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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Angelina isn't stable

it was probably just until the investigation was done. Now that he has been cleared, his lawyer will get his rights back

not all mothers are good

he married a wacko.  Now I hope he sues her for all the wrong she's caused him

he's lucky he got away, she's one of those She Devils

stupid BS attack on men.

I am so happy for him. Best of luck Brad.

 I never believed the accusations!

 Of course he was cleared

Of course he was.  I never doubted him.

Thank you FBI! Brad Pitt cleared of child abuse allegations.

#childcare services now turn their investigation to Angie Jolie aka fake, fallen angel "

go Brad go! She's an unscrupulous lady.

 So will Angelina be investigated for her claims etc?

They ought to charge Jolie then, for bringing false charges.

I have always been on his side. Get your kids Brad.

DUH of course he was!!!

I knew it was phony! Good for you Brad! Good Luck!

Welcome news. Sorry u had to go thru that Brad, it was their best attempt at diversion. Sickening

Glad he has been officially cleared. Didn't believe any of it!

Angelina Jolie is playing dirty. I'm no longer a fan. It hurts the children the most in situations like this. She should be ashamed.

 Angie yaaa biiiitch

 I never believed it to begin with. It's a shame what people accuse spouses of in a divorce.

My darling Benjamin Button, a terrific humanitarian. Yay! 💜 I hope they co-parent in peace now.

Not a single person would believe that @PersonalBrad would be capable of this.

because it was obviously BULLSHIT.

Shame on you, Angelina Jolie.

She has shown her true colors.  No longer a fan after her self-serving tactics. By-bye to your career and overall popularity

Biological kids or not. You accuse me of any kind of abuse hit the door.

About freaking time!!!!! WTF! Dads matter!!!!

Where is Tampon? She must be rocking back and forth in a corner and drowning her sorrows in Wild Turkey

Angelina Jolie is a frightening and evil person who has a history of deeply vindictive and mentally disturbed behavior. I think Brad is being incredibly generous to not use this evidence as a weapon. I'm sure he genuinely wants to avoid badmouthing her because of the kids, but if she persists in trying to remove him as a custodial parent, I hope he unleashes all of the psychiatric reports. The way she has treated him, her children's father, just because he wanted to leave her, makes her a horrible mother and human being.

If this is true, it makes Jolie look pretty bad. I can not imagine Pitt not being awarded joint physical custody, & quite rightly.

Bipolar people do not do well on hormones, which she probably takes since her surgeries.

She needs meds

She needs to be in mental hospital.

Family court doesn't look too kindly on liars or one of the parents demanding custody after a home study and investigation has found NOTHING.

This whole story was bogus. Glad it's over.

I would fly out to CA to see this play out in court. I might even P a little of the judge gives Brad full custody just to teach the crazy B a lesson.

in her delusion

that's fake new she put out there. only you believe it.

she will get joint custody, kiss sole custody goodbye after DCFS cleared Brad

No decisions have been made except the decision to close the DCFS case because Brad did not abuse anyone. Custody will be decided by the court and Brad will get at least 50/50 custody.

Remain delusional

Good one for Brad!!!!!!. If Angelina invented all of this is so low!!!!.

Evil Angelina just positioning herself to ensure a positive outcome in the upcoming Divorce. Once she realized Brad was leaving her she went Viral.

brad was obviously proven that he's not doing that stuff.

They cleared him as we knew they would... now Brad needs to request an expedited hearing to get interim joint physical custody so he can have the kids with him half the time.

This makes a good case for him, and a bad one for her. She is screwed when they go to court.

She was nuts to do all of this in the first place and doubling down on Monday was particularly bizarre.

Duh. Literally NO ONE believed he abused the ragamuffins.

Withholding a child from equal time with the other parent IS child abuse. Angelina better 🙌🏼wake up🙌🏼

Beauty is one thing, he said he admired what she did for UN, but like you say deep down she was freaking insane and evil.

He was fooled by her beauty. Which I do admit she was beautiful when they filmed MAMS but deep down was a crazy, nasty and evil woman.

And I am sure he later found out her UN work was all smoke and mirrors to make herself look good! He got fooled big time!

Brad is going to win joint custody and if Angelina doesn't stop the BS, the kids will want to stay more often with him than her.

I used to dislike Angelina but then I accepted her and they made a good match with Brad, she was also working in better movies, like Malefficient, that I love, but now she messed up big time if she invented all of this (which it seems this was the case judging from this result´s investigation) and put their kids into a big mess just because she was in some kind of revenge against Brad. If she really invented this, is such a low thing to do.

He will get the kids at least half the time. If she does not stop her crazy behavior, she will lose them altogether.

Well, well, the wacko woman has been exposed, but, no surprise there.

Angie is a pernicious bxxxx. What does she think she is? I always thought she'd appreciate Brad as he is considered by many as an all American good guy.

Just a bunch of lies so she can maintain custody of those kids to punish him. He is the better parent.



I am watching live stream Allied premiere, Brad looks amazing

We get it.. Jolie is crazy!

{Dear Maddox,

You know the truth: Daddy never loved or cared for you enough to get angry with you, let alone hit you. Honestly, I barely paid attention to you and often forgot about you.


Dad (the rich, famous Hollywood guy--NOT the one that abandoned you)}

Angie is bad news, needs some serious psych help.

Funny how she has 3 by-logical kids with him 12 years together and now he's a abusive father? Judge should award him all 6 on principal ‼️‼️‼️

After the stunts she is pulling, any man with children, will steer clear of her and give her a wide berth.

She'll be singing a new tune when Brad finds beautiful young girlfriends and starts to enjoy the bachelor lifestyle again.Then she'll be resentful that it's hard to find someone willing to seriously date a divorced mother of 6 and even harder to find someone her children don't hate.

Amber Heard 2.0-another sick demented lying witch falsely claiming abuse and to one of the children no less.
Angie was planning this for a while just like Amber did so hopefully it will end well for Brad as it did Johnny Depp.
I bet Angie didn't care for what the psychologist had to say in reference to her own actions in all of this.

Angie set Brad up so she could get sole custody by making false allegations but it didn't work her way and she is going 2 lose big time if she doesn't co parent...Brad's lawyer will tell the judge to make her co-parent with Brad......She will end up like Rutherford if she doesn't play fair!

She will be called for Parental alienation.

Sh will be a lonely old bag......The kids will rule the roost ..those that stay with her anyway. The smart ones will go with Brad. Get some normalcy in their lives.
And, that I think is the root of it all. She has no friends and is using the kids as a crutch so she isnt alone.

She's a heron user? Is that a good reason?

Good 4 U Brad I hope this eggs her up more than she already is.

Sounds to me like blackmail on her part.

Oh okay. Well that is one role I am sure she probably played right. (GIA)

More and more what was said about her in the Sony leak makes sense

Not as bad as your overreaction St. Angie. Tear a family apart instead of trying to heal it over what appears to be a single incident.

If CPS did not believe her, why would a judge?

Is anyone shocked that this bi polar blood wearing psycho turned out to be crazy?!?!?!

Gee Angelina is really a bi** h

Sit down, Jiminy Jolie. No one cares about you anymore. It is all about the children. Let those children see their father, unsupervised, and move along. Divide the assets you bought together. Retain what you had individually before you married. Divorce. Keep it civil for the first time in your wretched life.

leaving the children alone with that sick depraved woman is not right

Team Brad.Finally,the actor is cleared of the absurd charges.Now,he’ll get joint custody.

lying and deceitful Angelina

Go sell crazy somewhere else, Angie

Actually Jolie has provided information on a lot of past stories about this subject.

Great for Brad, it must've been difficult to have child abuse allegations out there when that is not the case. I hope he gets the joint custody that he wants.

Pitt sure got lucky getting out of that relationship with crazy woman.

it looks like the investigation proved that angelina made a huge deal out of nothing. she trashed his reputation, took away the kids, and divorced him for no good reason. sounds like brad should have full custody!

no - it said it was "anonymous". angelina loonies tried to say it was a member of staff (with literally nothing to back that up).....except the plane staff were confirmed to have given statements which supported his account of events instead of hers (which she actually changed. first she said he hit maddox on the face. it was several days/a week or so later that she changed it to shoulder)

She is presenting herself to the world as a total whack job.
Not a good role model for the children. Let Maddox stay with her and he will be as silly as she is.
Full of his own importance now he is a Jolie-Pitt. He has done nothing to gain imfamy he doesnt even have a job working at Maccas like most kids does he?

If I were Brad Pitt, I would not be alone with Maddox ever.

Sure he's cleared!!! She's a liar!!

only way to fight this mental woman is take it to the court.

What evidence does she have? Has she been photographing Brad with the kids? Has she set this all up in anticipation of leaving Brad? Means a lot of foreward planning has been in play for ages without Brad knowing.
Evil woman

i don't think he ever really spoke of the allegations against himself when she was doing it.

Always knew it was fake... like Chumps 1st 100 days. Watch... #TRUTH!!

Disciplining a disrespectful child is not child abuse. Why would Jolie say that it was? There's more to this story. She's pissed about something.

Maybe because she assumed he had an affair with his co-star when he didn't. She may be very vindictive.

In other words, shes being melodramatic

I'm sure the divorce judge has heard every story in the book why the father shouldn't get joint physical custody.

The more things are revealed, the more she shows herself to be a sociopath.

That woman is evil

And to another country so no one can see her and her Brother cavorting around

That's because it's Angie they need to be worried about.

She a crazy azz beech!!!

Dranking Billy Bob Thorntons blood and stuff. She's nuttier than peanut butter.

Straight Nutter Butter!!!

She is creepy.

Angelina needs a good investigation as to whether she's fit to be a parent.

Angelina is all about kissing her brother.

I don't see how anyone would even believe that Brad Pitt abuses kids.

I don't think anyone expected otherwise. What a cruel woman she is whilst pretending to act the victim. Now there is no reason she should continue to force the children and Brad through supervised visitation.

What a nasty woman she's turned out to be. Many blokes are accused of all sorts of things they didn't do. She should be facing charges for false accusations.

Finally her true colours show through. I always knew she couldn't keep up the Saint Jolie farce for much longer. She isn't fit to raise those children on her own, look what she is doing to their father!

Its team brad all the way for me !!

Would always believe brad over angelina every single time !!

If anyone was ever abusive would always think that it was angelina not brad !!

no one ever believe this complete nonsense in the first place anyway !!

That was so lame that he had to defend himself against her preposterous claims. It's an unfair stigma that is hard to shake even when proven to be innocent.

Jolie is a vile woman, poor Brad, and don't forget Cotillard, forced to defend herself against awful rumors from team Angelina.

Yes, she didn't only damaged Brad but Marion and her family as well - imagine you expecting a child and the whole world speculating that it might not be your partner's! (Netherlands)

That's great news. But how horrible that Brad's name got dragged through the mud while Jolie was planted high on a pedestal, lording it over everyone with her fabricated stories. I hope this guy really goes to town on Jolie now - she deserves everything that's coming to her.

He already looks so much happier. She was no good for him. A controlling manipulative shrew!

This is really good news. I never believed the allegations. Happy for Brad and his family.

It has become politically incorrect to admonish your cheeky adolescent child. There even was an FBI investigation!!

he won't be dragged through the mud if the PUBLIC and FANS WON'T ALLOW IT, WON'T BELIEVE IT.

You would think the FBI would have more to do

Can Jolie now be investigated for making false allegations, wasting tax payer money and the valuable time of DCF social workers that took time away from the real children who need protection? Anyone who chooses to work with her should note how easily she uses defamation of character to achieve her goals.

she made false allegations....her lies were not only detrimental to her own family but also needlessly used up resources in the process that otherwise would have been used to help those who GENUINELY suffer from abuse.

They should investigate her. Maybe they are already doing it. It's a crime and she could lose custody of her children.

Vile, evil Jolie, set out to destroy Brad Pitt, she'll find all too soon just how unpopular she is.........

Fight Brad and beat the witch

Of course he's been cleared. That woman is a maniac. (New Zealand)

Sole custody for Brad! Her manipulating could backfire dramatically yet. (Dublin, Ireland)

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