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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Angelina Jolie's Explosive Lies

July 26. 2010

  • Angelina Jolie has tried to craft an image of a domesticated homemaker, loyal partner, devoted mother and publicity shy good girl, but is that what we truly see or is the image all a fake.
  • Jolie's father, John Voight once referred to her as mentally ill and he is 100% correct. She was hoping a makeover and well connected publicist would mask that, but let's look at the facts, shall we. 
  • Jolie was photographed in very lewd and lascivious pics, simulating sex with a horse, also known as bestiality. She was seen on the red carpet at an awards show, sensually kissing her brother James on the lips, which looked incestuous. There are photos and video footage of the stomach turning incident.
  • She stole her mother's boyfriend as a teen, engaging in a wild affair with the older man, setting the template for what she would later do, in stealing actors Billy Bob Thorton from his fiancé and Brad Pitt from his wife of 5-years, Jennifer Aniston.
  • She has given birth to 3 children for Pitt, whilst covering up the fact two of them are mentally disabled, which is nothing to be ashamed of, even resorting to hiding them from the press for over a year, whilst parading her other children around in staged publicity shots. 
  • She constantly states she is quitting the film business to spend more time with her family, but the fame hungry starlet has repeatedly reneged on that promise for there years. She loves the publicity and the flashbulb. 
  • Take a good look at Jolie's face in pictures - it lights up more when she sees the flashbulbs of cameras, than when she views her own children. That's very telling. She needs to get her priorities straight.
  • She consistently dresses her daughter Shiloh, like a little boy, for attention, not appreciating the terrible fact it is going to give her mental issues and identity problems. However, Jolie has suffered from lapses, as a recovering drug addict, who once professed she's done every illegal drug known to man.
  • Jolie is a scheming woman that has gone to great, unethical lengths to get what she wants in life, taking things that do not belong to her, in support of more fame and glory. Pretty is as pretty does and Jolie's deeds are downright ugly. 
not mine.credit and source: THE JUDICIARY REPORT

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