Not that I care.. but... she waited Sooo long to get married, finally marries him after how many years, and now says he's this and he's that?? Seems weird to me.
And why did she destroy a marriage?
If he was so horrible why did she marry him after all those years?
that's what she does. Billy Bob was engaged and she moved in and had the woman's stuff boxed up. Billy Bob said a one night stand and she just moved in lol. She's nuts and likes others men.
Angelina needs to start acting like the mother she wants everyone to think she is, & protect her children from the media. She she won't do though, because it is evident that she has a different agenda.
Not to mention marrying him after a decade of being together...
She is a narcissist and this is what narcissists do......
The woman is straight up wacko! You can see it in her eyes.
She's definitely being vindictive. That's what people with no souls do after marriage for whatever reason and then the man pays for it. Not always the case but I can see this particular individual being like that.
MY THOUGHT EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!! and all the while professing what a guy he was!!!!!!!!!! NOW he is devil dad??? RIGHT!!!!!!!! she just needed him to adopt all those kids!!!
TMZ pointed her hypocrisy out today...(my word not theirs). She is a piece of work alright.
She is a little crazy I think... I mean Billy Bob .... sigh..
Their mother is a raving lunatic who should stop talking .. she's hurting her children .. but again she's never cared who she hurts in order to get her way .. I would love to slap this woman silly!!
"He has been cleared after thorough investigations by both FBI and Child Services, which included [Jolie's] cooperation," a source close to the actor told E! News. "Clearly her claims were considered in reaching those conclusions and if she held back information, which she didn't, then isn't she then not representing the best interests of her children by holding it back?"
"Thankfully, after four months of on record statements, leaks and unnecessary and intrusive filings, she is coming around to realizing that confidentiality is actually in the best interests of her children and family," the source added.
“Considering that both the FBI and child services thoroughly investigated this matter and cleared the father, this line of attack doesn’t make much sense.”
Let me guess. He acted like a father is supposed to act and it didn't sit well with her easily offended, 21st century sensibilities.
Pitt was exonerated when investigations by the FBI and Department of Children and Family Services concluded no action was necessary.
Angie,,,your PR people & /or attorneys are doing a terrible job with these "leaks"////everyone knows that only the JUDGE approves (or as it's actually called GRANTS) Brad's Motion(request) To Seal The Documents....Angie's Attorneys can tell the Judge that she doesn't oppose Brad's Motion & so the motion can be granted w/o argument & thus by agrement....but she has no authority to approve it....sounding spoiled delusional & bitter & she's mad she's not getting her way so easily.
It's widely known that Jolie is a loon. I side with Brad on this one unless there's some definite proof brought to the table.
Brad should have stayed with Aniston, now he's paying the price. Bad things come in beautiful packages.
What an awful person she is.
There are laws in place in family court that make it legal for women to outright lie about anything and not get prosecute for it and I mean literally anything. Rape, child molestation, drug use, infidelity, anything. The idea is to let women tell the "truth" without having to fear the consequences but what it really results in is legalized slander.
And of course it also results in not being able to believe a word they say.
She is just using this to get sole custody!
She is very scary
Watch the video of her talking about the devil. She is crazy.
I'm sure he has nothing to hide. she needs to worry about her mental records.
Jolie is Borderline Personality Disorder. One of the key traits during the "discard phase" is that Cluster B types "SMEAR and GASLIGHT".
The reason that you do not hear much from Brad is that he is more emotionally balanced. These Narcissistic Borderlines will say and do anything (regardless of cost) to destroy the other person (they get sadistic pleasure from it).
Who cares about this crazy nut??!!
Angelina has an agenda. Every thing she does or says publicly is calculated. Poor kids are being manipulated by their own mother.
I'll chose the former. If you look at all his pictures in the vast majority he doesn't crack a smile like his life is so hard yet his siblings always look happy. He has his mother wrapped around his finger he knows it and that probably put a wedge between the parents.
Maddox had Angelina all to himself before Brad showed up on the scene. Sure he never was happy about it and has always tried to get between his parents.
Terrible mom and a terrible actress
Shiloh? Who is that? Angelina said that her name is "John" and people need to respect her desire to be a boy. (Rolling my eyes.) Brad completely disagreed with Angelina's coaching of their daughter and encouraging her to think of herself as a boy. Just shows how sick and screwed up Angelina is.
I am pretty tolerable but you are spot on and this is just really creepy and bizarre. Just like AJ, really!
Brad Pitt is going to eventually man up and fight her for Shiloh. I believe Pitt and Jolie have always bumped heads about Shiloh. Angelina Jolie interviews when talking about her daughter Shiloh is very unmaternal. She praises all her other kids and Angelina even said out of her own mouth she feels more of a motherly bond to her adopted kids. Even if that is the case, no mother should tell the whole world that and broadcast it. If it's one thing I hope Brad Pitt will get is Shiloh. If not then he may lose it. Pray for him.
She actually admitted this about her own children? My gosh this woman is beyond nuts. She is evil.
I wonder what Angelina tells her kids when they ask, "Where is my Father?"
I will get you a new Father, better, hotter and more popular than your old Father....I had my eye on such and such husband for awhile now...or I may just get you another mommy.
Angelina Jolie is a work of fiction. The Jolie-Pitt children are now living in fantasy worlds. They are all veering toward dangerous territory. Poor Brad Pitt. Those are HIS children. The children and their father deserve each other. Angelina is vile. Her plan is not going to succeed quite as she's intended. Tick. Tock.
Man... DM is milking Angie's latest PR effort hard. Here is a hint to her PR team. The ONLY thing that might have a chance of repairing her reputation is to stop hoarding the kids and sign a joint custody agreement BEFORE the 17th of this month when Brad is having the courts intervene.
Beautiful Shiloh, you are not a boy. Biology wins every time.
But that's fine with Angelina. If the child wants to going that direction, she will. Let's not forget that Angelina likes females in a sexual context.
Only a kid would want to eat ice cream while walking in the snow.
It will be interesting to see how it goes when they are sharing custody. Brad will have vacation time and trips. I hope Angie is ready for that. Not to mention his having his friends around them. And private time. Sad.. but if you think of how the other parent feels you should be able to compromise.
She's a BAD apple and should be treated as such.
Be nice to Brad. He is the father of your children. You owe your children that. If you are who you profess to be Angelina
The Grinch who stole Brad's Christmas! Didn't have to be this way.
We all knew she was disturbed long time ago. She's someone you have fun with not someone you marry and have kids with.
No one can believe that she is getting away with this. Unreal. Brad is protecting his children. For her sake he does not want to have them know about her secrets.. Not his own. For his children. Celebrity divorces are the worst. Fake friends and amicable pretense or all out fight. What is wrong with them? They have everything. Help us all what are going through a split without their resources.Why have they not called CPS on her? In California, the Mum always wins. Yet this is beyond. Best.
Why did she get such big, fake implants after her surgery?
The only one terrified is Angie.
She wants everyone hates her, doesn't she?
It couldn't be that bad ( what happened in flight) bc he was cleared by FBI and CPS
She is a very strange person. I never bought their "perfect life/perfect family " nonsense.
Shes only trying to make him look bad.. We all have issues he is no different but she will make out he is.
I have said it before, Angelina only cares about 2 Asian boys. Brad gets custody of 4, let her have 2. No one else wants 2 boys except her, I have never seen uglier Asian kids than those 2 boys. she really knows how to pick ugly kids.
Angelina is not going to get sole custody, Brad will get joint custody, all the drama she has created makes her look like a witch, more people hate her. So in the end, Brad gets joint custody, more people hate her. she really is the dumbest ever.
Ask Nicole Kidman how well joint custody worked for her in her divorce with Cruise.
Even then, she won't want to share the kids with him. There is a new rumor that she wants to run away to Cambodia and stay there after the divorce!
I really think she will try to run away with all 6 kids and take them away from Brad!
Only then will he get sole custody and she will be in breach of lying to a judge.
This site has 2 stupid Angelina fans left. on Dailymail, about 3 Angelina fans there. I wonder where her "massive" fanbase has gone. lol
She has no fans except for idiots. Hence that Cheynne loon and Christina.
What nonsense. Its her who has to be very worried if stuff leaks about her.
And she still wants to claim he is the bad guy?
Oh Angie just stop it.
she just doesn't know when to shut up her stupid mouth.
It had backfired on her big time. I think its time DCFS tests her for drugs and send her to a psychiatrist. brad Pitt is right, she has no self-regulating mechanism. She didn't have to call him scared when signing this off!
IRRELEVANT: Angelina BEFORE Brad. He was her ticket.
If she was smart,she'd shut up.Public opinion if moving way to Pitt.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" Brad must have really pissed Angie off for her to be so "Out There" with her snarky comments and B##cxie attorney. She always tried to appear as though she had the perfect family life. Somehow you just knew it couldn't last.
What ever she was pissed about seems to be all in her head.
Jolie needs to stop acting like a damn diva. The children should be the utmost in this situation and it does not help them adjust when Angelina will not let them spend time with their father. Whatever went on with the parents has nothing to do with the children and by her actions the children are being traumatized more and more, If she is so damn angry then SHE needs to see a psychiatrist to calm her down.
When did you become the absent expert? Visitation is arranged by the counselors and she does not interfere. This is public knowledge. Well, I thought it was public knowledge, because the truth escaped you.
The counselors were hired by her and it is absolutely not their job to decide visitation. That Brad is being denied his children is ALL the decision and fault of Angelina.
Actually I think the kids need normal life, maybe private school and maybe chores. and that won't happen with her..
This woman thinks the public is stupid. Her own lawyers argued IN COURT that the documents should not be sealed because doing so was a PR move on Brad's part. Her representatives couldn't wait to leak that tidbit. A few weeks later when she finally realises how bad that makes her look, she leaks a message she was for sealing all along and Brad is trying to make HER look bad by suggesting she did not. Lady you sent your own lawyers TO COURT to argue AGAINST it. How is Brad making your lawyers argue against something you now say you had agreed to all along. And BTW, you don't agree privately. Since the request was made IN COURT, you agree IN COURT. Lunatic!!!
It's ok, by now the world already know her true colours. All her effort to make her look good again will be failed miserably. She's just making fo o l of herself now. Let's laugh and pray that she'd failed!
Exactly and the fact that her lawyers are saying if she wanted to hurt Brad she could have divulged what happened on the plane, is ridiculous as it was found nothing monumental happened on the plane, he was cleared and he clearly stated he was worried about the kids privacy, he did not even mention his own privacy in regards to sealing the records. She is such a lying B and is losing at her own game. She is very much behaving like a woman scorned, completely unreasonable. many missing pieces to this puzzle.
Another thing. If there had been such a traumatic "incident" on the plane, why is it widely reported that : 'Some of the girls are accusing their older brother of being responsible for their not seeing Brad either,' according to "a source." Another insider told the publication that some of the kids 'can't understand why they're being kept away' from Pitt." Hmmm, doesn't add up, if this incident were so horrid.
Also, why is Wasser's team flip flopping? First they accused BP of redundantly making a request for sealing the case, then today it is reported that they agreed to seal the case records?
Wasser's team thinks the public is dim!
Their mother is a raving lunatic who should stop talking .. she's hurting her children .. but again she's never cared who she hurts in order to get her way .. I would love to slap this woman silly!!
She has hurt alot of people that have been in her way.
I truly think she's evil & has no conscience!!! She doesn't care who she hurts.. as long as she gets her own way..
Probably her that doesn't want the truth coming out, making him look bad. Hollywood no different than out here in the real world with most women doing that to their kids dad...sad to see.
Why? Because he's a decent man who wants to protect his children! If Jolie was any kind of mother she would be terrified too! Divorce amicably and privately for the sake of your children like a grown up!
so true and well said, but she is a different story, even doing that, innuendos and rummors, is harmfull, but she just cannot help herself and stop it!
Of course it is her ego, if her kids came first she would have shut her mouth now, if things were that bad she would have divorced him earlier, and in any case, she would have offered her kids some peace of mind by keeping her fimily life private!
I can't believe everyone has forgotten about A. Jolie bragging about seducing Pitt while he was still married to J. Anniston. She's manipulative and has no class. Serves her right.
She seems to be more worried about desroying his image than preserving the kids.
Will someone tell her that her pan face and horrible twisted character is no longer desirable .
She doesn't want everybody to know, she's just enjoying the control and publicity. pure attention seeker!
I don't think she realises she comes across as a sociopath
Talks the problematic girl whose has a BS phylosophy of life
She is a selfish woman and she shouldn't get full custody being a mom .. Brad Pitt is a good father
YOUR kids dont need to be tormented in the public about your PRIVATE split .. PSYCHO BIATCH
is this the most narcissistic woman on the planet?
Give it up girl!
She's such a fraud
Grow up and mature
Ange is a beast.
How can she do this to her children's father who supported her unconditionally when she had two big surgeries? There is no 3rd party involved in their marriage why does she hate him so much?
Any publicity as her careeer fades.
jolie is a nutcase
She's no longer likable or attractive. Something is amiss with her...
Shut up Angelina suck-up, no one cares what you think.
I'd like to add that she seems to be addicted to pap walks and parading her kids in front of cameras. There is nothing healthy about it, the kids face should be blurred. She also looks painfully thin but this is no news. I wish she would stop selling out the kids, but she won't. Terrible mother.
The surreal and unbelievable campaign Jolie is doing to make Brad the bad father. There, I fixed it for you. (budapest)
Don't forget the diseases, illnesses, mastectomy etc. she all had just in front or during the promotion of movies. Every time she'd paraded her children in public and fought of some kind of physical problem. And the fact that she had no boobs before and huge ones (for her size) after the astectomy raised questions as well. I'm not team AJ, I'm not team Brad (he sc re we d up as well), I'm team children.
"whatever do you mean kids, Uncle daddy is right here"
AJ replies "I am your father"
Angelina Jolie is a work of fiction. The Jolie-Pitt children are now living in fantasy worlds. They are all veering toward dangerous territory. Poor Brad Pitt. Those are HIS children. The children and their father deserve each other. Angelina is vile. Her plan is not going to succeed quite as she's intended. Tick. Tock.
The adoptions were Angelina's whim. She wanted to have a normal family, so she adopted all those kids. Unfortunately she had no experience of a normal family herself. She also went for everybody else's husbands, because she wanted a cool guy to father her statement family. Brad was a fool for the taking. (sweden)
Terrible mom and a terrible actress
Poor Shiloh. She is probably so confused being forced to dress as a boy since she was a toddler as Angelina claims she "chose" her outfits at that age. Please! Brad is so lucky to be rid of that nut bag!! Should try harder to get his kids away from her.
I guess Angelina never thought the public support Brad not her. She overestimates her popularity. She is so evil so selfish so vicious.
How can she do this to her children's father who supported her unconditionally when she had two big surgeries? There is no 3rd party involved in their marriage why does she hate him so much?
Angie,,,your PR people & /or attorneys are doing a terrible job with these "leaks"////everyone knows that only the JUDGE approves (or as it's actually called GRANTS) Brad's Motion(request) To Seal The Documents....Angie's Attorneys can tell the Judge that she doesn't oppose Brad's Motion & so the motion can be granted w/o argument & thus by agrement....but she has no authority to approve it....sounding spoiled delusional & bitter & she's mad she's not getting her way so easily.
The only one terrified is Angie.
And read somewhere that the two older girls, Zahara and Shiloh are very upset and acting out at not being able to see their dad, that Shiloh especially has a great connection with her dad! Now, i am even beginning to think she may even have been jealousy of the close relationship that Brad had with some of the kids! There are some women that want to be their children's number 1 Love, while dad should be second Love! Why else is she trying to damage the relationship between Brad and the Kids? Once upon a time she trusted this man to travel alone with the kids, and they were much younger then, so no way that he is a danger to the kids!! Some of the kids are old enough to understand what's going on without being told, and they are going to hate her!!! Kim Basinger tried to Keep Ireland from dad, Alec Baldwin and he can be a nutcase, but look at his relnship with his daughter now!
FBI and DFCS have cleared Brad, she is pathetic, she has no consideration of her kids privacy. She only agrees because Brad filed court motion calling her mental crazy, no self control, and the judge very likely will approve it even if she disagrees.
"Posing up a storm" in a Colorado ski resort is not about protecting her children's privacy. It does however tease Brad Pitt by allowing him access to his children - by looking at pictures of them. The look on her face in those pictures said it all for me. She is a serious problem in that family.
It's really interesting. She never had a problem with Brad and his disciplinary measures - until she wanted a divorce.
I have learned to REALLY despise Ms Jolie as a result of her bitter, rotten treatment of Brad Pitt during this whole process.
she sounds like the gold digger that married Johnney Depp, crazy...
She always was a crazy person
look at the eyes of the children, do the eyes look happy?
Yea and Angelina Jolie was stupid for trying to kill herself before she became a big star ,the woman has always had mental issues
Sick demented home wrecker reap what you sow. Can't stand her. Stupid man for leaving a decent woman for this trash.
She should never hold kids back from their father what skeletons does he have on her. Drugs lesbian,????
He is not terrified - she is just trying to influence public opinion with this crap. Jolie, dear, you are toast here and in England. Why don't you leave with Maddox and go back to Cambodia.
Why wouldn't he want it keep it away from the public? We don't need to hear it & the kids definitely do not need to see this stuff online. She is a trainwreck
She's a nut case, and I use to like her. I don't know where women keep their kids from the dad when they split. It's not fair to the kids. I think she just wanted his babies and raise them on her own.
She must be losing her mind wait she was always crazy it just coming back out. For her kids sake why don't she just stop this insane stuff. I hate parents like this who can't get their way so they try to use the kids.
Exactly! Stop fighting and make it as smooth as possible just for the children's sake! Has also gone through a separation with children involved then you have to actually get over the pride and do what is necessary for the child to feel good! But unfortunately not work like that in Hollywood world! Poor kids!
She is the one traumatizing the kids with all her bs
Witnesses on the plane said Brad did nothing wrong, so what exactly is he supposed to be hiding, especially since both FBI and CPS found no wrong doing on his part?
No you are traumatizing them by constantly bashing their father in the press
And I dislike brad too so this is my only time I would take up for the guy
It's really weird, she should wouldn't want them sealed too. The kids do have to deal with the media and other kids. Who wants any of their business on TMZ everyday? She's full of BS.
Karma!! He left a good woman for her. As an actress I've always liked Angelina Jolie but she has always been on the weird side. I guess she got tired of the normal life and had to find a way to get rid of him.
But traumatized? No sorry lady. You are traumatized and are using your kids as leverage. If the kids are traumatized it's because they aren't allowed to see or speak to their dad!!
I always had the impression that this woman is evil and manipulative.
It is a shame and sick how this woman transformed this little girl since she was a baby into what God didn’t make her. She is growing up into a transgender
Angelina just keeps throwing out dirt in order to try and gain the upper hand. It’s disgusting how that woman doesn’t appear to have any concern whatsoever about how this is affecting her children. She just keeps pushing forward with her mission to destroy their relationship with their father and to destroy Pitt. Any decent parent would be doing everything in their power to make this as smooth a transition as possible for their children, not trying to use them to gain power and control and get her way, especially when her way includes trying to eliminate their father from their lives. She’s done with him, we get it, but that doesn’t mean she gets to obliterate him from the lives of his children. This is just plain ugly and she has left him with no alternative but to fight back and do what he needs to do to keep a relationship with those kids. For the love of, sort yourself out and behave like a decent human being.
What exactly is it he is afraid will be made public, that he made out with his brother in public? Ooops, no, that was Angelina Jolie and her kids daddy/ brother what’s his name.
No nothing bad happen once again Brad Pitt was cleared of alleged child abused by both DCFS and FBI and that Angelina has been in mental when she was younger and Angelina is the one who made up lies about Brad and hoping to move the children to another country and since the Judge refuse her demand she slamming Brad Pitt again
I don’t believe that for one second!
Angelina is lying whore. Brad never harm any of their children
How did the paps know she would be shopping in that store? That's a photo inside the store. This woman cannot live without being papped
She's hellbent to prove that she is a caring hands-down mum. As for now she managed to prove that she has no idea what her kids should wear and eat in cold weather and that the only way of spending time with kids she knows is shopping, mostly for sweets and toys. In other words she is proving she is shitty mother.
Funny how suddenly we get pap pics of the kids without their parents. All previous times they set up the pap walks to be with at least one of Jolie or Pitt present, usually Jolie. The kids have either been able to go for their own outings over the years with nannies/bodyguards without pap presence & thus have these "friends" that were previously unknown (coz obviously Jolie wouldn't want to highlight her employees doing the childcare, that doesn't fit her PR image so outings with no parents could happily be pap-free). Or alternatively the paps have gone rogue & are papping the older kids regardless of whether it's arranged by Jolie/Pitt or not, this is where Jolie & Pitt's previous use of their children as PR props & their clear selling of the kids throughout their lives backfires on them now as they cannot possibly argue the privacy angle now.
The other alternative is that the older kids are old enough now to become separate PR entities in their own right, Jolie can start crafting their public image & media presence as individuals rather than as part of the group. Either it's interesting as you have to assume this is not the first time the kids leave the house without Jolie or Pitt & yet it is one of the first where they are being papped when they are out on their own. Either it's paps going for the pics regardless of whether they've been allowed, a true pap instance. Or Jolie is crafting the next gen Jolie Pitt media presence.
Angie clearly feels she is above everyone else ,during her movie promotion on the red carpet she refused to open her mouth alongside Matt Damon &went blank on Emmy s ,Brad was embarrassed he answered on her behalf .she just stood there.yet was given 9/10for her gown.atleast try to be civil u r not royalty Jolie
Good job Ange you have now traumatized your children and as always want to blame brad pitt!!! who has custody all this time??? You ange Grow up already!! 50/50 should be the least of what brad deserves he has been a great father for a whole decade!
is not how Lady D. works. If DCFS required safeguards, they would also be required to supervise them. The file would not be closed in such a situation. I know the confusion comes from the Angies statement after it was canceled when she credited the safeguards. This was intentionally misleading and another example of her trying to kill him surreptitiously. The safeguards were probably necessary during the investigation, because its necessary after serious allegations and pending an investigation to bring the measures into force. These measures became part of the temporary custody agreement that was formulated during the investigation and which only for that reason lived after the completion of the investigation. That is why he is able to move to the court to ask him to throw away the stipulation without even a DCFS peep. This has been explained here many times, but their super fans still insist on selling the lie "DCFS safeguard".
First, I've been a family law/litigation paralegal with cases in this courthouse for 20 years. He has not filed his RFO re Custody and Parent Time yet but that will come immediately or soon after the file is sealed. Unlike the AJ-Fan popular opinion, he is waiting to file to protect the privacy of his kids and the family in general which has been paramount in his life throughout his 25+ years in the limelight. He signed the agreement to keep the kids out of the system. He did not have family law representation until later in the game and if he had instead flown off the handle and started accusing her of bad behavior instead of cooperating with what was suggested by the DCFS and drafted by Wasser, the kids could have been removed because of the acrimony and bad behavior of both parents. Tit for tat does not work in this situation. The problem is, DCFS would have suggested monitored visits once a week...AJ's paid therapists were instead put in charge instead of a regular court monitor system which is usual because AJ wanted control. You are kidding yourself if you believe she is not in control. As soon as he sees a judge re custody, they will either work it out and agree to joint custody, or he will request unmonitored more frequent time with the kids and the judge will modify the order to reflect more frequent time while they battle it out---her party line is that she wants the family to have shared custody, but IMO it is just more BS from her and they will have to go after each other and he will UNLEASH HELL ON HER. She'd be wise to mediate and come up with a joint custody schedule because he will not back down. The judge decides now and AJ has no control once its in court. DCFS has NO JURISDICTION. Brad and the Evil one are on equal footing
It doesn't matter what you say Angie, nobody will believe you because you're, well, you.
True. Angelina Jolie has become her own worst enemy, in the eyes of her viewers, the audience.
He is a good man, he is not without fault but basically a good man who doesn't deserve this. I believe time will tell the truth.
She really sealed her fate in her industry. Fascinating to watch the self sabotage.
He's at least a better man and a better human being than she is a good woman and human being. I agree, the truth will out and people will wonder what in the world she was thinking, what she thought she was going to accomplish
Doesn't she get it? People see right through her.They are disgusted with her smear campaign and are calling her out on it.
Keep it up Angie - you will hopefully lose custody of them and they will be SAVED!
Jolie is thinking she will get sole custody by making child abuse accusations. It is backfiring on her. If Pitt gets joint custody, can you really see her complying with court rulings and returning them to him? There are a million things Jolie will do to lose custody of the kids. We can rely on that.
Yo can mock me as you want, but i believe in him based on his character. Here on this board most people villify him, and refuse to believe anything good about him. If i'm completely wrong about him, i will admit it, but right now he is doing the right thing in the right way.
Okay, HO HO keeps mentioning *cue dramatic music* What Happened On The Plane.
We know Pitt was cleared of any wrongdoing, so let's speculate about what possibly could have Happened On The Plane to traumatize the kids so bad that they need therapy.
I'll go first:
1.) Pitt told one of the kids no.
2.) He told Maddox to shut up and sit down.
3.) He told Maddox to mind his own business.
4.) One of the adopted kids said, "You're not my father" and Pitt said, "You're right, I'm not".
Yes. It's probably something soooo mild that she is escalating because Pitt told her it was over. The sick thing is she's using the kids to hide her embarrassment at being dumped.
Whatever happened on that plane wasn't bad enough to permanently damage the children. I believe that they are traumatized, but from years and years of disfunction and programming. Her going on about only one incident exposes her for how much she exaggerates and twists the truth. Any good psychologist should be able to see right through her.
she succeeded in doing nothing but making a fool of herself.
A big NOTHINGBURGER happened on the plane. The woman is nuts!
Pitt should start releasing records of her mental issues and tell stories about the crazy garbage she does, the loon wore a mans blood in a necklace for crying out loud...she's not well adjusted
This coming from a woman who wore a vile of Bob Thornton Jr's blood around her neck. Seems completely normal to me....
Saw #Oceans11, #Oceans12, #Oceans13 Back to Back😀One of D Best Heist films/Series🙌Throughly njoyable😁 #GeorgeClooney, #BradPitt, #MattDamon
Say what you will about Brad Pitt, but he's not the one talking trash about his ex to everyone he sees. Who would you rather your kids be around: the woman who painfully suffers from BPD and is constantly sharing her damaged world view or the happy go lucky dad who is going to pull his kids into a career?
Don't believe one word this woman says. SHE broke up a marriage and used Brad. Look how many men she's been through. PHYSCHO!!
She is a real lowlife. She is a controlling and manipulative piece of garbage who somehow has forgotten what a box of destructive problems she has been. St. Angie wants to go all out Armaggedon on her husband because it suits her, even though it will ruin his relationship with her adopted UN brood.
Never trust the person who is so eager to publicly air their dirty linen.
Marriage is like a deck of cards. You start out with two hearts and a diamond. In the end you wish you had a spade and a club.
Angelina Joli is a nut case!!
Jolie cleaned up her act (no more blood vial necklaces, making out with your brother, etc.) and even gained respectability with her UN efforts. But unfortunately it appears vintage Jolie is back and trying to drag the father of her children (who's only offense is parenting his children in a manner she doesn't approve) around like Achilles did to Hector. I hope she is unsuccessful for the sake of their children and Pitt is afforded equal time to be part of their lives. Angelia is too flaky to give them any real structured upbringing.
He's not "terrified" that people will know the truth. He's mortified, though, that this is becoming public, and it's a private matter. Normal people would be mortified if their dirty laundry is being aired, but then again, she's not normal.
Funny that they bring up the FBI and DCFS investigations. Because it's been reported that her team is the one that triggered those investigations, and he was cleared by both organizations once they found he'd done nothing wrong. She is pure evil.
He should have this douche investigated. You won't have to dig too hard to find out that she is a devil in disguise.
It seems that she really wants to hurt Pitt. I really feel for him, and hope that he will have access to his children, because he really loves them.
No mental health manual required ... Black Widow spiders discard their mates after they're done with them ... Jolie is a Black Widow, would probably like the nickname, but let's see who's willing to actually date her (excluding her Brother) after this is all over ... Brad, stay strong, focused, and do what Father's do, provide on all levels. He will realize one day that he is a "checked block" on her road of destruction.
She is trying to ruin Brad. She doesn't realize that most folks like him not her.
I've never been a Brad Pitt fan but I really feel badly for him now having to go through this awful divorce from a truly unhinged person. Jolie is a miserable person who makes everybody around her miserable as well. Of course everybody but Pitt knew from the get go that any relationship with Jolie was just a failure waiting to happen.
Wait it took SIX kids and more than ten years to find out he's not a good parent? Duh..slow learner she is. I remember seeing her on some morning show saying how she's left the kids with Brad because he's so good with them. I always knew once she started having body parts removed she would become an absolute nut case - all these drugs are no good (estrogen replacement and the like) and make you absolutely crazy but not in a good way. She had her breasts removed and her uterus and what else? So she could live forever. What a loon!! Who does that? I see nothing good in her future. Sad.
Brad never cheated on Angelina Jolie
I doubt she possesses such a thing as a conscience-guilty or no!
Do I have concrete proof of an affair? No, I do not, but Jolie is behaving like a woman scorned. Trying to destroy her husband and rip him a new one is what s scorned woman does. Keep this in mind. It was only couple of months before she filed for divorce that she gave an interview gushing about Brad being a wonderful husband and father. In fact throughout their relationship, she has always bragged about Brad's fathering abilities. And now suddenly, Pitt is the worst dad on the planet according to Jolie.
Behaving like a woman scorned? ROFLMAO! She's behaving like a psycho. Just as she always has.
I feel sorry for the children. I am sure she is poisoning them against their father. I think she needs to be investigated.
Kids need their fathers to discipline them. Nothing wrong with beating your child when they deserve it.
Good job Ange you have now traumatized your children and as always want to blame brad pitt!!! who has custody all this time??? You ange Grow up already!! 50/50 should be the least of what brad deserves he has been a great father for a whole decade!
They are both cheaters but she is also loco. I say she is like a black widow spider. She loves to "lure them in".
Anyone who wears a vial of blood from their husband is whacked if ya ask me.
Stop using the kids as pawns for leverage. She is supposed to be so smart yet does this?
Maybe someone should adopt her?!
When you decide to marry a person who french kisses a sibling, it's bound to turn out bad.
Angelina is "Mommy Dearest". At least I have always thought so. Wicked to the end.
She's a spiteful woman. I think they have very different parenting styles. She's a crazy woman. I doubt she wants these children to punished or disciplined at all
"“There is little doubt that he would prefer to keep the entire case private, particularly given the detailed investigations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
Why would the FBI be investigating a child-abuse charge? I call the whole story a bunch of krappolla by Jolie trying to humiliate Pitt. (B/t/w... I don't care for either of them.) Her father and other friends and family members have been urging her to get psychiatric help for a while now. (I think some of those massive silicone lip-injections might have migrated to her brain.)
Borderline Personality, run as fast as you can.
Why Brad put himself through that I will never understand.
Her reaction/s are telling, for example it was reported she is "climbing the walls" because she wasnt allowed to take the kids out of the country on "holiday" a woman wants to take the kids out of the country during a custody battle gets told no...gee, wonder why?
Also I like how Brad is handling things from his end, he isnt screaming, or throwing fits, or making threats, he is being completely honest and open and freely offering w/e the investigators ask for, and what we have seen is that despite his fame and celebrity he is just a father who wants his kids, and apparently a GOOD father at that.
The truth appears to be Pitt married a crazy lady..
Pretty hard to defend yourself against a ex wife who is nuts and keeps lobbing accusations if all this was true then why wait this long, a divorce is when you have the moral authority to say these things and not when it was happening.
In my opinion, she's extremely unbalanced. She's a typical screwed up Hollywood kid.
I feel for Pitt. One does not have to know or be in Jolie's presence to see that she is used to getting her way. Her loosey-goosey way of handling her own life has been a real joke I cannot imagine what she is like as a mother. Frustrating and indulgent comes to mind. Don't get me wrong I believe that she is talented, beautiful, etc... however Pitt needs to take a little advice "not everything that looks good is good for you". Also, she is making this harder and nastier than it has to be.
She is crazy!!!!! Stop using those children to punish Brad!!!! She is a crazy Bitch!!!
When you think the grass is greener on the other side why not just water your own! Should have left that unfertilized lawn alone on the movie set.
Perhaps they are traumatized as they know that their mom is a nut case.
Well, I didn't read all the comments here but is it just me......Angie and Brad have been together for years. Why, if Brad is such a bad, awful guy did she marry him just recently? She's had plenty of time to know he was a bad guy, bad father, etc...if why keep the relationship going with him. She's full of crazy like she always has been, maybe he's a jerk sometimes but I'm sure the court will see through her ridiculous allegations. Just get your divorce people and move on, don't drag your kids and the rest of us through your nasty divorce for publicity.
Angie needs to look good for the people... I've never been a fan of this woman. She's a vindictive woman and now Brad knows that too.
I read some on DM, even Angelina's team has been telling her that she has no way to win sole custody, but she doesn't listen, her team says " you can't reason with her"
I wonder if Brad can file court motion to request mental evaluation on Angelina. She is definitely insane.
I would imagine that will be one of the things he requests as soon as the records are sealed. That, temporary 50/50 custody, an order that the kids undergo educational testing and be enrolled in school and an order that Angie must stop playing musical houses when she has them in her care, etc.
He doesn't need to fight dirty... he just needs to tell the truth and continue putting his kids first. Angie will sink herself all by herself with no intervention necessary from Brad.
Laura also represented Britney Spears in her losing custody fight. Moral of the story is, the courts can spot a crazy person no matter who the lawyer is.
it is pretty easy to find evidence of her mental illness.
The four younger kids would be much better off in the sole custody of their father (with liberal visitation rights for Ms. Crazypants) so that he can normalize their lives. They need schooling, they need rules and they need sameness and routine.
I have said it before, Angelina only cares about 2 Asian boys. Brad gets custody of 4, let her have 2. No one else wants 2 boys except her, I have never seen uglier Asian kids than those 2 boys. she really knows how to pick ugly kids.
Angelina is not going to get sole custody, Brad will get joint custody, all the drama she has created makes her look like a witch, more people hate her. So in the end, Brad gets joint custody, more people hate her. Why is she so dumb? she really is the dumbest ever.
She's a narcissistic sociopath- she doesn't care what anyone thinks
#NowWatching Allied. Ohh bradpitt

She is trying to destroy Brads reputation. Otherwise she would insist on everything being private. Angie can't stand that she's being shown for the nut case she truly is. Even if there had been abuse, then that would be all the more reason to seal the records for the kids sake. (Which Brad has been cleared) She is not thinking about the kids best interest. She is only concerned about how she looks and that's not good at all.
She obviously wants to control every aspect of the children. Even if she has to insinuate that he is a danger. It smears him, gives her sympathy as the selfless victim only looking out for the children, and later she will laid it was her lawyer, not her Considering which of the two of them had a more stable and loving upbringing, I would have to think he as good or more consistent parent than she is. Either way. Children Need both parents!
She's a hot crazy mess poor brad he got caught up in her snare like billy bob did lol
She isn't perfect , like she thinks she is.
First she loves them then turns against them. That's not love.
put a private tape recorder and video on her and see who is worse
Grow up Angelina, you said he is "The bad guy". You both at fault, doesn't matter who did what. You were not a saint before you met him. I feel you are spoil and want everything your way. Shame on you both to put those poor kids through all that drama. Shame on you. Thanks.
Angie, you have been leaking everything and the public is well aware of it. It's only your fans with their two brain cells that are believing the carefully scripted crap you've been putting out. That would be why the first thing you did was hire a spin doctor, right? Your spin doctor needs to be fired, it didn't work. The public isn't buying the bullshit.
speaking of mean and vile...........................
It is no secret that Angie has mental problems. Her dad brought that out years ago. I dont imagine she was easy for Brad to deal with.
Angie is that you? No one believes you. You're a fucking nut case that's repeating what your mommy did to your daddy. Fucking kids over runs in your family.
She is desperate to change public opinion. This last shot only confirmed what a cunt she is. No one is buying what you're selling, Nutcase.
Not supporting the nut case doesn't mean I think Pitt is an angel. I don't think he abused his children. You on the on the other hand, still support a lying hoe that is using her children in a divorce to put it to her husband. You should be so proud of yourself. YOU would be the reason why women do this and get away with it. So don't be patting yourself on the back for anything, moron.
I love how her fans are just as nutty as she is. Keep ignoring the fact that he's been cleared, MORON. :D
Ok seal the deal AFTER I GET MY DIGS IN MY AGREEING TO SEAL. Yea, child services and fbi, just so you all rember, kicked her alligations to the floor, but do remind us of that once again.
She is attempting to influence all decisions by continuing to comment.
Sent from my iPad
She just agreed to seal, BUT, added oh yea remember he was investigated, but yea now seal? She is load of crap.
Sent from my iPad
She absolutely called child services or had someone do it. No one else on that plane had an incentive to falsely report child abuse that didn't happen.
If he were sloshed, DCFS's recommendations would have included substance abuse treatment.
LOL... if we see that so will the judge. She is just proving Brad's point for him. She is also showing her vindictive nature which will affect how the judge views her custody claims.
Everything she does is calculated & self serving. Everything. I think she's devious and don't find anything about her likable.
There's video footage of everyone getting off the plane and there were no visible injuries - if Brad yelled at them or boxed their spoiled little ears I'm sure the little shits had it coming ! I imagine the kids are traumatized seeing their mom turn against their dad and I'm betting she's encouraging them to do the same- she's a control freak and he has dared to break free from her regime and this is the price he is paying. Putting her own sick agenda before the well being of the kids- it's gross and selfish. team Brad all the way!!
A spouse fighting with their child is not grounds for divorce. She is a lunatic! Putting her kids through all the FBI and CPS questioning must have been very traumatic for them.
She did everything for pr. The oh so private Jolie even smiles for the paps, like she is in a movie playing a role. The kids have to endure staged papstrolls, just to prove that she is a good mother. I don't buy it for a second. She is a terrible actress abs mother.
She made sure the she and the kids took a long walk in front of paparazzi that she had there (DM's "exclusive") to try and look like the loving caring mother she is not... and never mind the kids or their right to privacy.
Jolie's pr thirst is palpable, she lives for the paps, she wants to be center.
No... Brad Pitt has always been very protective of his own privacy and his children's.
These are mostly lies, he was and is drugtested, and there are no problems. Which should tell you something about how unsubstantiated have been those allegations.
I don't believe he was doing either of those things.
Angie needs to look good for the people... I've never been a fan of this woman. She's a vindictive woman and now Brad knows that too.
A spouse fighting with their child is not grounds for divorce. She is a lunatic! Putting her kids through all the FBI and CPS questioning must have been very traumatic for them.
She won't have full custody once the courts weigh in.
When she was hot , everyone overlooked how crazy she actually is, now that she looks so sickly everyone see her for what she really is, a crazy narcissistic B... -_- Hollyweed...
I always knew she was crazy, never considered she was hot, I didn't understand what he saw in her. I only accepted her because of Brad. He was and is and has always been a good and sane person.
Brad staying with her this long is only for the kids.
Brad thought she was hot, not anymore for a while. He ran far away from her in 2016, he didn't want to be with her that's why he was always somewhere else not with her. He didn't file divorce because considering of kids. He was about to file divorce in May/June.
Brad is not a control freak like Angelina.
Our condemnation has to do with the extreme and excessive response to Pitt, by AJ's camp. If Pitt were abusing drugs, since his tests have been clean, why was he unable to see his kids for more than 4 hours at Xmas, and no time at Thanksgiving? She is widely reported to have no rules for her kids, while Pitt wanted more rules and boundaries. The public does not appreciate false accusations, which cannot be substantiated.
This has nothing to do with hatred towards women, she used to be widely admired. The public is almost unanimous in its disdain for false accusations!
"By the Sea" was disastrous, and reflects her overinflated view of her self!
Angelina can think that the response to her is jealousy all she wants, it does not make it true. She accused Brad of child abuse not because he was abusive but because she wants to possess the kids and she was done with Brad. That is evil and not something you heal from.
Yes I am saying that Brad was neither drunk nor threatening toward Maddox. If he had been either of those things DCFS WOULD NOT have closed the case and marked it unsubstantiated. The judge has decided NOTHING about supervised visits as this has not been to court yet. DCFS decided nothing about supervised visits and Brad only agreed to them until DCFS cleared him. It is beyond assinine that Brad has been cleared and Angie still vindictively is refusing to normalize his contact until a judge forces her to.
The plane's employees made a public statement, that NOTHING HAPPENED on the plane. Angelina wants to move out of the country with the kids, and the ONLY way she can is with full custody, and the ONLY way to get that is acuse Brad of abuse. Now do you get it?
No one believes that she's not leaking info. Daily.
She keep saying "He traumatized", 'abuse them," all those heavy words, but ok what happen ? If she keep saying he traumatized and abused them then why can't she say what he did ? Why hung out there? what is the difference any ways, she still putting out there.
she already released in a tabloid flurry what he did. The two of them were in an huge yelling argument on the plane, Maddox got in the middle told him to stop yelling at his mother & Brad yelled at Maddox to stay out of it. The next part is iffy: Maddox got in Brad's face & Brad pushed him away. The FBI questioned Jolie for 4 hours & interviewed all family & personnel involved and found Pitt absolved of any abuse. She also had the DFCS involved and they also found Pitt not guilty of any physical abuse. This is all there is.
If that the reason why they traumtized the whole news cyle of all media with their nonsense , the whole family should go to prison for traumatizing us with their news for the last five months.
the person responsible for all the traumatising news is Jolie & her team.
Traumatized is big word, I don't even understand how she allowed to use it. Unless Pitt take out a knife trig to stab Maddox.
I agree with this scenario of what happened. She probably provoked him to get a response she could set up as "abusive" to add to her fleeing and leaving him when no doubt he/ they had been planning a split for months. Her ego would never tolerate being left so she torched him.
The abuse being perpetuated is by AJ. She has taken what was most likely a very heated argument and managed to separate him from the kids for close to four months now. Whatever actually happened, and the aftermath, has likely been the final eye opening experience he needed and maybe it woke him up enough to finally cut the cord and get himself together.
Ironically, the person who has "traumatized" the children is their mother. But as I've said before, a narcissist will turn all of their own actions onto the other person. Even though he has been cleared and we wonder why he is still abiding by the initial rules that were set forth, he is obviously dealing with a viper and needs to play the long game as set out by his legal team.
This Celebtichy, Lainey and Perez / flyling monkeys
Ofcoure Lainey is a flying monkey for Branglina. she will eat their poops if they ask her to do it. but one of the reason Why she drag Jennifer in to their mess, because now the two behavior on the public become a laughing stock of hollywood , Lainey by dragging Jennifer in this craziness , she will make them a little human,. she always use Jen to protect those two get out of their embracing us they made themselves and by association her too.
She is trying to destroy Brads reputation. Otherwise she would insist on everything being private. Angie can't stand that she's being shown for the nut case she truly is. Even if there had been abuse, then that would be all the more reason to seal the records for the kids sake. (Which Brad has been cleared) She is not thinking about the kids best interest. She is only concerned about how she looks and that's not good at all.
I feel sorry for Angelina actually. Her early menopause is making her nuts. Too bad everyone else has to suffer too. She needs to get help
She's a whack job!! Anyone can see that. I think those lack of hormones are affecting her behavior. Shame she actually had a great thing going. Now she's going to drag those kids through the mud, and make them hate there father...that's horrible! And to think he stuck by her through the worst times. I actually feel sorry for him. He adored her and those children. Every parent loses there cool at times...can't imagine having 6...
There's nothing tht this witch can do to make me dislike Brad he's a good guy and she's throwing him out there for some one else. She need to eat that's why she's acting crazy. As soon as Jennifer got married Angelina doesn't want him any more. All of this info she's putting out there about Brad she's not thinking it's going to hurt the children kids r going to tease an Billy them. Bad move Angelina terrible mother.
This.woman is 100% spot on about the Junkie. (her forner childhood nanny)
And this is the woman she idolizes while she hates the father who funded her life. She's teaching her kids to do the same.
A mother's brainwashing is a disease you're not likely to recover from and it's hereditary
It is very sad to see children being wilfully harmed by a so-called mother. It should be a crime in the same way that other abuses against children are considered criminal. I believe that Father4Justice and their current "Malevolent" campaign may bring about the necessary changes to child protection laws.
What I have read about her mother is that she never worked (except some production co of one of her men), lived off of Jon and other men, started pimping out Jolie when she was 14, only really cared about the brother who she asked on her deathbed for Jolie to support. That junkie call with her dad talking about how her mother needed a house from her and she couldn't afford it, on and on. PAS all the way on her kids just like Jolie is doing now. But hopefully, Pitt will have more balls than Voight did. We will see later this month, I guess.
Angelina is a very evil woman and I am still wondering why she isn't being tested for drugs or being taken to a psychiatrist when she has a history of drugs and being locked up for insanity.
There's nothing tht this witch can do to make me dislike Brad he's a good guy and she's throwing him out there for some one else. She need to eat that's why she's acting crazy. As soon as Jennifer got married Angelina doesn't want him any more. All of this info she's putting out there about Brad she's not thinking it's going to hurt the children kids r going to tease an Billy them. Bad move Angelina terrible mother.
There's video footage of everyone getting off the plane and there were no visible injuries - if Brad yelled at them or boxed their spoiled little ears I'm sure the little shits had it coming ! I imagine the kids are traumatized seeing their mom turn against their dad and I'm betting she's encouraging them to do the same- she's a control freak and he has dared to break free from her regime and this is the price he is paying. Putting her own sick agenda before the well being of the kids- it's gross and selfish. team Brad all the way!!
she has the ability to keep all of this sealed yet she fights Brad when he wants to do this to protect the kids. This is a game for her and she is trying to make Brad look like a bad guy and to do this she is willing to expose details of their family life to the public that really don't need to be out. St. Angie my ass.
She is crazy!!!!! Stop using those children to punish Brad!!!! She is a crazy Bitch!!!
Good job Ange you have now traumatized your children and as always want to blame brad pitt!!! who has custody all this time??? You ange Grow up already!! 50/50 should be the least of what brad deserves he has been a great father for a whole decade!
Who would have thought after all these years and kids it would end in such an ugly divorce but keeping the business out of the public benefits the children as well she needs to stop trying to leak whatever information she has and focus on her children the public does not need to know what has been going in behind close door's
A spouse fighting with their child is not grounds for divorce. She is a lunatic! Putting her kids through all the FBI and CPS questioning must have been very traumatic for them.
Angie clearly feels she is above everyone else ,during her movie promotion on the red carpet she refused to open her mouth alongside Matt Damon &went blank on Emmy s ,Brad was embarrassed he answered on her behalf .she just stood there.yet was given 9/10for her gown.atleast try to be civil u r not royalty Jolie
they are both cheaters but she is also loco. I say she is like a black widow spider. She loves to "lure them in".
Anyone who wears a vial of blood from their husband is whacked if ya ask me.
Stop using the kids as pawns for leverage. She is supposed to be so smart yet does this?
Maybe someone should adopt her?!
Perhaps they are traumatized as they know that their mom is a nut case.
Or course they are being traumatized, BY YOU Angelina! When will this fool realize no one is buying her smear campaign? She is a well documented liar with severe mental problems! Brad should get full custody and get those kids away from this bitter, delusional woman ASAP
How can she do this to her children's father who supported her unconditionally when she had two big surgeries? There is no 3rd party involved in their marriage why does she hate him so much?
Uhh... you may want to read this over for some grammatical errors.
Angelina seems to still have the mental issues reported by her dad, Jon Voight, years ago.
Don't care what #AngelinaJolie says. #TeamBradPitt all the way. #BradPitt is single!
#Allied movie: story is dope AF and great performances from #BradPitt and #MarionCotillard. I love stories from WW2!!!
I'm watching Meet Joe Black for my first time and Brad Pitt is gonna make me cry the boy is too pretty
The state should remove the kids before she does harm to them, at this point they would be better off in foster care until she gets some type of help since their father isn't allowed to have any control over the matter!
Can you provide FACTS, and References, for your baseless claims? I'm sure we can find someone in social media that makes the similar baseless clams re Angelina. Actually, I don't give a s**t either way, but it is interesting to read the comments posted by idiots!
the FBI cleared him in the abuse allegations from Angelina!! It's been shown for many many years how crazy Angelina is and that craziness is continuing.
.he was not! They dismissed all of that,just bs Angelina made up! She has major issues.
Never was a fan of hers, but she has mental issues from her childhood that only seems normal to her & will mess those kids up
the fathers are treated like crap and the mothers are worthless and get the
Children and mess them up so bad . I know this first hand
With my sons ex wife is a prime example she's a lying horrible
Witch and the kids are with her . You hear it all the time
I blame the judges and the system !!!!!
All she cares about is herself. She needs to get help and think about the kids first. She is a very evil evil person. I don't think she has ever cared anyone other then herself
What is she running from? Get back with your husband and raise those six kids you wanted so badly! Those kids should be your priority not your selfish self!
She's evil as hell. She petty as hell just divorce him
This woman makes me sooooo mad! I think she cares more about herself than her kids! I hate when people use children as a pawn in a divorce!
Sounds to me that the instability stems from Jolie and the courts need to step in. Apparently she is bitter and can't maintain an environment of peace for the kids . Sounds like Pitt would be the better parent in this case .
No, she accused him of cheating. Big difference. She's broken up a lot of marriages and relationships before.
I have to ask. Wtf are his lawyers doing? Pitt is not some interested bystander he's their legal parent! Are the courts this slow or prejudiced?
Prejudiced. Women have the upper hand when it comes to divorce and custody issues.
Even the bat💩 crazy twatwaffles.
She is so skinny but had always made herself loose weight!!
She is crazy. I never understood how brad was ever with her in the first place
She is crazy. I never understood how brad was ever with her in the first place
She is so-o mentally imbalanced. I hope Brad can at least save his biological children from her clutches.
I think she is crazy.
She is a nut case who don't even need to be raising those kids.
Sick how she transform her beautiful daughter into a transgender!
It looks like she is more at fault than he is!!
This woman is a mental case! Run Brad Run!
Stable environment? Remove her!
Eh. Totally lost respect for her.
Not a fan of hers at all he ok i can watch him on screen her i can not
She seems evil
Give the kids to Brad.
Do what's best for the kids...
She is crazy
He is and was the stability ..
She is crazy. Just leave Jolie
It is common for teenage boys to be defiant to their father at that age and especially Maddox being siper spoiled , entitled attitude from his mother! Brsd should have never agreed to that visitation struction period. It is also classic that so called therapists are often engaged in custody disputes to gain the upper hand. It takes a good judge to see through it....¿¿ (antarctica)
She just looks as though she's damaged. You know the sort, many of them who are cat-loving single thirty-somethings around London where I work. All bitter, angry and wanting to get with a man so they can then ultimately have a major melt down and bring them down as well.
Jolie is disgraceful.
Angelina is doing her very best to ensure she has 6 children with individual 'problems'. She gave Maddox knives as a toddler, and now he obsessed with them and her. Shiloh won't be allowed to have any kind of girly phase, Vivienne stars in a film yet is left at home for the premiere whilst the other 5 goes on..she can milk this even if the children turn on her...her career is done and over, and now she doesn't have Brad's money to fritter away on her vanity projects. I wish Brad had sole custody.
Bet he wishes he had stayed with Jennifer
If he had wanted to stay with Jennifer, he would have.
To think Brad dumped the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston to end up with this meh! There is a lesson here for us fellas.
if that was true, charges would have been filed.
What a cruel and heartless way to treat the father of your children. And why is everyone dancing to her tune? Come on Brad, fight back, they are your kids too and she should not be allowed to get away with this dictatorial behaviour.
He and his legal team will do their fighting in court, not in the press. He's being sensible. (Egypt)
Brad should get the 3 biological kids and Ange should get 3 the bought ones.
Angelina Jolie should be ashamed of herself for filing false charges to cut Brad Pitt out of their children's' lives. She should be doubly ashamed for persisting in blocking his access even after DCFS and the FBI him of the false accusations she lodged
I love war movies (especially ones with brad Pitt👅)
I never really had an opinion on these two but he always presented as an absolutely devoted father. I don't trust her. And she would do well to afford him respect as the father of her children.
I wish her nothing but all the miserable things that she could have in her life after what she's done to Pitt. May her life be miserable forever as she wishes Pitt's life would be. the life of a bad c raz y wi t ch!! (malaysia)
Brad should never have bitten for that apple. He might have his issues, but it seems she just wants to drag that herd of kids all over with very little structure or discipline. Brad does have good parents that seem to have instilled some level of guidance and stability in their family.
He needs to get custody of the younger kids before they are as ruined as the older boys.
She is a mental
Angelina has alway been crazy, crazy never changes.
Nothing more despicable than parents going through a divorce and the children being used as hostages by one of them... lowest of the low......
I.e. she let her saw the biological kids because deep down she feels the others are solely hers.
Really hope Brad prevails on this. Their marriage was probably rocky but guaranteed she blindsided him.
How does she live with herself? They've gone from having him around every day for 10+ years, to only seeing a few of his kids once over Christmas? He must not have been that bad before she filed for a divorce. So is it the case of a (crazy) woman scorned? I hope the courts are paying attention to what shes doing.
With time, Brad will probably get joint custody. Unfortunately, by then Angelina will have effectively poisoned the kids against him. Very sorry for Brad.
What a evil mother! How can you keep your children away from their father?! (netherlands)
And the more time that goes by is also another classic way the filing party tries to get the upper hand. Dumb judges think well whoever the children are living with...Your own panel and evaluation reports are so very important especially here!
Brad really should have his own team of psycologists and psychiatrists! And Angelina needs to have a full examination done on herself as well. That's how its supposed to be done so that each has an independent panel. Brad you have the money. Plus all the children should be evaluated by this independent panel to get to fairness and truth.
Jolie looks so gross, scary skinny. If only her mom was still alive to tell her how unhealthy she looks.That is not think, that is sick.
He should get joint custody
No one seems to question her state of mind...she is dangerously in charge emotionally of all those children.
When dealing with a twisted person like joLie, the best way to show them they don't want what they are fighting so hard to get is to give it to them. Give her full 24/7 custody and let her believe it's FOREVER and the show is over. It won't be long before she'll do an about face and start biitching that he doesn't spend time with the kids and start handing them over freely. I've seen it before. No doubt there are some parents in the real world who fight for custody because that's what's best for kids in some cases of a really bad destructive parent. I don't believe for a minute joLie is doing this FOR her kids. She's doing it for manipulative reasons. Hundreds of them.
Ms. Jolie has been through a few failed marriages without it effecting her public persona. Not this time. She will be viewed as 'Cruella de Vil'.
her behavior has been so abhorrent in this that a father's rights group has paid for travelling billboards in LA that call her malevolent and support Brad Pitt.
She really is helping him make his case against her. I am sure the judge won't like this one bit.
she's not well educated and likes to use big words. she said the baby girl in maleficent was traumatized by her when she saw her outfit.
Jolie uses the word traumatized for what their father did....supposedly did on an airplane. However, she has taken these children to war torn countries, had them see the despair, the poverty, etc of refugees, but that never "traumatized" them? Little kids, who can't quite understand, what those people are going through?? Yet had to qualms to bring them along on her various humanitarian jaunts.
I'm waiting for the day when the tables will turn.
Jolie’s legal team fired back that Pitt is “terrified that the public will learn the truth.”
That line is typical Jolie deflection from herself and her habitual line of attack.
One visit with him then she takes them on a ski trip and profits from 80+ pics of the bios, horrid woman is so transparent :evil:
Yes that one visit, and notice no pap pictures of those kids coming or going from his place, for the Christmas visit. Yet, she takes them to an outta the place ski resort, and bam, ton's of pictures displayed for the tabloids.....
Now tell me who uses those kids, for PR. It was NEVER Brad. It was ALL her doing.
Angelina is panic about negative public opinion.
Really?!? LOL, they will never have any comments if they are waiting for comments positive to Angie.
Angie must be paying extra for them to block 99% plus of the comments.
DM is Angelina's PR machine
You are full of it... she was livid that he wasn't prosecuted.
Here is a hint. Brad ain't talking to the press at all. Any sources quoted are Angie's sources.
No... the "no self-regulating mechanism" was from legal papers filed by Brad's lawyer with the courts. That was not PR and the public would have never read it had Angie not opposed the gag order request December 7th. TMZ got that from the courthouse because Angie insisted that the court papers not be sealed.
That is a bald faced untruth... if she had not sent Wasser to object to the records being sealed, the judge would have sealed them on December 7th. No matter what she says NOW, she is the reason that things were not sealed a month ago.
She absolutely wanted him charged... she instigated new allegations when DCFS was going to close the investigation in October.She was fuming when the FBI issued a statement that there were no facts to even warrant them opening an investigation to the point that she was trying to get Minnesota to open an investigation. Even if she had been able to convince them to do that, that investigation would concluded the same thing... Brad did nothing wrong.
No, the judge did not sign because her lawyer objected and he did not have time allotted for a contested hearing on a non-emergency matter. If Wasser had no objected the order would have been approved if not signed that day. Angie does not get to say with any credibility that she has always been willing to seal the records when she actually objected to it.
Oh please Brad was cleared of everything. meaning he didn't do anything against the law, hence stop dragging his name in the mud. Angie's camp is ridiculous.
Ha, that's hilarious. So she can't be calculating & self serving bc she planned a vacation & bought Christmas presents? That's rich.
How about dating men that are married or in committed relationships? She's done that more than once. That's what you call a pattern. It's also what you call self serving, poor character and morally deficient. We as women know we can do it but there's a character flaw in the ones that do. Especially repeatedly. And that's just the most obvious example. Those kids don't need to "heal" from 1 argument 1 time which after 2 investigations was found to be inconsequential. Btw. If it went on longer that that then she is complicit. She's just playing dirty. That's what ppl like her do. It's what SHE wants. Not what's good for the kids. was cleared on all charges, but we're going to print this article with the headline indicating that he truly is a child abuser. We'll only print the part about him being totally innocent at the end. Good job media.
I would never believe Brad is a child abuser. The only thing he did wrong is hook up with a crazy woman and have children with her. Now she is showing her true colors.
Brad wasn't drunk and he did not knocked up his costar
but you're smearing another person who you have ZERO evidence of doing anything wrong. She has claimed that she's happily married, never had an affair with Pitt, and her husband is the father of her baby. It is cruel and hateful to disparage someone without any solid evidence. It does not speak well of you to keep spitting out that trash.
I predict this whole mess will be the beginning of the end of Jolie's career, because she will lose big-time the PR battle with Pitt. People are not going to believe one thing she says about Brad. She is despised by many in Hollywood already and none of this public airing of their troubles will do one bit of good to help her.
That woman has always been unstable and sad that she was allowed to adopt all those kids, that wouldn't not have happened with Jennifer Aniston, that woman had class.
She's 41 and already has three failed marriages, plus tattoos a la Billy Bob, yet not a peep was uttered as they adopted, and had children, and looked like a wonderful family. Rather than act cordial and without rancor, for the children, she agrees to sealing the proceedings, but attacks him with innuendo in the press. What a POS.
Does she still want to hire a trauma specialist? AJ and the kids didn't look traumatized when they were in Colorado. Just saying.
But we do know he's been cleared of what she accused him of.. so Im thinking he hasn't done anything to warrant her drama.
Sure do.... jolie is a vicious dog.
What an evil witch!!!
Whatever. All the divorce drama is ridiculous, embarrassing and unnecessary. In the end they will have joint custody, whether Angelina likes it or not.
ribble... dribble.... dribble. sounds like a dribbler.
She is a mad dog, always has been.
Brad's mistake was marrying the freak.
"terrified that the public will learn the truth"..... Please! Bring it on! How much more dramatic can she be.
Wasser and Jolie are scared that Pitt will go to court again if he feels unjustly treated like he did in this sealing case. They didn't expect him to do something like that and that surprised them.
You think he doesn't have plenty on the witch?
She is a freak of the first order, she shouldn't be allowed near any children.
st angie ho is a vindictive beeyotch who only has her OWN interests in mind, not those kids. parading them around over New Year's made her look even more bitchy.
Her two 'friends' Helic and Dalton probably try to come up with a new plan to trash Brad and I don't think he will often see the children after this messy divorce. They spend too much time with Angelina, he barely sees them, so she has enough time to brainwash them. Maybe he'll start a new family with another woman, we'll see.
The ugly truth:
Angie is losing her looks and with it her "A list" status. She'll be looking at Driving Miss Daisy roles soon... Best Marigold Hotel .... Notes On A Scandal... basically the roles women are consigned to in Hollywood when they get old and lose their looks.
Brad Pitt, on the other hand, has another 20 "hot years."
Knowing the limelight will fade, what does Angie do? She encourages daughter Shiloh to act "transgender." What used to be nothing but a "tomboy" tendency in a young woman now gets fanned into full-blown "gender dysphoria" to be cured with an artificial penis. Angelina is using that poor little girl to fill Angelina's endless and "un self regulated" need for the spotlight.
Angelina is a home wrecker ... a shrew ... a crazy person. What she's doing to those children... there should be a mental disorder named for her. Jolie Syndrome.
Encouraged your child to be transgender for attention? Jolie Syndrome. Court filings about your kids to feed and encourage media attention? Jolie Syndrome. Disfiguring surgery publicized in a press release...
You get the picture.
Now Brad is beginning to understand what the rest of us saw when this homewrecker first got her claws in him.
The truth is that she is a nut job
I always knew Jolie was a bad pick. While guys were pining over her, I was like "No thanks". I mean for christ sake, she slept with her own brother. It's clear there's always been some screws lose in there.
Only real fathers who love their children physically discipline them when it needs to be done. Brad is doing what any respectful dad would do. I was a kind of child that needed physical discipline because yelling or lecturing just didn't cut it
Angelina Jolie-Pitt was first diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder - BPD in the late 1990’s. Before Angelina sought mental health treatment the actress had volatile relationships, was promiscuous, and had admitted to having thoughts of suicide frequently, all classic BPD traits. Hope Pitt's legal team is taking that into consideration.
I think she realizes that the majority of support from the public is going to Brad and she's freaking out over the reality of the situation. Just what the home wrecker deserves!
Classic, she claims to be 100% in support of having the divorce documents pertaining to custody sealed, while at the same time she is violating the spirit of the confidentiality with statements like my ex is “terrified that the public will learn the truth.”
spit with her own brother. Wore a vial of blood around her neck. Has been diagnosed with a mental illness. Had body parts removed out of fear. Traveled the globe adopting kids for recognition. Played a role in breaking up the marriage of Pitt and Aniston.
YES, SHE'S CERTIFIABLY CRAZY! Using her kids as pawns in her divorce is not just Wrong but Sadly Ridiculous. She's the Pot calling the kettle black!
lol DM closed the comments section for new Angelina thread because every one was calling her mental. She must have someone monitoring that site. She can't handle it. I was about to comment, but it says it doesn't accept comments anymore. lol
Just comment on the older thread until they close that too, lol.
That has happened to several AJ/BP articles over the last few weeks over there. It is funny to see the comments running several hundred to one against her on the site that she appears to be mainly funneling her PR through.
it is not the reaction she expects. right? But if she thinks people will agree with her, she is really out of her freaking mind.
She is a liar, plain and simple. And crazy that's why she behaves irrationally. She was never clever just manipulative.
We do know she is a liar... she said that Brad was abusing drugs and alcohol. Test prove he was and is not. That makes her a liar. She said that Brad was abusive. DCFS and the FBI concluded that he was not. That too makes her a liar.
She is stupid. she thought she would ruin Brad's image but instead she ruined her own
Lots of people have called her stupid... I will do it again right now. It is stupid to make false accusations that are easily disprovable and it is even more stupid to double and triple down on those accusations after more than one government agency has found them non-credible. That behavior lost Kelly Rutherford her children so unless a repeat of that is Angie's true goal... yeah, she is dumb as brickbats.
Well it looks like little Miss Perfect isn't getting the reaction she expected from the public and now she is trying to smear Mr. Pitt. This outcome was inevitable when you cheat or are a cheater karma comes and bites you back. I don't feel a bit of sorrow for either they got what they deserved, isolation, bad press, sadness et all. Good job the Pitts you really screwed up your kids and families.
she does not want the children all to herself anyway, she employs 6 nannies, one for each child, if she wanted them that much there would be 0 nannies, shows its all for spite, she trying to convince the world shes a great mum, which she is NOT.
She is unfit to be a parent and is really messing those kid's lives up.
The oldest boy was adopted by Jolie before Pitt came along. It's obvious that he would try to take on the role of Jolie's defender. And he would attack and belittle Pitt in doing it. Classic psychology for this kind of situation, and Jolie is either encouraging the boy or is blind to his teenage manipulations.
I abhor a parent who would subject their children to all this negative media. That being said, I despise any person who would try to keep another parent from their children for almost any reason.
He's been cleared by both DCFS and the FBI. They are still under the temporary agreement they made while the investigation was open. Which he obviously agreed to in order to prove that he is not an abusive, drug/ alcohol addicted father. She is refusing to change it.
Brad was cleared... he still only has supervised visits because his vindictive ex refuses to voluntarily change their agreement without the courts having to smack her down and force her to share the kids.
Whatever... we all know this B is cray. Next!
I suspect he will get temporary joint custody pending the final decision on or shortly after January 17th. (From my lips to God's ears).
I really hope the whole custody will be over soon, but I think Brad only needs custody of 4 kids maybe Pax too, let Angelina have Maddox. That boy is trouble and headache he doesn't need.
I hate to say it but I agree. Until Maddox decides he wants a relationship with his father, he would only be a huge source of tension in Brad's household and a spy for Angie.
Maddox is bad news, he is going to have drug or other problems pretty soon. Plus he is ugly I don't care what you say, cause this is the truth. So he can go to mommy dearest i hope Brad won't fight for him. Sad but after this debacle this is the best solution imo. Let Jolie bear the consequences of her bad parenting.
I have to agree with you. Maddox is so ugly now and looks so evil. I think he is jealous of Brad's handsomeness that he will never have. You know Brad can get any girls he wants. Maddox can't get any. The boy must be frustrated. lol
Maddox is a teenager which means he is an irrational bundle of hormones. At the moment, he is an irrational bundle of hormones being used by his mother as a weapon to bludgeon his father. Until he has the maturity to no longer allow himself to be used in that manner, Brad and the other kids are better off with his choice to not see Brad. The other kids do not need to live with the spectre of him reporting back to Angie because they love their dad and show it. They don't need to be Angie's emotional whipping boys.
And yet ALL of the younger kids want to be with him. Obviously you are wrong.
I don't like Jolie at all. She adopted those kids to fulfill a void in herself. She stole Brad Pitt away from Anniston for that feeling of attention and power, not because she loved him. In all her pictures she has this air of superiority on her face, even when she is trying to be kind, but I don't buy it. Of course she wants the records to be public. If she can't ruin Pitt than her quest would be a failure and would lead to her having to swallow a pile of blue pills to keep her maniacal ego from exploding and possibly harming the kids. As Jolie ages and she starts looking older she will be washed up because the only reason she is who she is is because of her dad Voight and her looks. Soon she will be on the washed up has been list of Hollywood stars gone by. Jolie needs some SERIOUS mental health help, she is sick and destroying the lives of those kids. I don't worry about Brad Pitt, he will always be a star and sought after in Hollywood. Move to Africa where you are wanted Jolie, we don't want your hateful kind here.
Jolie seems unstable. It seems her kids may have more to fear from her than Pitt.
If you look at the histories for both of these people you will see that one has some very deep seated psychological issues. That person is Jolie.
Her paranoia made her under a double mastectomy. Just in case she ever got breast cancer. Her relationship with her father and how bad it is also shows this conflict she has.
I would bet that for the most part Jolie wore the pants in the family and Brad just had enough and snapped. He has been cleared and now Jolie does not like that
Has she ever considered that he is trying to protect her by keeping her crazy concealed?
He wanted to divorce that's why he was running away, as he found out Jolie is a vicious human being influenced by those two British witches.
Making a villain out of their father will eventually come back to haunt Angelina. You DO NOT bad mouth a parent to the children under any circumstances. What she has done is NOT in the best interests of the children and she should be ashamed of herself. I don't like this fake woman who managed to re-invent herself from the mentally unstable person that she was and still is; but, I particularly don't like what she has done to the children's father. He was cleared by every investigation conducted and he should have shared custody in every sense of the word. He made a horrendous mistake marrying and hooking up with this poor excuse for a human being and now he is reaping the reward of his actions. I have no respect for people who don't think about their kids and use them as pawns. That's what Jolie is doing and it stinks.
He had to defend his request to seal all documents. And it's clear AJ has no restraint indeed, so he hasn't said anything that wasn't true.
No he hasn't bad mouthed her. The only thing negative his lawyer said about her was in court papers that would have been sealed had she not opposed the gag order last month.
it would break my heart if I was in this situation. 12 years together and six children, just cancelled, and to make matters worse it was acrimonious. that would be my idea of hell. sorry, but I feel she is the one that has made this a difficult split. I suspect her husband would have preferred a private and amicable separation.
This woman is literally foaming at the mouth. If she would move on from the airplane argument, their son Maddox could too. She wants to keep it in the news and continue to ignite the tensions between Brad and his oldest son.
Jolie is a very mentally ill gal...
The family didn't need therapy... they just needed Angie not to go all possessive and vindictive like she did. Any trauma those kids are experiencing is on account of parental alienation and the forced separation from their father.
I dated a beautiful woman with BPD. Found out after the relationship heated up (quickly and passionately - a common thing for people with BPD) that she was married four times before meeting me. Of course, according to her they were all like Satan and she was a Saint. Problem with BPD, unlike other disorders, is that most people with BPD can't even conceive there is something wrong with them - even if 10 professional counselors/psychiatrists say there is. That's why the most common advice to someone in a relationship with a person who has BPD is: RUN!
Angelina, just please remember that your kids are reading all of this or will read it someday! Consider them, not your publicity!
Brad attempted to discipline the snotty, out of control 15 year old and Angelina freaked out because Angelina has no concept of discipline. Which directly leads to a collection of 6 feral children. None of them are in school. Maddox is 15 and drinks wine and drives without a drivers license. Shiloh is a girl who wants to be a boy. None of them are in school. Why are they not subject to more review from Child Services and why is an admitted heroin user such as Angelina given any control over a child, let alone 6 of them? Brad needs to find a pretty young thing and start a normal family while he has time.
He doesn't want his children, family, etc. open for public consumption. Totally doesn't make him a bad guy--in fact, it makes him a responsible father. Either she's got a really dirty attorney putting all this out there, or she is just crazy (and we already know this from the vials of blood she used to wear).
for some reason a lot of past druggies even after they have cleaned up their lives---seem to derail for some reason- burned up brain cells...she sounds like she is off her meds---back when no one wanted to work with her as she screamed like a shrew and drank her vial of blood for cameras and French kissed open mouth with her brother on more than one occasion for the reporters cameras---she stopped making movies as she was in rehab for more than 3 years when she came out and stole Pitt she and Pitt became the "first couple of Follywood" and they claimed her their queen---and she started to play the role...well sounds like she's off her meds again.. he was cleared by FBI and Child Welfare for any abuse...she was quoted as saying " you don't ever have to tell a child what to do they will learn the right way--I don't believe in discipline" this may come from her dad putting her in rehab at 12 for a couple of years - she didn't talk to him for more than 15 years...hard to believe anything she says about Pitt
I guess she didn't know about his parenting skill before she hoped in bed with him while he was married. He believes in Discipline, what's wrong with that? He's always wanted to raise "normal" kids. Did you forget about that Jolie ?
She seems to be the unstable one.
Jolie is such a spoiled child ! Brad was cleared of all wrong doing and she should just admit it.
She is one nasty piece of work, throwing her kids under the bus to hurt Pitt. She has a well documented history of crazy, looks like it's resurfacing! :(
SAYS the "former" heroine, drug addict. SHE stole other women's men but when someone did that to her WATCH IT, she doesn't like that!!! HER own neurosis caused by HER Mother alienating HER own father from her early in her life has now come ALL the way around and SHE is now doing it to HER children, so the SICK, TOXIC behavior continues. The Husband doesn't behave the way his wife has told him to, so he is punished with the Alienation of his children, JUST like HER mother did to her and her father. Angelina Jolie is SICK and she needs help, LOTS of it!
Well even Brad agreed to family therapy by signing papers for it.
Because he wanted to show goodwill, little did he know that Jolie will use this as a weapon against him. Shame on her.
And yet she STILL married him a short, two years ago and went on ad-nausem about how WONDERFUL he was in every way including fatherhood for the past ten years.
It was no secret he smoked and drank and no secret she has had a relapse from her heroin use.
Angie, pot meet kettle.
He has negative drug and alcohol tests to show that she was lying about any substance abuse on his part. She cannot say the same.
Not to forget her obvious eating disorder. She looks like a scarecrow and very unhealthy. I read that she also doesn't believe in structure or discipline. What kind of parent is that?
The worst kind. Spoiled brats grow up to be narcissistic sociopaths-just like Angelinuts!
If Brad had any issue with alcohol, the whole world would know it. He would have been photographed in public drunk or would have gotten a rep for being unreliable in the industry he is in.
The only thing he is likely now regretting is not choosing the mother of his children more carefully.
If he was a true alcoholic, it would be obvious. Especially if he's still getting tested. We'd be hearing about him entering a rehab.
After sealing it, Brad should go full force attack on her in court.
Hey just saying... I just saw Allied this past Friday. That was soooo good and I cried at the end. The one criticism I have is that the F-bombs dropped in the dialogue were very jarring given the overall 40's era vibe of the movie. I checked box office mojo yesterday and the movie has earned $87 million in box offices world wide thus far and it is still going.
PS... and Happy New Year:-)
I am so glad you like it. I love it, I saw it three times, cried every time. I agree with F bombs is awkward for 40 era especially coming out of Marion Cotillard's mouth, so weird. I think they want to give the movie a little "modern" flavor.
There are still more foreign markets to open, the last one is Japan in Feb. I think it will reach $100 million.
PS - Happy New Year to you too
You have a very strange definition of the word "bomb". Here is a hint... a movie that makes more in revenues than the costs of production and distribution is profitable. Profitable movies are not considered bombs.
If you want the actual definition of a bomb, Google "By the Sea".
So she has no objection to sealing the file, but not before she slips in a few more unsubstantiated public licks.
Those "detailed investigations" cleared him quite a while ago. She is just making noise. Another Oscarworthy performance.
She's probably more terrified than him , that the public get to know the truth, about her.
What was Pitt thinking. this woman has been damaged all her life. The way she acted toward her father, her unhealthy relationship with her own brother. Pitt should have seen it coming eventually.
Don't marry the crazy ones.
It's a sad reality that the masses idolize and legitimize Hollywood nutcases like Jolie.
I don't think she's idolized at all. Feared, loathed, maybe.
I think she is an evil, because she doesn't care about their children wellbeing at all by keep doing ugly actions that will destroying their lives, and making false accusations toward their father. I remember she did the same ugly actions toward her father. She is an evil!
Everyone remember that she was the one that wore a necklace of Billy Bob Thornton's blood in a vile when they were married. This chick is certifiably nuts. She also implied incestuous relations with her brother.
I never have liked her. She doesn't believe in discipline from what I have always read and lets the kids do as they please...However Brad comes from a strict family and believe in discipline. What JOLIE thought was ABUSE was probably DISCIPLINE!
Wow. What a piece of work she is!
Jolie has mental problems. She is a nut case hiding behind her alleged humanitarian work. Pitt should have left her years ago.
AJ and her camp just can't let go their "Halle Scary" divorce strategy.. We all know how that divorce turned out..
I just saw some new pics of Maddox on instagram, that boy looks so evil just like his mother. like mother like son.
this is another urban legend spread by Jolie. Read the FBI statements and you'll know the truth.
She is totally insane, what is Brad afraid of ? whatever that is, it is not child abuse. He has nothing to be afraid of. He yelled at the boy/ shouted at boy, what is a big deal? So her fragile little hideous creature can't be yelled at ? she is mental. Brad's team should go after this angle to prove she is mentally ill and unfit to be a mother and seeks sole custody of 5 kids except that hideous spoiled brat Maddox
I don't believe he is afraid of anything but doing damage to his children by releasing information about their mother (not that she cares about that). Once records are sealed, it appears he will be fighting this in the actual courts rather than the court of public opinion.
That he hasn't unloaded on her publicly just shows he has the patience of a saint.
ROTFLMAO at Laura Wasser. I thought she leaked to the media that it wasn't necessary for Brad to file a memorandum to seal the case because Angie had signed a private agreement to seal? So why is she responding and attacking Brad in their agreement to seal? It's an admission that a private agreement to seal isn't the same as getting the court's approval and without petitioning the court - they don't seal squat! Ergo, they talked smack last week for nothing! Spiegel put Wasser on blast by pointing out that she violated evidence code by filing their correspondence about the case - so now Wasser's trying to embarrass Brad by saying he's afraid that the events on the plane will be made public? Is Wasser for real? If Angie's position is that everything she's doing is to protect the children, then how is revealing the events on the plane good for the children she says are still "traumatized" by the incident? It wouldn't be, therefore Wasser is simply posturing in an attempt to belittle Pitt the same way she did to Amber Heard the other day by claiming Heard was "merely seeking to extend her 15 minutes." Jolie needs to get a different attorney because Wasser is starting to look like an idiot and by extension making Jolie look like one, too.
Both of those women are alligators. They don't care about the casualties of war, just that they win.
It cracks me up when pics of Wasser going to or from court are online.. She's always dressed like she's going to a cocktail party with full make up..
Totally agree... that they are still pounding the false and disproven abuse accusations tells me, however, that they are going to lose big.
Jolie is an idiot - no help needed
Wow, she sure is a piece of work. I hope she gets her *ss handed to her when this matter finally gets heard in court.
ANGELINA IS the bad one...not Brad
Apparently in Jolie's loony world, an "investigation of an accusation (from her)" means guilt? Since the father was cleared, it seems to me the accusations (from her) were unfounded. She sounds nuts to me. DFS needs to get those kids away from her ASAP.
Since Pitt has shown clean random drug/alcohol tests and has been CLEARED by all investigations pertaining to this alleged "incident", then why does Angelina persist with this ill will towards the father? There is no point, except being irrational, vindictive, and self-serving.
After all of this time, one would think that were the concern truly over drugs or alcohol, greater measures could have been applied regarding a controlled setting for sharing the holidays at Christmas & Thanksgiving. So even if BP had been going down a path of too much consumption of drugs, including alcohol, why would she not share the holidays, conditioned upon his continued abstinence?
No, even THAT was not on the table! This is what the general public can not swallow.
Yet, he has demonstrated a continued desire to be with his kids, and abstain from drugs/alcohol, yet she STILL WILL NOT ALLOW INCREASED VISITATION AND THAT IS PATHETIC!
And to keep referencing said alleged "incident" is incomprehensible. Not a shred of evidence to support this, not from the FBI and not from the DCFS. Both investigative bodies would have found some shred of evidence pertaining to this "incident" to which they keep alluding, and at this point, NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS FAKE & DRAMATIC SO-CALLED INCIDENT!
Also worth noting... if Brad had any issue with alcohol or drugs AT ALL, DCFS would have ordered substance abuse treatment before they closed the case.
Totally agreed. Not one shred of evidence.
Learn to read English properly. I wrote, no one cares "ABOUT THIS FAKE & DRAMATIC SO-CALLED INCIDENT".
What I do care about are the constant lies & false insinuations being repeated. No one believes them.
the woman is absolutely gross (both looking and in attitude)
Seems to me it was Jolie was the past Heroin user...and they don;t usually make good custodial parents.
If anyone has terrified the public is Jolie for being such a WEIRDO. I can't believe that she was allowed to adopt children.
This woman has a history of behaving erratically and being unstable, why would anyone believe anything she says?
AJ is freaking disgusting. I for one will be boycotting all her movies from now on
I never thought she was even close to beautiful. I think she looks like a marionette. No curves, all sharp edges. Always wondered what Mr. Pitt was thinking.
This is right out of the divorce handbook for women, make daddy out to be the bad guy when in fact he's just being a parent. It's not a fun job to do, but worse when the other person (not Parent) is always cutting your knees off. Now we get to follow six f**ked up kids that Jolie will raise and blame Pitt of there acts. American Divorce you got to love it.
my god... she is despicable
why do their private lives about their CHILDREN need to be public?!
shes only thinking of herself and willing to throw her kids under the bus all out of spite. disgusting
Why wouldn't they look like they're having fun? They are skiing in the mountains for the holidays! Do you expect them to cry 24/7 because they can't be with their father? Kids don't do that.....but they DO remember. And they will eventually remember what Mommy did to Daddy, especially when she get older and can understand what really went on, versus what Mommy told them went on!
And never mind that the pictures were obviously a PR setup by Angie who once again disregarded the kids' right to privacy to try and repair her tattered public image.
The kids looked like PR props on their holiday skiing trip.
She tried defaming Brad by calling in a false claim of abuse....He was investigated and was not charged with anything.She isolates her children, and who knows what she tells them behind closed doors.I feel badly for those children and hope they get to spend time with him before she does permanent damage to their minds.Hateful,spiteful woman.
Jolie planned this beforehand so she called the DCFS. Unfortunately for her, authorities are not so stupid.
Angelina Jolie is taking her cue from Donald Trump, she thinks if you keep saying a lie enough times the public is stupid enough to believe it. I'm happy to find most people have seen right through this vindictive woman's horrible tactics to try and destroy her husband for the unforgivable crime of wanting to leave her. She should be giving Brad an award for staying with her and putting up with her lunacy for a decade. Angelina Jolie, you are a monstrosity of a mother who has condemned her children to a lifetime of therapy. But congratulations, you've certainly made Brad's life hell for leaving you so I guess to you it's worth the sacrifice.
Maybe all of those medical procedures have taken their toll on her.
What person in their right mind would not want to seal their messy divorce and child custody issue's from the public eye, Angelina Jolie.
She must hate men. She's been estranged from her father, John Voight, and now she's going after Brad Pitt big time. I wonder why she never went after Billy Bob Thornton - maybe because they didn't have any kids...She needs to move on and quit being so destructive with her relationships.
She and BBT did have a kid for about two seconds until she was done with him. They were supposedly adopting Maddox together (in fact, the Cambodian government would not have allowed the adoption if they had know that she intended to adopt alone).
She's a disgusting human being for having this many children then dragging them through her immature rant against Brad.
Sorry Angelina -- the evidence really paints you black. Brad was accused of having an affair with a co-star by you though she was pregnant by HER husband during the filming -- not YOURS. You were the one that got the old cave filled by man-goo from someone that was not your husband. Brad has been the one that is always concerned about the children's well-being -- you keep playing games. He stood by you through the whole cancer scare and from what the media showed -- he was supportive.
California courts are CORUPT .. Currently being investigated by at least one FBI panel... The courts and the lawyers INCITE violence in divorce cases. IT is not uncommon for a woman lawyer to instruct her on how to brush and injure herself then call the police and claim 'spousal abuse'. Keep in mind. Lawyers are ABOVE THE LAW, and will never be held criminally for their cations in a court of law.
I certainly hope the Judge acts fairly and gives joint custody for the children. And also NOT ALLOW her to take them to England. The biological father has rights and should be allowed to have custody of his children. For the adopted kids, if they don't want to see Brad, then so be it. Has the Judge looked into Angelina's background and mental capability of handling all those kids. Be fair fair
she's nasty. A crazy witch like the majority of those so-called stars.
Malificent was actually her autobiography! RUN, don't walk from this big box of SCARY CRAZY!!
She is nuts!
He never should have put a ring on "it".
She is a miserable witch of a jerk. Look at her, you can see it oozing out of her pores. She is sly, and sneaky and she has skeletons in her closet that would knock everyone off their feet if they were revealed. Can't stand the woman. He only married her because she was on the kid track the same time he was. I imagine he has skeletons as well, but she just seems so much more smarmy and disgusting.
I'm guessing it is more the other way around. Usually the one with the crazy demands is the one who is hiding something. Asking for the records to be sealed is a very reasonable request for someone in their position.
Angie the Borderline acting just like a Borderline.
It's comical that Angie thinks that she has ANY credibility left at this point..........
"There is little doubt that [Brad] would prefer to keep the entire case
private, particularly given the detailed investigations by the Federal
Bureau of Investigation and the Dept. of Children and Family Services
into allegation of abuse."
THIS statement right there typifies why everyone but diehard Angie groupies now hate her. The man was cleared of false accusations that YOU lodged, you great big loon. Nobody believes your lies.
If there were any karma in the world, the judge would give Brad sole legal and physical custody for at least as long as the months that Angelina has held their children hostage or until she learned to co-parent (which would be forever).
Her allegations backfired, now everyone is against her. Karma
Brad has been cleared of everything, meaning he didn't do anything against the law. Stop dragging his name in the mud. Angie's team is ridiculous.
She travels around the world helping families & children & this is what she's doing to her own family? Shes lost so many fans with her antics. I hope she loses custody.
Her credibility is now zero. Nobody will take her seriously when she is "defending children's rights" all over the world. Start that at home, missy, and make sure your kids are happy with both their parents in their lives in a normal, cordial way.
Women should not support other women just because we have the same body parts. Angelina Jolie's actions deserve no more support than Kelly Rutherford's did. Angie is the ONLY one who has abused her children. That is what parental alienation is... emotional abuse visited not only on the other parent but also on the children who are scarred for life.
Angelinuts FALSELY ACCUSED A MAN OF ABUSE. That's a FELONY. She should be in prison
Stop with this madness, is it so hard to believe that many people all over the world are appalled by the constant lies? The beauty of this case is that Brad doesn't need paid pr people for commenting, as Jolie is busy digging her grave deeper and deeper.
Nobody has to pay us to write comments condemning women who file false abuse charges to try and get over in custody court (or in a divorce settlement like Scamber did). Angelina Jolie was always a freak. Brad gave her normalcy.
Angie did "go public about the incident". She lied her behind off about the incident to anyone and everyone. DCFS didn't believe her. The FBI didn't believe her. The judge isn't going to believe her either.
Wrong is wrong and Angelina Jolie has been straight wrong since the beginning of this.
Moms and dads handle things differently when disciplining children. What is not nice is using the court proceedings and investigations that were instituted by her (and the FBI was only involved because the incident happened on an airplane and thus in no specific jurisdiction) to win support in the court of public opinion. Even worse is using the kids to hurt him. I've seen it with other couples and it isn't pretty. How can someone hate so much that they'd use their kids as pawns?
at her accusations he was proven innocent of any wrong doing
did something wrong,, yeah,,he married the crazy
He was probably trying to run for the door when the byotch stopped him, punched him in the face and than called the cops saying he attacked her. She is a lunatic that used to cut herself and her boyfriends and play in their blood. Jolie wants those records public so she can HUMILIATE HER CHILDREN and PITT and make herself look like some kind of Mother Theresa which she is the OPPOSITE OF! Jolie is the work of the devil.
Very scary woman. She had the FBI investigate her husband?? Says more about her character than his.
How can she go from praising him as the BEST father and husband ever - to this? Something is wrong here, and I think it's HER.
She is the one abusing those kids. Illuminati idiot is making boys into girls and girls into boys. She is Demonic.
Another woman creating a hateful situation for a father and child. STOP ...... Teach your children to love each parent equally. Hate the man on your own time, not your children's.
Any women that drinks someone elses blood has to have a few screws lose
She is a sleazy person
I gotta believe she's just a psycho to live with.
Jolie is nuts plan and simple, and the left just loves her!
The truth did come out. She is mentally ill, and Brad needs full custody for the safety of his children.
Sure, I'll agree to seal the documents, just let me get one more dig into you first. - Angie to Brad.
In all these stories I've read I haven't heard one bad thing Brad had said about Angie. She, on the other hand, doesn't care what she says or that they have six children, many who are old enough to read this stuff. Imagine what she says in front of them.
Such a nice parting gift she's given him after 11 years, six kids (one she had before him) and sticking by her while she went through having her woman organs removed so she won't get cancer. Almost as bad as when George Lopez dumped is wife right after she gave him one of her kidneys to save his life.
because she is obsessed with that kid to the point its just not healthy. Look what she is doing to Brad because he allegedly hit him, she is trying to destroy his life now. I wouldn't put it past her to do a woody Allen and marry the kid
Brad, did you finally learn your lesson about Jezebels??? Jolie is a nightmare from h3ll.
Saint Angelina. I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the odd and parentally inappropriate relationship which she has with her oldest son, which got the whole ball rolling to begin with. He's probably trying to protect the kids.
Not to mention her kissing her own brother and the blood-vial wearing ... this witch has not ever changed.
Liar, liar . . . pants on fire. Brad is getting screwed.
These things happen in a real family in a real world all the time. Instead of making Pitt as the fall guy, She should just have an amicable divorce and share custody of the children with Pitt. The children need to go to school somehow to be like other children in the world.
I don't know what he did or didn't do, but we all know she french kissed her own brother on the red carpet. Normal is not a word I would use for that.
She is a nut case..... who is desprate and will say anything to make him look bad... We all know better!! Shame on you Angelina!!!
I would just like to point out that she wore Billy Bob Thornton's blood around her neck and kissed her brother with an open mouth. Nothing more needs to be said. Thank you; thank you very much.
We already know the truth...a dozen years ago she had an affair with a married man and then tried to lie her way out of it in her interview with Ann Curry...
It's funny, Jennifer Anniston never said a negative thing about him (that I recall) and the media was horrible to her for years.
This coming from the woman who had Billy Bob Thornton put his blood in a vial to wear around her neck and then tell us how great sex with Billy Bob is. Yup. Who's crazy?
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