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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What Makes Women Happy? 20 Confidence Boosters

  1.  Receiving a compliment from a friend or partner.
  2.  Having a really good hair day.
  3.  Looking great in a photograph.
  4.  Really (really!) smooth legs.
  5.  A fabulous night's sleep.
  6.  Cuddling. Any time, any place, any age.
  7.  Hearing "I love you."
  8.  Coming home from vacation with a golden glow (don't forget the sunblock).
  9.  Being on the receiving end of a stranger's smile.
  10.  New knickers!
  11.  Being told you look young.
  12.  A friend asking, "Where did you get that?"
  13.  Finding the perfect outfit.
  14.  A child saying you look pretty.
  15.  Waking up pimple-free.
  16.  Wearing an outfit that reveals your favorite body part.
  17.  Freshly-tweezed eyebrows.
  18.  A brand-new manicure.
  19.  Getting asked out on a date.
  20.  A perfect makeup job.
source: yahoo! she philippines

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