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Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Is that her sad face or does she have indigestion from eating a bug?

This is worse than shower cry. It's like sad with a touch of pout sprinkled with bug related indigestion. And jealously of their exoskeletons

Those tears were about as real as those chick pox she was sporting after Rudingate.

'I doubt that fidelity is absolutely essential for a relationship. It's worse to leave your partner and talk badly about him afterwards. (2009 INTERVIEW Das Neue)

It was a shame that the event wasn’t open for all Cambodians to attend, despite the vast size of the stadium and the philanthropic aura of it all, but it was limited to a select group of people. It left a large crowd of frustrated locals standing outside watching VIPs being let in.

What a dreadful woman. I have never been able to see what all the fuss is about where she is concerned. Even her own father has disowned her.

AJ has a pretty face but everything else about her is vile including her horrible shapeless stick legs and veiny hands. She talks absolute nonsense and is a complete wierdo - why on EARTH did Brad Pitt leave Jennifer Aniston for that??

She just likes attention- thats whey she says silly things...

Make your mind up Angelina... you start of saying it's fine for couples to have affairs, and then in the next breath you say you would never forgive your partner if he was unfaithful, based on how your father treated your mother....

What she is saying is just a bunch of nonsense. She says she cannot forgive her father's unfidelity, yet this is exacly what she did. Mr and Mrs Smith "the movie where mom and dad fell in love".

What a foolish thing to say. Fidelity is important when you have 6 kids together.

She knows exactly what to say to get headlines, even if it is rubbish! And the press (and some silly members of the public) devour every word! She is a self-obsessed, publicity-seeking, media-junkie!

So she's OK with Brad being unfaithful, but he's not allowed to meet Jennifer for a coffee and a chat?

ummm..yeah, ok Angelina... you reek of hypocracy

"To be intiminate with a married man, when my own father cheated on my mother, is not something I could forgive." Who does she think she's kidding? Does she take us all for a bunch of fools.Sorry, red arrow me if you will, but this woman has no morals.

What kind of household is it for the kids? She seems to have pretty loose morals anyway, how many husbands did she take off their wives?

I'm sorry but I won't be mentored by Angelina Jolie on relationships, marriage, fidelity, morals or sexual propriety. When she comes out with advice on shacking up with married men, lying, vindictiveness, (trashing her father) putting yourself first in every situation in life and manipulating a phony image, she will be a well qualified source of information. She is so beautiful, she can have any man she wants and she is very talented as an actress. Other than that, she is an off the charts nutter who would do better keeping her mouth shut.

 I love brad in anything, he's always a great actor......cute doesn't hurt either

After Animal Kingdom and The Rover, I'm on board with whatever Michôd throws at us. Bad response from test screenings but hopefully they made a better film in the edit. Look forward to checking this one out!

Pitt isnt usually good in serious roles but Fight Club, Snatch Mr and Mrs. Smith and Bastards he is hilarious in. His Comedy chops are On Point. I bet this will be good. war machine

I can tell this is going to be good, Brad Pitt is such a good actor.

Awfully selfish and lacking in morals for a humanitarian isn't she?


Please go away go hide under a stone awfull woman

what a woman

People will do anything for attention. She's just on a whole other level.

So now she's going to lock the kids up there.

She's full of c..p.

Good for her...perhaps she will remove herself to her new property, and wander off into the sunset doing good works...sorry not a fan...besides...the heroin is probably cheaper there...

she bought a property from a Khmer Rouge mass murderer and BRAD is the bad guy?

She's so fake & this 100% proves it. Like most charity luuvie celebs these days.

There's a dark side to Jolie that's only ever been hinted at. Brad knows a great deal, and recently his lawyer sent hers a list of behaviours they could make public to stop her trashing him, which has resulted in her actually being nice about him in her recent interview! Brad's a wimp, let's have at it Brad. Some of us already know. If these details come out, Brad will auto have all children. Whether he wants that, seems to be another matter.

She better have a lot of security guards. Her ide ology won't matter to the local inhab itants

I get that giving these families 40,000 dollars is great and all...but how dare she!! Uprooting families and a small community because she wants a bigger garden??? Shame on you Angelina!!! Why not invest in the area and build these families new homes rather than buy them off and shoo them away from your new pad. Disgusting

you lose all credibility when you start a sentence with "Grow up." It is you who is immature (that is what "grow up" means). Adults may argue about theory or details or facts but only children resort to ordering others to behave in a certain way. Words matter and yours are imbecilic.

What a pity nobody has told her that children need a single home they can relate to, with their usual friends nearby. Or maybe she wants to raise her brood as a bunch of insecure twisted kids who will have difficulty relating to the real world.

The children have had major behaviour issues for years, almost from the get go. All of them. Theirs is a mad house. But it's nothing compared to the plans she has for them. Poor kids.

A walled off heavily guarded compound located in an isolated part of the jungle in Cambodia sounds like an ideal spot for Angie and her tribe! (a tall fence makes for good neighbors! i.e., the village residents will be protected)

Did I read this right? She spent millions to buy a property to live in that was used by a mass murderer? Creepy woman.

She has been drawn to evil for a long time, It amazed me that people missed that for years. Aside from all of her manipulations as of late, this woman is has a core that is dangerous for anyone around her. Brad needs to get the children.

She allegedly told her psychologist in high school that she enjoyed torturing her dog. This woman has been ill a long time.

So she is making a film about the appalling killing fields incident, but buying property from one of the peeps who actually did it?...hmmmm

What is Idylic about living on blood soaked land . This woman's fascination with Cambodia is as evil as she is .

I'm just calculating how many refugee families she can take in with that piece of land.

Its not secret any more..!

I feel sorry for their kids. They don't seem to have friends outside the family.

That's the very, very least of their problems, trust me. When staff quit your house because you horrify them with your "hobbies"... yeah.

So she's made a film showing the war crimes and then buys from a war criminal??

That's like buying land from one of 'Dolphie's top henchmen! "Do as I say, not as I do" needs to be her official motto. I am completely disgusted by her due to this purchase!

Gotta love these neo-colonial humanitarian celebs. "Here to tell your war crime stories - and do business with the culprits to buy up the land they stole from the people as my private jungle swimming hole"... "Here to buy up your babies because you are too poor to keep them." They just don't see it.

How can this be legal?? He should be in prison, or better hanged, and everything he has should be confiscated. She is doing business with them, this is unbelievable. I already had the lowest opinion of her, but this is even worse that I though possible.

Somewhat hypocritical for a self proclaimed humanitarian

Sick of reading headlin s of this female. I think she's probably mad.

Maybe she will step on an unexploded mine.

Mad as a box of frogs....

She's putting those kids in danger and trying to move them as far away from Brad as she can. I sure hope her wealthy children don't end up kidnapped for ransom.

So which is it? A charity or a private holiday home for Jolie?

Twisted woman.....biased, hypocritical.

Her poor dad is s c a r e d of her. The kids eat scorpions and tarantulas . Brad save your kids with a base home and security. Send them into school and give them chores and structure and responsibility.

Waiting for the Jolie Pitt kids to grow up and do a Rocco Ritchie. I bet they have some interesting stories to tell about what was really going on behind all the P.R they fed us about utopian rainbow families. At least one of them must resent being taken from their homeland and raised by an alleged sociopath.

How could shoe give a dime to that murderous slimeball

Creepy..just like her, and also seems like a very secluded, potentially dangerous setting for her kids. A lot of strangeness still goes on in those parts..she should feel right at home.

Do her children ever go to school?

Ho "makes" a movie about the killing fields incident, then buys property from a guy who was responsible for it? Hypocrite psycho.

Monday, February 27, 2017




What a spin writing that story

Not buying anything she is selling or promoting.

Angelina is egoistical, she is full of herself. Brad on the other hand has no ego. David Fincher once said" Brad Pitt has no ego, I don't know how, he is so famous, but he has no ego, if I could be anyone, it would be Brad Pitt " Brad is a true artist who just wants make good movies. He doesn't care about fame and awards. He quietly helped making those award-winning movies without making the awards all about himself. The man is the real deal. I hope Brad will find his true love. Angelina isn't his true love, I knew it from the beginning of their relationship. I bet many Brad's friends warned him and he didn't listen.

How can Angelina appear on TV and with a straight face say Brad is a great father when only a few months previously she called Child Protection Services about his behaviour towards the children and taking drugs!!! How hypocritical these actors are. It seems the person who has won the popularity war is Brad. I think Angelina is a very vindictive woman!!! Silly Brad for getting hooked up with her and having SIX kids with a woman like that.

I'm surprised she'd lower herself to flogging perfume, what with her being an all important UN ambassador.

What she did to Brad was horrible.

I would never buy a product just because Angelina Jolie is the face of it.

Oh please! She's got form for it. I wouldn't even be surprised if she turned up dragging all the children behind her

She has never been seen as a kind person. She has been vindictive, mean person. I bet her kids will see her as this as they grow older. She uses them as crutches, because she is not a people person.

She needs to let him see his kids for no one should be kept from there kids unless they are a danger to the kids and I don't think he is

She done not only brad wrong but the kids too an the kids are watching an they will figure her out an end up not wanting to b with her she has major issues so sad

The bottom line here is - he is their father and he has rights to see his children. He is a good father...the children should be able to spend time with him.

Simple, brad always has good reputation in hollywood but angie always has bad reputation

The UK continues to lead and support the global campaign in support of #PSVI.
Good luck with that, wasted taxpayer money when you get blowhard "celebs" to talk about preventing sexual violence, but it still goes on and on, since we crawled out of trees. Everybody is "aware", so it doesn't raise awareness, just gives blowhards that are guilty of some sort of perversion (Jolie) a chance to shine a spotlight on themselves, that's all.

Jolie helped direct this now? Oh boy! She certainly knows how to manipulate things in her favor .

Omg. She looks like death. She really needs to take care of herself before she dies

Never did think much of her. Liked her dad, did not care for her. No class.

If I came home to my wife eating a bowl of scorpions, I'd divorce her too!

You are what you eat...after all....

She'd do anything for a little bit of attention.......sad !!

She's mentally not all there, her father stated to the press that she has bi polar

Yeah, I'm not about to take my life and diet cues from a mentally ill 3rd rate actress single mom with a bunch of kids.

A scorpion eating a scorpion

how is this women allowed to have children

Something is wrong with her...

Angelina Jolie is a freak .

She's a loser

dont force your kids to eat anything they dont want too

Umm, No. Not happening.

She's so crazy, I feel bad for her kids. Brad Pitt is so lucky he escaped this woman.

she is a satanist... and is brainwashing her boy to think he is a girl. sick.

Maggot eating maggots, is this news? Maggot meaning - A soft-bodied legless larva of a fly or other insect, found in decaying matter

You can tell me anything you like but I am not eating that ...

And you can only wonder how people thought Brad had problems in their breaking up!

Of course she eats bugs like any mantis... And the head of her mate as well

There's really something wrong with this nutjob. How about eating actual food once in awhile? I worry about those kids being raised by her without a father.

Of course someone who wears blood as jewelry eats bugs. Duh...

She gets more disgusting by the minute.

Perhaps she keeps a few in a vial around her neck along with the blood-filled ones. Makes for a full meal for her I suspect.

No thanks. I'll get my vitamins and minerals from a vitamin.


i can see why brad pitt bailed on this wing-nut.

Not buying anything she is selling or promoting.

If she does this in public, imagine what she does in private.

Who would feed their children bugs? Nasty.

Jesus, stop with the madness, we know, woman is crazy, I don't want to hear or read more about her mental problems.

Her poor kids face! That's surely child cruelty lol #teambrad

This explains a lot of things!

I don't know how anyone can look at her and think of her as charitable after what she did.
Oh she is just donating it to her foundation... then will use it for expenses. Same old tricks.

Charity? You mean her bogus tax shelter/foundation? Wow, how generous.

Like she "donated" the money she received for the baby pictures - to her own fraudation. How generous

And how do we even know its going to charity? No one demands to see her tax returns. There is no proof. Just empty words.

If it goes to her own "charity", she is will not pay any taxess at all AND be in control of all the money. She can spend it as she likes, pay her "advisers", rent private jets, and only needs to donate 1% p.a. to keep her fraudation going.

"First they killed my budget", perfume ad version.

Jolie has known Guerlain since childhood, as her mother used its iris-and-violet-scented powder.
I thought she grew up in poverty. That has to be a nice kind of poverty if you can afford expensive powder

I can barely stand to look at ANY of Jolie's pictures, myself. But I do so in the name of "doing something about EVIL".

I truly can't picture AJ ever trying to attend one of these events again. I just don't think anyone likes her and now they no longer need to pretend. It will certainly be interesting to see the reaction if she does try but unless she manages to hook a big fish I just can't see her feeling comfortable enough.

I think she already has picked someone, that's why she was ready to dump Pitt. Women like her never release a victim out of their claws if they don't have the next one waiting in the wings. With her royalty delusions and sudden outburst of love for UK I think she is aiming some brotish aristocrat, or maybe even a royal family member. If I were prince Andrew I'd avoid the Bleet at all costs.

I think she and Dalton have a thing, but Helic is already married, so maybe her. She'd be Jolie's type now, Mu slim and married.

She probably paid the British embassy to "honor" her. How much do you think she paid them? $50k, Brits seem to be able to be bought off cheap. Cheaper than us in the USA. 

Holie spends a great deal of her working day seeking out honours and awards. It justifies her charitable foundations that stash her monies. Sickening, if you ask me!

What's new, Angie? Nobody feels sorry for you since you've broken up more relationships than anyone can successfully enumerate.

All the physical beauty in the world means nothing if you aren't beautiful on the inside.

i'm sure she learned how to use her feminine charms to her advantage all her life

Angelina was "scattered" by her father's infidelity yet she herself has no problem stealing other women's boyfriends. GIRL BYE!

Jolie is a horrible bitch end of story

I can't stand her either.

Can't. Stand. The. Ho.

I never liked angelina jolie, especially when she said in one of her interview or biograpghy (i forgot which one) that she specifically WILL NOT be attracted to single men, she's only interested with married men, so yeah, I despise her. 
I know people often cheat & I never judge that harsh bcs we never know what someone's relationships are like, we don't know what happened in their daily life so I never take sides, I just say where there's smoke, there' fire, but this BITCH who people adore so much is just unacceptable! She's just beneth human for what she declare, she is a home wrecker because she wanted it, it's her life, so ashamed calling her a women. F-ing hate her!

Am I the only one who almost died laughing when Jolie said she doesn't keep in touch with her father because of an affair? 

She had daddy issues cos he cheated on her mom yet she goes and breaks up other people's marriages.  Angelina Jolie is a hypocritical bitch.  Absolutely hate the whore.

Jolie hates her father due to his "infidelity"?? That'd be fine for anyone else to say, but she's trash. If it wasn't for her dad, no one would have ever heard of Angelina.
so her father cheating her mother "shattered her", and yet she goes around dating married man? ok gurl, byeee

She's pissed at her father for his infidelity, and yet she goes on to be the other woman not once, but twice? Karma is going to seriously mess her up someday. Brad Pitt....WTF?

Since when unstable mental woman become an icon of perfume? Why not use jen, kate or marion? They looks sexy young & normal unlike jolie mental skinny old!

Not buying perfume with icon mental illness jolie, her bad reputation made me sick to stomack!

Not buying perfume with icon mental illness jolie, her bad reputation made me sick to stomack!

Yup she looks skeleton & old in real, wont buying too!

The woman would eat one of her own children if it got her a headline.

I seriously doubt her kids are eating bags of crickets for a snack rather than chips. Her twins look repulsed, especially Vivian at the thought of it. Why lie about it, makes her look fake.

The UN has been pushing the idea that people should eat bugs for several years now. So it's not surprising that AJ is doing the same. But I notice that she's not living in a big city micro-apartment, using mass transportation, like the UN also wants. I guess it's easier to maintain your good standing with the UN by eating a few bugs and keeping your mansions rather than the reverse.

Her poor kids. Trying to please her can't be easy.

If she does this in public, imagine what she does in private.

Who would feed their children bugs? Nasty.

the actress was desperate to get out in front of the cameras to “restore her reputation by pushing her charity work and the mother image.”

The men's van with her picture splayed as malevolent was a wake up call.
The Associated Press articles pro-Brad were another wake up call.
What we do here on regular basis had gone mainstream, oh my!
That was horrendous for her. A tough time, poor misunderstood money grubbing Biatch was being exposed in the media, not just blog sites. Numbers and dollars falling.
So bad she needed a quick camera fix.

Was Angie faking her tears? Gee, let me ponder that for a second or two...

Brad Pitt is like 50 but he's still hot hehe

Do we believe her crocodile tears? She is such a sh**ty actress...

A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.

Moonlight shines at Film Independent Spirit awards on eve of Oscars

Sunday 26 February 2017

Oscar-tipped drama Moonlight was the big winner at this year’s Film Independent Spirit awards, picking up six awards, including best feature.

The low-budget tale of a black gay man growing up in a deprived Miami neighborhood now holds the record for the most awards won by a single film this decade at the ceremony. Jeremy Kleiner thanked fellow producer Brad Pitt who “continues to inspire us with his curiosity and his desire for good work”.

Spirit awards, picking up six awards, including best feature.

The low-budget tale of a black gay man growing up in a deprived Miami neighborhood now holds the record for the most awards won by a single film this decade at the ceremony. Jeremy Kleiner thanked fellow producer Brad Pitt who “continues to inspire us with his curiosity and his desire for good work”.

'And the Oscar will go to' … who shall win the 2017 Academy Awards, and why
 Read more
The film also won best director for Barry Jenkins, best cinematography, best editing, the Robert Altman award and the prize for best screenplay for Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney, whose semi-autobiographical play In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue was the inspiration for the project.

“There are a lot of people who pushed that script away from their desks,” a tearful McCraney said. He went on to thank those who made the decision to sign onto the film without worrying about the potentially damaging effect a gay film would have on their careers.

Oscar nominee Isabelle Huppert won best female lead for her role in darkly comic thriller Elle, winning out over Natalie Portman and Annette Bening. “I think good cinema is always independent,” she said. “I want to thank [Elle director] Paul Verhoeven for being so independent.”

Casey Affleck was also named best male lead for playing a grieving brother in Manchester by the Sea. At the end of his speech he made reference to Trump’s government, saying: “The policies of this administration are abhorrent and they will not last. They’re really un-American.”

Hell or High Water’s Ben Foster beat out category favorite, and Oscar nominee, Lucas Hedges for best supporting male for his role in the heist thriller while an excitable Molly Shannon picked up best supporting female for playing a mother dealing with terminal cancer in comedy drama Other People.

The award for best documentary was won by O.J.: Made in America, the critically acclaimed seven-hour film that’s also the favorite to win the same award at tomorrow’s Oscars. Another Oscar front-runner, German comedy Toni Erdmann picked up best international film. “I’m really happy and proud to stand here as a female director because it’s still not normal enough that women are directing films,” director Maren Ade said. The acclaimed film was recently picked up for a Hollywood remake, set to star Jack Nicholson and Kristen Wiig.

Period horror tale The Witch was awarded best first feature while writer-director Robert Eggers picked up best first screenplay. He thanked “all the Puritans” for writing so much of their lives down, making his job easier.

“We like to think of these awards as the ones without Mel Gibson” co-host Nick Kroll said before joking about the Academy’s acceptance of this year’s best director nominee after his “anti-Semitic” jokes. He then claimed that, using the same eight year forgiveness logic, Steve Bannon will be featuring at the Oscars in 2024.

His comedy partner John Mulaney made the first political reference of the night, referring to the downbeat nominees: “These films are, to quote the president ‘sad!’”

The hosts also predicted that speeches throughout the night were likely to include more Trump jabs. But given the small scale of the ceremony, Kroll joked: “In terms of impact, you could give your speech direct to camera or you could whisper it in the bathroom.”

Mulaney added: “Hey Trump, you and Robert Durst are both rich sociopaths from New York real estate empires but somehow Robert Durst is more likable”

The awards arrive on the eve of this year’s Oscars where Moonlight is one of the front-runners with eight nominations alongside La La Land and Manchester by the Sea.

not mine.credit and source: THE GUARDIAN


I think we won Brad in the divorce

Guess he knows talent when he sees it.

Plan B is amazing and #Moonlight is a masterpiece! Iconic moment in film history tonight!

holy hell that was Pitts company? lol don't make a movie unless Plan B is doing it lol

Yes and he is so low key with it! So rare for a Hollywood actor.

Brad Pitt's Plan B Entertainment has produced 3 Best Pictures winners including Steve McQueen's 12 Years a Slave & Barry Jenkins' Moonlight

Honestly I want to thank Brad Pitt who silently but remarkably helped to  produce and Finance 12 years a slave and Moonlight

moonlight is destined to be a classic

Brad Pitt helped finance and produce Moonlight? That's dope.

Moonlight cost $1.5M. A cast of unknowns. Best Picture.

S/o (shout out) to brad pitt #moonlight

Brad Pitt's Plan B production company stays in the mix for Best Picture: The Tree Of Life, Moneyball, Selma, 12 Years A Slave & Moonlight.

RETWEETING MY #BradPitt #GoldenGlobes MUSINGS because i will scream it forever: He's the kind of White Ally we need more than ever

"Moonlight" shattered an Oscars glass ceiling for black films.  Became the first film with an all-black cast to win the Academy Award for best picture.

Brad Pitt making all these black movies though he the real winner lol

The ultimate winner from last night is Brad Pitt, whose company produced Moonlight. Won his 2nd best picture Oscar!

Brad Pitt is becoming the Ozzie Newsome or John Elway of the movie production business: the list of films from his Plan B shop is amazing.

Brad Pitt and his production company are here for the culture: Selma, 12 Years A Slave & Moonlight. #Oscars

I also like that Brad Pitt's subtle in the promotion process. He's focused on supporting fantastic films without making it all about him.

#Salute to #BradPitt for producing black movies 🎥 with his #PlanB production company

Brad Pitt really gets IT

At $1.5 million, @moonlightmov became the lowest budget film to ever win Best Picture (inflation-adjusted) #Oscars. 🌙 Support indie film

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Children need a stable home! In my opinion, she moves around too much! They need to go to a regular school, live in the same home so they can have neighborhood friends! She said she puts the children first, but she moves them around at her whims!

She should be put in jail for takin the kids out of the country. Who does she think she is invisible queen of . Goddess WH can do anything she pleases. After all their. Brad.s kids too

If that's the case. She should lose custody and go to jail

Let Brad see his children. You are a very selfish
Spoiled woman. You are not a good person
You are a evil witch. You pretend.

If she was any kind of a decent mother she should know you make sure your kids have a relationship with their father. She is a very vengeful person and I hope the court sees through her.

She is running for her life, not the children and is ill.

She only cares about herself

from her comments on political views this country wont miss her

She is a Waco

Dont care for her !!

They also need their dad girlfriend wake up and grow up

She is mental

She feels a sense of entitlement! Wrong!!!

She is crazy.

no matter how this is bound to shake out he is the WINNER career wise, reputation wise, image wise and getting the freedom of life he wants back wise. ALL AROUND WINNER. whoreshine has shitt but some fcked up kids to further exploit for attention and a money suck. that is all she has. if that makes her a winner in your book then, well, can't say much for your pathetic standards.

What is obvious here is how very much Shiloh loves her father. I have often wondered if her "transgenderism" isn't simply a desire to emulate her favorite parental figure, to be like Daddy and to never be like her mother? Just a thought for consideration. If I were in that sick family, I think I might want to distance myself as much as possible from the mother creature.

She's his favourite kid which is partly why Angie hates her so much. Angie's teaching her to feel shame for whatever good comes her way.

She is on a damage control trying to prove she is still relevant. But this not the way how you announce projects in Hollywood. This is pure desperation and those in the know are laughing at her.

she cares nothing about her kids and what shame they might suffer at her hands.

What unstable mental jolie just dissapear for good!

She is a total witch

She's acting like she never knew brad or she never got married to him. I'm starting to believe she use him to  have more kids biological .

I won't buy it, no thanks.

You'd have to be mad to own a perfume company and hire this woman

First, she should have starred in a fragrance ad in the height of her sexpot days. OK, she did ads for Shiseido Japan and that was it. Second, she must miss Brad's millions as she hasn't had a hit movie in years, she might did but blew it on vanity projects.

I know she is good looking but they must have had to chuck out the air brush after that shoot.

I hate to say it but celibacy looks good on Brad Pitt

Oh Guerlain this is a bad move. The perfume isn't going to sell well. You make iconic fragrances for men and women,then use this witch to advertise.

The photoshop is heavy on this one. If you see the pics of her in the tabloids, she looks near death

I really don't care to see her face anymore.

Guerlain have just backed the wrong horse ....

What she did to Brad was horrible.

I would never buy a product just because Angelina Jolie is the face of it.

Why on Oscars day? Trying to headline grab from Brad's Plan B Oscar nominations? Will this woman ever stop competing with him?

Oh please! She's got form for it. I wouldn't even be surprised if she turned up dragging all the children behind her

She does press releases every year on Oscar weekend or close after, it's always an obvious attention-grab.. She hasn't been invited for several years and will probably never be invited again. So every year she trots her family out on a pap-stroll, or announces a project, or a new photoshoot or some other BS to try to get attention.

I doubt having Angie as the "face" of their perfume is going to sell a lot perfume for them.

The hardest part of her divorce will be lasering and re adjusting her tattoos.

ICE Queen shot

A bit dramatic - just like Angelina the drama queen likes it.

Pity those magnificent bones harbour such toxins.

Who really wants her perfume - the fragrance of failure.

Her PR machine cannot undo the damage she did .. the silly woman thought she was more popular than Brad .. whereas the public thought of her as a man eating lunatic. She was only tolerated because we love Brad.

Someone give these kids to Brad Pitt! She has always been looney! Bugs, really! If the rest of us fed bugs to our children....

The perfume ad? It's called the scent of desperation.

Her eye is so sunken into the socket. She's emaciated.

I thought it would be good, but it's boring and she looks old and over.

i think it's HILARIOUS! Especially when she tries to be playful and winsome. It's so PATHETIC! 

She SICKENS me now. Thought she was all that without Brad! Rude awakening you lunatic; Brad made you tolerable ...


This spot is very fractured in the way it keeps cutting and jumping around. The first half feels like they are doing everything they can to not show her face but they highlight the trashy tattoos. The setting is very beautiful and then the trashy tattoos ruin it.
Next she has a Julia Roberts moment, pulled straight from her perfume ad. Julia pulled it off with her mega-watt smile and confident presence because it is in line with the Julia Roberts that the public has known for many years. In no way does that girly, happy blip in this spot embody the Angelina Jolie that the public knows.
Cut to the dramatic, self important posturing and the dramatic, model-y posing. That is the Angelina Jolie that we know but in no way does it invoke any feeling of admiration. I guess they are trying to invoke the power of this "global" woman but it falls flat.
The location and setting are beautiful but it's fractured, doesn't reflect the personality we know and doesn't invoke any sort of aspirational feeling.

No one wants to smell like heroin tears.

Sounds like she directed it if it is a fractured mess!

Even with all the great lighting, makeup, and direction in the world, that woman is no longer even pretty, much less beautiful. I can't believe how bad she looks.

I bet that in her delusional mind she thinks that her event will overshadow everything else.

I felt embarrassed watching this

She is really proud of those tats isn't she? Looks like the ad is more for INk magazine than a perfume.
Either way, this wouldn't inspire me to run out and find this perfume and smell it, even if I were not an anti.
I would have waited to release this if I were her until the dust settled on the divorce.
I guess she thought she would ride the divorce interest wave right into her perfume, but I think the drama surrounding her now takes away from the advertisement.

The timing is odd. Nothing fragrant about a custody battle.

This whole article feels very answer to a question no one asked. I don't think anyone cares that she's not there so why even address it? (Where Is Angelina Jolie During The 2017 Oscars? She Has Other Projects To Focus On)

She's tripping hard here. Wonder how many loons will go into debt buying this stanky stuff? Desperation is the world's worst cologne.

She must be mad as a box of frogs that Brad's plan B wins Oscar again. lol

And she said Brad was the bad parent. Hmmmm.

 I'm not here for it either. Angelina gets no sympathy from me. You got with this man while he was married and you want people to feel sorry for you when it didn't work out?!?! #GirlBye

Jolie is only out trying to promote her reputation

 Meaningless, pseudo intellectual voiceover, falling leaves and sunsets.

First she takes your kids with lies then she's in some foreign country feeding spiders to your kid then she threatens you with that (title of movie) real evil only the truth can set you and your Family free

She gets more disgusting by the minute.

Yeah, the look on her kids face in the photo shows how much she likes to eat bugs. Get the kid a hamburger for cripes sakes.

She got pregnent with Shiloh very quickly after Jen divorced him.
I really believe she only had bio kids with him so he would't run away from her. She didn't want him going back to Jen or finding another woman.
She is very mean and spiteful.
She trapped Brad with 6 kids in 3 years. Who does that?
And not suprising she is fighting with him over this property. Its valued at over $60 million ! I think she wants to keep all the money for herself since she low on cash according to the rumors.

I think it was him who called quits on her. Why else would she be acting so nasty and spiteful?

She is a total witch

What unstable mental jolie just dissapear for good!

If it's cursed it's becauses that witch put a hex on it.

They are rumored to have an airtight pre-nup. I strongly suspect that pre-nup has Mirival becoming Brad's sole property in the event of divorce (since it was purchased and renovated mostly with his money). Any proceeds of the sale, however, would be joint marital assets to be split.
I suspect that is why she keeps pushing and pushing (and planting stories about how a sale is imminent) for months.

I wish this woman would drop dead. She is evil, nasty, mean spirited and a danger to be around children.
Brad got his karma in a way too. He was stupid to star a family with a nutjob like her.

Of course she eats bugs like any mantis... And the head of her mate as well

No thanks

Why did Brad have kids with this crazy woman? Their kids are going to be crazy and weird like her.

There's really something wrong with this nutjob. How about eating actual food once in awhile? I worry about those kids being raised by her without a father.

Didn't DM post this story before? Her PR is really working over time. Angelina is nuts. No wonder Brad couldn't stand her anymore. He was away from her during most time in 2016.

Of course someone who wears blood as jewelry eats bugs. Duh...

She is getting weirder by the day - No wonder she left Brad. Sad for the kids though

That's probably why she is one herself.

No thanks. I'll get my vitamins and minerals from a vitamin.

this creepy female could instead just eat a vegan diet, but it seems she likes to do things that are cruel and creepy.

F off. No wonder why brad packed up. She can eat all the bugs she wants, but can't I just go one day without some bs about how I'm not eating right or exercising enough? Doesn't she understand,like the rest of Hollywood, we don't give a dam about what you all have to say

Ummm after those accusations don’t think he will be calling her.
He spends months at a time on movie sets, the kids were with her in Oz for months so I think he’s fine without seeing them for a week.
Best run Bradders, a sociopath like her keeps coming at you.

This is completely insane about Angelina now 😐🤔
I find her a bit crazy… She will deal a lot of with haters now.. I feel bad for Brad.

Once is a mistake. 
Twice is a pattern. 
Three times is a habit.
A mistake repeated more than once is a decision

How to Make Baked Macaroni


4 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium white onion, chopped
1/2 kilo ground beef
1 medium carrot, minced
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped finely
2 cups spaghetti sauce
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
500 grams elbow macaroni
1/2 cup cheddar cheese for topping
1 pack mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Cook pasta according to package directions and set aside. Preheat the oven to 165°C.

2. In a sauce pot, add oil and melt butter. Sautè garlic for a minute then add the onions.

3. Add the ground beef and let it brown for about 10 minutes.

4. Add the carrots and bell pepper then cook for 5 minutes. Pour the spaghetti sauce and let it simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes.

5. Add the cheese and season with salt and pepper. Let simmer.

6. Pour the cooked macaroni and mix well.

7. Transfer the macaroni mixture to a baking dish. Top with grated cheese and mozzarella. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until the cheese has melted.

not mine.credit and source: YUMMY.PH

Ayam Goreng (Fried Turmeric Chicken Thighs) Recipe


2 cups jasmine rice

1 cup coconut milk

pinch salt

2 tablespoons ground turmeric

1/2 teaspoon curry powder

2 teaspoons ginger, grated

1 teaspoon lemongrass bulb, chopped

pinch salt

8 pieces chicken, use thigh fillet, about 800 grams

3 cups vegetable oil, to deep-fry

2 cups potato starch

1 small cucumber, sliced into thin rounds

bunch cilantro (wansoy)


  1. Make the coconut rice: Combine rice, coconut milk, 2 cups water, and salt in a rice cooker. Cook for one regular cycle, then continue steaming for 10 more minutes.
  2. Make the turmeric chicken: Combine turmeric, curry powder, ginger, lemongrass, and salt in a large bowl. Add chicken and massage spice mixture all over. Set aside.
  3. Heat oil in a heavybottomed pot over medium heat. Dredge chicken in potato starch, shaking off excess. Deep-fry chicken in batches for 8 minutes on oneside. Turn and cook for 2 to 3 more minutes, or until skin is golden and juices run clear when pierced. (Internal temperature of the thickest part of the chicken should read 165°F. If you don't have a thermometer, pierce the center of the chicken with a bamboo skewer; if the tipis warm, then the chicken is cooked through.) Drain chicken on a wire rack.
  4. Serve chicken with coconut rice, cucumber slices, and cilantro leaves.
not mine.credit and source: YUMMY.PH

Saturday, February 25, 2017

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

Friday, February 24, 2017


I love that they pulled the plug on her for Murder on the Orient Express in August. That was before the divorce announcement and means it was purely a result of her diva demands and inability to operate in reality. Pretty much everything Rudin had long before spoken of. Even her current film premiere speaks to this.
She is finito! They are all very clear on her at this point. Add in the PR nightmare that she has become and there is nothing but smoldering ruins left of this woman.

Her hypocrisy knows no bounds. She loves to give the impression she is such a minimalist due to witnessing the conditions of the poorer nations.

Of course she can act all nice now, she can get over her act she put on during the divorce proceedings where she accused Brad of being a child abuser.

She is a real piece of work. A terrible person who did all she could to destroy Brad and now she wants to pretend everything is great and they will always be a family!!!! No one likes her Brad was the one who got her even noticed. NOW she realizes that. She is ruining those kids! Brad get them away from her.

I think those kids are already ruined for Brad. She trots them out and they prance around her like puppets. Look how she wore that hot pink dress while her kids were dressed in drab.

Kids are just pawns to woman in divorce proceedings. Like when she threw out those child abuse allegations, like bitch you were fucking your Brother a few years back - and you think Brad in the danger? Angelina is unstable obv.

She didn't. She tried to and failed, that's why she's trying to walk it back now.

This is Angie's new role. Playing the game of savior for the downrodden. Give me a break. Has anyone noticed how scared her youngest daughter looks in each picture? Dark circles under her eyes and clinging to her mother. Perhaps ol' Angie should think about her OWN flesh and blood and quite dragging her children all over the world and start providing the stable home she says she believes in. Right. She's a mess and her children are going to turn out the same way.

Yes. Vivienne looks traumatized and her twin Knox hardly ever appears in public. I honestly believe AJ is mentally unbalanced. She encourages Shiloh to dress as and identify as male. I'm sure that appeals to her need to be "exceptional".

How much is Maleficent paying you to be her champion. She's a monster. Stay tuned.

Talk about a poison pill! She did all she could to destroy him and now she wants to make nice? She's mental, vindictive, and thinks she's Mother Theresa. And what is with all of these aging celebrities adopting foreign children? Is it because US adoption agencies would never approve them? Angelina, Madonna, Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock must not know that charity begins at home. There are children here who need homes.

She tried to destroy Brad and failed miserably thus the current campaign to restore her "image."

well we all how she dragged Brad through the mud and tried to vilify him and still keeps their kids away from she. She is not a nice person and she thought she could just toss Brad away and continue living as if he never existed.

it's public knowledge she accused Brad of heinous things. she probably started menopause and become intolerable to live with

ITA. And the double mastectomy was elective surgery, more evidence of her need for attention. Take a look at the deep throat kiss with her brother when she got her Oscar. Take a gander at the wearing of vials of each other's blood during her marriage to Thornton. She's mental.

This so much, UNSTABLE Angelina was just kissing (and presumably more) her brother and drinking blood on the red carpet a few years back. She's starving for attention, but she lost my sympathy when she threw our bogus child abuse allegations about Brad during the divorce proceedings.

public knowledge means everyone knew about because it happened. This information was everyone, not just gossip rags.

what a bitch

In the Land of Make No Money
Bored By the Sea
and now,
First they Killed My Budget

because she always consumed with Jealousy with other successful actresses.

The most un employeed actress in hollywood in the last 10 years alone, the most over hyped person in Hollywood despite the prove.

She's all smoke and mirrors. And yeah, she doesn't need a publicist, she's an expert at spinning tales and hype.Too bad it doesn't translate in her creative 

Sorry joLie. Netflix is just a small step above Liftime Movie. It's not Hollywood so she's still OUT.

I believe she grossly underestimated how public opinion of her and Brad would fall. She is backpedalling after coming out swinging re: custody. If he is clear of all allegations then there is no reason for her to be Primary Parent; in effect eliminating a true parental bond by keeping the children away from their Father. 
Shared custody is healthier for the children and keeps child/parent bonds in tact.

Oscar worthy performance she is giving. Oh that's right she has one already for a real movie so real life is easy act for her. Her timing and such on this whole situation screens contrived and planned. I actually feel sorry for Brad in this. And those kids with a nomad life - while educational and a good experience I think it's limiting on the home front and social aspects of same school same bed same stuff - but that's my opinion.

She a hoe anyway

Sure..that is why she is working so hard to keep him from "their" children.

I never thought she could actually act!! I have changed my mind...

Hahaha. I cant stand her. She would be hard work

She is always putting on a show. Don,t believe a word she says

Acting 101

Why must she discuss her personal life publicly ? Have she heard of privacy ?or maybe it's a Hollywood trend to wash your clothes in public !!! What ? Is she fishing for sympathy ?!?! Please ! Get a life !!'

Shut up and go eat some more spiders 

Struggles! Omg. She is so crazy!

Crocodile tears

I don't buy it.

I lost all respect for her


Pain ful my ass what what a lier

Looks like an idiot .

Just because Angelina "chickenpox" Jolie plays a humanitarian in a film or photo ops, doesn't mean she is one. Just because she is able to obtain children from third-world countries, doesn't mean she is a good adopter. She does not speak for any person in the adoption community because she used shady adopters in third-world countries and changed the three-year old's name to Americanize it. A three-year old knows their name.

Cannot stand her she is so fake thinks the better than anyone else never have liked her uses the kids to get you to feel sorry for her

If Angelina doesn't want to talk about the pending divorce, she needs to instruct the shows beforehand or else it's fair game!

Paranoid, attention-seeking psycho.

She cares about wealth NOT health.

Jolie only cares about herself and her image. Yes, she wants to protect her children but she doesn't give two shits about Brad or his relationship with his children. Yes she does amazing humanitarian work but in her personal life, Angelina has always been trashy and always will be.

Brad must be angry. She is disgusting for using the kids and trotting them out to her awful movie premiere!

She's creepy..........and the kids think her weirdness is normal.

Jolie is, IMHO, mentally ill from the get-go. Forget the substances she may use to control the voices in her head. The crazy is strong in this one, and there is no 12 step program that can fix it.

She was not tested because if she had been, it would have shown positive. And people would know Pitt was with Heroin addict. That's why she's not tested

The children always look bored with her or fearful.

So bored. You can see they both know they're on a pap stroll and aren't happy.

Wouldn't mind checking out the numbers in this guy's(Vanaka Chhem-Kieth ) bank account BEFORE and AFTER he took on the job of licking flat ass!

Never, ever pay attention to reviews from a world premiere. Especially when it's held in a place that is enjoying the exposure & basically free tourism advert that is having not only a film set there but a world premiere there. The guests are always specially selected & invited & usually have ties to the film itself (cast, crew, family of) people with ties to the country & thus who want everything to be good & to impress the foreign investors & Hollywood people so they come back & do more films there etc etc. The premiers themselves are always very fancy & the entire atmosphere of it all & the excitement at it being the first showing & the glitz of celebrity & mass media etc all make people gush even if they have no clue why they are gushing. Remember the reactions & reviews from the world premiere of Unbroken in Australia? It was as if she had made Casablanca or something, they were all so wowed by the event itself & fact they were proud/promoting Aussie involvement in its making you never get an honest view at those first screenings.
It may well be a good film, I wouldn't be surprised if it's at least a good adaptation/representation since the original author was a screenwriter & they have used people in the cast & crew who were know the history or were witness to events & so anything absurdly wrong I suspect wouldn't have been allowed to get into the film. It may be another Unbroken where the directing actually brings down the story. But don't take the word of people at a world premiere who have a vested interest in putting across a positive view, wait for more people to see it, more people who know movies, who's judgement has a proven track record.

She is such a HYPOCRITE

Shows she is completely clueless and just out for a bit of self promotion...

Marion latest photo.Sexy and pregnant. Wouldn't this sent a ho into downward spiral?
You're not seeing the whole picture. She is healthy and proportionate. She has great legs. She has real blue eyes that the covetous junkie Ho has to have photoshopped into her magazine spreads. She is a true acting talent with more accolades than Jolie has ever hoped to receive. She is respected and not a camp event.
She really is French, does speak her native language and English. She has an old world charm. A sense of humor and gets on well with colleagues.
Most of all She is Working as much as she wants and has multiple movies premiering in the same two month time period.
Not so positive, but in Jolie's eyes the most desirable trait is that she is being talked about as having had an affair with a married man....and also being mentioned as being able to achieve pregnancy without medical help. Jolie always loved being the one that interfered in a relationship and thought that she achieved a great fete with her medical assisted pregnancy. That MC may have done the first and the second quite naturally would be something that Jolie would be envious of...don't forget her last film. Written, directed and starring herself...Ho's most inner thoughts in one film. Seducing a married man, husband of a pregnant newlywed. Jolie screaming Barren!
If Marion is a graceful or coordinated dancer, that would be the final humiliation for the Ho.

Quite revealing is that no directors work with her twice.
And besides the requisite positive comments while a movie is being promoted, I never heard of any director that acted thrilled to have worked with her afterwards. No comment, but no future projects.

Jolie has become box office poison by definition: she simply can't fill seats anymore. Too bad, so sad. More significantly, she's Hollywood poison. She was never "popular" with the Hollywood crowd, she didn't have friends, didn't fit in, didn't play the game right - but anyone who makes money in Hollywood is at least tolerated if not well-received. Through "Changeling," she was still perceived to be a star, a major actress with high potential if not one who had managed to bring it on home in any film since GI. Then came The Tourist. Since then, it seems to be an industry joke that Jolie is the biggest washout since liquid Tide. Her roles have comprised a couple Disney voiceovers of a cartoon tiger and a starring role as Disney's most evil witch.
Jolie isn't just box office poison. She's the Film Terminator. She thought that she wasn't being given the right chances - out of jealousy of her great talent, perhaps? :roll: She decided she was a director and broke the best selling book by Hildebrand, Unbroken. Okay. She needed total control. Writing, directing, starring, producing, everything. She got it, with help from Brad's bank account. We all smelled fish. Rotten fish.
Hollywood will forgive mistakes with one great hit. Hollywood loves a comeback, but mostly Hollywood loves money. The only thing Jolie knows how to do with money is lose it in record time.

I can't stand the woman. Put her in Cambodia with very little money and no luxury housing and see how long she stays. She can eat all the spiders and bugs she wants, it's not going to help her image. I would suggest she not move out of the country with the kids either as Brad has more money, family, friends and support. No judge would let a crazy woman take kids away from a father who's stable and has proven he loves his kids.

Patti LaBelle's Cooking Show

T STYLE MAGAZINE: Brad Pitt by Craig McDean

T STYLE MAGAZINE: Brad Pitt by Craig McDean

Chocolate crumpets


  • 350ml milk
  • 200g plain flour
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp fast-action dried yeast
  • 1 tbsp golden caster sugar
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil, plus extra for the pan


  1. Heat 300ml of the milk in a pan until it just starts to bubble around the edges, then leave it to cool until it is tepid.
  2. Measure out the flour and then put 3 tbsp back into the bag. Add the cocoa, yeast and sugar and then stir the milk in, a little at a time, until you have made a smooth batter. Cover and leave to rise in a warm place for 1hr-1hr 30 mins or until doubled in size and very bubbly. Stir in a little more milk if the batter is very thick, if it is too thick the bubbles won’t rise to the surface as well.
  3. When risen, add the remaining 50ml milk to the batter to let it down a little, then heat the grill to high. Lightly oil the insides of 4 x 9cm metal crumpet rings or metal cooks’ rings. Heat a large non-stick frying pan or griddle pan over a low-medium heat, add 1 tbsp oil and put the rings in the pan. Spoon the batter into the rings until they are half full. Let the crumpets cook slowly for about 10 mins or until the mixture has set and the bubbles on top have all popped. Lift the rings away carefully. Repeat with the remaining mixture.
  4. If you now want to grill your crumpets, transfer your pan (if it has a heatproof handle) to the grill and cook until the tops are golden brown. If your pan doesn't have a heatproof handle, transfer the crumpets to a baking sheet and grill them on that instead. Can be made up to a day ahead or frozen until ready to grill and serve.
not mine.credit and source: BBC GOODFOOD

Thursday, February 23, 2017

How Brad Pitt went from Hollywood hunk to movie mogul

Karl Quinn
FEBRUARY 24 2017

For more than a decade Brad Pitt has been carefully building a plan B, as a producer. It looks to be paying off big time.

If you want to dazzle your friends on Monday with your depth of Oscar-related trivia, you might casually mention that Brad Pitt has been nominated for six Academy Awards, with one win so far. But if you really want to impress them, you'll need to remember the role for which he collected that little gold man.

Was it as the teeth-tapping madman Jeffrey Goines in 12 Monkeys, for which he was nominated as best supporting actor in 1996? Or as a man who lives his life in reverse in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (best actor 2009)? Or maybe as the number-crunching baseball team manager Billy Beane in Moneyball (best actor again, 2012)?

Actually, it was none of those.

Brad Pitt's sole Oscar win has come in the role for which he has garnered least notice to date – as a movie producer.

When 12 Years a Slave collected the best picture Oscar in 2014, Pitt was one of the five producers who took home a statuette (the best picture award is given to the producers, not the director, of the film). His co-winners were Steve McQueen, who also directed, independent producer Anthony Katagas, and Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner, the co-presidents of Plan B, Pitt's production company.

This year, his Plan B will be among the contenders again, with Moonlight up for eight Academy Awards, including best picture.

It is the fourth year straight the company has had a best picture nominee, after 12 Years... (2014), Selma (2015) and The Big Short (2016). In a relatively short space of time, it has emerged as a major-minor player, racking up receipts (global box office of more than $US2.4 billion), favourable notices, and award nominations, an uncommon trifecta in the movie business.

Pitt launched Plan B in 2001 with his then wife Jennifer Aniston and Hollywood executive Brad Grey. Grey exited soon after, when he was appointed top dog at Paramount (a job from which he has just been dumped, following a $US450 million loss for the studio last financial year).

When he and Aniston divorced, Pitt assumed sole ownership of the company, which had been around in name since 1996, passing through a few sets of hands before reaching the glamour couple.

The first film produced by Plan B was Troy, in 2004. It gave us the memorable sight of Pitt in a leather skirt, and was a reasonable success in commercial terms (taking about $US500 million worldwide, on a budget of $US175 million), but the sword-and-sandals epic gave little indication of the direction Plan B would head in years to come.

It didn't take long for this boutique production house to start mixing it with the big boys. In 2006, the firm produced Martin Scorsese's The Departed, which won four Oscars the following February, including best picture (including, finally, a best director award for Scorsese, who had been nominated and overlooked five times before that).

Pitt is listed in the movie's credits as one of that film's four producers. But only one of them, Englishman Graham King, received an Oscar.

That was down to the Academy's guidelines on who is eligible, which state in part: "The nominees will be those three or fewer producers who have performed the major portion of the producing functions." The rules are rubbery, though. Producing teams can sometimes be treated as a single producer, and producers ruled out can appeal, and sometimes be ruled back in.

At any rate, the Academy ruled in the case of The Departed that neither Pitt nor Grey was eligible. Nor will Pitt be invited onto the winners' podium should Moonlight win best picture next week – the nominated producers are Plan B's Gardner and Kleiner and independent producer Adele Romanski, who initiated the project with writer-director Barry Jenkins in 2013.

But while Gardner and Kleiner are clearly the driving forces in Plan B, Pitt isn't just a nominal producer. There are films on which he takes an executive producer credit – a sure sign that his involvement isn't very hands-on – but on plenty of Plan B's titles he is credited as one of a small number of producers. Indeed, on some of the company's forthcoming pictures (many of which will undoubtedly fall by the wayside) he is the only credited producer.

Hollywood is of course full of producers, some of whom might never have even been on a movie set. On Terrence Malick's Voyage of Time: Life's Journey, for instance, 23 people get a producer credit of some stripe (Pitt is one of seven listed as a producer proper).

The Producers Guild of America draws a distinction between those who have merely traded cash for cache or been cogs in a machine and those who have been genuinely instrumental in getting a film conceived, financed and/or distributed. The Academy largely follows suit when it comes to Oscar eligibility. It hasn't entirely stopped the stampede to the stage on awards night, but it has at least cut down on the work of those who engrave the names on the statuettes.

At 53, it seems Pitt is easing himself into a future where he will inevitably seem less viable as a leading man. He has 42 producer credits on imdb.com. On about half of those he is listed as a producer – one of the people who actually make the thing happen – rather than an executive producer (someone who makes sure they make it happen, usually on behalf of a studio or other financial backer).

True, he also appears in many of the films he has a producer credit on, but it's often no more than a cameo or small role – just enough to help make the project more appealing to those who will bankroll, distribute or screen it.

It's a smart way to leverage on-screen appeal to build an off-screen business, but ultimately Plan B will have to outgrow its owner's star power if it is to go the distance. And that's where projects such as Moonlight and the Netflix TV series The OA matter so much. Their success owes nothing to Pitt onscreen.

Indeed, it's highly likely that at some point Plan B will become Pitt's plan A. Maybe that is already starting to happen.

The company has four films slated for release in the near future; Pitt is a producer of two, an EP of the other two, and appears in only one of them, War Machine, a satire about the military campaign in Afghanistan directed by Australian David Michod (Animal Kingdom).

Since 2010, Pitt has acted in 10 movies and produced 10. He has also produced two TV series. There have been big-budget blockbusters such as World War Z (with a sequel in the works, allegedly to be directed by David Fincher) and Fury, as well as quirky smaller films such as Moneyball and Kick-Ass.

And of course there have been the critical darlings.

To date, Plan B has notched up 36 Oscar nominations since its first (for costume design), in 2005, for Troy. It has won nine, and if the predictions hold true, Moonlight looks set to add to that tally come Monday.

Whether that happens of not, it's fair to say Pitt's plan B is working out just fine. For now at least, successful producer is a role he appears to have nailed.

Plan B at the Oscars

Troy 1 nomination, 2005. No producer credit for Pitt

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 1 nomination, 2006. No producer credit for Pitt

The Departed 5 nominations, 4 wins, 2007. No Oscar for Pitt, despite being one of four credited producers

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 2 nominations, 2008. Pitt was one of five producers

The Tree of Life 3 nominations, 2012. Pitt was one of six named producers

12 Years a Slave 9 nominations, 3 wins, 2014. Pitt was one of five eligible producers

Selma 2 nominations, 1 win, 2015. No producer credit for Pitt

The Big Short 5 nominations, 1 win, 2016. Pitt was one of four producers

Moonlight 8 nominations 2017. No producer credit for Pitt

not mine.credit and source: THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD


Anything for a headline

What did she open up about again? Because it looks like her answers were non-answers.

Was this before or after she lied about him 'abusing' them to gain custody?

He was abusive last month but he's a great father this month? #SmellsOfShit

You left him lady, don't cry your crocodile tears and expect everyone to believe your upset!!

She is an actress. She spends her time pretending to be someone she isn't. She can turn the tears on and off. Better news our there than this crap.

Last time she said he was abusive father !!Ur story change more than ur clothes .Snorting too much coke aye

 She is playing the media to sway public opinion as she looks like a manipulative jerk

She needs to go away like now.

I don't see the point in another movie about Khmer Rouge . I saw the movie The Killing Fields (1984) and it was an excellent movie . I'll never forget the scene when the guy escapes and literally walks over a field full of skulls . Just like how they remade Mad Max and it sucked ... I wont even bother with her movie .

What a superficial idiot

Dang , you know those kids don't want to eat a spider !!!

She is so far from normal. Brad Pit was not too bright to not have seen she has many "issues". I question his judgement for having so many children with this one

Not buying it. She's on "damage control" to fix her image. Image is sooooo important to her.
Im calling FAKE

She has never been normal blood drinker brother kisser she is crazy weird that's what she is and eating spiders she is just crazy weird

 She is "adjusting" because she has to. I long ago stopped watching any movie she starred or directed.

Disney icon? Calm down Teen Vogue.

This is some of her best acting. And the sad part is she is not acting: calculating

The woman was always a Wacko!!! All the Drugs she took damaged her brain!!! Poor kids!!!!!

Blah blah blah....always a family..... right, Then splits it!

Beware. A wolf 🐺 in sheeps 🐑 clothing.

She'll do or say anything to get publicity.

Funny what people do to get media attention

What about the poor tarantulas!?!?! 😳 what did they do to deserve to be killed and eaten so Angie can look like she cares about Cambodia!!????!!!!

Exactly. Anything for press attention

Damage control. Trying to humanise her , public reaction has been very negative towards her. Bet it was a shock. Brad getting such a positive welcome from the acting community must have really hurt. For all her humanitarian work she is not liked.

 That's what I have thought ever since the awards show where everyone gave him such a warm sincere welcome. The very next day she had it announced she wanted to keep the divorce proceedings private "for the children". She really did start a damage control campaign. Now this! It really isn't our business but she put it all out there to slander him and try to make herself look like an injured party. So, now we have opinions.

I thought she was leaving acting and becoming a full time director and politician?

 You're surprised that a woman that once wore a vial of her lover's blood around her neck would feed her kids bugs? Seriously?

I'm so glad I went team Brad in the Breakup.

what a joke she is

I thought she was going to keep this all private. Oh, wait, she must have a new movie coming out and needs the publicity. My sympathies to the children.

Fly Free Brad Pitt ~ i believe in You ~ xo. = )

Shes a sick fork....shes changing her tune now bc she realized follywood tolerated her bc of brad pitt....in all their discord, follywood rather support brad than her. Follywood hunchos find her unbearable.

Faux pas...My children..."our children" that says it all...she used Pitt for a sperm donor..now she wants solo control over them..

If he is a wonderful father and you will always be a family, why are you divorcing him

What surprises me most is that so many apparently find her attractive. She looks more like a monster to me

Every time she opens her mouth, pure silliness comes out.

attention seeker looking to make herself look good at the expense of brad.damning him with faint praise wont fool the public who,apart from the usual sycophants can see right through her.

she is a satanist and should be forbidden to have any children. A truly vile woman

Inevitable outcome. As soon as she started collecting foreign children and wanting one of every rainbow type, Brad should've dumped her.

This Cambodian tour was really shameless, and and she thoroughly pimped the kids for her movie promotion. Selling family life for PR, what a great mother! She should just shut up her lying mouth and go away, because I don't want to see her again for a long time, perhaps never.

She lost the PR war before she started it. I can't believe she thought she would. Maybe she is not as smart as everyone gives her credit for.

Brad should never have hooked up with Angelina in the first place.

Those poor kids tho. I would bet she is playing some crazy kind of head games with them. She won't win the PR war but she might with the kids.

It is all blowing up in her face and she is freaking out.  But it is far from over.  She will now use her children as weapons against Brad Pitt as a power trip.

How about Brad take the three that belong to him and she can take the other three.  Everyone's happy,

Of course Pitt wants his kids. But he's said from the start that he wants shared custody. I doubt he'd refuse full custody, tho. You could see in his face how miserable he was after Jolie pulled her stunt. She's just suddenly realized no one likes her but everyone likes Brad. She's flaunting those kids in Pitt's face, especially poor little Shiloh. And what sane woman feeds her kids tarantulas? Jolie is unstable. Always has been.

She is a C-list actress at best.  She needs Brad's name to be relevant.

Angelina Jolie may have used bigs guns like BBC and ABC to relaunch herself after the divorce but it looks like her PR stunt is not swaying the public opinion. Still a lot of hatred out there for this woman.

I cannot stand Angie after this divorce stunt. Do not think I would pay to ever see another picture of hers and I bet a lot of other people feel the same way. She is box office poison now.

nother massive "ego bath" with smug looks instead of genuine emotive acting. Her obsession with one-dimensional heroism, an kind of excessive individualism, and shallower-than-a-puddle strong-women projects is off-putting. Totally and utterly culturally unsophisticated.

I see that she's currently wearing her Groucho Marx 'fuzzy caterpillar' eyebrows in an effort to look human. Hahahahaha-hahaha-haha! We know it's still you, Ange, and we know you're still a Bee.

Sorry dear, you might as well retire. You've wrecked your family and your reputation.

Just go away... nobody wants to see you in anything because you are a horrible actress and an even worse human being.

Yawn. Over-rated actress.

"just not with this overrated actress in the lead." Yep, and you can bet your bottom dollar she'll be insisting the script turns Catherine into the one-dimensional heroine she's always playing.

She blew this one that is for sure.

First They Killed My Budget....

Even the seven Earth-sized planets in NASA's new discovery are not big and large enough to contain AJ's ego. But she should visit them anyway, after all she suits the name "Trappist". She traps people as and when she wants. And now she trapped herself. But of course, actually her kids discovered those exoplanets while they were playing professional-level tennis with the two hamsters by the sea, haven't you heard?

I want to age like Brad Pitt. Just like a fine bottle of 🍷.

What a complete freak! I can see trying it or learning about it - but she seems to be making it a meal. Do the kids have a choice? This isn't normal.

Oh, I know!  How many times has she admitted she can't cook, Brad always did it, and yadda, yadda.  How often has she EVER done interviews with her kids on full display?  And now she's doing these pieces where she's trying to look like some kind of Martha Stewart?  hahahahahaha  Oh, man.  She's such a joke.

No one "deserves" to be falsely accused of crimes against their children.

She's got a documented mental illness and has done time in an asylum.  That's why she cannot adopt children from the United States.  She's turned it around to make herself look good, like, "Oh, I want my family to look like the United Nations..." but the truth is, she can ONLY adopt OUTSIDE the states.

Angelina Jolie may have used bigs guns like BBC and ABC to relaunch herself after the divorce but it looks like her PR stunt is not swaying the public opinion. Still a lot of hatred out there for this woman.

I have never liked anything she has done. She is a crazy sick in the mind person. I hope the kids survive her, but i am sure the will be making the trashy headlines in the future.

She is stupid, now she has to backpedal big time. Brad is now a wonderful dad! Priceless! And she thinks we forget that she called the FBI and DCFS on him, she accused him falsely.

This is really bad parenting.
Am I ever feeling sorry for the real producers, executive level and otherwise, on the film.

Why the need to even say, she can be picky and doesn't have to take what she doesn't want to.
HW stars don't talk that way to media. Roles are not the plentiful. UK actors are competing too. Not even Jen Lawrence would say that. Neither would Meryl Streep (who actually does take mediocre parts sometimes).
So why do articles get written to explicitly state Holie can pick and choose roles? Clearly it isn't even true. But somebody sure wants this 'grandiose, highly esteemed person of HW' label.

doesn't this contradict yesterday's article that basically said Angie doesn't give a fuckk about Hollywood

 what in the world is that accent?

And the world gives zero f***s about it.

So why did she insist on supervised visits?

shes changed her tune, she was slating him before

She's so calculating

tl;dr  "I need you to come see my movie"

 this what happens when you're told 2 get in line or you'll never work in this town again.

She doesn’t appear to even know her own mind

he has a lucky escape from this bat-shit crazy broad.

there is nothing for her to Picky, come on this the woman who waited 10 years Cleo to be made, This woman no one give her job , She only create hype over her over Zero Job.

Can't she just drive her kids around in a Yukon XL in LA if she's so "pure and caring"? When is eating spiders a bucket list item? Fear Factor was canceled a long time ago.

Yup. This is one of those if you have to say it, isn't true situations. If she was able to pick and choose she wouldn't have to say it. If she was drowning in projects it would be obvious, she wouldn't have to say so. The fact that she has to speak to these things at all tells you everything you need to know. BTW, this clearly came straight from her camp, the self-serving spin, the shameless self-promotion and the grandiosity in her all over.

yep that what we heard for the last 12 years her narcissist wounded propaganda. We never heard non of actor or actress mention how they have to pick and choose, they are so big big , blah blah, non from hollywood have been constantly written such shallow thing. The one even like the real real box office champions. we never heard from them such a thing. Only insecure jobless spread this to feel good about herself .

She likes that Viv is insecure and needs constant support. She has groomed her to be this way.

She blew this one that is for sure.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Angelina Jolie confirms retirement: 'I've never loved acting'  2014
Angelina Jolie Says She's “Absolutely” Quitting Acting
Angelina Jolie to Quit Acting: 'I've Never Been Comfortable as an Actor'
Angelina Jolie confirms plan to retire from acting - Telegraph
Angelina Jolie confirms retirement from acting | Film | The Guardian

How Line up if non of the studios mentioned it. The woman is desperate

Paid Article by her Manager. This one Angelina Jolie Lines Up New Acting, Directing Projects (Exclusive)

Taking her children to events that have nothing to do with them just to show what a great

mother/person she is does not look smart to me.Leave them home,let them go to school with other children,make them live a normal life,that is what they need

Dream On! Can't you read between the lines - studios know she is not worth the hassle so they are dropping her from films.

I'll pass on anything she is associated with. She's scary looking and nothing she does is profitable or entertaining.

I don't think anyone in Hollywood has ever liked Jolie. She thinks this business is beneath her even though it made her all that money and opened all those doors.
She's going to have a tough time going forward after dragging Pitt and the kids through this very public ugliness. Whatever their issues, she completely mishandled it PR wise.
The fact that she's blowing so much money on a film no one will see and having her 15 year old Exec Producing isn't going to help her. That film premiere in Cambodia was one big ego trip. She exploited an entire country to keep pushing her philanthropy brand. So shameless.

No doors would have opened for her if she wasn't Jon Voight's daughter. She benefitted from Hollywood nepotism. Ungrateful wretch.

"Set that scene up"
THIS is the problem with her PR antics. Exploiting the leaders of a country for personal gain. Thankfully, people are catching on.

Can she ever direct a film that has some entertainment value to it. All her films so far as a director are just pretentious and tedious and about the same thing (war and misery). Direct an action film or a crime drama with style.

Doesn't matter what Hollywood does. America is done with her

Yeah you're right she doesn't need a publicist when She got : 
6 Kids to shield her from public scrutiny and for Photo ops
4 Lawyers Laura Wasser, Robert Offer, Pierce O'Donnell and Bert Fields
1 Crisis manager Judy Smith
2 Political adivers/Assistant/PR Arminka Helic and Chloe Dalton
1 Manager Geyer the Liar' Kosinski

So after she accused Brad of being a drug addicted raging monster that needs supervised visits with their children she wants to appear as if she is really trying, or she is selling her movie and is worried after realizing Hollywood chose Brad over her. She is so manipulative.

IMO she's a mental case who shouldn't be around children let alone have custody of any. As far as I can see she's always been driven by a need to stand out and be perceived as controversial. The matching vials of each others blood when she was with Billy Bob Thornton, the encouraging Shiloh to dress and act like a boy, keeping Knox in virtual seclusion, that throat plunging kiss with her brother when she won the Oscar, adopting foreign children when there are so many American kids who need homes all speak to her need to be different. She did all she could to destroy Brad and now she is peacemaking? She's done for as far as movies are concerned.

She's fake , evil and wooden.

The only role she was ever any good in was Girl Interrupted and let's face it she was playing herself......she's just not that great an actress.

I can't wait not to see any of these movies if Angelina's involved.

These movies will fail because of the genres. Who will really go watch these two period pictures. They have already been made a dozen times. Personally, I think her Hollywood career is over. Mr. & Mrs. Smith was the last movie I watched, and we all know what happened with that movie.

so SUPERMOM who is minding the children,,6 nannies

She is a dreadful actress though (unless playing a nutty b!t@h). She will ruin these films.

I'm afraid recent events have put me off going to see anything she's in. Actions have reactions.

You couldn't pay me enough money, to have to sit through a movie of hers. Over rated, nasty bag of bones.

Too bad Angie. Brad got custody of Hollywood in the divorce

How true. Since, by the leaked emails, we know that the only reason HWood tolerated her was because of Brad, there's no way by all that's holy, they have her at the top of the casting lists now.

She can 'plot her comeback' all she likes. She won't be successful. In fact it's probably not even true, something else leaked to the media to make her seem still in demand...

Yep, name one other actor who has EVER published such a ridiculous article as this one. You can't because no-one ever does. Real deals are done behind closed doors and this piece is simply the deluded Angie trying to link herself to big projects and make herself sound sought-after / relevent but she has only managed to make herself sound insane. It's this kind of misguided PR that has made her a laughing stock in HW. None of the top publicists will want to be linked to her, she is becoming as ridiculous as Lindsay Lohan.

I didn't even pause to read the claptrap whichever one of her personalities was spewing. I came straight to the comments to see if anyone actually thought she could pull off that role.

Go away, woman. You are yesterday's news.

Yes, she is a has-been.

With so many talented actresses out there, I'd suggest any movie executives think very carefully before hiring this unappealing woman. She will not make you any money, just make you a laughing stock.

I've read elsewhere that she'd need to go to China for financing now as Hollywood is unlikely to touch her. That sounds more plausible than this list of projects

Good Luck - Maleficent did not do too well in China.

More BS from Angie though I did like that the chairman of Fox studios dropped Angie from the Murder on the Orient Express movie because of the months of Angie's notes about script changes. Who in hell does she think she is & lovely that Hollywood is also apparently saying that now!

If this is true, which I doubt to be honest, what about the kids? Just dragged along for her Single Mother Martyr status? This woman needs to catch a clue!

To play the great Catherine, she would have to actually eat! I guess she could wear a fat suit!

I think this news is her reaction to all the articles which said that Brad "has custody" of Hollywood and she is not wanted anymore.

Catherine the Great would make a great movie but can't see Jolie doing justice to the role. Not sure she is a good actress...?

Hollywood is over her 'holier than thou' act. I know I certainly am.

Not suprising. I have a feeling her attorneys command hefty fees

That's a whole lot of back pedaling you're doing there Angie! New PR by any chance?!

Too late to back down now, Ang... you already ruined your reputation by lying.

She's one person who can't keep her man.

She never loved Brad if she can turn on him so completely. The reason she is doing an about face is because she is scared of what will come out if Brad retaliates.

Apparently Brad had compiled a dossier of all her insane behaviour which she definitely doesn't want made public. He refused to use it in the divorce battle. The 'volte face' is because he says he is considering it now. Hence the BIG climb down.

Every time I see her all I think is " PANTS ON FIRE!" :-)

This woman is not playing with a full deck.

When it comes to food, Angelina sure has some strange tastes. Is feeding the family bugs and tarantulas perhaps her way of getting the family "healthier" after the divorce. What would "wonderfu father " Brad have to say.

I've never liked her.

She tried to destroy Brad but took herself down instead.

Well b.itch, with no education and no socialization you've really set them all up for 100% failure. Way to be.

She hates him because her lies have been exposed and the public has her number now.

She uses the child or children she needs to suit her at the moment.

This crazy Bleet is acting like she's foreign royalty and making a state visit and her spud are a bunch of heirs to her regal dynasty.

Angie finally got a loon to write a positive article about her but of course she always goes too far in the blowing smoke up her ass aspect!

Still committed to the narrative that she is above her industry and the people in that, while at the same time still clearly not willing to leave it.
Still claiming that her last movie is her last movie.
Still trying to make us believe that she does not care about fame, only the "work", but unable to let the work speak for itself during movie promotion, instead hogging 95% of the spotlight from actor (and the 5% she let them have still had her lurking around clinging to them on mag covers like plastic wrap)
Yeah...jolie is so totally over Hollywood.

For years we keep hearing that Angie doesn't give a fuckk about Hollywood then tell me this - why doesn't she just retire from acting, directing & writing? She cares more than any other actress I have ever seen - there is a reason she manipulated the media all these years & it had everything to do with her position in Hollywood.

Yep she have been saying this, but we she has been begging for Cleo for the last 10 years, we saw it on Sony leak, and now she start claiming that as if Hollywood actor and actress so obsessed about her life and divorce. I did not see non of them even mention even when it happen, Why does she desperately care for them to care?

Yep, Jolie will never be over Hollywood. :lol: She is nothing but a Kardashian without the image of 'actress' etc. When her looks vanished with the increase of drug addiction, she switched to directing and when that was going south she started looking for accolades from the faux humanitarian schtick. Pope handshake, Hague got her a damedom, etc.
She's not finished with Hollywood...they are finished with her....and that is why she is pushing so d@mn hard that the kids are the driving force behind these projects. She'll coattail the kids, just like Marcia, pushing them into Hollywood, trying to deal and merge them in some way, just so that her fame is still relevant. She needs that fame desperately for her relevance as a faux humanitarian. She is only useful as long as she has that fame and link to Hollywood.
Who in the world scale of fame heard of Helic before Jolie romanced her into that partnership? Without Hollywood, Jolie is just Helic or Dalton and her usefulness is just as limited.

she almost drop her crocodile tear

Is this her response? The 'you can't fire me, I quit' line?  Pathetic.

At this point, she's unmarketable; she has basically ended up destroying her reputation and she's clearly on a downward spiral. No one can save her, but many people don't want to. She clearly doesn't' want to grow up and she was never a bankable actress when she was just on the fringes of the industry socially. After Brad hooked up with her, all that changed, but now she's fully over in Hollywood. If not for Brad, she would have been finis years ago.

How Line up if non of the studios mentioned it. The woman is desperate

The studio chairman dropped her from Murder on the Orient Express after months of hassling over her script notes - she is done - without Pitt she is no longer on the A-list. What a pain in the ass she must have been to work with - it's gonna bite her in the ass - I always knew it because she has never worked with the same director twice.

Angie has none!

No just sly wording again.
She mulling over directing a novel.... not even in pre-production.
She's developing 2 acting roles, still doesn't mean in pre-production.
The only thing this states is confirmed is starring in Male 2 and she producing a kiddie show... with the same Disney that gave her an advance.

 I am more inclined to believe it is just damage control and not solid .

She can get these roles, but it does not mean she will get good reviews or a hefty box office return. It doesn't mean she'll get the best co-stars or best celebs to come to her premieres. Or that she will get respectable press coverage.

Using your children (and what they're going through with the divorce) shamelessly to promote yourself and your movie is disgusting. And torturing animals to, yet again, go for that shock value that got you are where you are today - such an adventurous and down-to-earth humanitarian you are, eh? Tell us again about all of your expensive properties, other materialistic items, and endeavors.

Angelina Jolie, You are a Shameless, Vile, Unhinged Piece of Sh*t

I have one rational explanation: she is truly a BPD and a narcissist, who lives in another world. Maddox is doomed, I agree.

I think so many people--myself included--had fallen for her fake reinvention of herself, she thought she was going to be able to sell this as well. Hollywood doesn't matter that much so long as "the people" respect you and are willing to pay money to see your movies. I think she started really buying her own press. I mean, who could have seen it first and thought By the Sea was a good idea? 
She didn't let enough out about the kids for people to see what a shitty mother she actually is. Her obvious change of position on Brad's parenting and then getting caught making false charges against him have instead revealed her entire years-long ruse.
But to answer your question, I guess she truly thought Brad would get criminal child abuse charges or at least CPS would back her up. If that had happened, her press would look very different at this point, I think.


Grew up feeling superior, having grandiose fantasies, needing to be admired, and lacking empathy.
Is unkind, greedy, arrogant, and callously exploits others.
Not due to a medical or substance use disorder. (Although they often abuse substances to cope with the world's lack of recognition of their "specialness." )
Can last for years or be lifelong
Occupational-Economic Problems: 
Causes significant impairment in academic, occupational and/or social functioning
Works poorly with others (self-centered, can't tolerate criticism or defeat, has a "know-it-all" attitude, doesn't listen to advice from others - hence can make impulsive grandiose decisions that prove disastrous)
Critical, Quarrelsome (Low Agreeableness): 
False Sense Of Superiority: 
Arrogant; feels superior to others; has snobbish or patronizing attitudes
Has a grandiose sense of self-importance
Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
Believes that he or she is "special" and should associate with other high-status people
Has a sense of entitlement
Is often envious of others
Is interpersonally exploitative
Lacks empathy
Theatrical, Seductive (High Extraversion): 
Requires excessive admiration

She has no idea what she is actually doing to herself.

Would the world please put a stop to her idiocy? This has gone on long enough and frankly someone should take her platform away and make her go back to special ed. The serious people need to stop indulging her delusions of grandeur and she shouldn't be allowed to meet a king and make speeches at an embassy.


About the biokids: I've already written here that they are loved in Springfield because they are a joy to be around. They have been with the grandparents more often than you think, here we don't know every move of them, the Springfield community can keep secrets and don't call the paps.

She is totally hated.

Vivienne looks disgusted & upset. 

She's all "Eat your effing tarantula and make like you love it, there are photographers here to take pictures of Mommy and you'd better not cack it up."

Yeah she doesn't have a publicist, she has an entire team of crisis managers & advisors! She is involved herself as she is a complete control freak but never forget she has employees & people she hires as & when needed that fulfil the job of a publicist even if their job title isn't publicist.

because they are not lable as publicists, They are called hidden smear campaigns .

Yeah, Jolie doesn't need a publicist. She has a fixer, the coven and Wasser.

She chose to speak with respected news networks instead of with publications such as People or The Hollywood Reporter, which shows maybe she doesn’t care so much about the opinions of Hollywood insiders.

And this did not win her any respect, so it was a wasted effort. :mrgreen: 
Jolie has such a rampant ego that she wants to be seen as superwoman. That's why she hides her crew of nannies and is now hiding her PR.
Nobody is fooled by you Jolie 

Yes, because any top publicist would recommend that you come out of hiding with a video showing you ripping the fangs off a wriggling tarantula, dropping it in some grease and then eating it with your young children. Especially when you used to wear a vial of blood around your neck and everyone in the Western hemisphere suspects you of being crazy. 

nobody is jumping on her bs train