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Tuesday, November 8, 2016


AJ is nuts... BP has already voluntarily passed several drug tests (I personally think SHE should be drug tested). Her accusations of drug use are not going to fly. He needs to get an emergency custody order though because she apparently is never going to share their kids willingly.

The fact that Angelina (or her team, which I doubt) give quotes to TMZ like "until he gets his sheet together" shows anger, vindictiveness, instability and the entitlement of a "minimally talented spoiled brat". Remember, Angelina went without a publicist for 20 years and is a master manipulator of the media. She fooled everyone for a very long time. Now we see who she actually is.

is she god? is she that perfect mother? is she normal? how dare she judge and give out conditions like this when she didn't even give brad a chance to be a father to their kids. she sees his way not effective in parenting. it's very much like her way or the high way. she's very close-minded. and with her it's always somebody's fault not her.

I just love how people can have a great relationship for many years, only to hate eachother so much just because it's over. Women need to stop feeling entitled to the kids. It took the 2 of them to have/adopt them, and Brad is as much a parent as she is. I wonder how she would feel if a judge told her Brad would get full custody and she could have visitation? Sometimes you have to look at it from both sides and I bet she wouldn't like it from his. Trying to keep kids away from their father is cruel to the kids and to him, as I doubt the kids hate him or anything.

Good! I can't wait for brad to get custody so he can finally teach that pab maddox a lesson.

Although I am sure she has done her best to turn them against him.

This story is nothing more than an an attack from Angelina Jolie's side. These very stories can actually be brought into evidence in a family law matter and used against her in these proceedings. Judges in California DO NOT give custody to parents who are likely to restrict a relationship with the other parents, they actually will do the exact opposite. The parent more likely to facilitate a relationship with both parents ALWAYS prevail. In this case there may be limitations as long as DCFS and children's court have jurisdiction, but that is only a matter of a short period of time in following the direction of DCFS to right any issues. In this case, it is Angelina Jolie with the reputation and history of drug use as well as anger issues so trust and believe DCFS is looking at her too!

Angry Angelina will now accelerate the "PARENTAL ALIENATION". well she accelerated that the moment she wanted to divorce him.

this antiquated divorce system needs overhauling badly.

Angelina looks awful

She is looking very she beastly.

Correction... SHE is using the kids. He is just trying to parent.

She's the unfit one. Brad, keep fighting for what's right.

The system is "RIGGED" against Fathers...

This is ridiculous. Brad loves Maddox. He's been there since Mads was a toddler.

Typical female thinking they call all the shots in a divorce.

She's unhinged

Unhinged-great word to describe AngeliNuts!

Especially when Angie possibly orchestrated this event knowing how to utilize DCFS to her advantage...
All of her actions have been very well-planned she definitely seems to have been prepared to go to war before the alleged incident

She's being a vindictive B----! At this point, there is zero proof that Brad is 'abusive' in ANY way. In fact, all publicly available evidence shows that he's a good and devoted dad. If he wants joint custody, he'll get it. She's dreaming.

She is the unfit one. Brad - fight for what's right!!

Women are crazy. This nutter has been married 3 times and every time she trashes her ex like its always their fault.

She can't give joint custody, has to make this a custody war, why would anyone want her on to hold a position on the UN when she can't peacefully settle her custody situation.
If she gets full custody how long will it be before she takes the kids to an unstable country putting there lives in danger, that's what DCFS should be looking at, the children's safety in her custody.

She defends homewreckers and golddiggers because that's what she is herself

Not necessarily. I'd rather have 100 men hate me then the scorn of one woman. It's all about control and money for many women. In this case control.

Uhhhh-she's not human.

I support Bradley here. Angelina should get a job as floor manager at an IHOP in Kansas City.

That's too good for her. I see more of a fry girl at McDonalds

Angie is a PSYCHO

Uhhhh, no.... she has a brain full of Jello and she is bat 💩 crazy. When someone has NO friends, there should be some red flags

She's only doing this because she wants to move out of the country to be some sort of law professor or something she has no experience doing and she can't take the kids if she doesn't have full custody. This wreaks of a setup. She is a wing nut and a control freak. I hop the judge sees what she is doing and awards Brad full custody.

I wonder if she wears a vial of Maddox's blood around her chicken neck.

I'm not watching her movies anymore but i was'nt a fan anyways since her career first started she's wack... Brad Pitt is the real super talent of the 2, he's the better half
Skeletor needs a good psych eval herself, the way she's trying to crucify Brad reeks of a woman scorned, not this rubbish about "the health of the family"

My fav was her role as Alexander's mother in which she affected a Transylvanian accent for some unknown reason.

I'm sure the kid earned "the confrontation". Teens push the limits and every time you allow it, the next episode is worse. She should have let Brad father his child and been done with it.

She's the devil... crazy woman

People call her evil due to
HER OWN behavior! She's accusing Brad of abuse because she was hired as a speaker in London, and that was the only way she could get sole custody. AngeliNuts IS evil!

She should have had some counselling herself after her surgeries and early on set of menopause. She gave a serious commitment when she adopted three children from different cultures to provide love, security, a stable home, education etc. Not forgetting their other three children who need exactly the same. Seems to me like she is over reacting and in the process hurting Brad and damaging their children unnecessarily. Where's her humanitarian instincts now? ( Dublin, Ireland)

i'd be pretty surprised if her claims could survive an honest appraisal of her mental health.

Selfish, unstable witch.

When you hear people say "Celebrities do everything over the top" [THEY AIN'T LYING] incidents like what happened with brad and his son happen every day all over the world, yet you don't hear of spouses divorcing and going to war" literally cutting each other's throats over IT" these bratty kids need some tough love and extreme discipline PERIOD

She's a typical narcissist. She didn't have a relationship with her dad growing up, and her kids don't need one either. From the former druggie herself.

This from the woman who had a romantic relation with her brother and "was" a drug user....ok.

Should never use the kids as pawns. (Manchester, United Kingdom)

Saint Angelina talking like a cheap ho. And we all know she has no friends so the source is her or her brother.

She's a mean, controlling witch.

How did you come to the conclusion she is a loving, hands on mother? Did you see the interview with Barbara Walters after her first bio child was born? She called Shiloh a 'privileged blob." They travel with nannies and counselors. I can't think of one positive thing to say about this woman, as a mother or human being. Now she's using innocent children to get even with perceived insults from Brad. Who and why does a woman want to take kids away from a dad they love? She's certainly not doing it for their sake. So, that narrows it down to who she's really doing it for - herself.

Let her keep the spoiled Cambodian house boy to herself. Give him custody to the rest.

For real. She has always had a very unhealthy relationship with that boy. That's why Billy Bob took off, because he saw it coming.

Grasshopper legs Angelina is a controlling psycho beech, And she needs to be mentally evaluated END OF STORY!!!

She certainly seems like the paragon of mental stability.

She's delusional. If she thinks they won't be investigating HER junkie azz as well as his...
And who does she think will get the kids when she dies?

Of the two of them, she strikes me as the one more likely to have anger issues

Because B wants to leave the country and she can't do that without full custody. She knows everyone hates her in the US, so she is trying to GTHO. Why do you think no one has seen her lately?

So the L.A. County Department. of Children and Family Services is still investigating the confrontation between Brad and Maddox? Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this seem a bit dragged out?? How long does it take to intervirew the parties involved and come to a decision?!

He needs to go scorched earth on her, and file for full custody of the children.

The woman is an idiot

The fact that Angelina (or her team, which I doubt) calls T M Z to give quotes like "until he gets his s h *t together" shows anger, vindictiveness, instability and the entitlement of a "minimally talented spoiled b r a t". Remember, Angelina went without a publicist for 20 years and is a master m a n i p u l a t o r of the media. She fooled everyone for a very long time. Now we see who she actually is.

Heroin Addiction
Smexual Deviant
Billy Bob Thorton
Daddy Issues???

DCFS extended the time to investigate because Jolie now alleges there is a history of abuse prior to the incident on the plane.. Guess she padded her allegations to insure she gets her way.

They also extended it because they are now also investigating Jolie herself. Their focus is reportedly interactions between her & Pitt.

I think she is saying anything to get her own way.
Why doesn't she want Brad to have custody as well?
From all the reports she has been planning this for ages. So she hit the ground running with the leaked stories.

I'm thinking since Jolie likes the idea of having the kids to herself so she can brainwash them into thinking her way. They don't go to school, they don't have friends outside of their home. If Pitt gets custody, the kids will get to lead normal lives while they're with him, meeting friends, being free to experience the world outside of Jolie's world. Jolie doesn't appear to have close friends or family members other than her brother, who is now the kid's manny.

Sounds like she is a control freak. People who try to control usually don't have friends.family. They tend to shut those they consider close off from outside contact so they are not alone.
Sounds like she has issues and that needs to be looked at closely. Can't be healthy for the kids.

This man has not committed any crime, there is no need for supervised visits.

I think they need to look at her eating habits, what kind of message is she sending to the children?
I think Brad is showing some class. He has plugged the leaks.
For 12 years no stories were leaked and all of a sudden she has a bee in her bonnet and all these stories are coming out.

If the authorities do a thorough job, her mental health will be in question too and their decision hopefully will be sound.

I hope he wipes the floor with her (inflict a humiliating defeat)

I don't think she should leak/sell any more stories to the media until the DCFS have given their findings. If her position on the matter is valid, then they will back her up & that will speak for itself. Publicly trashing Pitt in the meantime only shows her in a negative light & is obviously damaging for the children who are supposed to be her main concern.

Well said! Judges hate berrating of the other parent. In most cases that will weigh more heavily than the issues themselves.

I'm surprised that she would become so vicious towards Brad.

She's evil and wants war

Just vile

I got a feeling that she's the one who needs supervised visits!

She crazy. And she exhibits extremely poor judgement to have her breasts chopped off. The evil cancer industry strikes again.

Typical woman using her children as a pawn in her divorce. She had 3 children with him and allowed him to adopt her other 3. She also agreed to marry him less than 2 years ago so I struggle to see that he is as bad as she is making out.

She wants to move to London with them that's why! And she wants to travel the world with them and tug them along with her

Angelina Jolie seems like a master manipulator like the character Amy Dunne from Gone Girl!

Me me me me mine mine mine they are all mine!

It's all about control with her she wants to be able to take the kids where SHE wants

Angie, stop acting like you hate Brad more than you love your children.
(Toronto, Canada)

So here we go again with a mother who suddenly decides that her children should not have any real relationship with their father. In this case he has the money to defend himself but there are literally 4million fathers in this country who don't have the finances to fight through our courts for access to their own children. Children need and deserve a father in their life. In my case a paternal grandmother too!

God Angelina , Brad is a human too. I have never seen a more self centered person.

Is he a danger to his children? If the answer is no then stop being such a vindictive, selfish egomaniac.

No, she wants it public to force him to do what she wants. He wanted it to be quiet and just them from the start but she took to the media.

What a witch......hope the judge gives her visitation and gives pitt custody

Agreed. The irony of her going into war-torn countries as some sort of peace envoy when she can't even extend the olive branch to a man who took on some of her kids and lived with her for 12 years. Talk about callous.

She wants to take her kids to those war torn countries and travel the world with them. They will never have a stable household with her!

She probably does think she gets to decide ... nothing like a spoilt, selfish parent

I think she already wanted out if that marriage,for whatever reason and the incident on a plane was exaggerated to give her the excuse she needed. She moved on very quickly,she had it all planned in advance. Well,u usually do it with a big step like this ,you are not happy one day and divorcing the other,it take time to cone to this decision. I just wonder how all those kids taking it.she is preventing their father from seeing them and if he does he is supervised.honestly ,he doesn't seem like a abuser or a p e r v e r t,so why do this? Seems more like she's done with him and does want to share the kids.she really is unlikeable and seems like if something doesn't go her way she will raise hell.they have 6 kids ,they should think about them.
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Angelina and her brother have the disturbing creepy eyes, the insanity in their eyes.

If anyone should be monitored it's her. She's always had a loose screw.

It's becoming quite clear as this goes on that she is only thinking of herself and is prepared to do any damage neccessary to anyone to get her own way ...(France)

I can't believe that she came from a broken family and has had continuous gripes with her father, yet she is willing to let her kids walk down the same destructive path because its what she wants and not what the kids need. Stupid Skeleton.

This woman is cracked in the head and too unstable to give a balanced upbringing to these kids on her own. Poor Pitt, I actually feel sorry for him....
(Sussex, United Kingdom)

He needs to fight her with everything he has - she cannot be allowed to dictate everything.

Responsible parents do what they can to avoid acrimony. Whatever Brad has done, Angelina should think of her children first and refrain from public statements. Look at BeN Afleck and Jennifer Garner. They manage to work together. Same as Gwyneth and Chris Martin. Very civilised.

This seems to confirm what I thought from the start: he told her at one point it's over, and that he's only staying for the kids. The moment he did this, she was out for revenge. Whatever happend on that plane she used as an argument to file for divorce, planting all these stories about him being a violent drunk. She isn't able to see how much she will damage her kids in the process, because she relives the divorce of her parents here. Pitt probably will get joint custody, because that's what a family court is most interested in, to keep both parents available for the kids. He might have some issues (he admittedly loves pot), but it's her having the bigger issues here. She simply can't rise above the victim role she plays so well.

always liked her...until this. bad form Angie, really bad form. Thought you had YOUR s$%^ together until you started acting like every nasty female who decided to get back at her husband in court. I thought you were more together than that. so sad.

Making drama over nothing.

I knew this was going to get ugly with DCFS involved from the beginning, but didn't think this bad. Angelina has lost her mind. Brad took the tests and they were fine, negative, and that's the bottom line. Angelina worked so hard to recreate her image and make herself look like a "Mother Theresa" after her partying days, knife collection, & blood around her neck with Billy Bob, etc. Now she is successfully ruining all of that for herself with all of this! What an idiot for the way she is acting & looks right now. Is she kidding? They have 6 children that have always had their father around and now she wants for him to basically have nothing to do with them. He's not some drug-addicted lunatic! His tests were negative. This is awful for their 6 children. What a shame.

It is so funny to me that they have been together so long and just now she is saying he is some kind of monster that cant be alone with the kids. Isn't this the same woman that made-out with her brother and carried a vile of blood around her neck.... All of that just screams stable to me.

Why do women get mad and try to take the father away from his children. If he's proven a threat to his children ok but being spiteful doesn't help them it will hurt them!

 What an utter vindictive cow Angelina Jolie is, Brad Pitt should also demand that Angelina Jolie has 'monitored visitation' to their 6 children as well & see how she likes being humiliated as a parent.

 This makes me mad. Kids are lucky these days to have good dads. My kids have a deadbeat for a dad and then I see other mums punishing good dads just to b spiteful. And its the kids that ultimately suffer the most

Using the kids as a weapon will damage only one set of human beings Ange, your kids. They won't thank you for it in the end. Time to grow up, put away your petty anger and put your kids first. Every child needs a father.

 why is it always the mother who dictates where the children are concerned? it takes two to make a baby or in this case raise a child, so why is it all on her terms? Its so wrong

Monitored visitation as she doesn't
Trust him now that they are apart yet when they were together he was trustworthy enough to have the kids in his care and he wasn't a threat then . Spiteful b***h

 She is trying to get at brad, but is hurting the children in the process. Grow up

I'd have her monitored because she takes those kids to the most dangerous places

If he's such a horrible parent why did she stay with him for so long?

using her children as a weapon the most vile vindictive thing you can do horrible woman!

What's wrong with this woman!!!! Every child deserves a father

manipulative little minx Angelina..you're not helping the children here are you !!

She's horrible

She's a fruit loop

Angelina Jolie is a nut case

Oh Jolie..... Ur loosing fans

Once again a woman shows her real face

My thoughts exactly. And let's not forget how she was close to death with depression and he turned all his focus on her instead of walking away from the marriage.

That's the less of the problems what she did with her past and her brother. It's the fact that she always claimed he was a wonderful father and now, out of rage she decides that he's a thread for the kids. I mean, cuckoo crazy she is.

The worse thing I can ever remember bad about Brad Pitt was he liked to smoke weed. Then again, I don't think that's bad. Angie's been a freak for years.

"Before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean"

Angelina Jolie has mental issues and has for many, many years. She fooled a lot with her saintly image, but you can only hide crazy for so long.

If he's such a monster then why has she been with him for so long? Why has she had children with him? Why does she leave the kids with him when she's making movies? Sounds more like she's being spiteful and trying to punish him.

People want equality and you think if he was accusing her of all this stuff and he kept the kids from her , he would be considered a monster !! Sick and tired of the double standards yet the cry to the world that women need to be treated like men well until men start getting treated like women there will never be equality

American family values at their best. Stupid hoe.

brad didnt do nothing to get supervised visit every parent yells at their kid sometime in their life .brad fight it

Angelina need to stop playing the victim..she's always acted weird especially her relationship with her brother. .She's been acting for so long in the movies that it's affected her real life..Brad should have nevergot with her much less marry her..with her track record..she will probably end up without being with no man..she's nothing but skin and bones and she has aged soo much..she looks miserable!!!

So he actually wants to be a part of his kids lives and she doesn't want him to? She's damn lucky that she has a man who wants that and is willing to fight for them. How many women and men raise their kids alone...smh she needs a reality check!

The woman is whacked in the head.


And this comes from a psycho that used to wear a vile of blood around her kneck ahaha

She's the crazy one, unstable and insane.. just makes no sense to me why now he's a bad parent..wow

 I always dislike her...... and now more what a incredible b*tch

Using kids as a pawn in a relationship is disgusting, no matter who you are. Its disgusting.

As a parent, I understand the desire for total control over your kids but it's not realistic or healthy.

 I'm not surprised with this seperation but I am in the problems with putting the kids in the middle. Jolie, it's all wrong

She is a control freak... Those are his children. She should lose them for alienation.

Smh. Shes a not so great mom. U dont keep kids from dads. Jyst because u mad.

She is losing her mind

I " despise" women that use kids as their pawn.

I think she needs to be monitored.

Angelina Jolie is very hostile to Bradd Pitt.Very mean too!

Angelina is not a good person. She needs help

Why not. She's the Psycho!

 Typical women wanting to take the kids away from a caring father.

 I really dislike her.

Let that man have joint custody of his kids!!!!

She truly is a scumbag

I think She's out of Her F..n Mind.

 Another greedy women

She's the worst!!!!

She's evil

She's acting like a f***ing c*nt!

What's wrong with her...

She's too much.

She is crazy...

Angelina is a joke #team pitt

Sad cuz she's the crazy one

I think she should look in a mirror.

 so basically the rep for angelina is implying that TMZ is lying. see this is what happens b'coz angelina and her "team" keep feeding the public of what is happening to their divorce and custody. she and her "team" still using the "smear campaign" against brad. this would have been easier and less painful if she had agreed with brad to do it privately.

i love the 'and no this isn't with a big staff of nannies and help, her team is really pulling out all the stops

Brad and Marion look really good together, the poster is the best poster from HW in 50 years, they bring old HW glamour back, they look better than Bogart and Bacall, Bogart and Bergman

I can't stop looking at the poster, too much beauty in one poster.

Brad, you are better off without that lunatic !!!

Angelina is all kinds of wrong for him.

that skeletal, serial, adulteress is doing her utmost to ruin him. But she's not fooling anyone, the old s l ut.

Here what happened in a nutshell: Maddox smarted off and Papa got mad. Typical teenage stuff with his father. But with a little nudge and encouragement from Angie to Maddox, it turned into a huge deal and the perfect excuse to file divorce ASAP!

Angelina claims she is a humanitarian, tolerant and all loving... i guess she doesn't apply the same values and morals to her own family. She's disgusting.

He doesn't need to promote a movie, he's perhaps the most famous actor in world, movies will sell with his name attached. Also the fact that these affair rumours came to place is enough PR as it is

I bet Allied is 1000x better than By The Sea. Angelina sucks as a writer, director and actor.

focus on the movie not on rumors.
appreciate the movie not the rumors.
set aside or throw away his divorce and custody issue.
don't let a bitter bitch manipulate the public in destroying him.

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