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Thursday, September 22, 2016


  • I know we all have our own opinion on how to live our lives but Angelina Jolie may be calling abit of disciplining ABUSE, which is a serious allergation. Pitt grew up in a wholesome family who are all american. she how ever has different ideas, she wants a child from each country, she wants them to speak and appreciate different cultures which sounds awesome, but what do they want? Is she not also abusing her positon as Mother by making them do what she thinks is cool and right? They should go to school and make friends and have a routine and decide what they want to do with their life. I read an article while back that someone who used to work for them said that the house is insane, drawings on the walls, and just dirty! She may think thats kids being kids, but she is not doing them favours raising them up thinking that there will always be someone else to clean the walls they scribble on or pick up their toys they leave laying arround.It seems it her way or the highway sadly.
  • I can`t really believe he could be as described. And taking the kids away no visiting rights, is not really class Angie and can't be good for the kids.
  • I'm sure Brad Pitt is not perfect - but he doesn't seem like a bad person. This just seems like throwing everything away...
  • So basically he disciplined his kids. No story here.
  • Angelina Jolie's the one abusing the kids by not disciplining them appropriately !!
  • How sad for Brad and the kids, isn't it. I hate when women do this sort of a thing. She is a big star and a politician in making? Well, I'll make sure to never see any of her movies or aknowledge her in any way. I don't care how much good she does, this is unforgivable.
  • Really? So, lack of discipline is as abusive as getting wasted and physically, verbally, and emotionally abusing them? Wow, I feel like if she were the one accused of what Brad is, things would be different.
  • She could have taken the high road and worked on this divorce quietly, but she didn't. She made the decision to bring the media circus to her children, and I hope Brad uses this against her in court. I had to stop watching the video immediately after hearing the helicopters hovering over her children playing in the park.
  • If Angelina wanted those children away from the paps then it would happen. It has happened. It's part of her game. She wants them to be seen. 
  • And their mother made it that much harder - blame her!
  • Interesting that a photographer was able to get so many snaps of these kids ...almost as if Angie has turned on her PR machine to let us know that it's her family that takes care of the kids so we should all let her family have full custody.
  • So basically she can fire a nanny because she thought she was 'crushing' on Brad but she can have her brother who she is VERY close to looking after them? Poor Brad, I feel for that guy and that's something I never thought I would say!
  • You can't even put your child in the corner anymore without it being a problem
  •  Angelina should have been investigated for incest when she kissed her brother. She should have also been investigated for being insane when drinking and carried Billy bob blood around her neck. She lost him how she got him and now she wants to be spiteful bc of it so I'm not buying it.
  • Getting a divorce 101-accuse the man of domestic and child abuse-even if theres no proof they'll believe you anyway
  • Bullshit! After all those years together now suddenly he abuses the kids?! Wasn't she just going through depression or something recently??
  • Omg, he probably tried to discipline one of the kids and I'm sure she doesn't believe in any kind of discipline. That's why kids are such beats these days, parent aren't allowed to discipline them
  • Im really taken back that Angelina would blast Brad Pitt in front of the world.....something just dont feel right about this.....i thought she would keep this a private matter....:(
  • Wait wasn't the 1st report saying she was leaving him because she wanted him to spend more time with the kids but instead he went on a trip. Thats what made her upset n file for divorce. Now that he wants to fight for custody all of a sudden he's abusing them.
  • Why are they not investigating Angelina Jolie for forcing Shiloh as a small child a toddler to believing she was a man just to honor her homosexual brother because children do not understand the concept of sexuality at very young ages every psychologist knows that is the truth
  • 12 years as a step/adoptive father and father, and he's just now being investigated for " child abuse "? Sorry, but this just does not make sense, it sounds more like a tactic for custody, just divorce mud slinging.
  • What did he do? Disipline? Lets not even get started on how crazy she is. I bet you my last dollar she's the crazy control freak of a wife that runs the house. He probably has no say.
  •  It's too bad that Angelina couldn't take a page out of Nicole Kidman's book!! Nicole never turned her back on husband Keith Urban, instead she stuck by his side and helped him seek treatment!! If you truly love someone, you will stick by there side through good times and bad!! Did these people forget the vows they took!!!
  • I'm no longer an Angelina fan. She started acting very bizarre years ago and now she is trying to destroy another person's character out of spite. I hope the public stands behind Brad Pitt through this ugly divorce of theirs.
  • Typical spiteful woman, if all else fails make false accusations to gain sympathy ... I really thought she had more class than that... obviously I was mistaken
  • Outrageous...and the tip was anoymous, come on. Reports say that Angelina refuses to discipline their children and that has been source of contention. For the sake of the family she should have taken a higher path to divorce. I was hoping they get back together but this is absolute spousal betrayal and do not see Brad Pitt putting up with this. How about her behaviour, are their children any safer with someone who has her mental and physical issues?
  •  TYPICALLY used when filing for full custody...The guy was allowed To adopt 3 CHILDREN and raise 6 kids for 12 years on HER side and is now an horribly abusive dad?!?! YEAH RIGHT "SPOILT BRAT"!!!
  •  Funny how the abuse card is only being used as soon as divorce is called...sorry but if he was abusive we would have already heard something about it..not 12 years later
  • So the story so far, Dad and teenage son argue, lets call in the FBI, Barmy!
  • my friend is married to a woman who also lets her kids run wild, no rules, they eat nothing but junk and do whatever they want. They get in trouble- lose their drivers licenses, you name it and she still does not discipline them. One day my friend had had enough and yelled at one of his rotten sons- his wife called the cops! same deal, no physical altercation at all, just yelling. You know what? It teaches the kids that they have ALL of the power and they have ZERO respect for either parent and now my friend knows he can't disicipline the kids at all.
  • The children will become adults and resent Angelina, because they will realize that she pampered them into uselessness!
  • That kid, who is now 15, looks a but pretentious. Reading about their "no boundaries" rules for parenting, i wouldn't be surprised if the kids have behavioral problems.
  • I hope she don't and up making out with Maddox like she did with her brother.
  •  What did he do? Spank his child for bad behavior? Oh the horrible shame. Welcome to the liberal world where parenting your child is called child abuse.
  • You worse enemy is always you wife even is you are innocent. .my ex try try and try to harm me but never could do anything. ..I hope everything clear up for the good of children. .many times mother don't think about how much can they hurt kids with out a dad..
  • Just a smoke screen from Angelina s camp to make Brad look bad. I bet he did nothing more than raise his voice which anti discipline Angie perceived as abuse. Those poor kids are all going to be add O messed up. I'm not saying to whip them on a daily basis but kids do need some semblance of discipline and structure.
  • Oh for the love of god. A father has an argument with his son, call the police! She must be very petty and pathetic if she is using this to try to bring Brad down.
  • What an awful waste of skin, this woman is. Collect a load of trophy kids that emotionally you can't care for, tour the world as Saint Angelina, and then scream hysterically like a fishwife at poor old Brad.
  • Angie really is ruining those kids - children need rules & discipline especially teenagers & boys need a father to keep them in line. I raised two teenage boys & fought with one pretty much everyday - constantly defiant & pushing the boundaries all the time - in his 20s now & we get along great - the kids need to be taken away from her & given to Brad!
  • but I don't understand how she's just filed for a divorce after how much Brad has stuck with her throughout the surgeries and lost of her mother. The media are trying to paint him as a bad guy but Brads stuck with Angie through thick and thin.
  • "It's unfortunate that people involved are continuing to present him in the worst possible light."
  • Shocked by your actions Ange. Team Brad all the way.
  • The more I learn about this, the more I'm convinced she's had this planned all along, and this was just her excuse. Perhaps there's more than a grain of truth about her having an affair. In any event, her claims of doing it all for the "health of her family" ring false to me. People concerned about their families don't leak sordid details to the press.
  • Brad has helped Angelina plenty and stood by her though her surgeries and this is how she repays him? She has the less than sterling history, not him.
  • If their kids are allowed to do whatever they want, they should be able to see all these smear stories about their dad online, and they should question their mum WHY!?
  • Disappointed in Jolie. No-one believes Brad Pitt abused his children for one minute. So, carry on Jolie. Lying and exaggerating about something so serious that could lead to a man losing access to his children is one of the lowest things anyone can do.
  • Oldest trick in the book to blame violence.
  • I can't wait to read Maddox's first tell all book .
  • And Maddox seems especially annoying too. I can imagine him pushing any parents buttons. Everyone with a teen has had moments of extreme frustration where they are not their best. The fact Angelina is going to sever the father-son relationship over this after over a decade of good parenting is a mistake.
  • Oh my, when I was between the ages of 15 and 18, my dad and I had WW's III, IV and the beginning of V, and I'm his only girl. Teens push buttons. It's what they do. I can imagine these kids don't have much stability in their lives, with both parents constantly off making movies in other lands, coming and going, moving to different houses, mom travelling as ambassador to other countries, etc. I'm sure they push buttons to get some attention in that household.
  • Angelina is really something else. Releasing horrible accusations to the public in order to gain sympathy, and denying the kids access to see their father as if he is some kind of a monster. She wants to create the same home she grew up in, kids being cut off from other family except their mother. What a nutjob.
  • Sad. Angie is damaging her children but she doesn't see it.
  • I am willing to place my bet on straight up nuts! A man has 6 kids with you and travels the world with them all the time, there comes an altercation with one of them and you the former brother kisser and self cutter/ drug abuser decides he doesn't deserve to see his kids anymore? She is not so bright and has overreacted. If she really cares about the kids she should have known that it is the worse thing to do as Brad who she has been with for 12 years will not take this lying down and it will become a public spectacle. Jolie has shown how selfish and inconsiderate she is. She has no one but herself to blame for whatever happens now which from all indications won't be pretty. Note to self: never marry a nut case even if they say they have 'changed'
  • My speculation Ross Kelly,is that it was Brad who may have been critical of her LACK of parenting, and perhaps was threatening to take the children from her, so she did it to him first. Just speculation, I could be wrong!!!! But I was wondering the reason for all of this, considering she's been bragging shamelessly for a solid decade that Brad is utterly perfect and the best father humans will ever see, and now this? Plus her alleged drug issues while she's been with Brad, not to mention her bizarre behavior if that former bodyguard of theirs is telling the truth...maybe he'd had enough, and she was scared, so she's attacking him. I find it hard to believe that a strong woman like Jolie would endure abuse--and if Brad was abusive, then it would have been seen consistently for years--again, does she strike anyone as the kind to tolerate abuse? or sing Brad's praises for years if he was abusive? one does not just wake up at 52 and become an abusive monster.
  • You would think the FBI would have better things to do.
  • Since when was 'lunging' at a child considered abuse or anything outside of being a normal parent? Blimey if I was arrested each time I'd 'lunged' at mine, I would have had a lifetime suite in Holloway. Also, I would be reporting my own parents to Childline.......
  • Anyone with half a brain cell does not believe brad is guilty of abuse, that women seems so sensitive, her kids will grow up with no respect for their father if she continues to pursue this as abuse.
  • Something about Angelina's side of things seems suspect. She's on the offense and went from zero to thirty instantly with these accusations. It's true that you never know what goes on behind closed doors, but what we do know based on their history - She is a loon and he has never had previous accusations of violence or abuse made against him in the past decades he's been famous. My instinct, (based on nothing, really lol except their public personas) is to side with Brad Pitt.
  • Congratulations Angelina. If your kids are normal now they wouldn't be in the future
  • It seems these kids would be better off spending more time with Brads's parents. A bit more of the 'real world' would benefit them a great deal. Angelina lives in an insulated bubble, jetting from movie to mansion, I don't buy her saving the world image, she seems like just another rich, spoiled Hollywood woman. Brad seems more grounded and what's wrong with him wanting boundaries set for his kids? It will only benefit them.
  • Oh the poor kid ,he got yelled at on a private jet coming from his multi million dollar home in France. He's got it so bad the FBI stepped in. What about all these kids whos parents beat them savagely,kids get starved , raped ,their parents overdose with them in the backseat of the car. Shouldn't something be done about that instead of wasting Money on this. The kid was not physically hurt because if he had been that would have been plastered everywhere by now . Did anyone ever think she blew this up to help her custody case ..
  • Sad to see... such a love story, he stood by her during the cancer fight.. but even if not for him.. what is she doing to kids?!.. he could be the jerk of the jerks, but every adequate mother will keep such a dramatic things low-key for sake of her kids..
  • I hope this lawyer is good he has every right to be in the childrens lives the incident on the plane involved both parents but you notice nobody is questioning her behaviour she always says the kids come first prove it and quit putting these children in the middle my sister did this to her kids she has passed the fallout has been terrible the damage these kids go through even as adults is not worth it
  • Lots going on under the surface. You don't divorce after 14 years for yelling at your kid when you're drunk. And the other lady denied the affair. Something's up they don't want us to know!
  • This really saddens me. Angelina needs to calm down! She is acting out of severe anger towards Brad! If she wants a divorce fine! She has the right to get one but, her children needs their dad too, and he should be able to share them with her! 
  •  She wants to be in England with the kids, he wants to be in the states with the kids. Sounds like she is pulling out everything to get her way.
  • Shame she is trying to save the whole world but can't even try to seat and talk to her husband. 
  • Celi Cious Vernon Shame she is trying to save the whole world but can't even try to seat and talk to her husband. He has the right to parenting... her kids are spoiled prats... and he has the right to tell them off...Maybe she wants to be in politician and he does not... charity start at home, she should focus on her children and her husband. At the end of the day she married him, and she has the duty to pay attention to him, but she would rather waste time with so called friends... tel, you hun, we all need friends but once we close the doors we have to attention to those who are the most loved one... maybe she likes girls and got fed up of him...She faces Muslim woman all the time, think about if their husband shouts at their kids? Would they leave their family just because the other half want to discipline? There is more to that. But in marriage? Communication is most.If she leaves him? She will be forgotten by the end of the year... and who does not want Brad? Well she is the only one who has to loose being a bigheaded...The kids will grown but who will stay with her if she gets older? She is being a full... there will people dying to make him happy... we shall see the end off it... she is being a full.There is time for friend/ work and family someone need to separate once we close the doors... she was there for her from tick to thin and she can't even listen to him woow that is the Madre Teresa de caulcutar.... we shall see the end my friends
  • you are his wife and yet you didn't even helped him during this difficult times. why, bcoz you already gave up on him. instead you pushed him over the edge.
  •  Oh Christ. Who has never smacked around their teenage back talking kid? There's nothing wrong w that. Kids need a beating once in a while. I got them and I still love my parents. Sounds like they're raising a bunch of spoiled brats!
  • Go Brad go! #teambrad there's nothing wrong with being a father to your children, even if it means discipline. Angie was looking for any excuse out of their relationship. She just so happened to pick this one
  • from what I've read, (and I know you can't believe everything you read) he only has any sort of issue with the oldest, the 15 yr old. Seems he's very smart mouth, like confrontation..
  • 14 year olds can be obnoxious. Thinking maybe after letting them do as they please all these years is not panning out too well. I have read that they can be quite unruly and run amok. Now when older, not so cute. If it was only discipline it's a shame she's using kids to get out of the marriage. Nothing like blaming the kids for divorce.
  • Since the divorce will be in California, Brad's chances of getting joint custody is really high. My nephew went to court a couple of months ago and his wife said some really bad stuff about him including that he smoked pot, which he stopped. The judge didn't want to hear it and gave my nephew joint physical custody. He didn't even have a attorney just a paralegal helping him out.
  • Specially when the kid is not your biological child. They think they're untouchable. Angelina is complaining about a smack but it was ok when she said her house was like a battle camp..."Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s little girl is definitely a wild child. The Jolie-Pitt family’s nanny reveals that she scalped her sister’s dolls, didn’t cry when she lost a tooth in a fight, and she is fascinated with death!" <--- from Hollywood Life website 2010.Sounds like discipline or respect are banned from that house but a smack is so serious and the fbi needs to step in.
  • Weed does not make you violent and teenage kids get mouthy and put their nose into adult situations they have no business being in 12 - 14 years they have been together maybe he has an alcohol problem and should seek help for that but she would never have stayed with him had he been a violent person I think their relationship was rocky at best I think they married two years ago to try to fix it and I think she's putting a little bit of a dramatic spin on things so it goes her way in the court system we see it all the time... I think Maddox is a spoiled privileged teenager who has learned and known all along that he was with Angelina before Brad was with Angelina and I think he thought he could mouth off to his dad whatever happened it definitely does not want him losing his children and if he has been violent all along and it does come out in the court system then why did she stay with him she's Angelina Jolie she doesn't need to have anybody like that in her life and in that case she's as much danger to their health as he was
  • He probably screwed up just one time I bet 99% of the time he's a GREAT dad.
  • My son was a beast at 14, I can only imagine what a spoiled brat acts like. Angelina and her parenting skills call for concern. She doesn't have them in school, they learn what they want. She's more interested in being their friend, then their mother. They trash every where they stay and she drinks and smokes like a chimney. I'm with brad here. I think Angelina has suffered mentally after all her surgeries. My mother had a nervous breakdown after her hysterectomy at 35. She turned to pills and booze. Very sad.
  •  As he should I don't believe is keeping children from there father unless their is imminent danger. Every parent has bad days and bad moments when parenting children celebrities are no different in the parent game except they have more money and cameras on them. She should try and keep it private for her kids and family and not try and make him out to be a bad dad.Remember Angie you chose him to be your husband and father to your kids
  • She wants to work for nato and take the kids out of the country without his say so. She set him up.
  • As he should fight, those kids are just as much his as hers. Really getting sick of Angelina thinking she is entitled to anything and everything. Brad was trying to be a parent, unlike her just wanting to be there friend and buddy.
  • Angelina Jolie is really messed up in the head, apparently all she does is complain about dying some day and Brad just takes it and takes it. I had a gf like that once, living with someone like that is just pathetic. Brad comes from a very normal background, including being a limo-driver during his very early acting career. I wish the best to Tyler (I mean Brad). Punch someone !! :D
  • Wow just wow .. I guess she had to make him look like the bad guy .. couldn't keep this private huh?
  • Good, I hope he wins! Angelina has spoiled those children to the point that not even their father is allowed to discipline them. Those 6 children have been over indulged with a total lack of discipline, & will one day be entitled adults. Yay, just what the world needs more of...
  • with a crazy mum...spoiled child's already! what a pity...
  •  I don't buy the accusations and Angie needs some kind of mental therapy. Why did she keep adding children to the family if he's an abuser?? What did she consider abuse?? How many so-called incidents were there??
  • We have come to an age where merely scolding your child is considered child abuse. I think Brad needs to get out there and tell his side of this really soon instead of hiding behind his people.
  • I'm sorry every time I see her I can't help but think of her making out with her brother on the red carpet of some awards show...to me this is just plain creepy!!
  •  I think it is all inflated in order to get the divorce and sole custody of the kids. If they are granted joint custody she may not be able to live in the UK as she wants. She needs to make him look unfit. A child abuse allegation may be just the thing she needs.
  • She is a former heroin addict and a liar😂. If there was a verbal argument between father and son-who doesn't argue with a teenager? She wants sole custody of her ill mannered children and that is why the bad mouthing m-Run Brad-RUN
  • I'm sorry but I just don't think that he's an "abuser ". I really think that there's more to this and it probably is just a family situation gone public on a worldwide platform.
  • She knew what she was doing well in advance. She was just waiting for a moment that suited her purpose and took advantage of it
  • I wouldn't be surprised if the alleged fight on the plane was not planned as well, or instigated by her knowing how her oldest son would react.(or was told to react) Do not forget he was in the picture before Brad was. Never underestimate a devious woman.
  • Brad is really an uncomplicated Southern Guy who went along with Angelina's harebrained schemes and constant globetrotting to keep her happy. She in turn has thrown him under the bus and is now looking around for the next sucker.
  • She was plotting the whole time. She shouldn't have smeared the mans name tho.
  • She has to smear Brad to get full custody and control of the children. Its a cold blooded tactic drawn up her team. She has been planning her move for a very long time
  • He married a woman who deceived him into thinking she was sane in spite of the drug abuse, kissing her brother, self mutilation, etc. She has gone on for years about how great Brad was. Many of us had tough handling growing up especially from our dads and no one called the cops and my mom didn't file for divorce. You can' suddenly say a teenager is right and the father is wrong after all these years. Jolie is just nuts. She has a man who agreed to have and take care of 6 kids with her, but she thinks it's not enough? yea right. God help those kids. Looks like her own family situation is coming back to hunt her. She still doesn't talk to her dad Jon Voight till date.
  • Showing her true colors. She wants him ruined and she wants the kids - alone. I doubt she is going to want the children to see Brad's parents or Brad very often. She pretends to be a humanitarian but it's all about Angie. And Brads the one going to counseling?
  • It is obvious she planned this to have a suitable house waiting for the moment she sprung her trap. This is not the mark of a good mother protecting her kids. This is the mark of a manipulative witch setting a man up to lose his family so she can't look good in her second wannabee career as a traveling do-gooder. That is a joke, considering what a mess she has made in raising her own kids.
  • And then she set up the argument that would put the kids on her side. He needs counseling all right, to understand what kind of person she is and how that will impact those kids as they grow up. They are the ones I feel sorry for. She sets them up in a place they'll enjoy on the beach-- all to win full custody. It will take a long time for them to fully understand the level of her manipulation.
  • Angelina was planning this for a while and setting Brad up to 'look bad' to the police and media. Pretty disgusting to pit the children against him like she is! I sincerely hope Angelina doesn't get what she wants and Brad gets joint custody!
  •  Now a father is not allowed to argue with his son? Or teach the child a lesson?
  • She knew what she was doing well in advance. She was just waiting for a moment that suited her purpose and took advantage of it
  • You would think she would put a stop to this nonsense. What a nasty woman she is. Divorce if u wish, but kids need both parents! Why make them suffer unnecessarily?! Idiot....
  • It's what a lot of women do (and I'm a woman),it's the one way they know it will hurt the Father the most. Use the kids as a weapon regardless of their feelings. Disgusting. And why do so many judges take the womans side,the children equally belong to both parents.
  • I think Jolie showed Brad stuff that he never thought of before. He was using his wrong head for sure. He seemed like such a naive sap, and is being thrown away like all her other relationships. Except this time, his children are going to suffer as pawns.
  • She's a mad hatter. Publicly killing him off now, which doesn't make her look very good, nor stable in the head.
  • I think this was well planned out in advance by her (and her team(s). It is possible that she could have manipulated people (adults, kids) in the fight to try to get a response which would the be "the trigger". There isn't a place you can go to really get away in an airplane.
  • And that behaviour deserves a medal from the Queen? Angelina Voight is apathetic figure.

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