September 14, 2017
I think 'Mad' was more important than Brad, and that is Sad.
Um are you kidding ?? The kids should always be more important.
No wonder divorce rates are so high.
They are equally as important. They are different types of relationships. The one you put second will suffer. When your kids leave home one day, as they should, you will be left with your partner. If you didn't prioritize that relationship, it won't be there when the last kid leaves.
Same level of importance, but very different relationships and very different loves.
Same level of importance until he gets married and his wife becomes more important than his mother
Most "wonder mom's" I know can't take a year off to heal from anything let alone a divorce.
She is using that odd relationship with her oldest to alienate the kids from Brad.
Poor kids. Angelina Jolie is a nut job. No doubt she loves her children but her priorities are displaced. Hope Brad Pitt is able to have input in their lives.
She is using the children to spite Brad. If their father is not there they shouldn't be there. Being seen everywhere without their father makes him look irresponsible and that's not true. It's so sad that she's trying to use the children as a weapon to punish Brad and make him look bad. Angelina Jolie is crazy.
So sick of these families who don't encourage their children to get educated. Latch on to parents jobs. At 16 he should be in high school. Elite life. Surely not the only family to go thru divorces, pain or sadness. She caused at least 50% of the pain. She is so odd.
Mad became new dad after ma's lockdown, wearing brown matching uniforms on the red carpet, way 2 govern ur children..
This feels like they are trying to extract Brad from his life.
Angie. It has been a Very tough year on Brad too. Enuf.
I absolutely love Brad, but he's said his piece, why can't she say hers?
As if a 16 yr old would honestly seek out the media to tell the world about his martyr mom. Take those kids away from that woman. My god
Right by her side ? , did not read the article but why should he have to be right by her side ? Not a place for a kid
Oh wise grasshopper!
She refers to being a single mom but then follows with taking a year off
Give me a break. She is a home wrecker
Punk ass bitch.
A relationship like Woody Allen next?
Go Away, Angelina!
She looks sad without brad
Sad eyes
Oh puh-lease. Difficult and painful life is when you don't have enough money to feed your kids and pay the rent because your husband emptied the back accounts when he walked out on you.
Angelina Jolie is just a cry baby all her life has been full of this and that whatever we all have problems she needs to stop digging the past! And STFU!
ZERO sympathy for her! Bet she's just hangry...
I find it funny that she says she wants her family healthy when she herself doesn't look healthy.
he stood by her through her eating disorder, he stood by her through her depression, he stood by her through her cancer scare. But she walked away from him and his alcoholism. So...yeah, I call bs on that shade she through Brad
I was thinking the same thing! She had a pre-emptive hysterectomy and double mastectomy. That is some serious recovery there.
Agreed. I was going to post the same thing. He stood by her through the most difficult of times and she couldn't stand w him. Shamful!
He gave her so many chances,
yet the first sign of trouble she runs for the hills. But it actually is okay because Brad is better off without her.
So because he stood by her she should have to put up with him being an abusive drunk??? No no no.
Yes Malcolm. It's called marriage.
All she's doing is trying to make herself visible so she can promote her movie. She's been through enough marriages and divorces so she knows what she's doing. And I don't believe she's having a tough time about it. Also whatever happened to the big foreign minister job she was trying to get I think in Britain?
She look like she smokes meth
She need to go away , like seriously go continue to kiss her brother and keep wearing billy bob's blood
This woman is so dramatic, when will she stop using men for her political mirage. Besides UN she will run for office. One day
The kids always look so miserable...I'm guessing there's a new Mommy Dearest book in their future
She's just doesn't come across as likeable or down to earth in any way
Saw her and the kids on tv show last night. She needs to eat, her arms, legs and body is skin and bones. Don't look healthy to me.
She is far from perfect. Hope she can move on soon
All in the head and nothing in the heart husssh....
She's a strange one!!!
Skeleton Face.
It's a bit easier not be distracted by material possessions and to "be fully as you are" when you already have enough material possessions for 500 lifetimes.
When will this woman disappear and save us her hypocrisy...
Angelina Jolie: "There's no time to be small or selfish or distracted by material posessions...Be fully as you are. Know your voice, and stand by it."
Says a woman with hundreds of millions of dollars.
What a whiner. This from a woman who has everything in the world relating to material possessions. She even collects kids.
What a horrible actress. You need to learn how to be a decent person before you can be a good mother or actor!
She's not a single mom. There is still an active Dad in the picture. Single moms are doing it all alone. Selfish bitch.
She needs to stop acting like Brad doesn't want these kids... She pushes people away
Difficult? Try being a single mom, no child support and working 6 dsys
Can't stand Angelina Jolie
No one cares about this homewrecker
Executive Producer , how ridiculous. He's 16 years old. Nepotism much. Wonder how all the grown up professionals working on the film felt about that? She's disgusting
16 year olds becoming executive producers yet I can barely fold my laundry....
But having him as an EP is a little much. I'm sure the producers who've been working for decades were side-eying him a bit.
Oh here we go again with Angie
Such an attention whore! She wanted the divorce and she made it unnecessarily hard on the children with her unfounded accusations about Brad and bringing the CPS and the FBI into her drama! She made their father out to be a horrible person, adding that stress to the children's lives! She is just a horrible person with no moral values and, at this point, no following!
Doesn't this home wrecking whore ever go away and keep her trap shut...geesh. She's the reason the kids were in a bad way to begin with. So thankfully, if she isn't lying like usual, they're getting better in spite of having her for a mother
Just shut up with your whining. People do this everyday. Boo whoo
She's such a phony.
Not a big fan. She does good work for many causes though. I admire that. She manipulative and trust me we are only seeing what she wants us to with this article. Some of the reasons she divorced would not shine a good light on her.
Really? Guessing not as difficult as anyone else anywhere ever- seriously lady get a clue! #selfabsorbed
But still dumb as a rock
Karma is real...
Why does she dress the girls like boys
Angelina is a true Witch.
Wish she would stop making her birth children look like boys smh besides the boy twin lol since he actually a boy lol
Why do her daughter's look like boys?
So all her daughters want to be boys ok smh
Forget how the kids look, why does she look so old for 42?!?
Quick someone throw Angie a cheeseburger! 😩 turning to bones
They young lady in the front row left side looks like she is thinking " get me the f*ck out of here!
Knox looks more like Angelina and Vivianne looks more like Brad
Angie looks like walking skeletons for me
She's got enough money to buy foods yet she's looks like skeletons... she's got enough money for everything yet looks like skeletons
She is using her kids to get attention too much talks about her kids too much...
Ironic name of a movie for this family right now
So over her complaining about what a tough year she has had. People all over doing it a lot tougher. So she's got six kids, she also has nannys and plenty of money. And the kids have a father who would love to spend more time with them. Try sharing Ang.
I get a "Mommy Dearest " feeling from her.
I don't like Angelina Jolie although we're not in her life I think the way she handled her divorce to Brad was just dirty
I noticed she cut Vivennes hair and started dressing her like a boy too now , I am really surprised she let her be a girl as long as she did, she wanted to make her a boy before she reaches puberty I guess, Knox is probably glad he is already a boy, Zahara is next I guess, a giant shame they got turned into boys, such beautiful glorious girls they would have been too very sad.
Nope, you and your husband should of come first. That stabilizes the marriage that in turn benefits the kids. Also, keep in mind that your kids are special to you, but do not impose the responsibility of making them be your best friend. They need to make their own friends but I can imagine how hard it is for them to do that when they are basically on lockdown catering to your emotional needs.
It seems to me, Angelina is the one who stirred up the hornet's nest with Brad Pitt. It was all a self-inflicted wound.
Girl, get off the cross, someone could use the wood.
You reap what you sew. I can't imagine being locked in with her was best. I can't imagine what she's putting on them if this is what she's saying publicly. They are her best friends ? No one has ever stood by her? She's pretty wounded. These types of statements put the kids in charge of her needs.
I don't doubt that Jolie is a caring and generous person but ultimately she is an actor who earns millions to be in a movie. That's what she does...act. The money she earns from that allows her to be generous as well live in a $25 million home. Her personal wealth is about $200 million.
On the other hand, nurses, doctors, first responders, firemen and women, teachers and the list goes on are on the front lines of helping people all the time, that's what they DO. They may make a decent wage but take a moment to reflect the utter obscenity that one person who acts gets paid more money than these folks combined would ever see in a life time.
There's something very wrong with this picture.
To have her on the cover of the NYT is embarrassing.
Perhaps Miss Jolie could have shown more humility and have you interview the staff that works in her mansion.
None of us is so perfect but we are allowed an honest reaction. I try to see the good in AJ. I have to say I think her acting is nothing special, clearly not high quality, so she rides on the rest of her accolades, which lately include getting some big media coverage on her medical decisions and jumping on the bandwagon of politically correct issues. Good job her. She certainly knows how to position herself as a suffering, caring, (extremely wealthy) white female. Poor job NYT. I cannot stand to look at her anymore, there are scores of far more interesting and worthwhile people (with stories that do not follow the poor princess narrative AJ has built,) whom are far more worthy of your readers time, and whom you might elevate to such a large front page position on this day. I do not have a scrap of interest in her. Shes always been mundane.
How is it reasonable that this human makes the front page for surviving a divorce and making a film, given all of the other issues and disasters (natural and political) that face your country right now? Disappointing, NYT.
Don't find her even a little bit interesting.
I've never understood Ms. Jolie's seeming contradiction between her humanitarian efforts and the movies she's made that glorify violence. "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" come to mind. Always leaves me shaking my head.
Please, can we stop with the adulation of this woman? I have nothing against her, but she's hardly Mother Theresa. She hasn't devoted her life to a humanitarian cause - she lives in great luxury and privilege and occasionally churns out a quickly forgotten movie with a social justice theme, from which she makes a substantial profit. Really, is she any different from any average person who drops a few bucks into a Salvation Army collection bin and calls it a day?
As a subscriber and daily reader of the New York Times, I'm disgusted by this article. Why is this pointless article front page news? And, why is the New York Times always providing a forum for Angelina Jolie? If I wanted to read about the "Goth weirdo" whose house is a "beaut" I would go to TMZ or the Daily Mail. Angelina Jolie doesn't interest me but I do happen to know she is a very troubled person who treated her husband abominably, using her children against him and using her children for publicity. In the wake of that split, she's obviously got the P.R. machine going. Just... gross.
I was shocked to see the big, Botox and collagen-plumped face of Angelina Jolie staring at me the first time I went to the NYT front page. I thought I had clicked on the National Inquirer by accident. Is this narcissistic and petty movie star really more worthy of the front page than the suffering of those in the Florida Keys? The Times must be really desperate for clickbait, but you have just given the Trump camp ammunition that the Times is nothing more than a left-wing tabloid, full of fake news.
What was supposed to break her?
The failure of her effort to destroy Pitt's reputation and career, and bar him permanently from any contact with his children? I know the lady has powerful press agents, but I'm surprised they were able to get her a glowing piece of rehabilitation in the New York Times. Isn't People enough?
Kids should not be your best friend. Kids should not have the job of giving you love. Kids should not be given the responsibility of adult love to a parent. Kids should not "all" you need in life.
She is very enmeshed with the kids and that is a problem.
I wish her well but families are not perfect and hard times are when we learn the most in life.
This article does not really say much of anything. Not much about her is all that appealing, and there are plenty of unsung real aid workers in the trenches here in the US and abroad who are doing meaningful work everyday. I find her photo ops looking sadly into the eyes of a child in a refugee camp revolting because it's always about her, carefully crafting her image. Please Times, give us articles about real heroes, not Hollywood celebrities who aspire to be like them.
I am astonished that the New York Times would give front page coverage to Angelina Jolie and to a story which is hashed and re-hashed every few months in one or another fashion magazine. Once again, we are given a carefully constructed, tightly scripted persona replete now with make-up and hair coloring designed to transform Ms Jolie into an Asian Madonna. Oncc again, the 'story' is told as Ms Jolie intends us to have her story told; the loving mother helping her children overcome their wounds, those inflicted by the villain of the piece, Brad Pitt, unnamed but present. Hints as to the grief of separation and divorce. A tragedy she must transform through healing: attentive home schooling, vigilant and ever=present mothering all taking place in the secure setting of a 25,000,000 million dollar estate from which the hum of humanitarian thoughts emirate.
For a woman who professes humility, and a preference for privacy, she seems nonetheless to be in endless pursuit of promotion.
An absurd decision on the part of the Times to give Ms Jolie this kind of attention. I will confess to the reporter providing an ending that was simply hilarious in her reach for an Emily Bronte moment. What drama as they embraced in their bittersweet ooodbye and she "set off into the sun and the heat as the heavy security gate slowly drew shut behind." In this prose, Wuthering Heights embraced Hollywood. Will Heathcliff find Angelina? Let us hope so.
Is there a subject less important than an immensely wealthy actress who, gasp! is getting divorced?
For God's sake. Another commercial for another movie with the usual middle school cliches.
So the Cambodian genocide helped Ms Jolie deal with her marital problems, did it? How wonderful for her that it happened. How could she have coped otherwise?
It is easy to tell, by this picture, that Ms. Jolie has had some work done in terms of her face. I, also, like many of us gentle readers, have been subjected to stories of her lavish lifestyle for years --- with Jon Voight as her father and a model for a mom. To me, she comes across as a pampered, controlling woman who has no bones about breaking apart relationships ( Laura Dern and Billy Bob Thornton come to mind), and leaving a man who no longer fits with her world view at the drop of a hat; in relation to this article, Mr. Pitt.
I find it particularly troublesome to read this article on the same day as I read an article about the elderly dying in a nursing home in Florida, because an air conditioner gave out. The juxtaposition of her wealth and the poverty and anonymity of others is too rich for me to stomach.
I so wish we did not revere these people for their fame and "talent". She, and others like her, such as Madonna, with her "altered' face represent a section of American society that is so vacuous and troublesome. It all just seems a bit much.
She's a nut case !
Beautiful in beige? how can any one be described as beautiful when they have such a nasty cruel mind she shows she time the PR men come pushing photos and accompanying spiel tell them where to go
Her mental mother raised this mental daughter. she repeats her mother's mistake, it is always men's fault never her fault. Mental disease is uncurable, now she raises mental kids.
I can't stomach her saying so publicly that her children are supporting her through her hard times - with her divorce from their father. Maybe she thinks it's perfectly normal to estrange children from a parent, since that was her experience?
The real news here is that the worryingly thin Ms Jolie has been eating something.
She seemed to enjoy the fried tarantula more than the pretzel.
How many takes do you think they had to do with that pretzel before she got it right?
And each time she spat out the mouthful.
Being slim is one thing, but being a skeleton is not attractive at all.
This is plainly and simply good PR handed to Jolie.Why is the Times playing along? I didn't sign up for this stupidity and hence, expect a partial refund of my subscription.
I've spent many years working with actors, most of whom I've found to be less than interesting–except to themselves. J.D. Salinger's analysis is the best: "I hate actors. They never act like people. They just think they do."
Angelina is trying to fight her way back after her attempt to portray Brad as evil incarnate backfired spectacularly. I had hoped Professor Jolie would expound on her qualifications to teach at the London School of Economics. I wish NYT had sent an objective journalist to interview Angelina instead of this stan who could not stop gushing.
She should be in the next Tim Burton film. He would save a fortune in computer animation.
The front page of the NYT as a free ad for her new movie? That is a power PR machine.
I wish she would disappear with a whoosh of her black caftan.
Celebrity worship is vulgar.
I applaud her ability to view the world's injustices from her Hollywood mansion. It must pain her so. Life is cruel.
How much longer is this "Pity Poor Me Me Me" Single Martyr Publicity Tour going to go on for??
She says the kids "stood by her" implying that they took her side in the divorce. She declared war on their father and then made them choose. That's so twisted and gross.
They didn't get a choice.
And she basically broadcast her willingness to get back with him recently. See the "Taylor and Burton" leaks.
She looks like someone who has picnics in graveyards.
You can't ask for privacy and want to be private and then air dirty linen in talk shows and magazines. Brad turns out to be the better of the two as he revealed zero.
And she still keeps making passive comments. Just stop. children need both parents. especially if both love and want them. She is not a single parent. she is a single mother that has an ex that wants to be with their kids. The children deserve that.
Narcissists always make divorces messy.
She is so fake, there is no one genuine bone in her.
The kids stood by me. You should not be leaning on your young children for emotional support. That is just wrong. Also, did they have a choice. I do not blame Brad for drinking. I would too if I had to put up with her kind of crazy.
Brad was not an alcoholic, everything he said was done for Angelina's sake in order to whitewash her image. His problems are greatly exaggerated, it's unfortunate that some people believe it, but what can you do to the ons, it was his choice.
She's been damaged since childhood and is continuing it with her own children.
The kids of women I've known that divorced and treated the kids like best friends ended up messed up. Probably because these kids felt so responsible to be parenting their mom. Angelina should have adult friends and relatives to confide in during this process. Not her kids who she has on "lockdown".
Omg she actually eats
It's painful to watch this woman parade those children to help her PR image. They are lucky to have Brad Pitt as a caring and involved father despite their mother's machinations to cut him out of their lives. Angelina Jolie has stated those children are her best friends and with her through everything. She forgets to mention those children have no choice. She can't keep friends who aren't paid and her relationships are fraught due to her famously public mental issues and personality disorder.
Meanwhile we all stand by as the kids are thrown to the wind, because she has money and power and the ability to manipulate. Sadly it's likely to end with tell-alls once the kids are grown, but by then it'll be hard to undo the damage of trying to shore up their mother's ego as they spend their childhood in an enforced friendship with a deeply troubled parent.
The generosity and selflessness of charity should be assessed not based on how much one gives, but based on how much one keeps for themselves. Angelina lives in a $25 million home and has multiple such homes. Is it really that impressive if she donates a few million dollars and occasionally flies to third world for photos with orphans, or writes a letter to a magazine about humanitarian issues? I'm more impressed by public school teachers living on paltry salaries and other every day people. Yet Jolie gets profiled in the NYT. Go figure.
Why does she keep parading them around?
Her children are the accessories
She just looks famished these days
Ya she doesn't to healthy, too skinny and lanky.
Y do all her girls look like boys....i mean is ok ...but does she do this to them or what???a child should chose but somehow i feel she makes them dress like this..m
I feel the same way, like she is dead set on having a trans gender child almost like "it's the IN thing" don't tell me that bs that at the ripe old age of 3 the child said they felt like a male trapped in a females body !! Shes warping them like she is !
All the yellow flowers in the world won't help the mental abuse these kids are living with....
Can't wait to read all of their crazy autobiographies in twenty years.
She's so totally out of leveraging herself.
That's why she drags them everywhere no one wants to see her.