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Thursday, September 22, 2016


so to sum it up he was not drunk he was just having a father-son argument. basically disciplining the kid.

so angelina drastically made the decision to file for divorce but i don't think so she have an ulterior motive of removing brad out of the picture removing or erase him out of the kids life. 

she wants to raise her kids like how her mom marcheline raised her. so basically a let loose kind of method do whatever you want kind of way. like how she was as a teenager do drugs, hate on your father, love your brother in gross kind of way, do drugs, bring home a guy as a live in partner, marry someone who's almost like a father figure, cut your self. so wow those kids are so gonna be in trouble in the future.

she and her "team" basically orchestrated this plan along time ago. ever since she met and formed an alliance with William Hague, Arminka Helic and Chloe Dalton.

i wouldn't be surprise if that wedding in france back in 2014 was a tactic to screw brad bcoz she's the one that initiated that marriage in the first place. bcoz if they weren't married there wouldn't be any mess like this one. there will be no custody battle at all.

they are persuading angelina to enter politics in london and they cannot do that bcoz brad is around who's not interested in politics at all.

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