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Sunday, August 20, 2017


August 20, 2017

Just get the kids some outfits that are not sloppy. They are daughters and dress them as such.

No number of pap strolls will make the public forget the shady casting of crying children or using the brutal army. Nor have we forgotten lies about reconciliation with Brad to deflect the narrative away from it, giving children false hope. Maybe she should try shopping without phoning the photographer first

This woman is playing for a public, she is manipulative, sorry for her children, they are always scared, untidy.

Another PR walk in the shops, soon this crazy of all the daughters, will make the boys. Poor kids!

Yep looks just like any other 'normal' mom out shopping with her 'sons'..!!!!!

No amount of thick clothing in summer heat can disguise her scrawny, aged body. Brads a fool if he returns to her, she'll never be a loving partner or a loving mother. Too twisted and manipulative. He will serve his kids better if he lives his life normally, with love, and provides them with an alternative.

She is anything but a good parent. She is a master manipulator. That little girl has been dressed as a boy since before she was old enough to choose her own clothing and she has been constantly praised and referred to as 'one of the brothers' by her mother. That is manipulation. Children want to please their parents. Child Protective Services should remove the younger kids.

I see she's starting to dress Vivienne as a boy as well. Next step - cut her hair.

the younger girl is identifying up with her older sister, and perhaps with Dad not Mom

Does she not know how to dress little girls or brush hair!?!!!!

She's anything but normal.

Why is she suddenly dressing Vivienne is boy clothes? She always ranted to the press how girly she was.

It is August. Why is Angelina so cold she needs a bulky sweater? I live in Los Angeles. It isn't cold.

She has horrible clothes,shame her little girls always look messy and poorly dressed

Something very strange that both of her daughters are emulating boys.

Why does she want her girls to look like boys???

She's doing what's necessary to convince the court she's a capable mother, keeping them in one house in one city longer than 2 weeks, cooking, cleaning, shopping at Target. As soon as she gets what she's wants it will be back to dragging them through airports and palming them off the nannies while she embarks on her latest vanity project.

The kids look disheveled. Maybe run a brush through their hair at least?

Love Brad that he never lets his personal life affect his career. Woman comes and goes, old goes and young comes. He can always build a new family with a new woman. I am also available any time for him. lol

I love Brad, all the best for him.

Him and Cruise are legends

Looks so much better since ditching that witch.

Dear god DM who writes this nonsense. He does not look downcast or glum. He looks normal.

He looks great.

Wow..he is very handsome.

He's still got it!

Yes he does, he looks fine here!!

Brad Pitt, looks good, he even looks younger. But for daily mail, it will always be not so.....

Keep working Brad as it's better for you than being married to Angie.

Brad is working and looking good. Angelina is still unemployed and doing PR papz stroll shopping trips with kids.

he looks tip top

BP looks really good in uniforms.

Downcast down sexy more like it

He looks normal, not downcast.

Downcast? Are u serious? He looks amazing!

What happened to her Bell's Palsy? so it was minor not serious, but she had to mention it in her interview to get sympathy, her pity card was so lame.

Allegedly her handlers told her to stop mentioning it because her fake symptoms did not match the symptoms that real sufferers have experienced. So she has quickly dropped the sham and concentrated on pap-strolls instead.

It seems pretty obvious that Jolie has come out the worst of the three in the triangle. Pitt and Aniston have the support and friendship of the industry, whereas Jolie now seems an outsider. She has upset too many people, chased too many of their men and been too diva-esque in her demands. The industry has firmly sided with Pitt over her lies and rumour leaking. She must have an option on Maleficent 2, but there doesn't seem much else in the offing for her. Her Netflix gigs were brokered by Pitt and her last few films have flopped, embarrassing him in the process with By The Sea. Seems unlikely she will ever be a star again, so she will use the fact she has the megastar Pitt's children for her exposure and PR.

Marketing for Ad Astra is already full steam ahead. Haven't seen TLJ in anything since that relationship film with Meryl Streep. He's good value and can't wait to check this sci-fi one out. Pitt looks super fit and lean. War Machine was good but not really mass appeal stuff so it'll be interesting to see if BP can "keep" that leading man, box office draw tag after his ex tried dragging his name through the mud for reasons that shouldn't be in the public domain.

Benjamin Buttons, looking younger everytime!

He doesn't look downcast, pensive maybe. Who writes this rubbish? He's very handsome

He looks great.

A new day, and no new pap stroll, dragging the kids? I'm disappointed in the Saint.

I have nothing against tomboys but clearly they have messed with the heads of those two little girls.

I wish she would learn that you cannot buy your children! These children need some stability and permanence especially now their father is no longer around. All Angie seems to do with those children is try to buy their affection. I can't wait to hear about growing up in this family from their perspective when they are older. As to Vivians dressing she is obviously copying her older sister and what younger sister hasn't done that?

Now Vivi is wearing boy pants every day. Shiloh started like that. She wants turn both girls to boys. sick woman.

It's a diversion from the way she molded Shiloh from birth. She want's us to think it's a "phase" all her kids go through. Notice the boys aren't in skirts though.

You never see her take them to the park, go swimming at the beach, rock - climbing, dancing, nothing. Just shopping, airports and movie premieres.

They may have all the toys in the world but I imagine they'd prefer to have a rational mother and a father they can see more than once a month (or however many times they see him).

The kids look like hobos and the mom looks ready for the casket. Choose a color, any color!!

Daughter number two dressing like a boy.

How many toys does her kids need to be able to fill up their empty lives?

Why does she no longer bring the older kids out? Why do the younger ones always look upset, except, perhaps, Shiloh? And why are they always so poorly dressed and messy haired? Is St. Ange the only one allowed to go out with her hair combed and in quasi-decent clothes? If I were the judge, you bet these questions would all be running through my mind, since this happens when she takes these kids out over and over again. And the other thing I'd want to know is why don't they ever get some time at the park with other kids? Or go play at friends' homes? They seem to have a very limited lifestyle, like caged canaries.

Looks like she's trying to turn Viviene into a boy now !!!

Those kids are going to be very confused when they get older.

I remember an interviewer asking Jolie if her kids wanted to stop traveling and settle down, would she. She basically said no, that SHE likes traveling and its what she wants and they would 'learn to like it'.

Toys r us trip aside, it must be an incredible life for AJ to be told constantly by all those around her that she is special, beautiful, wise, and beyond compare. The opposing truth when able to pierce that ego at fleeting times must be devastating.

"Feet firmly on the ground"? She thinks she grew up poor because her mum's house was only worth $2.6 million.

Another portion of the lie from Jolie's team. I do not believe not a single word, it's all for the sake of her PR, soon coming her film. Mirror, you forgot to write that Brad was cleared of the charge of Jolie's, he did not insult anyone and someone who needed therapy is she, the queen of rumors!

James Melville‏ @JamesMelville
 Michael Gove is 50 today. He's three years younger than Brad Pitt. Just let that sink in for a while...
ctto: @JamesMelville

megan brown‏ @thatgirlondeck
 Don Cheadle is at the fight. if Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, George Clooney & a Chinese gymnast show up, the Bellagio is in trouble
ctto: @thatgirlondeck

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