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Sunday, November 13, 2016

The hypocrisy of Angelina Jolie for freezing out Brad Pitt

By Amanda Platell
12 November 2016

Just one glance at the first picture of Brad Pitt since his split from Angelina Jolie and you can see the pain etched on his face

Just one glance at the first picture of Brad Pitt since his split from Angelina Jolie and you can see the pain etched on his face.

Two months on, he has lost weight, is gaunt and has the haunted look common to men going through an acrimonious divorce and who have been separated from their children.

He has been cleared in an investigation into whether he was abusive to his eldest son Maddox. Yet Angelina is still demanding that the courts give her sole custody of their six children.

Under such an arrangement, Dad would be allowed only ‘therapeutic’, supervised visiting rights.

Brad is said to be so terrified of losing his children he has been unable to sleep.

What is only too clear in this bitter custody battle is that Brad and Angelina’s money and celebrity have not spared them the heartbreak suffered by every divorcing parent. Nor have they spared the children, the ultimate victims in any split.

When they were Hollywood’s hottest couple, Brangelina had three biological children together — Shiloh and twins Knox and Vivienne. Brad also became legal father to Angelina’s three adopted children — Maddox from Cambodia, Zahara from Ethiopia and Pax from Vietnam.

By most accounts, Brad is a devoted father. The wrench for his rainbow children must be unbearable, just as it is for him.

Although we cannot tell what really went on in this family, for someone who portrays herself as defender of the world’s most vulnerable children, Angelina’s apparent determination to squeeze Brad out of the family seems unbearably callous towards her kids.

This is a woman who’ll travel to the ends of the earth to burnish her image as a great humanitarian, who nurtures and protects children in war-torn countries.

Yet her demands for sole custody of her children are creating misery and warfare in her own home.

What makes this so baffling is that Angelina, of all people, should understand the lasting damage on children. Since her father, Jon Voight, left her mother when Angelina was less than a year old, she has struggled to have a normal relationship with him. Why would she wish that upon her own children?

Children from broken homes are three times more likely to suffer mental health problems. Surely she must realise family stability and continued contact with both parents are the cornerstones of a happy life.

She married Brad only two years ago and used to call him her soulmate. How could he have suddenly become such a monster that he can no longer be trusted with their children?

Jolie is a UN ambassador who has done fine work for those fleeing persecution throughout the world. It’s time she showed some compassion in her own backyard.

not mine.credit and source: DAILYMAIL

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