If you don't treat her right, someone else will
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
These Drawings Capture What Love Looks Like When Nobody’s Watching
By Kelsey Borresen
The little moments of intimacy in everyday life. 💓
Love is hiding in the small, quiet moments: cuddling in bed after a long day, passing out in front of the TV or even popping each other’s pimples.
The little moments of intimacy in everyday life. 💓
Love is hiding in the small, quiet moments: cuddling in bed after a long day, passing out in front of the TV or even popping each other’s pimples.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
December 15,2017
Jolie is a scam
I feel that there's something not quite right about her. She seems to crave attention.
Acting requires attention, thats her job.
"someone who’s had to face a preventative double mastectomy"
Well no, remember....it was voluntary, there was no definite sign she would get breast cancer. Possibly brave, possibly overly scared.
Well she does have rather an air of entitled superciliousness.
Honestly this sounds like your average talent show contestant's back story. "My dearest mother died by disembowelment in the form of Japanese ritual suicide, and this is why I will be singing 'Booty Booty Swag Swag', in her memory. "
The woman needs help. Her manipulative Illuminnatti mind control has failed again.
The K1lling Fields was the kind of movie that gets nominated for awards, not vanity projects like Angelina's.
Never saw her parade kids before the divorce. With no Oscar nod she should fade away again.
As in Sony hacked email : Angelina is a spoiled talentless camp event.
Maybe for the first time in years, this Oscar race winners will be chosen among worthy contestants, now that papa Weinstein's hand isn't in the ballot box.
The Hollywood Reporter's Scott Feinberg's Oscar prediction is pretty close, he put Angelina's movie in #8, but Angelina didn't make into top 9 list which is the best news. LOL
Her movies are never Oscar worthy, but she always tried way too hard to get it and still failed, she is desperate and pathetic.
Glassy eyed. I wonder what's causing that.
I do wonder how Angelina would cope if her daughters overtook her in the clothes/beauty stakes? All her children are dressed very plainly just now.
I'm old enough to remember Karen Carpenter and this woman reminds me of her. It's very sad.
Haha! Her vanity projects are a joke.
She is not a good director, she doesn't deserve Oscar nod.
Darn, all of those pap strolls for naught!
She looks like she just gnawed the head off a bat.
looks like she`s ready to breed again......
Realistically she looks like a lost diva. She really should not use her sons as fashion accessories. She also looks like she has been trained at the same 'Finishing School' as Victoria Beckham. Question: Would Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn provide such a dour look? No - they were true classics.
She looks wasted
A bit exaggerated this outfit for a family dinner!!=
She looks like a crack version of Jessica Rabbit
She and Brad made very beautiful children!
She wore that dress just for a family dinner???
Realistically she looks like a lost diva. She really should not use her sons as fashion accessories. She also looks like she has been trained at the same 'Finishing School' as Victoria Beckham. Question: Would Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn provide such a dour look? No - they were true classics.
Humanitarian is just her defense mechanism.mostly celebrities dont like to work with her. She is weird.
Unfortunately totally rotten inside. Mean and vindictive.
The only thing she proved us that she needs a burger and fries the big ones and a shake
Maybe she is crazy, why would anyone dress like that in the freezing cold if they didn't want attention to get notice.
She is clearly drunk and high. Publicly. And she had the audacity to accuse Brad with drinking.
She tries too hard to remain front story since her split with Brad Pitt. It is said that the camera adds 10 lbs. If this is true, she must look like a walking skeleton in real life.
The nutcase emerges, nuttier than ever.
No, he didn't gain weight, she hid her skeleton arms under gloves and skeleton legs under the dress. She is still the skeleton.
Looks like she is back to drug addict. She is high as kite. this is not going to end well
Didnt the victims know as well? And didnt say anything which allowed other people to fall victim? This womans' movement is awesome and am totally up for taking the system down, but if we do this the wrong way, it will tumble on top of us. What difference is one woman keeping quiet in fear of losing her career than the other?
Who cares if she knew??? The “victims” should have defended themselves! I’m no ones babysitter lol take care of yourself
Where are the posters for all the others who knew ? Are they making special posters for the women who took payouts and remained quiet for years ?
Why are they picking with her??..obviously they knew as well and continued to work with him until their brands were solidified..its easy to speak on it now because they don’t need him anymore..
i've said this all along. Everyone who knew it was happening but didn't say anything for 10+ years is just as guilty! They let it happen to more victims all for the sake of fame and a paycheque.
she is the queen of planet of psy_cho. lol
She does it (1) bc it's convenient for her lifestyle, (2) she was raised in a highly dysfunctional environment so she doesn't value stability and can't imagine it, (3) she didn't fit in at school so school "is bad" for everyone, (4) she thinks academic learning is all bs. Well, growing bodies shouldn't be exposed to that much radiation (flying). You can be in formal/regular academic environments AND question the ideas that you're being taught. School is more than learning, as other posters have pointed out. It's the invaluable social skills. She's recreating for her kids the same dysfunctional upbringing she had.
So Angelina's PR machine DM closed comment section because there were too many negative comments. now it opens the comment section again to hope for better comments. lol.
She's had a bad run since she viciously stabbed her ex in the back. Her current (mini) controversy is being a huge dragon to Danielle Graham/etalk.
Why the hell is Angelina Jolie dressing up her girls like dudes?? What the hell is that. Vivienne and Shiloh are looking more and more like dudes.
Pretty sure shiloh wasn't choosing to dress as a boy, complete with fedoras at 1-2 years old, Malak. Nannies don't make the final decision. Angelina does, when she trots them out to get attention.
She's ruined her children, now the youngest female is confused about gender as well, they won't know which end to pizz out of by the time she is finished turning them into PR social experiments.
10-15 years time when the kids get older, stuff will come out. Whether it will be good or bad - who knows? I do feel they are missing out on a normal childhood which is very sad.
If she'd quietly done what she thinks is best for her kids most people would let her just be. This narcissist has to be at the front line of celeb gossip and has paraded her kids non-stop. Talking about them in just about any interview. She's pretentious, mad for more coverage, and unethical about exposing her kids.
Still pretentious! Yes her kids are so super special they don't need regular school - just keep them isolated from the their peers Angie & totally dependent on you. They could go to school & be supplemented at home or take classes for languages even though I think she is lying about that. Those kids are totally isolated from having friends & socializing - they are always just with each other - it's cruel but the high school dropout thinks she knows best as usual.
Oh lovely. so they never get to actually mix with or be treated like normal kids...wonderful mother, simply wonderful !
They are missing out of a normal life. School, friends.
How does Jolie have full custody? Does not seem right, she is a nut case.
Those kids need every opportunity to get away from her clutches
Cant wait for the tell all book one of these kids writes down the line.
For all the money and big house they have, I feel truly sorry for these kids. They are dragged from country to country - only having each other - no cousins, friends etc to play with. They are only allowed to live with Angelina - she prohibits them living with their father, and they are home schooled - thus not allowed to learn and develop with other children, and enjoy the sheer joy of this wonderful time of their lives. What the heck is Angelina going to do when one of them is old enough to date, and one day wish to leave home or get married - she is going to massively struggle if she doesn't let them breathe now.
St Angelina's education system. Kept in a bubble beside mommie dearest.
She is doing a disservice to her kids by not letting them attend regular school.
These kids will be so messed up
This woman has had limited education, she dropped out of school so who is she to oversee the children's education. You can't make it up.
Why is Vivienne dressing like a boy now!!!
She maybe wrinkle-free because of botox and fillers, she still looks much older than her age because she is so skinny and looks gaunt and malnutrition
She is a very bad mother for exposing the kids to paps and public scrutinyon purpose.
It's obvious by the video the kids don't like being wheeled out to face the media, so why does she persist in getting at least some of her kids to pose when it is blatantly obvious, by their lack of numbers, that they don't want to be the focus of attention.... And as for "brunette bombshell" and "wrinkle-free", give me a break. Also, when she says "I had a bad experience with Harvey Weinstein in my youth, and as a result, chose never to work with him again and warn others when they did," surely she means, 'as a young woman' youth implies the transition period between childhood and adulthood... apart from that I don't recall anybody collaborating her story about warning against Weinstein, which makes me wonder why was she even in a hotel room with him and above all, why she didn't speak out loud and clear to the rest of the world, her knowing right and wrong and all that gumf she goes on about.....
Botox. And fillers.
It's called botox. No great mystery.
LOL. She doesn't age? Compare a pic of her today from when she was in Tomb Raider. It looks like the facial fat that keeps people youthful was sucked out, and now she's very gaunt. It's expected since she's in her 40s, but she's definitely aged.
That will be the Botox!
She's using Botox and filler injections, that's why.
She looks like a washed out aging corpse full of bones and covered with that coat so we can see her skeleton body
We'd all look good with the same amount of botox & surgery & make-up/hair artists fixing us up before we left the house.
its called botox, she has no frown lines
January 07,2018
He looks great
He looks very good with this beard.
Stupid Angelina loons, Brad will look like 40 year-old right way if he decides to shave the beard off. that's easy
He looks great now. Angelina just sucked the life out of him.
He’s beautiful
Oh Brad he's a beautiful man money or no money just blessed with a beautiful face
He looks really good for 54. Still in his prime imo.
He looks so much healthier since Norma Desmond, the ex, cannot feed on his soul daily.
Is this 1999?He looks just like he did in fight club lol
looking much better since he ditched the succub4s.
Brad looks good!!
He looks back to pre Angelina hotness !!!!! Fine man !!!!!
Jesus H Christ, Brad Pitt is a handsome man. And 54 too!! Unbelievable.
What does Angelina have to be mad about. She started an affair with a married man at the time,married him ,had kids with him. Not in that order but anyway. She kicked him out. Aniston behaved with dignity and class through all of that. And Angelina is mad? Wow
Don't feel bad for Jolie
You can't take a man who doesn't want to be taken. You can't wreck a relationship that isn't already broken.
we all like brad. think jolie is a phony -
January 19,2018
She speaks the truth. Just take a look around you, there are so many women using their looks to get something. And if they don't succeed, they play victims. Hypocrisy
While there no doubt is harassment out there, she is soooo not wrong! Somebody finally saying something!
Jolie is a scam
I feel that there's something not quite right about her. She seems to crave attention.
Acting requires attention, thats her job.
"someone who’s had to face a preventative double mastectomy"
Well no, remember....it was voluntary, there was no definite sign she would get breast cancer. Possibly brave, possibly overly scared.
Well she does have rather an air of entitled superciliousness.
Honestly this sounds like your average talent show contestant's back story. "My dearest mother died by disembowelment in the form of Japanese ritual suicide, and this is why I will be singing 'Booty Booty Swag Swag', in her memory. "
The woman needs help. Her manipulative Illuminnatti mind control has failed again.
The K1lling Fields was the kind of movie that gets nominated for awards, not vanity projects like Angelina's.
Never saw her parade kids before the divorce. With no Oscar nod she should fade away again.
As in Sony hacked email : Angelina is a spoiled talentless camp event.
Maybe for the first time in years, this Oscar race winners will be chosen among worthy contestants, now that papa Weinstein's hand isn't in the ballot box.
The Hollywood Reporter's Scott Feinberg's Oscar prediction is pretty close, he put Angelina's movie in #8, but Angelina didn't make into top 9 list which is the best news. LOL
Her movies are never Oscar worthy, but she always tried way too hard to get it and still failed, she is desperate and pathetic.
Glassy eyed. I wonder what's causing that.
I do wonder how Angelina would cope if her daughters overtook her in the clothes/beauty stakes? All her children are dressed very plainly just now.
I'm old enough to remember Karen Carpenter and this woman reminds me of her. It's very sad.
Haha! Her vanity projects are a joke.
She is not a good director, she doesn't deserve Oscar nod.
Darn, all of those pap strolls for naught!
She looks like she just gnawed the head off a bat.
looks like she`s ready to breed again......
Realistically she looks like a lost diva. She really should not use her sons as fashion accessories. She also looks like she has been trained at the same 'Finishing School' as Victoria Beckham. Question: Would Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn provide such a dour look? No - they were true classics.
She looks wasted
A bit exaggerated this outfit for a family dinner!!=
She looks like a crack version of Jessica Rabbit
She and Brad made very beautiful children!
She wore that dress just for a family dinner???
Realistically she looks like a lost diva. She really should not use her sons as fashion accessories. She also looks like she has been trained at the same 'Finishing School' as Victoria Beckham. Question: Would Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn provide such a dour look? No - they were true classics.
Humanitarian is just her defense mechanism.mostly celebrities dont like to work with her. She is weird.
Unfortunately totally rotten inside. Mean and vindictive.
The only thing she proved us that she needs a burger and fries the big ones and a shake
Maybe she is crazy, why would anyone dress like that in the freezing cold if they didn't want attention to get notice.
She is clearly drunk and high. Publicly. And she had the audacity to accuse Brad with drinking.
She tries too hard to remain front story since her split with Brad Pitt. It is said that the camera adds 10 lbs. If this is true, she must look like a walking skeleton in real life.
The nutcase emerges, nuttier than ever.
No, he didn't gain weight, she hid her skeleton arms under gloves and skeleton legs under the dress. She is still the skeleton.
Looks like she is back to drug addict. She is high as kite. this is not going to end well
Didnt the victims know as well? And didnt say anything which allowed other people to fall victim? This womans' movement is awesome and am totally up for taking the system down, but if we do this the wrong way, it will tumble on top of us. What difference is one woman keeping quiet in fear of losing her career than the other?
Who cares if she knew??? The “victims” should have defended themselves! I’m no ones babysitter lol take care of yourself
Where are the posters for all the others who knew ? Are they making special posters for the women who took payouts and remained quiet for years ?
Why are they picking with her??..obviously they knew as well and continued to work with him until their brands were solidified..its easy to speak on it now because they don’t need him anymore..
i've said this all along. Everyone who knew it was happening but didn't say anything for 10+ years is just as guilty! They let it happen to more victims all for the sake of fame and a paycheque.
she is the queen of planet of psy_cho. lol
She does it (1) bc it's convenient for her lifestyle, (2) she was raised in a highly dysfunctional environment so she doesn't value stability and can't imagine it, (3) she didn't fit in at school so school "is bad" for everyone, (4) she thinks academic learning is all bs. Well, growing bodies shouldn't be exposed to that much radiation (flying). You can be in formal/regular academic environments AND question the ideas that you're being taught. School is more than learning, as other posters have pointed out. It's the invaluable social skills. She's recreating for her kids the same dysfunctional upbringing she had.
So Angelina's PR machine DM closed comment section because there were too many negative comments. now it opens the comment section again to hope for better comments. lol.
She's had a bad run since she viciously stabbed her ex in the back. Her current (mini) controversy is being a huge dragon to Danielle Graham/etalk.
Why the hell is Angelina Jolie dressing up her girls like dudes?? What the hell is that. Vivienne and Shiloh are looking more and more like dudes.
Pretty sure shiloh wasn't choosing to dress as a boy, complete with fedoras at 1-2 years old, Malak. Nannies don't make the final decision. Angelina does, when she trots them out to get attention.
She's ruined her children, now the youngest female is confused about gender as well, they won't know which end to pizz out of by the time she is finished turning them into PR social experiments.
10-15 years time when the kids get older, stuff will come out. Whether it will be good or bad - who knows? I do feel they are missing out on a normal childhood which is very sad.
If she'd quietly done what she thinks is best for her kids most people would let her just be. This narcissist has to be at the front line of celeb gossip and has paraded her kids non-stop. Talking about them in just about any interview. She's pretentious, mad for more coverage, and unethical about exposing her kids.
Still pretentious! Yes her kids are so super special they don't need regular school - just keep them isolated from the their peers Angie & totally dependent on you. They could go to school & be supplemented at home or take classes for languages even though I think she is lying about that. Those kids are totally isolated from having friends & socializing - they are always just with each other - it's cruel but the high school dropout thinks she knows best as usual.
Oh lovely. so they never get to actually mix with or be treated like normal kids...wonderful mother, simply wonderful !
They are missing out of a normal life. School, friends.
How does Jolie have full custody? Does not seem right, she is a nut case.
Those kids need every opportunity to get away from her clutches
Cant wait for the tell all book one of these kids writes down the line.
For all the money and big house they have, I feel truly sorry for these kids. They are dragged from country to country - only having each other - no cousins, friends etc to play with. They are only allowed to live with Angelina - she prohibits them living with their father, and they are home schooled - thus not allowed to learn and develop with other children, and enjoy the sheer joy of this wonderful time of their lives. What the heck is Angelina going to do when one of them is old enough to date, and one day wish to leave home or get married - she is going to massively struggle if she doesn't let them breathe now.
St Angelina's education system. Kept in a bubble beside mommie dearest.
She is doing a disservice to her kids by not letting them attend regular school.
These kids will be so messed up
This woman has had limited education, she dropped out of school so who is she to oversee the children's education. You can't make it up.
Why is Vivienne dressing like a boy now!!!
She maybe wrinkle-free because of botox and fillers, she still looks much older than her age because she is so skinny and looks gaunt and malnutrition
She is a very bad mother for exposing the kids to paps and public scrutinyon purpose.
It's obvious by the video the kids don't like being wheeled out to face the media, so why does she persist in getting at least some of her kids to pose when it is blatantly obvious, by their lack of numbers, that they don't want to be the focus of attention.... And as for "brunette bombshell" and "wrinkle-free", give me a break. Also, when she says "I had a bad experience with Harvey Weinstein in my youth, and as a result, chose never to work with him again and warn others when they did," surely she means, 'as a young woman' youth implies the transition period between childhood and adulthood... apart from that I don't recall anybody collaborating her story about warning against Weinstein, which makes me wonder why was she even in a hotel room with him and above all, why she didn't speak out loud and clear to the rest of the world, her knowing right and wrong and all that gumf she goes on about.....
Botox. And fillers.
It's called botox. No great mystery.
LOL. She doesn't age? Compare a pic of her today from when she was in Tomb Raider. It looks like the facial fat that keeps people youthful was sucked out, and now she's very gaunt. It's expected since she's in her 40s, but she's definitely aged.
That will be the Botox!
She's using Botox and filler injections, that's why.
She looks like a washed out aging corpse full of bones and covered with that coat so we can see her skeleton body
We'd all look good with the same amount of botox & surgery & make-up/hair artists fixing us up before we left the house.
its called botox, she has no frown lines
January 07,2018
He looks great
He looks very good with this beard.
Stupid Angelina loons, Brad will look like 40 year-old right way if he decides to shave the beard off. that's easy
He looks great now. Angelina just sucked the life out of him.
He’s beautiful
Oh Brad he's a beautiful man money or no money just blessed with a beautiful face
He looks really good for 54. Still in his prime imo.
He looks so much healthier since Norma Desmond, the ex, cannot feed on his soul daily.
Is this 1999?He looks just like he did in fight club lol
looking much better since he ditched the succub4s.
Brad looks good!!
He looks back to pre Angelina hotness !!!!! Fine man !!!!!
Jesus H Christ, Brad Pitt is a handsome man. And 54 too!! Unbelievable.
What does Angelina have to be mad about. She started an affair with a married man at the time,married him ,had kids with him. Not in that order but anyway. She kicked him out. Aniston behaved with dignity and class through all of that. And Angelina is mad? Wow
Don't feel bad for Jolie
You can't take a man who doesn't want to be taken. You can't wreck a relationship that isn't already broken.
we all like brad. think jolie is a phony -
January 19,2018
She speaks the truth. Just take a look around you, there are so many women using their looks to get something. And if they don't succeed, they play victims. Hypocrisy
While there no doubt is harassment out there, she is soooo not wrong! Somebody finally saying something!
Sunday, December 10, 2017
jeffortega Haven’t been much of a morning person this christmas season 😂 but it’s never a problem when I get dragged along by @jascurtissmith for @worldvisionphl outreach programs😜🌎 #SponsorAChild 🎄 📸:@gelo.tan
jascurtissmith Thanks for waking up early for the @worldvisionphl kiddies ❤ and me, too ❤ Hihi #kilig
jascurtissmith Thanks for waking up early for the @worldvisionphl kiddies ❤ and me, too ❤ Hihi #kilig
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
November 28, 2017
jin_shirasu_official 井上真央ねえさん

jin_shirasu_official 井上真央ねえさん

Saturday, November 25, 2017
Dorama World: Miyaji Mao announces her marriage to her boyfriend...
Dorama World: Miyaji Mao announces her marriage to her boyfriend...: Miyaji Mao announced through her agency on 23 November that she had married her boyfriend of 14 years on the same day which also happened...
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
La Luna Sangre: Greta falls into La Liga Unida’s trap | EP 111
ERIN: hoy! sumosobra ka na ha
ERIN: wala kang karapatang pagsalitaan ng ganyan ang punong bantay
GRETA: ikaw ang punong bantay
GRETA: ibig sabihin ikaw si malia
GRETA: ang bagong tinakda
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