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Saturday, May 6, 2017

vcasuncionHappy Anniversary to us my Love @yengconstantino !! You are my forever!! You are my only one!! You are the best and I'm the most blessed man in the whole world to have you as my wife! I will not trade what we have to anything else in the world! And this is just part of the beginning... 😻 I Love You Love. :)) #yengyan #mayforever #oneyear #valentines

credit and owner: INSTAGRAM Yan Asuncion

To my wonderful wife.
Time stops.
Goes forward.
And sometimes skips when I'm with you.
If I were to live this life over and over and over, I will choose you everytime.
You are my forever present.
My constant future.
And I'm loving every moment of it.

credit and owner: FACEBOOK Yan Asuncion

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