June 16,2018
Billy Bob, so your only problem with Angelina was that she likes to travel? You had no issues with her heroin addiction, incestual relationship with her brother, estrangement with father, blood necklaces, or fact that she's basically the Wicked Witch of the West? 🤷♀️
I call B.S...Jolie is crazed in the mind somewhere...can stick with a project or a man or a relationship for only so long and then she turns on it or them---and turns in a horrible ugly way. She totally detests herself, her upbringing and takes it out on those who show love to her. I pray for those adopted kids...she'll soon tire of them too, and if doesnt wathc it just might lose cutody right now, given the routine she's pulling on Brad Pitt....man did he get suckered. Jolie is ugly and awful inside, just a scared little vindicative girl with Daddy issues. Stay away from her and her movies.
You guys forgot to mention the fact that Billy Bob was engaged to Laura Dern when he met Angelina and subsequently broke it off with her to get with Angelina....
Laura Dern dodged a bullet.
aww, jolie got her ex-husband to do some damage control. gee, BB, how's your current wife feel about this?
Maddox is a problem. He and AJ have a very unhealthy co-dependant relationship. He is competing with BP. If I were BP, I would not care whether he wanted to spend time with me.
What a surprise, Jolie's rep lied again, the court docs are absolutely available. Noone leaked it. This woman is still trying to demonize Brad in the press. This is truly outrageus and sad. She deserves to lose custody.
Hope I'm wrong, but feel like the oldest son is causing a lot of tension.
Shiloh & Vivienne always look embarrassed. I'm sure Angelina encourages them to act like boys, it gets Angelina props for being so understanding & progressive & modern.
The eldest kid creeps me to no end.
Get Vivienne away from this woman. She is destroying her.
Jolie's abhorrent character has just been confirmed by a judge. She probably does feel great, no conscience.
Why would maddox not want to spend time with brad, the man who adopted him and took him as his own son, unless angie has turned him against brad.
Ange says the kids are doing great but they all need therapist and can't see their dad...hmmm ok
Now she's releasing self serving info to press after last weeks bad court stuff on her lol
Brad's doing great now she'sdoing great. and refugee trip again. lmao. She really doesn't have an original bone in her body.
Says her PR team....She will never recover from what she did to Brad and the kids.
Oh, just watch. She'll probably make a huge, very public donation to a children's hospital in the coming weeks.
She will more likely donate to her own foundation - much better tax outcome for her!
Angelina has always been hateful since she was young. Her mother taught her to hate on her dad. She hated her dad for her whole life until recently she let him in because she had no other man to lean on, even her slave brother didn't wan to be with her anymore. She hated her dad for cheating on her mother, but is ok for her to wreck other's woman's marriage. She is a horrible human being
The only way that witch is doing great is if she is performing human sacrifice.
The kids need someone normal in their lives.
Sadly they will never be normal with her as a mother.
Jolie doesn't care about that, or even understand what you mean as she doesn't have healthy boundaries herself. As long as it makes her look good she won't consider their mental development, especially as it will be hard for her to judge it given her own diagnosed personality disorder.
Mr Pitt is very fit!
Very, VERY fit, indeed!
Indeed he is! He has been treated unfairly with regards to his children but at least he has been given more access to them now. Such a shame when children suffer through divorce.
He looks so good for his age. It must make Angie's skin boil!
Team Brad Forever
He is fineeeee for 54 x
Judge just verified Jolie's character.
I find it ridiculous that he has so little access to his children. She decided to have 6 kids with him. Just because your relationship didn't work out doesn't mean you can take their father away.
54 where?!
It will end up working against her if she keeps denying access... kids get older and can make their own minds up ...
Divorce and sobriety really suit him. Divorce has had the opposite effect on Angelina. She could look equally good but insists on walking around covered in black whole weighing less than 100.
A few days ago, someone on here commented how manipulative Angelina is. They said she orchestrated everything. She doesn't like negative coverage of her and the situation with brad. There was a lot of that coverage a few days ago. This person said 'wait for it, she'll visit an orphanage or similar in the next few days to make herself look good!' Well done to that reader. Spot on!!
She is so fake
Who in this world is still listening to this vile woman? Any woman who refuses biological fathers access to their kids is pure evil.
Me me me
The thing you have to ask yourself is: would she (or any of her fellow virtue-signalling cohorts) be doing this if there were no cameras on her?
Exactly! It's all a PR stunt for these people.
Funny how she has been slated by a judge for not allowing her ex husband to spend time with their children, and ALLLLLLLLL of a sudden her people are doing their all to flip her into being this angelic humanitarian. What a load of testicles and bovine excrement.
Let your own kids see their dad. Be human.
Why take photos? Do the humanitarian work humbly.
Nothin like a quick humanitarian trip to deflect from a custody hearing that revealed how horrible you are
The problem is she doesnt want Brad to have them. Just give the man his rights and your children will get to have both of you.
She monitors their text messages with their dad?! WTF.
These two can afford to buy homes in the same school district within walking distance to each other where they can share 50/50. My brother in law and his ex share 50/50. They made sure to live in the same district and buy homes near each other. They switch every 3 days. The kids have adjusted well in their lives. And they don’t have the $$$ these two do. Stop being so damn selfish.
This is one whack job of a scorned woman. She is messing up these kids beyond repair. It is only a matter of time before one of them goes Redmond O'Neil.
good.maybe they still have a chance to be normal.
Just another controlling mother smh
When I think of Angelina. I think of the time she tongued her own brother on the red carpet. 🤮 Those kids should be with Brad!!
She’s a NUT!! And Brad needs to have a psychologist around when he visits his own children??? It’s so evident that she’s the crazy one!
This a great judge. It's about time Brad gets to see his kids without Maleficent hovering around. Wish all good dads got this kind of treatment.
Enough already, if she's going to do this then just do it but without the pictures of you doing it. I don't want to see another photo of her away from her home and family.
Do good without getting praised...there's plenty of ppl who work tirelessly helping the disadvantaged without hearing it all the time. They are the real hero's.
She is fake
Another alienating parent.