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Thursday, November 10, 2016


 Great talent and professionalism shine through, can't wait to see this movie. After all work keeps us going - so glad you honoured your colleagues and fans and turned up.

Can't wait to see this movie. Love Brad Pitt. So happy he is making movies again

Finally Brad Pitt is in a good movie again. Can't wait to see this one!

Looking good! Legends of the fall , my all time favorite brad movie

My favorites are Lof The Fall. Benjamin Buttons. Waiting for this Movie. Admire your Talent.

WWII, Allied Forces, Intrigue, Mystery and of course, Romance...what could be better! Can't wait to see it!

so excited for this movie! Hope to see Brad and Marion at the Oscars!

This movie looks amazing,I can't wait to see it.

 Brad you look soo good and refresh soooo happy to see you beautiful man !!

So looking forward to seeing this movie. Wishing Marion, Brad and the entire cast the very best

Will be going with my friend,it's our first movie,first date. Love all your movies!!

Can not wait...love you Brad, kept your head high,....this to

One of the greatest actresses to have ever graced the screen

World needs more films like this, based on reality. Can't wait x

This was a great night!! Thank you for letting us in!! Brad, Marion, Robert- awesome job!!

Grate actor and super humanist you have so much qualities .My prayers with you

 hank you for the interviews and the video of Brad with his fans.
Great interviews! Can't wait to see the movie!

Brad Pitt is a gentleman. Wish him the best

I'm going to see it love u Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is gorgeous!

 Love Brad Pitt.

Love Brad Pitt and Marion

I love you brad Pitt

 Love Brad Pitt!


Can't wait to see the movie!!!

 Brad and Marion ,happiness and success to you both.

Cannot wait to see this movie - looks Epic

Love you Brad!! You deserve everything good!!!

Brad is awesome!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see it. When does it open on Florida

 I am so looking forward to this film!

 I love you Brad!!! Keep your chin up!

You must keep making movies

Hi Brad!!! We love you in Missouri

Praying for you Brad. From Alabama

 So good to see Brad tonight!!!

 Can't wait to see the movie

Beautiful Brad

Omg first time I saw him he is ageless

 Yay Brad!

Love Brad!

Anything brad is in is awesome

Excellent actors

I will see this! I know it will be good.

Stay strong love you Brad

Looking forward to this movie!

 Amazing !!!!!!

True talent

Brad is handsome

So beautiful

Brad looks amazing!

Love old Hollywood movies

Marion is gorgeous

Love you Brad

Gosh so handsome

 Love, Love, Love you Brad. God bless!

 Omg Brad! Love him

Can't wait .....kept you head high.....

Hello beautiful People !!

Your always so humble....

Amazing Marion!!!

 amazing movie i love zemkis

 I can't wait to see the movie! Love Brad

Brad is so freaking handsome! He never aged!

I can't wait to see Marion and Brad in this film

Omg Brad look suuper yOung i lOve you

 Love this commentator he can be funny ;) good job

Brad and Marion is a beautiful couple in the movie

 I love you Brad and can't wait to see your movie

Looking forward to seeing this outstanding movie!!!!

Can't wait i know be a win, win movie

Your the best Brad

I hope the film gets the good reviews it deserves! I want to see both Marion and Brad get nominated for Oscars!

Brad and Marion made the best of the awkward situation, given it was only a few months ago when allegations surfaced that he was cheating on Angelina Jolie, 41, with his new leading lady. However, his co-star quickly slammed the salacious claims while also confirming her pregnancy with her fiance, Guilliaume Canet on Oct. 24. Meanwhile, Brad seems to be focused on healing his family situation these days, recently thanking his fans for their support during his divorce.

She continued, “Marion is also stiff as she slightly leans towards him but their faces say there is nothing going on between them except for doing PR for the film. It is in stark contrast to when Angelina and Brad were on the red carpet for Mr. and Mrs. Smith and trying to hide their relationship. There you could see they had some thing to hide as they overcompensated in the photo with keeping a wide distance and his hand in his pocket.” Both co-stars seemed to play it cool for the cameras at the premiere, keeping it professional while promoting their upcoming project. Marion looked like a class act in her navy dress, while Brad was suave in his tailored suit.

At last he and Marion aren’t pretending the way he and Angie did during Mr and Mrs Smith. They both look good. Thank God he’s doing some activity instead of staying holed up at home. Causes more depression.

just praise the man, folks.

He looks great!Glad to see she hasn’t phased him. He looks happy, at peace and in his element.

It is NOT awkward. They are in a film together. There is nothing else than frienfship and respect. TIRED OF YOUR BS again. Stop fabricating stories. Plus Marion is pregnant from her husband. You have to be more respectful. You are a TRAS tabloid and everybody takes your for what you are: a bullsh.t

Angelina Jolie has borderline personality disorder and other mental problems, a long history of psychiatric problems. Brad Pitt loves his kids and so is trying to avoid having to use this information in court. He wants the children to survive this divorce intact, which is much more than anyone can say about Angelina Jolie who is vindictive to a degree most people cannot fathom. It does hurt that he wanted a divorce but using their children to get back at him is evil. She has no friends, and her relationships are all broken or twisted. Brad should only be blamed for choosing her to be the mother of his children. He has many friends, healthy long-term relationships, and is highly respected and warmly liked among his peers. That she is trying to take his children away from their loving, kind father simply proves that Angelina Jolie is a terrible mother and awful person

Smiling cause that wack job is gone.

He looks happier now that Angelina is out of his life... He's finally free

Angelina is a different kind of crazy and unfortunately she procreated.

Team Brad!!!!!

Ya know, Brad will always look good. Great genes I suppose. He looked a bit thin to me. Stress will cause weight loss tho. Glad to see him out and about.

You're going to be ok Brad. Right now you're dealing with the trauma of having been with someone who has a personality disorder..even her daddy said so. Get yourself some therapy and stay away from her forever.

You're right, he will have to deal with custody and parenting issues with her. However, the difference is that Brad is sexy and a seemingly decent, funny, caring guy. He will have no problem finding an amazing woman to stand by his side.
Angelina, on the other hand, has aged rapidly, can't have any more kids, has early menopause, 3 failed marriages that were ended by her, and no promising future in hollywood. I seriously doubt that she will be able to find a decent guy to put up with her and stand by her side the way Brad did for 12 years.
So he might have to continue to deal with her, but at least he has excellent chances of finding someone to go through it with him and support him!

She looks rather emaciated and extremely unhealthy now, she certainly has good looks but I think her inner turmoil and personal issues, as well as her operations, have really worn her down in the looks and health department.
and sorry, but her actions have only proven that she cares more about hurting Brad and his reputation than she does her children and what's best for them and their mental health.

She can't handle being in an open marriage either....She lied to get the DCFS to investigate Brad but what about HER ISSUES!

he's free of the crazy...

Your level of delusion is impressive.

Looking great Brad !! The best he's looked in Y E A R S !! whoohoo! Angelina had him lookin cray

What is "a little worse for wear" supposed to imply? He's lost weight & isn't wearing a tie? I think he looks pretty good considering.

I saw the Q&A and honestly did not get the impression of flirting. The way Marion and Brad interacted actually reminded me of the way Julia and Brad interact.

He looks amazing.

Damn is he good looking!

This man is FOINE!!!!

he looks sooo much better since he's not with insanegelina

Looks like he's lost a bit of weight, which is not surprising given how hard divorce is. He's still very attractive obviously but not quite as healthy looking as usual and looking closer to his age. But he'll bounce back.

He's been thru H E L L trying to make that women happy

I Wish he would get sole physical custody.

All he has to do is bring up the fact that she is MENTAL!

I think he looks hot!!!He reminds me of the old Brad -before Angelina

That's raggedy?

Getting back to the Brad we loved. He looks good.

Brad looks GREAT!

raggedy? he looks better than he has in a couple of years. come on over here, Brad. I'll take care of you.

Welcome back hot stuff!!!

She's a beast!

So what was 'still bad' in her eyes? That he smacked him when this spoiled brat needed it? She doesn't want these kids touched as far as disciple is concerned, letting them do whatever they please which is not right. He may have done that like any parent should have done and be able to do when the time comes and she is now acting like he killed the kid and acting like the lunatic she is.

Angelina's own father said she is a basket case who's had mental issues since she was a young child. Shes an evil wench that is trying to hurt Brad by getting full custody. Maddox is saying Brad isn't his father but that little ungrateful turd was adopted from Cambodia into a rich lifestyle.

I wonder why women always start about the husband mistreating the children during divorce proceedings. They never mention it during the marriage.

He still looks hot and far from raggedy

raggedy? hardly. he's looking really good. being away from hogelina has done wonders for him!
where are the pictures of him with marion? send hogelina over the edge with those. LOL!!!

She is a horrible mother - bringing up children isolated from other children, dragging them all over the world instead of seeing that they are settled in one place, going to school like other kids, meeting and playing with other kids. She is a whacko mother who doesn't beleve children need rules and discipline and structure in their lives. She is a kooky mother who wore her former ex's blood in a vial around her neck. She is a selfish mother who doesn't understand that kids need and love their father. She has held her oldest child too close to her for his well-being and look how he turned out. I would have smacked him one for sassing me if he were my kid and behaved like her Maddox did to his father. I am surprised any court thinks she is a fit mother for raising a group of growing kids.

He should get the kids and she should have supervised visitation. She is a horrible mother.

She's such a hag. Every parent has yelled at their teenage children. It comes with the territory. I hope the kids realize that their mother is a nutjob and ask to live with Brad. He's the sane one.

Awww somebody didn't get her way now she's going to say he's just "bad" anyone else call BS on her...

As a great grandmother let me tell you this crap.all these do folder, right wing, millennials are calling child abuse in most cases is just that a load of crap. Now sure real abuse occurs and should never happen, but discipling a child so jthey grow up to be respectful well mannered, appreciative adults is not east and not abusive. All this mess about hurt feelings, sensitivity, and personal space, security and all is making a generation of weaklings who will be like the people in the animated movie " Wall E", can't think or do for themselves.

Boy, she's really out to get him. What happened to the 12 years of her saying what a great father he is? He was just cleared of the child abuse charges and she's not accepting that. Those of us who have children and ESPECIALLY teenage children can be driven to madness by them. Maybe it was really bad, although I don't believe he physically abused Maddox. But for the sake of the marriage, 12 years together and the children, wouldn't it have been better to separate, cool down, get help and family counseling and try to put the things back on track before pulling the plug and demonizing Pitt?

you are suggesting that she behave like a normal human being and try to save her marriage. She is not normal in any sense of the word.

 No shit. The poor man was never guilty. Horrible for this father to be shamed.

Vituperative ex using her children to punish her ex spouse. Disgusting! Just get divorced

Real abuse is what they used to do back in the day with getting the belt...I feel bad for him that they put him through crap.

I'll bet Angelina is as crazy as a shit house rat.

 He looks like Brad again!!!

 where is he raggedy. Hes hot

Brad look raggedy ? Ha , not possible !

I'm glad he was cleared! Never doubted it!

I'm so glad Brad is curated of Child Endangerment!!! I didn't believe he would hurt anyone of his kids!!!

Brad looks better than ever!

Angie is a complete loose cannon and she should never have sole custody of her children

 I never thought Brad was guilty.

 obviously this man is good father nothing in his past says otherwise typical hit job I hope we all saw through

FBI spent more time on a loving father than the biggest slush fund in US history

Brad looks better than I have seen in awhile, sometimes it's just better to move on... peace to you and your children

Angie ' s erratic gender genes causing bad ju ju.

  there was never such abuse it was angie' way to cause trouble so she can move on to her billionaire - who has dumped her

Angelina is a ruthless woman

sometimes is better to be alone & not wth bad company

damn,  he looks good. Looks like huge burden just came off him. Reminds me of his prime days

You do you Brad. Don't let anyone bring you down

He looks good.


Punish #AngelinaJolie for defaming #BradPitt

she should be charged with making false claims

What a evil  vindictive person to make such allegations against him..

Angelina Jolie is a woman going thru menopause & she's emotional, & has serious problems.

She is Crazy!!!!!

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