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Saturday, September 16, 2017


September 16, 2017




how much has Angie donated? She uses the foundation set up in her kids' names to *rinse* money collected for the pap shots she sells. She also make a large amount of money calling the paps to let them know where she will be and it also goes into the foundation, to save taxes. she says she donates that money but public records show that most of it is donated back to itself or to "salaries" to unknown people, with little going to real charities.

I wrote a phone number on the back of my hand this morning, anyone interested? No, thought not.

GO away.

You must have mistsken me for someone who cares.

What's the point of having tattoos on the back or arms when you can't read them. They would be better on a wall.

Why would anyone need to know this?

Looking forward to seeing whole chapters of Harry Potter on her back so her kids will always have something to read

Odd person.


No matter how meaningful the tattoos they won't look the same as you age...

She's definitely in the running for the Uglist Tattoo Award for 2017

Oh, tattoos are so mysterious... NOT! They are childish.

Finally she has shown us her true face

Manufactured pop star worth 300 million dollars. She has nothing to say that I care to hear.

Alas, the real, shallow, Taylor Swift is revealed.

Her face finally matches her personality.

It's time the maddeningly annoying Swift gets over herself. She's so in love with her own self importance that it's embarrassing.

Putting all these messages in songs, just pretty much sounds like you're too chicken s#/* to face folks in person

Typical Swift, once again playing the victim. She should look into a mirror for the inspiration of her next song - of course then it would have to be titled "I'm a lying tramp". The song also sucks. BTW - the $20 hooker look is fitting on her.

What else does she have to write about?
She's barely lived at all in the real world with real people.
She's writing about what she knows...petty and empty garbage

Taylor is the youngest bitter person in pop music.

it is passive aggressive.

The trash that Taylor churns out is beyond redundant. Taylor's new songs are taking subliminal disses at someone? Wow, she's never done that before. She's so lame and predictable, a terrible singer and a petty person. Her pity parties and silly fights are just so tired.

So she's basically reinforcing her reputation of being a drama queen who makes money at others expense by airing her beef with everyone, just like all her other albums?

Taylor always comes off as a snarky middle school kid to me. Someone like Kesha turned bad experiences into a beautiful new album. Maybe Taylor should follow her lead instead of always picking fights.

The butt groping trial was nothing but a publicity stunt to help her sell a new album. It's no coincidence her album announcement came right after this publicity stunt ended. This girl is disgusting and childish.

Don't really like this drama queen. She really needs to grow as an artist instead of holding on to her teenie bopper fan base.

I'm sure she's been waiting for the trial to end for the release. Free publicity is always nice.

She took too much time off. She is bringing up old drama...move on

In 10 years, Taylor will be in Vegas lip-syncing to her songs like Britney and all those washed up pop stars trying desperately to remain in the spotlight. It's actually quite sad. It may be better to just retire and quietly disappear. It's not like these people need money. They have enough money to live comfortably the rest of their lives.

It doesn't take much to become iconic now a days

Sweetie, you got outsmarted by the Kardashians. I would never bring that topic up again, it does you no favors.

September 17, 2017

A director of substance..i stopped right there!! Lol

Not a great actress.

Sorry to piss on your parade, but nothing this woman has ever touched has been either stylish or substantive.

Westerners who live in Cambodia think the latest film is pretty crap. But she has done great works in the bush with medical clinics and so on.

In an orphan-collecting adoption fight, who would win- Angelina Jolie or Madonna?

I'm baffled that anybody could consider her a talented actress. She is utterly wooden. Her face is a frozen mask. She may be a good director- I've yet to see one of her films.
I also find her politicking as self righteous and tedious as Sean Penn's.

Propaganda actress

Style, substance... and barking mad, don't forget that

I don't know her of course, but she comes across as pompous. She needs a lighter and sassier touch to be credible, even when addressing dark themes.
Plus anyone pals with penis head William Hague must have serious gaps of judgment.

According to the magazine, the children all came from deprived backgrounds.
No, not according to the magazine. According to Jolie herself, whose words were quoted directly in the article.
Vanity Fair and Peretz have resisted the demands of Jolie and her lawyers to remove the offending material,
Of course they have, because (not mentioned here) they later produced the full transcript of the interview, straight fro the horse's mouth, which if anything made Jolie look even worse than she did in the original article.
The irony is, far from being an attack job, the Vanity Fair article was in fact something of a celebrity puff piece. Rather like this article.

I know it's daft to think there can only be one film about a subject, but when you have a film as masterful as the 'The Killing Fields', perhaps it's better just to leave it at that.

Absolutely ghastly , manipulating, ego driven narcissist.
Her acting is average , sorry. Not in her father's class.

Her 'work' for the UN is blatantly self promotion and PR. (though she's not alone in that)

Haha! U must be joking. Guardian get serious. We read u as you are not Glamour, OK magazine or Vanity Fair.

Yeah, I wonder how much the dreadful woman contributed to have this piece of misplaced hero worship published.

'With only a few exceptions, her film choices have been downright baffling..'
Hahaha ... baffling to you maybe ... i'll give you a clue ... its green and Abba made a song about it
Good luck to her

Jolie is nothing special as an actress. She strikes me as a bit of a weirdo actually, which is unsuprising given her old man is an authentic, genuinely bona-fide RWNJ.

I live in Cambodia and followed her actions in the press whilst she made her new film. She is clueless about most of the country's history and current aspirations.

She kept company with the likes of Hun Sen, the murdering ex-Khmer Rouge captain and current murdering PM/dictator, stayed in the most expensive, insulated hotels, and only met the "ordinary" Khmers she claims to champion on her film sets.

She also used 500 actual members of the highly corrupt Cambodian army to play Khmer Rouge soldiers, traumatising villagers in the process, as the Great Lady herself seemed almost proud to tell us:
“When the Khmer Rouge came over the bridge, we had a few people who really dropped to their knees and wailed. They were horrified to see them come back,”
I get that cooperating with local officials is unavoidable when filming in certain countries, but this 'human rights activist' didn't seem to mind traumatising ordinary Cambodians - including deprived children - to make her vanity project film.

I hate the actors and celebrities worshipping. I don't like her and will not seek her movies.

I could be wrong but she appears scripted and one dimensional when discussing the subjects of her movies that one can't help but wonder about the depth of her understanding. Her acting isn't crash hot either compared to numerous other female leads

What bs.

She couldn't act her way out of an envelope.

"Angelina Jolie: an actor of style and a director of substance".
Yeah, well, velour bell bottoms once used to be in style and shit is a substance. This piece is trying to keep this hack of an actor and director in our minds for a reason and it's not merely because the author couldn't think of someone or something better and more interesting to write about.
The thing that sucks for those who write crap like this is that there are giant swathes of the population who no longer accept it and thank heavens for that. Here's hoping the rest get on board eventually.

highly overrated mediocre actress and wannabe director.
while i appreciate celebs who promote charitable cases, she - like madonna, adopting, no. hoarding children - appears to do so mainly for publicity reasons.
where are the likes of audrey hepburn these days who contributed to charity without being a fame wh*re?

'Angelina Jolie op' is given to women it cannot help: Surgeons are pushing women to have mastectomies they do not need, top doctor warns

Stop naming cancers and treatments after this nasty woman.It insults people's intelligence!

I don't think her ego can handle that her daughters will grow up to be better looking than her. That's why she's dressing both of them like boys.

Is there really a point to being rail thin with oversized implants when 90% of the time she dresses like a suburban grandmother?

Yes, she has a nice face but she still is malnourished and emaciated. Sad to see that she doesn't seek help for her obvious ED.

Saturating us in PR coverage with this relentless Pity Me Me Me Tour won't make us forget how you played "Grab the Cookie" with poor children, and bragged about it.

PR overdrive! No matter how hard she tries to look like a decent person; won't work! She is totally friendless, except for the sycophants she pays to be around her. Can't wait for the divorce to be known and for Brad to come out of the shadows of this despicable woman and fall in love again. Having Daddy around again; she is beyond desperate!!

Charwin Gale Garcia It's not about finding the other half to become whole. It is all about two full souls becoming one.

Drei Lazatin love is always a choice, always a conscious commitment. it's a choice to make it work every day with the person who has chosen the same thing. there's a difference between feelings and commitments. it's not enough to choose the person who only makes your heart flutter. choose someone who's committed to choosing you, always finding something to adore even on the bad days. it's not supposed to be perfect. this person could be your "universe" and vice versa, and there will be times when you can no longer see stars in each other's eyes.. but as long as you both still choose to look until you find them again, that's how you know you're making it work.

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