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Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Brad looks wonderful. It is so good to see him. Brad, you are loved. You are a good man, a good father. We all know that. Fight for your rights. Nobody believes the lies about you. Get out there and live your life. Somehow, the right things will happen.

Brad does look great! I hope he reaches out to friends and family to feel the love everyone is sending his way! Poor guy. I'm sure they have not reached a permanent agreement. Angie's camp (by Angie's camp, I mean Angie) are pathetic. No way Pitt deserves to lose his children. Absolutely no way. Hopefully his A-list friends rally around to support him and just as many rally around to out Angie on all of the eccentric, crazy selfish behavior she has exhibited for years. Seriously never watching anything with her in it again. Good luck at the box office lady. Glad you're smiling Brad!

Brad looks great. It is nice to see him smiling. Moonlight is a fine film. They did not reach a custody agreement. It is her camp spinning the situation around. The current living situation is the same until the judge makes a ruling on custody. His filing on joint custody has remained the same.

Nice to see him supporting Moonlight. Hopefully it will continue it's small box office success and maybe get many Oscar nominations.

Yes, I'm hoping so. Hope it comes to my city. Eager to see it. Plan B is awesome.

He looks good stay healthy Brad

hoping the love and support of his friends he will bounce back. We love you Brad

He actually looks younger when he isn't having the blood sucked out of him by Angelina.

I wish you well,Brad.

I support you brad

Throw her (Angelina) in the gutter, and go find another, come on his Brad Pitt

Others said not so fast. A source told Page Six: “There was no new agreement signed . . . [it] was simply an extension of the pre-existing, completely voluntary temporary arrangement they had previously agreed to.”

Our source said, “It makes no sense because Pitt filed for joint custody on Friday . . . days after this supposed ‘new’ agreement. There were absolutely not any child-care advisers of any kind imposing or in any way involved with this decision.”

Meanwhile, as we reported, despite all the off-screen drama, Pitt’s planning to attend the premiere of his new Paramount film, “Allied,” on Wednesday in Westwood, Calif.

Just to p off AngeliNuts even more!

Well, I remember when this happened last night, it was so confusing. Just got home, turned on TV and Harvey explained its a spin from Angie herself.

Angelina as usual loves to lie! She will be proven the nasty, ugly witch she is when it comes time to go to court!
Not only will she lose Pitt, but also her 6 kids. She deserves that as apart of her karma for being such a nasty human being.

I'll be glad when she is stripped of all her faux humanitarian awards and is fired from the UN. She's obviosly not practicing what she preaches. I thought she has constantly denounced war conflicts? I thought an UN Special Envoy should live an exemplary righteous life? Well well, now she responsible for waging a war and spreading out negativity in the world through her despicable behavior!

I hope the UN is watching right now and sees her for the scum she is. How can you have a person talk about goodwill and helping others while airing their dirty laundry and smearing her own husband in the press?
Hypocrisy it is!
I mean, even make-up brands knew Jolie was toxic and couldn't sell anything, I am very curious as to why the UN didn't dump her a long time ago.

People website also confirmed Brad will attend Allied LA premiere. I am excited.

Angelina is BS

Angelina is a full blown liar.

Very sad story indeed. I seriously and honestly feel for all these 6 kids especially the adopted ones who were saved from terrible beginnings in life and who now have to endure the "psychosis of Hollywood" That said, Angelina Jolie will remember the date she dragged Brad Pitt into a nasty custody battle as the date she put nails into her future career and life! I think she messed with the wrong dude!

Nah, just confirming that AJ has backed the truck over Pitts reputation once more.

Brad was photographed with Julia Roberts last night at the moonlight private screening......And today we have phycho Angelina handing out false reports.......She better get use to her kids potential stepmom, even though Julia is just a friend.....But wacko Jolie going nuts again

Moonlight is expected to get Oscar Best Picture nod. Brad's Plan B continues making awards worthy movie.

She was but she gave up her share when she divorced him. She wanted nothing to do with Pitt after he cheated on her.
See, she could have treated him just like how Angelina is treating him right now but she didn't. She chose to take the high ground.
That just shows you that Jen is a good person at heart, and Angelina is evil at heart. (PLAN B)

I was on a Brad fan site. they have Chinese Allied posters, Chinese has some really hot steamy stills from Allied. Brad and Marion look so damn hot together.

Marion or any french actress has 0 desire of living the Hollywood madness. Vanessa Paradis kept Johnny in France for a reason!

hogelina is going to implode.

Of course NO CUSTODY AGREEMENT has been signed..they are not divorce yet!!!! A TEMPORARY custody agreement has been signed with the ongoing DFCS recommendations. The headline is incorrect and this is a gotcha article.

Push forward Brad...don't give up !!!!!! (Wales, United Kingdom)

Do the children go to school like all other children ?? Team Brad

The malignant narcissist's favourite game...triangulation. Team Brad

Team Brad for me.

This lie has been circulated by Angelina, to make it appear as if the authorities have found something negative and enforced "therapeutic visits" only. She is playing with fire, if this goes to court her own addictions and disorders will be discussed. But she'd rather they both lost the kids than have Pitt win them, and he knows this. That's why he delayed his response asking for joint custody in the hope that her counsel could talk her out of pursuing sole custody. She is really not a well cookie.

He should fight for his rights to have join custody and he should not give in.

The children should be kept out of this completely. He is their father and unless there is concrete proof he is a risk to them he should have automatic joint custody. When will the law change to respect fathers rights? It take 2 people to make a baby.

I'll bet the arrogance of these kids have no boundaries. Ask anyone who's ever had teens.. It's a like a war zone nearly everyday.

Never a good idea to marry a nut job, with historic and well documented daddy issues, who has a tendency to cut people out of her life, and who has ironically spent most of her life committing the same acts that she has publicly vilified her daddy for.

I am going to go see this film, looks really good....team Brad!
(London, United Kingdom)

i am glad he is getting back to work and some sense of normality. I think he needs to pick himself up purely for his kids who rely on him. We all know their mother is not stable, he cannnot appear too broken down or affraid as she will clearly use him being unable to attend work commitments (premier of a movie he produced and stars in) against him, as proof of him being "weak and emotionally unestable". He doesn't need to talk, let her keep talking. Just stand calm, classy and digified. Show the world who's the daddy.

Aww bless Gotta love this guy He's not actually done anything She's a spiteful lady

This man is dream, how can Angelina treat him like this?

Ange has had him by the balls for a very long time. The photos of Brad with Julia Roberts he looks thin, but actually good, like the old Brad. He will have tremendous support and will be ok.
(New Zealand)

Angelina wants his movie to tank so she's threatening him and he's flying low. This is a good enough reason for me to go see his movie and support him. The crazy one is still spinning.

I would not put it past The Crazy One to have deliberately timed her move to sabotage Brad's chance of winning an academy award. She's insecure and jealous enough to have done this. Only room for one Oscar winner in her life.

He already looks better, now that he has the vampire off his throat.

absolutely, he should take the example from his 1st ex wife, not once did she shut herself away

Just walk the red carpet with your head held high Brad! U don't have to answer anything to anyone, its your right its your personal life. May this movie would be a success!

As he should! He shouldn't let her hold him down cause that's her intentions!

The love scenes in this movie sent Angelina over the edge. Period. Hope it's a huge success for Brad.

Good girl, Julia! A friend in need is a friend indeed and she has been there for him. I admire his public silence on the drama and feel absolute contempt for the public savaging of him that Angelina indulged herself with.

My instinct tells me that he is a decent kinda guy though for Jolie I think she is deeply weird and probably a bit manipulative.

Looks better than he has in years

I imagine,George Clooney looking at this pic and thinking, "we got him back"-. (Geneva, Switzerland)

He's well rid. Looking good again.

Brad looks so good...AJ sucked the life out of him .,...looking forward to seeing Allied.

He looks, relieved and happy. Its seems he has lived his life under a boot.

Good for Brad, don't become a shut in. Good luck, divorce is hell.

No, she alienated him from his friends and she also had very bad relations with his family so he was forced to see them less too - Brad's mum is a counsellor by profession and knew this woman was very mentally unwell. Hopefully he can rebuild as his life soon as possible.

He'll be fine. Time and his loving parents and family and BFF's (George C, Julia R, Matt Damon and the gang from 'Ocean's Eleven') will put back this poor broken man again. Angie is like a beautiful super-Tank; irresistible, but destroys everything in her wake. I hope Brad manages to have enough input into the lives of his children before they too are lost, like their mother who I REALLY thought had sorted herself out, still is. I wish them all peace, for life is short.

Love you, Brad! Glad Julia was there to support you. You're gonna come back on the top.

he's already starting to look better in my opinion. I know he loves his children and considers them a tremendous blessing, but I know the "what the h3ll was I thinking!?" thought has to play in his mind on a daily basis. I miss the Brad from the 90's and 00's prior to Angelina. He's still got plenty left in him to offer, I hope he gets back on track, and protects/stays very involved with ALL of his children. They need him. I also want him to hurry up and finish the next "World War Z" sequel soon, haha.

I miss Brad from that era too; he was part of the era when I had lots going on in my own life and you put some people, music, films, into certain frames of reference - the last time he looked great was in Troy - but she took him and turned him into a shadow of his former self. Now it looks as though he's recovering from her. Good for him.

Even though he must be under enormous strain right now, he looks almost as good as he did when he was with Jennifer! Angelina was the death of him, thank God for a rebirth!

Wonder if Angelina has any friends? (South Africa)
No, just her creepy brother.

We've missed you Brad. Still looking great and don't worry the kids will know you love them and will realise what their mum is doing.

Looks about ten yrs younger already

He looks a little thin and a bit stressed but apart from that he looks quite good. Welcome back Brad (United Kingdom)

Jolie turned Brad into a bit of a dweeb! This looks promising... hopefully we will get the old cool Brad back soon!
(Dublin, Ireland)

Julia seems such a lovely person.

It may be a grainy picture, but he looks better than he has done in a long time, says a lot really. Good on you Brad.

I think he's been out of love and unhappy for a while and his trusted life partner, the mother of his children, turned on him like a jackal instead of supporting a civil, kind separation and co-parenting priority. Things only get sweeter and better from here Brad. The only way to look is up and forward.

He looks better!!

glad to see him happy again after escaping from the evil woman

He looks happier!

Brad looks relaxed and better than we have seen him in a long time . Glad his friends like Julia are starting to rally around him. I believe he will be ok and will share parenting, whether Angie likes it or not . I think most of the public support is for him and his kids .

Sometimes you don't realise how controlled and unhappy you are in a relationship until it ends

He looks so much better, healthier!

Brad looks hot!

aww that buzz cut hair is so reminiscent of his younger days. always had a major crush on him, still a very good looking man!!
(dubai, UAE)

he looks Better right now

divorce does him well  i guess. he looks good

he looks great! #TeamPitt

 Hell yeah, you better STRUT that confidence! You GO boy!

Good for him! Angie always praised him as a wonderful husband & father now he suddenly turned into an abusive jerk.

I'm glad! Don't let that lunatic get him down he should have expected her to be a nutcase just think what he had to deal with crazy

Good for you Brad!

meanwhile you get all your info from her people. (tmz)

He actually looks younger when he isn't having the blood sucked out of him by Angelina.

 Damn right he deserve better...

I'm delighted that Brad Pitt is out and about.  #Moonlight deserves to get as much press coverage as possible. Such an amazing film.

He looks good!

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