the end. Angie needs a great deal of help, she has no idea how to be a good mother. Angie has done her level best to discredit and ruin Brad. Angie keeps getting it all completely wrong. The children are upset because Angie won’t let them see their dad and she is telling them bad things about him. This is very hard for children to understand when what Angie is telling them is not what they see and believe. Angie is pulling the children into pieces.

John, you cannot even work out your relationship with your daughter, let alone that of her husband. I feel sorry for the children, but honestly, the man is far better off without her.

Brad needs to forget that crazy woman and not trust her dad. He can do himself a favor and run from her as she's not to be trusted anymore by him.

Your posts show you are a kindly person, but you really should know that Jolie's mother was not the innocent victim that she liked to pose as. She would cut people out of her life on a whim, kept Angeline at arm's length because the child reminded her of Voight, kept her son close to her but put Angeline in the room over the garage and pretended the family had no money when she was badgering him for more. Angeline herself has kept this going by cutting her father out when he publicly emplored her to get help for her personality disorder. No doubt Voight was not a good father, but boy oh boy has she made him suffer for years longer than he should have. While he still had some power, connections and favours to pull in he finessed her Oscar nomination and got her a lot of work. I don't think he stood a chance against the vengeful thoughts of 2 machinating women like Jolie and her mother.

team brad she's just a wrong un

Even her own father is actually backing Brad. If there was any possibility that Brad was an abuser they wouldn't be so friendly. Angelina is a manipulative liar.

Brad deserves better. And someone sane.

there's been too much drama for a simple father son argument.

Sounds nice but she's a nut job. He's better off without her. Shame for the kids though.

the judge should ask her to do a psychological evaluation

the fact that there are pictures of her online kissing her brother full on the lips with eyes closed the way you would kiss a boyfriend should have been enough of a sign. That's not a normal thing to do.

Brad looks hotter than ever without Angelina, Angelina is the problem.

I think he's handled himself with nothing but professionalism and dignity top bloke !!!

no picture of angelina... i am dissapointed.... NOT
(Czech Republic)

Brad certainly isn't short of "Allies". He's had a lot of support lately. He's handled a horrible situation with grace and dignity and I hope the worry ends for him very soon as he looks healthier in one regard but you can read the anxiety in his face. Angelina's biggest mistake was to think she could continue to live life continually on the move with a family of six children. It was never going to work long-term and Brad knew it. (Brussels)

'[Brad is] such a good man,' she said, explaining he had a heart of gold. 'Of course he's an amazing actor.' 1000% agree with you Marion! The world can see how e v il his soon to be ex-wife is

Brad looks great at China Allied event. gorgeous man

He is a very handsome man..You will win Brad, you will win..

He has such kind eyes, can tell he's a good man and father. It's his ex wife with the issues.

He still got it.. Well done sweetheart, keep on moving: don't let that vicious woman get to you. (london)

so glad Brad is out and about! Peace to you and your children

Money doesn't buy happiness

How about father's love *
Will you give them????

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