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Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Yet this kid doesn't even treat Brad as his father Ungrateful af. Brad can't fix the relationship until the kid learns some respect.

Angelina Jolie is an evil woman but try to act like an Angel to do a humanitarian work to make herself more popular!

She just wants to be able to drag the kids around the world. If he gets joint custody she'll have to stay in the US.

 For twelve years he was good enough to even marry on their tenth year together. All of a sudden he is dangerous around the kids. Why was Angelina jeopardizing the kids lives for the past 11years. Angelina Jolie you are ridiculous.

Don't get it as parents whether mom or dad we all tend to some times need time out we r not perfect. Jolie, mother Teresa your not your life has been played out on national tv. Children need the nurturing love of both parents why take that gift away .Children have Voices just saying

She is so full of it. She that makes out with her blood brother should be allowed to continue in front of the kids?

We heard whispers that she plans to come to the Uk to be a politician ! Pls pls pls keep her there

Says the woman who never wanted anything to do with her Father,,,,😊 "" 🍏 didn't fall far from the tree

She keeps condenming him and he has not even said a single bad thing about her.

Didnt know jolie was this petty

the statement from Her representative is MISLEADING or should i say RECYCLED STATEMENT why b'coz that has been the set-up ever since she filed for divorce and custody battle. and remember this is Angelina don't forget her so-called "PERFECT PR GAME" and Brad just filed for joint custody so this is a Dirty tactic from her and her "TEAM". and someone stupid said that Jolie’s statement may simply be a warning or a “preemptive strike.” wow Angelina really thinks too highly of herself. again this is LYING and MISLEADING the public again and again.

"This was simply an extension of the existing temporary agreement, which was voluntary and is still temporary," the source said. "There is no new agreement. No permanent custody has been determined."

It is a vicious circle! Angelina was not seeing eye to eye with her father until a few year back. Now she wants to paint Brad Pitt as such a bad father, so much so that he can't have joint custody of the kids! By doing so she inadvertently poisons the relationship between the kids and Brad; and so history repeats itself. In actual fact, conciously or unconciously she replicates what she went through and projects that to the kids. That is being selfcentered.

Hahaha and then we tought they where a romantic/perfect couple! I feel sorry for brad pitt who has fighted so much for this woman when she been sick and all that...

 Angelinas a fool if she thinks people will believe her bullshit story trashing Brad Pitt.

 I thought that was weird since he just filed for joint the other day. Seemed off.

She makes me sick

POPPYCOCK, manipulative momma is brainwashing the children, I feel Brad is doing a heroic effort to not upset the children nor influence their feelings but on the other hand I believe Angie is being very critical and accusatory of Brad towards the children. Praying the children stay strong and loving to both parents. Brad didn't deserve this, don't care how he meet Angie the children should not suffer. Brad has always shown to be a good parent, the drinking may been from Angie's behavior and Brad not able to handle the stress of the marriage faultering.

Sounds like 'spin' from Jolie's camp to sway opinion or momentum in her favor, when, it seems, in fact, custody has not been definitively decided yet.

I hope those kids will get a more normal life: attending school with their peers, instead of just living kind of a Cult of Angelina cocoon life, as she runs around the world making movies and doing humanitarian work. Childhood blows by so quickly.

She need to go seat her ass somewhere people will always side with Brad Pitt over her

She seems a horrendous woman.

Angelina looks like she's anorexic in this photo. Look at her clavicles. That is ugly, she looks like a skeleton. Maybe Brad should insist that SHE be supervised until she's seen a doctor to get evaluated for a possible eating disorder!

She wants sole custody because she is looking down the road...SHE WOULD NEVER ALLOW another woman to be in her children's presence once Brad has another woman in his life. She's too f--k--g jealous.

What the heck did he do to only have therapeutic visits

 And what are 'therapeutic visits'? I've never heard of this until I read this article. Any idea?

 this is surely and 100% "she said" it's so obvious. don't let angelina fool you twice with her "manipulation game" she's been playing decades ago. don't allow her to fool the public again with her lies and manipulations.

She looks like she needs a sandwich.

Gonna watch your movie with Marion Cottilard, you're a perfect pair

She is gross.

 Angelina has lost her mind!

She is so cold! I can't even look at her!!

how did brad last that long with her?? she's deffo a sandwich short of a picnic !!

Sad for kids. When will men obtain "equality" in the courts? Brad would be the better parent. She is off her nut.

Jolie is shooting herself in the foot. There is simply no reason to take things this far unless you are ready for the reply. In our courts there is a Motion, an Opposition and a Reply. In papers if she says "he drinks too much" Brad's attorney then says, "and she drinks daily in excess and is a former addict". Problem is while a Cali judge can order a Family Evaluation, DCFS will see this and take it farther...and the kids can become the jurisdiction of the evil Children's Court where the parents have ZERO rights and the DCFS might take the kids from both parents. That is the alternative Pitt is avoiding by keeping his mouth shut. He's keeping his kids out of the system after Ms. W a c k J o b brought in the state

She looks exactly like her crazy brother

Basically nothing has changed.

The parent who use the kids as leverage against the other is the abuser.

Boycott all her brands and films. (United Kingdom)

I am confused...after 10 years of living together and raising 6 kids they get married. So...two years after marrying they are seeking a divorce and she is awarded full custody. What the h@#l happened during these last two years that turned him from a "wonderful loving father" (her words, not mine) into an abuser that is now merely entitled to "therapeutic visits"??? Something weird went down here...

Because she is a vlcious abuser and he is too overwhelmed at the betrayal and emotional disaster for his kids to fight it.

nothing's been "awarded" - she's demanded, and he's agreeing temporarily until everything's settled. he's trying to keep it out of courts for the moment and she knows this, so she's taking the advantage while she has it. and the interview you're referring to wherein she called him "the most loving, wonderful father" and referred to herself as "so blessed" was just last year. (and to the person STILL banging on about the fuel truck - do some fact checking before speaking. the airport and truck driver publicly declared in ifallsjournal it was fabricated BS. "It is a totally false story. Nothing, I repeat, nothing happened out of the ordinary that evening. Nothing out of the ordinary outside standard operating procedures, standard routine, happened. We do not understand how this vicious rumor, this totally false story got started. I was there, I was the only person outside of the crew and passengers on the aircraft that got onto aircraft. Nothing illegal or out of ordinary happened"

Therapeutic visits? I officially hate this woman.

I obviously do not know them personally but it seems to me where ever Angelina threads, she creates havoc.

The kids are going to need therapeutic visits with a shrink because of the damage their mother is inflicting on them.

It doesn't sound like any agreement was reached. Just the same old BS from AJ.

This is his children and his relationship with them at stake. I'm not suprised he's trying to get out of her way for most parts because as we all can see now she is evil!

And she calls herself a humanitarian.... I guess it doesn't apply to her own family. Cant stand her!!!!

Because the kids are like every else in her sad life - for show.

Brad is well rid of Angelina. I feel sorry for the children, because whatever normalcy he brought to their lives will be lost.

You do realize Angelina's lawyer is friends with TMZ Harvey Levin right. And I also hope you realize that certain gossip rags always lean in the favor of certain celebs because said celeb pays them. Angelina has always had People and TMZ in her pocket. These stories would not have come out had Angelina not wanted them to. Which is why she suddenly went silent when she realized the public turned on her.

God bless you Brad and Allied movie, you are a good person and good father. Allied looks great. I can't wait to see it.

he's a great actor and deserves an Oscar.

It's probably a great movie because AJ did not direct, produce or act in it!

Love love love him! Some looks more than others but I've always had a crush!

As he should. I feel for him if only because he actually cares for his children, but he and Angelina did Jennifer wrong and flaunted their romance to the public and took every opportunity to embarrass her publicly. I dont recall Jennifer ever cancelling appearances when she divorced Brad. Angelina is gonna get whats coming to her eventually. She's a witch, sacrificing snakes, brother kissing sociopath.

DON'T CANCEL all your appearances stand tall b'coz you are in the side of TRUTH don't let that bitch control you.

Good! Hold your head up! Say nothing. Keep it classy! Don't let her grind you down!

Hold your head up high Brad, we've got your back. It's pretty easy to see what the real story is.

As he should! He shouldn't let her hold him down cause that's her intentions!
(Sydney, Australia)

Leave him alone! Allow him to do his job

I hope he doesn't stand ten metres from Marion because that looks weird too. You've got nothing to hide Brad!

The love scenes in this movie sent Angelina over the edge. Period. Hope it's a huge success for Brad.

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