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Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I agree, she is a selfish, crazy egoist.

I agree Angelina made a huge mistake by dissing Brad like that. I have a feeling it has been going on for quite awhile, with er getting the kids to side with her becuase she is the 'good' parent who spoils them rotten and never teaches them any boundaries. I think her hormones have been whacked up since her female surgeries and she has reverted to her craziness. She iis showing to world her true colors.

Everything seems like a business arrangement for her. She needed a husband to continue to adopt multiple kids and of course have some of her own, never mind he was married to another woman at the time. Now her PR is working overtime to make her look like the caring mother fighting for her kids when in reality it seems more and more like she overreacted, using her kids to blame the split on something that's probably been coming a long time.

Agree with this. Jolie spent years telling the public what a wonderful partner and father Pitt was, not to mention her devoted tattoos. Suddenly, she is dragging him through the mud. She doesn't take the children to the only home base they have known, instead, she rents a property elsewhere. What about the familiarity of the things they know while they go through such a tumultuous time with their parents? Hideous behaviour on the part of Jolie, if she cared at all about her children she would not be behaving in this way. Not to mention, the dragging them around the world part where they are unable to have friends or any stability, sad all around because I'm willing to bet their dad was the only good stable thing in their lives.

I’m a paralegal student currently practicing family law and unfortunately I have seen these type of accusations quite often in work related cases and among friends and people I know outside my work environment. There is one particular thing I noticed that it is mostly the female party who brings this kind of accusations against the other party because they are still holding grudge against their ex husbands or ex boyfriends for their failed relationship they were in with them for any wrong they did to them while they were together without measuring the consequences and the nightmare they are about to bring to the other party. these accusers need to stop concentrating in how to destroy their ex-partners and begin concentrating in the welfare of their children.

for the record it's her own fault if she is being bashed and hated by the public. the public is not sexist their simply voicing out their truth and opinion. and these comments are not just b'coz the public hates her this comments are based on informations, gathering of reliable informations from the pasts, articles from the pasts, her own actions and her own words. and what angelina is doing right now is plain spiteful, she's bitter she didn't get what she wants from brad whatever that is. she adopted and gave birth to kids to use as a shield against the media and public. she got herself involved with UN to erase her rebel image. everything she's done from 2 decades ago was for her personal gain not from the heart. given that brad party sometimes as she said brad is not perfect but what's wrong with seeing your friends every now and then is that so wrong. it's b'coz you yourself have no female friends or whatever friends you want brad to oust his long-time friends too. smoking and drinking as she said in her own words is too much maybe she just exaggerated everything. brad has been smoking and drinking way before she entered his life and he is perfectly fine. let's put it to perspective if brad is abusing alcohol and smoking he would not be able to work do things normally it would be very hard. and if he gets drunk and smoke maybe she pushed him over the edge. you angered your own husband. every patience has limitations. and as she is desperately trying to destroy brad wouldn't her own career will suffer too? that's the stupid argument from a stupid site. of course her hollywood career will be nada no more. it's okay for her b'coz she already made up her mind to move to UK pursue a political career she will be teaching there next year 2017. so her hollywood career being destroyed that's fine with her and it's fine for the public too she's not that great anyway specially as a director.

What kind of man lives off of 10 percent of his sister's salary? Brad grew up in a normal home and in a normal family far away from Hollyweird. I don't think he's the one with the issues. His idea of raising children is far better if these children are ever supposed to be anything near normal.

Jolie found out the hard way that what goes around, comes around! She is a bit (very) thick to accuse Pitt of having an affair on set, while SHE did exactly the same. She is a home wrecker and thinks everybody is like her. Obnoxcious woman.

Too right. She's a known hypocrite and liar. I'm not a Brad fan at all but I'll take his side over hers any day.

PR spin in force, Brad Pitt wearing the trousers throughout their marriage-don't make me laugh, she's no shrinking violet or timid little mouse, utter bull....!

Their fights are intense, because Angelina's kinda crazy. I mean, we knew this way back when she was her and Billy Bob were swapping blood samples and putting hexes on each other, but apparently, people are scared for Brad. The aformentioned driver said she had a temper "like a cobra." They scream when they fight, and it's often her doing the screaming. Also, she's been reported as being very, very controlling of Pitt, and won't let him out of the house. Related: Snakes are scary.

She certainly had us fooled.

I'm not buying it at all. It's called discipline. She's the one on the wacko side.

celebrities are the biggest buffoons on earth. they thing they know everything about politics, sudan, and everything that's wrong with the world. ms big lips doesn't know much about anything, and watching her act is like putting my nuts in a vice.

I hate it when I hear this adopted kids talking that "you are not my father" bullshit!!!,ya lucky ya got someone looking after your sorry helpless ass,and no other than brad Pitt !!! .......he is punk and an ungrateful!!!!!

Angelina is not your mother either. Have you forgotten you are adopted.

That's not right he is the Man who took care of him that's his Father. I have been thinking about adopting a Baby and if my Child would ever say that to me that would hurt me.

 Ur birth parents gave u up....a woman came along and adopted u..she fell in love with a man ...he accepted u and adopted u...what an ungrateful young man u are turning out to be....or perhaps he has always been jealous of daddy and now he's a teen and those teen hormones are making it worse...a good smack on the ads and everything taken away and working part time should help with that

You know Maddox is right, Brad isn't his father. Maybe he should be taught a lesson on how good he has it where he doesn't have to worry about money and go live with his natural parents for a bit.

He is a very ungrateful boy!how can he say you are not my father!when Brad Pitt is the one that gave him a life.. A name and the presence of a father figure#the boy is just silly #grow up!

Kick is ass to the curb. He's old enough to no better then to treat the only man that is willing to claim yo ungrateful ass. He's young but not ah baby he knows wats up. Spoiled rich kid.....

just a spoilt kid, "you're not my father" DUDE YOU DONT HAVE A FATHER if you want to use that argument. His biological father probably doesnt know he exists. Just a spoilt douch who couldnt get over a push or an argument and caused a divorce (because his "mother" dotes on him waaaay too much)

You ungrateful little punk! You'd have nothing if you werent adopted. Go find your real parents then, the ones who abandoned you! Makes me sick

 Crush don't be he's not your anyway he is a spoiled rotten brat. He's lucky to be adopted imagine no one adopt you growing up in Cambodia what are you gonna do for a living pan handler. Brat be grateful Maddox thank God for your loving parent.

Yes he may not be....but....He is the father you have...so grow up!

Shame really. He'll regret it when he's older..

Very disrespectful...he raised him. Then...wher is ur FATHER!???

 He will regret his words eventually!! Teenagers always knows best until...much later!!

 I hope his happy now he does not have a father, there are children out there that would have given anything to have a home like he has.

The boy suck despite the breathe of living giving to him. He should also remember that Angelina wasnt his mother too. ungrateful boy

 Little punk,should be happy of the oppurtunites Brad has given him

 Lol send him back to spend some time where he came from to teach him a lesson.

Angelina likely has him spoiled rotten....is she really doing him a favor....after all?

What kinda kid would say that to someone who raised and took care of them especially if that person is Brad Pitt!!!!!!!!!

That is so mean and disrespectful and very sad, Brad has taken care of him and loved him and that makes you a father so be grateful and thank God for Brad

Dah!!! We know he isn't your father !!! Did you looked in the mirror - you look nothing like him 😳you just keep wishing

Spoiled and then when they get in trouble that's the response they give. Blaming others always.

 So sad these kids are so spoiled to say something like that to the man who has helped raise him. Shame on him and shame on Angelina for allowing it.

 Maddox shouldn't be saying that because he should be thankful that he even got adopted and live a good life


What a spoiled brat!!

Well if BRAD PITT is NOT his father...then NEITHER is ANGELINA JOLIE as his MOTHER.

 He's just a brat

Oh, kids are great playing that card.

 She wasnt his mother either! Dont know the real story of his issue towards Brad Pitt but man, you are suck a lucky arse! Did he realized how lucky he is???. They saved him. He should be more thankful. This young person dont know how to treasure gratefulness. If my adopted talked like this, i swear to God i will bring him.back on where he came from & where he belong and lets see what will happen to them. Ha! Someone should give this child a lesson.
Maybe he has an attitude thats why brad pitt lose his control if the child abuse was true. But common ! My mother was worst than that. She was more liable for child abuse! Be thankful kid, dont be too selfish & ungrateful! Respect those people who gave u life and feel ashamed on the REAL child of them.

 Believe all children except Maddox, should live with father. He will win in the end with Maddox. Alienation of a parent, or co family, with children always backfires.

Angelina is the one who decided to make the divorce public. She is really evil and has shown her true colors in this divorce.
She lies about child abuse, tries to use the kids against the dad, plants false stories about him, trashes him in the public,etc.
Its high time she gets off the horse and come to task with her karma!

i heard brad wanted them to go to school not homeschool

this aint a lie ,dey def get a joint custody ,Angie wont be awarded with SOLE CUSTODY

ya think that he dont want his kids to LIVE WITH HIM FULL-TIME !!! are ya phukking nuts ? he is their father ,he may likes to LIVE THE BACHELOR LIFE but he wouldnt put his BACHELOR LIFE before them, dumb !!!

Not surprising why Shiloh wants to live with dad. Angelina always seemed to have resented that child and I hate how she is trying to turn her into a trans kid!
Jolie used Shiloh to trap Pitt into staying with her. She didn’t want him to go back to Jen or find another actress to make house with.

Pax and Shiloh’s wishes should be listened to as Brad is the stable parent.

 Boy, oh Boy… Did SHE ever create an MESS.
But, that is her life… Unstable, turmoil and drama. She THRIVES ON IT.

Angelina is lying about the child abuse, and she was really mean to make her divorce into a media spectcle. So yes, it was her who created the mess! She called up DCFS and FBI and did all of that!

You are ignoring all of the information about the case. He did not get into a physical fight with his son and there was no proof of injury. He was not severely intoxicated either. The airport officials and etc all denied that. Maddox got confrontational with him and Brad moved him away by the shoulders. Angelina set this up with her minion Maddox ahead of time for a divorce she planned for months.

Who else could have called the DCFS on Pitt while on the plane? I doubt it was him! It was Angelina obviously! She set him up because I think he dumped her skeleton butt for good and she didn’t like it.
FBI and DCFS found no traces of abuse on him. She lied about it and decided to air her dirty laundry for the world to see.

Hope Brad gets all-w/poss. exception of the sour-faced Maddox…he’d do a better job, am sure…!

She is the master at manipulating the press.

She is faking for sure...or she is using it as a PR stunt..whatever..this woman is so manipulative..

Angelina's gravitational field of neediness and desperation have trapped him. Incidentally I hear she won't even let her kids play with other children - though she often claims she wants them to experience real life (not that she's any expert). When she celebrated the birthday of one of her many adoptees, Pax I believe, she set up a party, with the kids of her entourage, as a decoy. Then she, Brad & co. went out to eat. Observers thought that Pax might have had more fun with the other children.

She has been caught lying many times. Remember how she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom after Shiloh was born? Or how she never wanted biological children? Just two examples of many.

Angelina Jolie presents a picture of a woman insecure in love
 Is Hollywood's most alluring woman, Angelina Jolie, in awe of losing her man to other stunners, or is she just afraid of history repeating itself.
Whatever the case may be, but with the way she moved about with Brad Pitt, she apparently presented a picture of a woman insecure in love.
Angie kept a firm hand on Pitt at a film premiere in Los Angeles. The 31-year-old actress walked off with her hand firmly on her partner's behind after he greeted Nicole Kidman with a kiss last night, reports The Daily Mail.
While what exactly was going inside Jolie's mind then is indeed tough to predict, it did seem she wanted to remind the Moulin Rouge star that Brad was with her.
Pitt, 43, is executive producer of God Grew Tired Of Us, about victims of the civil war in Sudan, and Kidman, 39, is the film's narrator.
Jolie and Pitt got romantically linked during the filming of Mr And Mrs Smith - the period when the actor was still married to Jennifer Aniston.
Meanwhile, earlier reports revealed that Jolie casts 'voodoo' on lover Brad Pitt to kill his desires - in case he has any - of going back to ex-wife Aniston.(ANI)  (2007)

She'll accuse him of whatever it takes to disrupt the premiere. She'll start sending out faxes about his personal beliefs next (politics, religion, etc.) to TRY and turn the public against him. She may even let something slip about trafficking, she's that out of control.

So in seven weeks pitt has come through some pretty tough accusations.....Cheating, child abuse, drunk, drug addict, infectious diseases.......seriously starting to feel sorry for him......Not because of the accusations, but it's because who's putting the accusations out there......She's really out to destroy allied premiere

I can see the smoke coming out of Jolie's ears as she views this.# Livid
Another gift for us, peeps!

Hate to say it but that is a gorgeous pic..the Greys/ black contrast.
Love it -- the studio is going for it.! Jolie who (allied)

I can hear those horse teeth gnashing from here! You can BET 'the enemy is listening' all righty...and watching and waiting to launch some kind of psycho attack!
Yep, I think Pitt has a WINNER here..."old Hollywood glamour" is writ LARGE across EVERY pic I have seen thus far, and Pitt looks BETTER THAN EVER... dare I say it?- kind of like "Robert Redford"! And there is no more fabulous era for modern-type clothing than the Forties,the suits and dresses from that era are so classy and tasteful they just take my breath away! Marion really suits the role, as well; not like the skank in "Changeling". Talk about putting lipstick on a PIG.

I still think that her shit-smearing campaign has backfired big time, not just with the public but with the authorities. If they think that she's tried to manipulate them for her own gain, they will not just let her off the hook, even if there is no evidence of abuse. I hope they are right on her emaciated ass right now. It's about time someone that she couldn't buy off told her where to stick it.

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