Petak, 2. 9. 2016 u 13:18
Nakon što je jučer prošetao Šibenikom, holivudski glumac danas je u društvu arhitekta Nikole Bašića obišao nekretnine u Zablaću. Poslijepodne je s aerodroma u Zadru odletio za Francusku
Svjetska zvijezda oduševljava gdje god se pojavi i svi koji ga susretnu odmah se pohvale zajedničkom fotografijom. Tako je bilo i luksuznom D-Resort hotelu u Mandalini, gdje je boravio. Posjetom su se pohvalili na Facebooku gdje su objavili 'fotku' na kojoj Brad Pitt (52) pozira s osobljem hotela.
Glumac je danas u društvu arhitekta Nikole Bašića obišao nekretnine u Zablaću kod Šibenika gdje strani investitori planiraju izgraditi golf terene, pet hotela i brojne restorane te luksuzne vile s tisućama apartmana, piše Š
Zbog toga su mnogi odmah počeli nagađati kako holivudska zvijezda razmišlja o ulaganju u nekretnine u Hrvatskoj.
NIkola Bašić je za Š otkrio i detalje Bradovog posjeta Hrvatskoj.
- Prije dva dana je na poziv Želimira Belamarića glumac sletio na zadarski aerodrom i onda smo se ukrcali na brod kojim smo naredna dva dana obilazili ovo područje. Pokazao sam mu morske orgulje u Zadru kojima je bio oduševljen, a onda smo obišli i Kornate. Ručali smo u restoranu Opat gdje je Brad uživao u bogatom, ukusnom jelu i bio impresioniran ljepotama tog nacionalnog parka, kao i dalmatinskom kuhinjom - rekao je i dodao da je Brada oduševio Šibenik, njegove boje i urbana kultura mjesta.
Brad je danas s aerodroma u Zadru odletio za Francusku, ali navodno će se vratiti u Šibenik.
Pit je danas posjetio i Tvrđavu Barone gdje su ga fotografirali uz nove stupove za jedra.
Brad Pitt spent the night in Sibenik: Plans to invest in real estate?
World star thrills wherever it appears and all who meet him immediately to praise a joint photo. So it was a luxury D-Resort hotel in Mandalina, where he stayed. The visit had praised on Facebook where they posted a 'photo' in which Brad Pitt (52) poses with staff of the hotel.
The actor is now in the company of architect Nikola Basic visited the property in Zablace near Sibenik where foreign investors are planning to build a golf course, five hotels and numerous restaurants and luxury villas with thousands of apartments, writes Š
That is why many immediately began to speculate that Hollywood star is thinking about investing in real estate in Croatia.
Nikola Basic for Š discovered and details Bradovog visit to Croatia.
- Two days ago at the invitation Želimira Belamarić actor landed at Zadar airport and then we boarded the ship on which we have the next two days touring this area. I showed him the sea organ in Zadar, which was enthusiastic, and then we visited the Kornati. We had lunch at a restaurant where Abbot Brad enjoyed a rich, delicious meal and was impressed by the beauty of this national park, as well as the Dalmatian cuisine - he said and added that Brad thrilled Sibenik, its colors and urban culture of the place.
Brad is now the airport in Zadar flew for France, but reportedly will return to Sibenik.
Pit today visited the fortress Barone where he was photographed with the new columns to the core.
not and source: 24SATA
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