She's a borderline personality known for self harming and erratic behavior. Remember the vials of blood with Billy Bob, the PDA with her brother, the affairs with married and or committed men? She should never have been allowed to adopt in the first place. Pitt made a mistake getting involved with her, she's an emotional vampire!
Brad, 53, has done absolutely everything asked of him by the courts, including attending therapy sessions on his own and with the children, as well as taking alcohol and drug tests several times a month. He’s been cleared by both the FBI and the L.A. Department of Children and Family Services
No doubt Brad is not perfect, but when compared to Angie he is an angel. Angie needs a lot of help with her mental issues, which of course she will continue to refuse. Angie started all of this, she has been the leak all along, she punches below the belt, plays very dirty and will never quit. She wants to ruin Brad in public and with the children. She is the child abuser, not Brad. Angie is so self absorbed she won’t see how she is hurting the children and her own rep by continuing to act like a three year old having a tantrum. Her legal team is on board for a big payday, as is his, and they keep it stirred up to make more money. The sooner this goes before a judge and both parties are granted a divorce and each get 50% custody, the better for Brad, Angie and the children.
I sincerely hope Pitt gets joint custody. If you're reading this Jolie, know this: You're nixing a 12-year relationship and citing one main incident as the cause, even though you scouted for a house for you and the kids before that flight as the Daily Mail revealed, that was a GOOD relationship. Everyone loses it with kids sometimes, and Pitt has already been cleared of abuse by two agencies. So what if he lost his temper, who the f--- hasn't? I think it's reasonable to imagine she is turning the kids against him, and Jolie certainly didn't speak up when the worst of the fabricated tabloid reports were being churned out after the initial divorce news. In the past, Jolie called Pitt a "great dad." She wants sole custody so she can move at will with the kids when she makes her bid for the UN top job. This is widely known, and I hope she God she fails on both counts.
I want every British poster here (and everyone in the United Kingdom) to gather in front of the Parliament building and yell through bull horns, as long as possible, as LOUDLY as possible: "NO AJ IN THE UK!!!" Ready! One...two...three...GO!!!
I am so tired of MADDOX being used to GLORIFY Angelina. What has she bargained with him? A divorce is such a devastating event the KIDS WOULD DO ANYTHING TO KEEP FAMILY INTACT. Again ALL the children need to be taken away and placed in a NEUTRAL ENVIRONMENT. Angelina needs to be under the same restrictions as Brad.
If CPS investigated Brad and Angelina, then why in the he'll are they not investigating Black Chyna and Rob😡 With Chyna already with a child before she had Dream and her disturbing bad temper, she should have already been investigated.
You know what? Raising kids isn't easy no matter how wealthy you are. Losing your temper isn't always the right way to deal with it either but it happens...if the kid taped it and wants to use it against his father, that stinks. And as a mother, she shouldn't let the kid blackmail his father with it. This woman seems a bit unhinged and she seems to be passing it onto the kids. No matter what Pitt did to his first wife, his punishment or karma should not be about the children. What a mess. Another generation of messed up kids because their parents could not put their needs first and agree on a suitable arrangement...
This crazy woman will go to any lengths to ruin Mr.Pitt s life! She s even using their children against him! She was raised in ugliness and she continues to spread the same ugliness with their children! She should not have been allowed to adopt any kids!
Yep. She's mentally ill and that FACT has always been obvious. Famous and rich gets you anything you want, just ask Joan Crawford.
Julie Udesky good one!!! Yes Joan Crawford was a real B
Maddox is a spoiled brat! A 16 yr. old trying to be grown. If Brad & Angie were any other race this would not be an issue. Slap the hell out of this little piss ant and put him in his place.
Don't know what the video shows, but sometimes parents get angry with their kids and discipline them. As long as he's not beating him, it's called dissaplin
Most people get loud and yell and can at times come across as having erratic behavior when having a verbal altercation. It's repulsive that Angelina is allowing her kids to get involved. If she truly cares about the kids she would want them to have a solid relationship with their father. Later that will have a better effect on their lives. Parents in general need to stop using kids in their tug of war. I'm pretty sure they can't use a taped conversation in court unless both parties are aware of the recording. ...whatever
Perhaps this kid has been a catalyst in this divorce. Some teens if angry enough know how to push buttons. There is more here than is showing and it seems to have been goi g on for some time. If the purpose was to show Pitt in a bad light then that would not be difficult to do. I hope if he was set up they don't get away with it!
That's how you do it get your kids involved....terrible parent behavior
If you had to live with Angie, you would have a temper problem too ! !..She is too weird for words ! !
She has serious issues! She needs help!! And fast for the kids sake!
She has all the control! Brainwashed the children! Always had control issues! She needs help!
angie is unfit mother, she has mentally illness for longtime, she need routine medication & let brad who mentally healthy rise the kids.
She's a wacko who let's her son do whatever he wants!!! No wonder why brad gets upset! She has raised a spoiled brat!
Maddox never wanted Brad around. He just wanted it to be him and Angie again...
How shocking none of them are perfect. Who is? I don't know anyone who's parent didn't explode at least once.
Quit making it public, think of the kids
It could of all been know how to play on the parent they want in charge, js
I think she's mentally ill and the kid Maddox is a brat !!
So sad she is using this child. I think she has mental issues. He needs the kids, not her.
She is a cruel woman who does not hesitate to use & exploit her children to serve her selfish nature.
I'm so sick of seeing this crap.
She planned it..its her nature.
Seems like the butch set him up using their kids! If this doesn't prove she s crazy, what does????
I could see her being the freak!
Is she having sex with the kids now
She used her own child to spy on his father, how motherly.
and her muslim behavier is good ?
I watched my parents fight all the time!!!
Once a nut job
Sounds like the Angie rumor mill is trying a new round of attempted character assassination. I don't know how a surrogate mother rumor could reflect badly on Brad though. If a surrogate were used, it would have been because Angie didn't ever want to be pregnant (probably because of vanity).
These are Jolie's planted lies, accusations. She throws out everything she can, she is despicable. And if they used a surrogate mother, this sheds a very bad light on Jolie, as she must have pretended the pregnancy, fooling the whole world.
Jolie's team is now spinning and lying by sending garbage to Page Six, The Daily Mail, and the AP. First of all, it is her team that misportraying this out of context to vilify Brad for countering her endless spin around the October stipulation and need for sealing of documents. All of the headlines are biased towards him, claiming he 'slammed' or 'ripped' into her yet the media didn't depict Jolie's constant smearing/attacks against Brad's character this way. Bias is rearing its ugly head. It is her team who keeps releasing parts of emails out of context and documentation by continuing to lie by insisting that Brad has something to hide when the truth is, is that Brad wants the documentation to be private so he can freely unleash his own material on her/the family situation without it damaging the children and without her team attacking/spinning it to the press. Also, former staff members and witnesses are less likely to come forward if this isn't private. Jolie's team keeps insisting that he is abusive when he was cleared.
Now her team is lying to The Daily Mail and Page Six by saying Brad makes no sense and this is a 'press move'. She is projecting her behavior onto him now. Her team has been full of press moves and attacks against Brad where she literally has no evidence of abuse or anything serious happening with the 'plane incident' other than gaslighting Maddox to smear Brad. Then her team also has the audacity to lie by claiming that Jolie has been silent when she has been saturing the press with attacks and misportrayals with endless spin.
Word to the wise, if Jolie had agreed upon this from the start, then there would have been no need for a January hearing. Now her team is backtracking by claiming they do want privacy for the children while they spent last week demonizing Brad by trying to make him look guilty for wanting this process to be private.
the spin from Angie's team is pretty transparent. If there was a private agreement to seal all documents made between the 7th (the last court date) and when Brad's lawyer filed this brief, that agreement would have had to be filed with the court so that the court would know to mark all filings as private. IF it had been filed, this brief asking for the records to be sealed would itself have been sealed and we would not even know about it.
The fact that this filing wasn't sealed is proof that there was no agreement (at least no agreement that Angie had allowed to become enforceable).
I think the public doesn't buy the lies.
Yep turn the tables ...she's crazy
Her untreated STDs have affected her mind. She's a crazy
Brad fight this evil woman, you can't let her win.
Good for you Brad!
No, he is protecting all of them by wanting the documentation sealed. Then he can have the freedom to unleash his side of the story and get people to come forward to vouch for him which would be less likely to happen if this was a public media circus. With privacy, he can disclose any files or accounts he wants towards Jolie's behavior including her past psych evaluations without worrying about Jolie trying to paint him as a demon in the press. She has already put him through the wringer by spinning/lying about the October stipulation and false abuse charges against him. Jolie is going to spread files filled with false allegations and he has every right to counter that with the truth.
The children do not know a lot of details about the marriage and Brad with a private process can go into detail about what the actual dysfunction is. If that were to be made public, he would resist doing that, in order to avoid making them look bad. He is not a big alcoholic douche and it is hilarious that people ignore her actual track record while fabricating a narrative where he is an alcholic despite displaying ZERO indication. No person legitimately in Hollywood can claim that he has a serious drinking problem or addiction of any kind. Jolie will make this dirty as possible by trying to pay off others but he will counter that with the truth. He is trying to protect all of them.
Brad was starting to catch on about what people were warning him about for years- Jolies's double life with Arminka and Chloe. Then people don't know about how vicious and out of control she was becoming. He was starting to react and stand up for himself. Her house of lies were starting to fall apart and so she had to strike out at him.
That's interesting, so those two witches really ruined the relationship. And when Brad said no to this crazy setup, Jolie began to plan her war on him. This is truly sickening to hear.
Brad is not the one who crossed the line. She crossed the line many times and threw him under the bus with false allegations precisely because naive people will presume the worst of him while not bothering to speculate about her fidelity or issues. There are people who understand what that union was really like and they wouldn't be pointing the finger at him. There is really crazy stuff and Brad has been taking the higher road. He plays clean and is trying to stop this madness that is damaging his family.
We know what happened on plane.the disrespectful 16 yr old got properly disciplined by his dad and mother who lets kids run wild didnt like it. 16 yr old screams ur not my dad.brad told him to find his father and let him know how that works out.soft as butter jolie didnt like that.
I wonder who her next victim will be?
She's surprised that whipped Brad is finally standing up to her. That will send her off the rails.
Sweet?! Are you crazy?! Nuthin sweet about HER!
I hope Wlliam Hague is sufficiently embarrassed by her antics to want to get out of their little university 'humanitarian' lecturing deal!
The court will ALWAYS put the children first not the parents-it doesn't matter what Jolie wants it is always in the children's best interests to see their father on a regular basis (joint custody) and the court will make sure that happens-
After ALL the blah from her over the whole period since she fired the starting gun on her little adventure, she has the nerve to say this?
The public is shocked that Angelina Jolie, Arminka Kelly, Chloe Dalton, et al. think we can be so easily manipulated by lie. She will not be the head of the UN. She will not be sitting in the House of Lords. She's proven with her numerous flops that she can't write, produce, direct or act. She's over the hill in Hollywood as an actress and highly over rated according to many. Borderline personality disorder Angie is on a rampage of destruction.
I don't believe a word she says. The FBI looked into this so-called fight and said they didn't find Brad did anything wrong. Her idea of a fight is probably Brad trying to reign in these spoiled kids by some kind of reasoning. She's a piece of work and I will never watch or go to anything her name is on.
Bull. Is she had already agreed to these terms, the hearing on January 17th wouldn't be necessary. She is just digging herself in a bigger hole. (Vancouver, Canada)
Years and years ago her father said Angelina had mental issues and needed help and he was shot down in flames for it. Yet, he was correct.
Grow up. It's also stunning to see Angie's insanity level. Off the charts. Hopefully he'll do better next time around, both his exes weren't right for him.
Angelina is full blown crazy. It's why none of her children were adopted from the USA. She chose much, much easier countries. You should hear why one of her members of staff quit! Seriously mind boggling stuff, and Brad knows all about it! She needs to be careful..
Team Brad!
Who was the person to let the custody case go to the public? it was you Angelina. What a nuts.
she is mentally unwell
Between Brad and Angelina, I believe Brad, he is the one cares his children's privacy from the beginning. Angelina's filing public divorce has already put the kid privacy below her own selfishness. If Angelina did signed sealing the document, she would leak the public. Now she said she did signing when Brad filed the court motion, please, no one believes her anymore.
Giver of pain to others! She had no morals!
AJ has lost her every credibility, I used to be her fan, It is a shame and sad to see her become like this.
I think it's who she really is and has been, all along. Unstable as hell.
Cruelty thy name is Angelina.
Maybe Brad can get poor Shiloh back into girls clothes and let her hair grow out before she hits puberity and make Angie stop pretending she has a trans child. She seems to come down with whatever Disease/Condition of the Week is going around and we're all just supposed to believer her. She's as mad as a hatter.
Brad will end up with FULL custody of those kids....she is sooooo MENTAL. Brad is going to unload in court. He has the goods on her and she will NOT get sole custody of the kids. Once the custody records are sealed Brad will EXPOSE Angie for what she is a VILE WITCH!
If Maddox and Pax don't want to see him why does Brad even bother. They're not his anyways. Just get joint custody of his biological children. If the other ungrateful runts don't want to see him big deal.
angelina keep the cambodian and vietnamese to yourself and give brad the remaining sane 4 kids.
He is doing the honorable thing, she is releasing all the information...what a piece of work she is....
He has my sympathies, she sounds completely nutso!
She's just doing what her mother did to her and her brother. Maybe she'll regret one day what she's doing to their children by alienating their father from their lives. The investigation into abuse is closed. There was no solid or concrete evidence. Getting into a yelling match with a teenage does not equal abuse.
I don't believe a word she says. The FBI looked into this so-called fight and said they didn't find Brad did anything wrong. Her idea of a fight is probably Brad trying to reign in these spoiled kids by some kind of reasoning. She's a piece of work and I will never watch or go to anything her name is on.
Backtracking now Ms Jolie? Your attempt at character assasination has backfired. People see you for the narcissist you are. You blamed your father's lack of presence on your self harming and mental health issues... yet you want to keep your children from their father just as your mother did with you and your brother... Poor kids
Her kids will grow up to resent her, they same way she resents her father. She better wake up.
Actually after investigation by FAA & review of audio tape there was no fight, just a snot nosed kid who caused a fuss & was disciplined by his father
Angelina thinks that people buy into that humanitarian BS, that she is so compassionate. I don't think it's going to work. She's manipulative and I hope the judge and lawyers interpret it well for the kids' sakes
Lol! She is hooked up with those crazy British society old maids who are promising her some kind of creepy ambassador position in London. I think they're the puppeteer and she's buying into her own hype.
Maybe the witches cast a spell of stupid azz on her?
Brad was there to balance her out. Now that he is gone, the craziness shows.
lol i would love to hear what really happened in that plane when FBI and DFCS found nothing. I am sure it would further prove Angelina is mental.
I would imagine it was a rather strongly worded sit down and shut up.
She really is a psychopath.
Jolie has a lot to hide.
He didn't trash her. He seemed to want to work this out privately but since she did not and he wants to move forward, all of his filings will be made public. Including this most recent one. She's could have prevented this by signing a privacy agreement.
He never "trashed" her.
This isn't both of them... as I have said before, it may take two to tango but it only takes one nutjob to cause mayhem and chaos for everyone.
Who do you see as the nutjob?
Lets see... who has lodged false child abuse accusations and is holding the kids hostage? Who has been moving the kids from house to house (to house to house) and hid them in a hotel during the court hearing earlier this month? Which one of them has a history or hard drug use, self-harming behavior and suicide attempts? Hmmmm... the crazy one is such a mystery;-)
(JK... it's Angelina)
Oh LAWS... He yelled?!? I had no idea and he MUST be the first parent that has yelled at a teenager... like... ever.
I've always thought this was blown up out of proportion when I first got wind of it. Poor kids...
Angelina is horribly for using her kids as ammo against Pit and also a headline news. This woman is not fit to be a mother.
I think its time FBI and DCFS test her for drugs and order a psych evaluation on her! She is mentally ill, has a drug issue and is an anorexic!
Brad Pitt, its time to pull out the big guns!
I have been saying the SAME thing about Angie....she is going to get a dose of REALITY come Jan 17, she will get blasted out of the court room....she is off her freakin rocker if she is getting sole custody....I hope Brad can show the judge just how CRAZY Angie is!...Team Brad ALL the way! I think she is an unfit mother!
It was ridiculous that crazy AJ's lawyer said they do not oppose sealing the documents but they do this time because brad's lawyers supposedly dud not consult with them even though they were informed. Are they five years old? Cleary the best thing for the kids is to seal the docs It spoke volumes that they opposed it. I think Brad is waiting for the docs to be sealed and then ge will file everything to get joint custody and more time with kids including dirt on her. AJ knows this and that is why she opposed sealing it! Horrible crazy woman! I hope he gets joint custody.
I hope he ends up with full custody. That woman is nuts and is evil! She doesn't think straight and is the type to put her kids in harm if it mean getting a good headline cover!
I would like Brad to have full custody but he is only asking for joint so I think the judge only decides between full custody for her or joint. Full for him is not on the table but he is more likely to get joint than if he asked for full so it is smart.
Brad will get full custody one way or another. Angelina won't like it if joint is granted to them. She doesn't want him having the kids at all.
She will try to run away with all 6 kids and be forced to give them up. I bet you that will happen.
Because joint is most likely to happen between these 2. Full custody for Jolie?
It won't happen.
I'm with brad on this one. Some things really should be private especially when dealing with children and custody matters.
He volunteered to do drug tests. He was never asked to do so. He just beat her to the accusation because he knows she is the at the top of evil. She mentally unstable.
I think Angelina is the one who should be randomly drug tested.
Its funny how things can turn so bad once there legally married but I agree with Brad that the children's privacy are the most important in those whole ordeal especially there HIPPA rights which I think could be violated by her if they don't take action soon... Plus if he has to take random drug and alcohol tests she should have to be succumbed to it as well..
She is participating in isolating their children from him. The therapist must say when it is ok to visit their dad. That therapist most likely was selected by her, and she most likely talks badly about him to the kids. So when the therapist ask the kids if they want to see him they say no. This is going to go on for a long time until she wins and the kids think he is the bad guy. So sad. Brad keep on fighting for your kids. Don't give up.
No matter what their differences, should never deny a child their father/mother. Parents don't think about what the children suffer through.
Brad ... she use to wear a vial of her husband's blood. Wasn't that a hint?!
Angie is a selfish narcissistic pig. The kids and this whole thing is a sham. She just wants to be seen as some sort of angelic woman with a heart of gold... but it's all a lie. She's a cheater, liar, manipulative and unhinged. She seduced another woman's husband. That's the kind of pig she is and the very reason she will end up alone.
It took 11 years but her karma finally came for her. She is an evil woman. Brad is also a pig but I don't agree with slandering him like this.
Angelina hurt Jennifer Aniston by having an affair with her husband at the time, and also getting pregnent by him too. She flaunted the affair and all those kids in Jen's face for many years.
Now it has come back to bite Angelina in her bony butt!
She did the same thing to Laura Dern, too. That was ruthless and disgusting. I bet she's ruined many relationships. It's a sick habit for her.
Angie is acting in such a way that she will lose everything if she is not careful. If she were in any way intelligent or, ya know, not bat guano crazy, she would have realized sole custody was a lost cause when DCFS saw through her and started showing SOME flexibility already (even if it was only completely inadequate every other weekend visitation). As it is, she is proving to the courts that she cannot be trusted to foster a relationship between Brad and the kids AND she cannot even be trusted to not put the kids in physical danger by publishing the names of their their five (FIVE) therapists and their schedules for attending sessions.
She cannot be decent to Brad Pitt yet she wants to be the leader of the UN organization and try to take on all 6 kids by herself?
She is laughable! I really wish UN would fire this woman since she has shown to be a vindictive and hateful person.
The fact that she is leaking all the names of the therapists and the schedules to the media proves its her who is abusive to the kids and not Pitt.
Why is she ruining their lives like that?
A very selfish and a evil woman.
Isn't there a law in the US that if a woman tries to alienate kids from their father or badmouth the ex partner she will loose custody?
Slay Brad! SLAYYY! Take the B down!
The Judge should grant this. Doesn't matter if it is one child or six. This is simply ugly media games, and it needs to stop. Those children are being damaged, for life, with these games. At least he has their welfare in mind. Good job.
Aha... look Brad has real fans, who are spending time to defend him, because they think he is worth of it. You don't have to be paid for it LOL
I am happy to spread my opinions around for free. Nobody has to pay me to be opinionated
Yep. Jolie seems like a pretty large narcissist.
There is a God up above. I'm so happy brad will spend Xmas with his kids. Angie you became a wicked witch. Your only hurting the kids not yourself. Selfish witch!!!!
Good for Brad, Angie's acting like a selfish, cruel, control freak. I'm surprised because her dad abandoned her and her mom, so she just wants Brad to walk away and abandon his kids? If she wants to have well adjusted kids she needs to give him custody to.
She already deprived him of kids on thanksgiving, im so sick of her drama.
Hurray. I want Brad to have all of his Fatherly Rights, he's a Great Father & Role Model!
You can't make all these kids with this man and then tell him he can't see his babies!!!
So happy for him and his kids, The kids are # 1 she needs to remember that.
She needs a therapist for her maddness
And her need to control
we are for you Brad
We all saw her before she had kids....the girl was wacky. Just because you have 6 kids and domesticate yourself doesn't make you sane.
Never liked her she just looks Evil.
I hate that woman
I knew Brad shouldn't have ever married that psycho home wrecker
She's no good !!!
Team Brad!
All six children need mental health professionals?
Why would she do that??????
Because she's one of those selfish women that cares more about winning the battle with her ex than she does about the actual welfare of her children. I've read many articles about her having control issues and most of them were written before the divorce thing came up.
She's vile
She's sick.
She doesn't care if she hurts her kids, she just wants control.
I agree with Brad I think she's devious and revengeful and I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her. I feel for the children
Normally, I never pay attention to celebrities, but he's right about that. They really shouldn't air their dirty laundry out in the open. Maybe she didn't realize it, or wanted to get back at Pitt, but don't do that. Their personal life is their business, not ours.
Look at Jolie. Just look at her. The media deemed her a sexpot and you all followed suit like sheep. She looks like a gagly zombie witch.
She can play dirty and try to ruin his reputation, but he can't do anything to fight back and protect his kids? Please. That saintly image that she tried to portray is gone.
It's not gone. It was never there! She never convinced me...
She won't get her own way only for so long. Her kids will blame her later on when they can't see there dad same old story they will leave her later on.
She isn't happy or stable so nobody is going to be as she pushes buttons, provokes, lays on her insecurities, carries grudges against women as they are all deemed a threat, oh the list can go on. Here's hoping Brad can continue to bring some stability to the crazy situation she has created. Here's to a future of normalcy for him and the kids. The court should at least put a stop to her dragging the kids from one place to another where they have no time to develop ties and relationships. Maybe she can focus on getting her high school diploma between flights here and there which serve no purpose. It could be a diploma through air miles.
when your right, your right and brad is right
This is a woman who French kissed her own brother on national television and walked around bragging about how she carried a vile of billyBob's blood around her neck...
I have a newfound respect for Brad Pitt. I'm positive Brad has plenty of dirt on Angelina that if he exposed would ruin her career. But I applaud him for taking the higher Road and not exposing her. I wish I could say the same for her.
He shows his decency by holding back on what must be an enormous amount of dirt on her.
Brad should have never bred with that crazy b
Team Brad!
AJ not only alienates Brad from the kids because she wants the sole rights to the kids to control them, she also needed a credible excuse for dumping Brad after a) all the backlash she faces after his marriage broke down with Jennifer (who is seen as America's sweetheart) and b) all her talk about them being "so incredibly happy, soul mates, he's the best father, bla bla bla". She can't just say "I'm bored with him", she'd be the laughing stock in the world! So this awful path that she has chosen has more than one purpose IMO. I think she felt this was the only way. It just back fires because people don't believe her and will trash her for it, and she hurts the children, which is the worst of it all...
Blind items say he told her he was divorcing her after her behavior during his last film. She started the affair rumors. She is doing this to hurt him, his image and as a money grab.
Exactly, Brad wanted out of the marriage, Angelina went nuclear. She knew what would hurt Brad most was taking kids away from him.
She is a vile woman and i'm sure she is poisoning the kids minds against their father. He should get full custody since she is trying to alienate the kids from their father!
she was always the one breaking up the relationship, she was the first to leave her partner but here comes a man who can't tolerate her anymore, fed up with her and wants to leave her for the first time in her life. well can you blame him, marriage is between 2 persons not with 3 or more. she let dalton and helic in their very personal part of their life and her brother too. there's only so much a man can tolerate.
I'm so glad Brad is fighting back now instead of passively letting Angelina trash him.
I hope Brad gets the kids! Jolie is POISEN!
I hope the judge will grant the sealing of the case so we will not hear the detail of it ever. I just can't wait the day Brad gets joint custody.
The judge should have sealed the case to begin with. Angie is crazy
The fact the AJ would twice publicly release her children's psychiatrists names and addresses is chilling.
She also released the schedules too. She is nuts, and did violate the privacy agreement. She is shameful.
It was time for Brad to step up his game against this psycho woman, who single-handedly destroyed the family and the kid's life. Before anyone asks, yes, I think she is the one responsible for the whole debacle, because she chose the war path, while lying. scheming, manipulating everybody around her. She should be locked in a mental hospital.
According to credible reports that match DCFS's findings that no abuse occurred, Brad yelled at him for being a foul mouthed teenager and getting in his dad's face.
He was trying to be a dad, and the man of the house. Maddox was jelly
Finally something reasonable. Angelina needs to shut her mouth. If she really has the kids best interests then she needs to keep quiet and court transcripts need to be sealed. Everything should be done behind closed doors for the sake of the kids. She is probably poisoning their mind anyway when she has them.
that cambodian teenager is not even close to his other so-called siblings.
Angie can't hurt him with money, so she has to use the kids as the weapon.
Because AJ has narcissistic personality disorder. ...which is essentially "it's my way" or "scorched earth".
She's been dragging his name thru the mud and that's ok? She's evil.
She is just not right. She needs help. Way to go Brad. She really wants to hurt him and take the kids. However three of those kids are biological his. What about his parents seeing the kids?
Pax was bought as a plaything for Maddox. I don't think they ever got along, or even to this day they get along. Pax found out his role in this family was suppose to be someone that identified with Maddox. That is how he was picked out. Remember Jolie stating, that she wanted "pairs", 2 asian, 2 white kids (well she ended up with 3) and also wanted to adopt someone that looked like Zahara? I think Pitt put a stop to anymore adoptions after Pax.
Pax is going to fight his way out of the "clan", when he is of age....and he'll be the one writing the "Mommy Dearest" book about Jolie.
Pax will split as soon as he can. Maddox will be a co-caregiver with James for as long as Jolie lives.
I'm sure Angie is brainwashing those kids. SMH
sad to think how those kids are totally unprotected from her craziness
This is why I think the two older kids are mad at him. Not for anything he had done. But for breaking his promise to them that he would never leave her crazy azz.....and then said he was divorcing her. The world is a scary place when your crazy mom is now on her own.
Calm down Angelina. He didn't leave and take one of the orphans to be his wife like Woody Allen or anything. GAWD.
I always thought she became pregnant to hurt Jennifer more than wanting the child. Also to tie herself to Brad for life. Now that he left, she has chosen the nuclear option.
Yep, I think the same thing too. I think AJ was jealous of Jennifer for what she had, and wanted her life. She stole her husband from her, and got pregnent by him to spite her.
She never wanted biological children and said so in interviews. I think she realized Brad wasn't going to go for her unless she promised him children (and not just adopted children).
She also made Maddox calling Brad 'dad' out of nowhere, she knew Brad wanted to be father badly.
I think you are right. It was all part of the seduction.
She is smoking a pack a day in front of the kids and calls Brad an unfit parent. Bee-atch please..
The wheels of justice grind slowly.
She stank up "By The Sea" with her unshaven fish lips. Brad looked hot drinking scotch and smokin' like "B....please"
Funny how Brad has to go to court to show what we all knew already - that Angie is a media hoe who won't let anyone stand in her path to sainthood.
She's SNPD person leaving destruction in her wake and those around her ....poor children poor brad. Only they know how she she's tormented them.
Finally! She's batshit cray cray. Thank your lucky stars Brad, you're free from her!
And you know her? Spill the beans. It's common knowledge that she's a nut case!
She has mental problems. He does love his kids and should be able to see them more. He had agreed to supervised visitations. All she wants is full control so she can have everything her way. He wanted structure in their lives and disipline which makes him look bad because he has rules and she doesn't. The kids will think she is great and he is bad. Even if he gets equal custody rights there is going to be huge issues because of the differnt parenting styles until he gives in. The kids will favour their mum.
Still waiting to see if Jolie is on hormone treatments, because her actions the last 3 years show that something is completely wrong with her.
So it wasn't ugly when her first demand was a fucking drug test for him to see their kids?!
Thats what happens when you divorce someone mentally unstable.
She's nuts. He's a regular guy
See what happen when ypu get married to someone based on desire?
She has always been a whack job
As good parents this should not happen! She is too controling!
It's all on her!! Sad when one parent turns the children against the other! Shameful!!
Angie just HAD to drag the kids thru this.
Why make the children pay!!!Share them
She has seriously messed those kids up, but that's not unusual with Borderline Personality Disorder. They are known as manipulative splitters she has golden children and 'bad' ones. That's already happening really sad. They have already split between those who want mum and those who want dad. I hope Brad gets co-parenting he's a voice of sanity for the 'bad kids'.
Two days ago there was an article in the I.n-To.u.c*h with the text: Brad Pitt will get to see his kids on Christmas day at his home, Therapists treating the children have signed off on the visitation. I hope very much that it has become true for him and the children. (Germany)
I sincerely hope Pitt gets joint custody. It's telling that Jolie is nixing a 12-year r/s and citing one main incident as the cause, even though she scouted for a house for her and the kids before that fligh. Everyone loses it with kids sometimes, and Pitt has already been cleared of abuse by two agencies. So what if he lost his temper, who the f--- hasn't? I think it's reasonable to imagine she is turning the kids against him, and Jolie certainly didn't speak up when the worst of the fabricated tabloid reports were being churned out after the initial divorce news. In the past, Jolie called Pitt a "great dad." She wants sole custody so she can move at will with them when she makes her bid for the UN job. This is widely known, and I hope she God she fails on both counts.
Big mis take Angie
Angelina your LIES are going to be uncovered in a court of law. You have kidnapped the kids for your own use as weapons in this divorce.. You are going to get a dose of reality come January 17th....I think Brad will end up with SOLE custody once he goes to court to EXPOSE Angelina's lies and her double life .....she is the problem NOT Brad.
Angie didn't speak up when the worst of the fabricated media tabloid reports were being churned out because she was the one doing the fabricating and churning.
I am American and I don't like her...she is a home wrecker and a crazy women at that.
You are the one who needs to seriously fact check. Her own people in a leak to TMZ earlier already admitted that she was the one who claimed that Brad hit Maddox before backtracking/deflecting later. The Falls International Airport released a statement denying that anything out of the ordinary happened that day. In that statement, they denied reporting any abuse as well as denied that Brad stole a fuel truck ( which is actually a criminal offense). The FBI, LAPD, and DCFS interviewed witnesses which includes airport officials who exonerated Brad. There was even some audio/video footage as well that was used in the investigation.
Being a celebrity doesn't authorize Jolie from leaking and lying/spinning the details about this to the press. She has misportrayed the circumstances surrounding the custody arrangements and October stipulations a dozen times already to make Brad appear guilty of something despite being cleared. She exposed the children's schedules, the names of therapists, the name of the judge, and even out of context spun around some emails in order to release a twisted version of events. Brad like any other celeb would want the documentation private so he has the freedom to disclose any details and files about her & the family without making that public knowledge. Also, any witnesses or anybody else who would vouch for him would be less likely to come forward on his behalf if this turned into a public media circus. He is protecting all of them from an ugly media circus and most divorcing couples have this private. What she wants to do, is release any sort of accusations smearing Brad private. He doesn't want this back and forth which hinders the case. He didn't want an ugly media war with endless spin. She has already been out of control with the misportayals and spin to the press.
The people who knew the facts wouldn't be putting the blame all on him, he was the stable one in that relationship.
"Thor Einarson, Falls International Airport manager, and driver of the fuel truck on which Brad Pitt is rumored to have attempted to board, talked with The Journal about the alleged incident Sept. 14 at the airport when Brad and Angelina Jolie Pitt stopped to be cleared into the United States and refuel the jet on which they were passengers.
Asked whether Pitt or anyone else attempted to board the fuel truck, which was driven by Einarson, he responded. "Absolutely did not. It is a totally false story. Nothing, I repeat, nothing happened out of the ordinary that evening.
"No one got onto or attempted to steal our fuel truck," he continued. "If it happened, I would be first to pursue legal action. Nothing out of the ordinary outside standard operating procedures, standard routine, happened.
"No one got onto or attempted to steal our fuel truck," he continued. "If it happened, I would be first to pursue legal action. Nothing out of the ordinary outside standard operating procedures, standard routine, happened.
"We do not understand how this vicious rumor, this totally false story got started and how it grew on itself.
"I was there, I was the only person outside of the crew and passengers on the aircraft that got onto aircraft. Nothing illegal or out of ordinary happened.
"There is not an investigation going on by either the FAA or the FBI or any law enforcement agency. No one contacted us and we're not expecting that because we have gone on the record with our statement that nothing happened."
As reported to the AP, Duluth News Tribune, and International Falls Journal at the time. Thor along with other officals at the airport were also interviewed by the FBI when later in October, they did decide to launch an inquiry due to Jolie using Maddox to spread more claims. That is when the FBI announced in a press release they would be interviewing everybody who was at the airport that day and
"The manager of the International Falls airport says the rumor that actor Brad Pitt tried to get on a fuel truck during a stop at the airport earlier this month is “totally false.”
Thor Einarson, manager at Falls International Airport, told the International Falls Journal that “nothing out of the ordinary” happened on the night of Sept. 14, when a plane carrying Pitt, his then-wife, Angelina Jolie, and their children stopped at the airport while flying from France to the U.S."
"Koochiching County Sheriff Perryn Hedlund previously confirmed that Pitt was on a plane that landed at the airport that day but said there was nothing reported to local law enforcement. And Einarson — who told the International Falls newspaper that he was the only one on the tarmac that night except for those on the plane — said that no one got onto the fuel truck. If they had, he said, he “would be first to pursue legal action.”
"TMZ broke the story, Angelina accused Brad of brutalizing 15-year-old son Maddox on a private jet and worked with the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services, which investigated and closed out the matter without action. Jolie and her people put the word out ... they believe Brad was a danger to their 6 kids."
The other post that TMZ made about Jolie being the one to report Brad, was edited out later but many people
read it.
Three different agencies cleared Brad of false allegations that were made and they have everything I pointed out, in their records.
Other than Angie's accusations, there is no indication that Brad has any issue with alcohol (DCFS checked... remember?).
It sounds like she is in charge and has someone in her back pocket!! Good luck Brad Pitt, she had this planned long before you knew of it!
Angelina is a addict in recovery with her own mental issues!
She was the one who filed the report. He was cleared. To even put people down for not financially being able to give charity as a multimillionaire is ludicrous. The places where she adopted her children wrote that she stopped helping their agencies awhile after she was awarded custody. Karma is a bitch when you think it's ok to cheat while married. The fact that you stooped to call people names says a lot about you. They are both at fault and the kids should be their only concern and NOT their selfish butts. They are kids not collectibles. They need both.
It says the kids are in safe harbor psychotherapy. Seems pretty dramatic since the allegations of abuse were unfounded. 100% the kids safety and well being comes first. This however seems very extreme more like brainwashing the kids to believe he is abusive.
Well she did have an affair with Brad while he was married. So she's crazy in my book.
That was 10 years ago and had nothing to do with these kids!
She's clearly batshitcrazy!
That's so sad. All he has ever said was that he wanted a lot of children and now that he does he has to be monitored. I feel bad for him
If he was so bad why did she keep having/adopting kids with him?
All he did was try to be the responsible parent and looked what happened.
Brad got royally SCREWED! When does Angelina have to have monitored visits or visits to head Dr. Her past behavior should be a red flag. She's crazy. Remember the vial of blood around the neck? I would worry about the children's well being with her.
I feel very sorry for him. he just wanted to be a Dad,
This woman is a friggin control freak a hole, my heart goes out to Brad Pitt, the child court system truly drains one of money and self esteem.
However, I think he mentally checked out of the relationship years ago, and the "wedding" was some kind of arrangement agreed to for money and publicity.
Plus if she left him she wouldn't be blowing up like this. Hell hath no fury and all that.
He doesn't want bad lies spread around, unlike her who wants to use the media! Good for him!
Good on you Brad don't let her think the she's got the upper hand a good feed will do her the world of good...
She is a nut bag.
He never "trashed" her.
I have been saying the SAME thing about Angie....she is going to get a dose of REALITY come Jan 17, she will get blasted out of the court room....she is off her freakin rocker if she is getting sole custody....I hope Brad can show the judge just how CRAZY Angie is!...Team Brad ALL the way! I think she is an unfit mother!
It was ridiculous that crazy AJ's lawyer said they do not oppose sealing the documents but they do this time because brad's lawyers supposedly dud not consult with them even though they were informed. Are they five years old? Cleary the best thing for the kids is to seal the docs It spoke volumes that they opposed it. I think Brad is waiting for the docs to be sealed and then ge will file everything to get joint custody and more time with kids including dirt on her. AJ knows this and that is why she opposed sealing it! Horrible crazy woman! I hope he gets joint custody.
I hope he ends up with full custody. That woman is nuts and is evil! She doesn't think straight and is the type to put her kids in harm if it mean getting a good headline cover!
Angie is a selfish narcissistic pig. The kids and this whole thing is a sham. She just wants to be seen as some sort of angelic woman with a heart of gold... but it's all a lie. She's a cheater, liar, manipulative and unhinged. She seduced another woman's husband. That's the kind of pig she is and the very reason she will end up alone.
She has always had no self-regulating mechanism, hello she married billy bob, made out with her brother, has an extensive substance abuse history, and i could go on and on......
Just look at her arrogant smirk, she's crazy....note to men who have affairs on their wives, the grass isn't greener! She had no character from the start to sleep with a married man
Angie is acting in such a way that she will lose everything if she is not careful. If she were in any way intelligent or, ya know, not bat guano crazy, she would have realized sole custody was a lost cause when DCFS saw through her and started showing SOME flexibility already (even if it was only completely inadequate every other weekend visitation). As it is, she is proving to the courts that she cannot be trusted to foster a relationship between Brad and the kids AND she cannot even be trusted to not put the kids in physical danger by publishing the names of their their five (FIVE) therapists and their schedules for attending sessions.
She cannot be decent to Brad Pitt yet she wants to be the leader of the UN organization and try to take on all 6 kids by herself?
She is laughable! I really wish UN would fire this woman since she has shown to be a vindictive and hateful person.
The fact that she is leaking all the names of the therapists and the schedules to the media proves its her who is abusive to the kids and not Pitt.
Why is she ruining their lives like that?
A very selfish and a evil woman.
This is a woman who French kissed her own brother on national television and walked around bragging about how she carried a vile of billyBob's blood around her neck...
AJ not only alienates Brad from the kids because she wants the sole rights to the kids to control them, she also needed a credible excuse for dumping Brad after a) all the backlash she faces after his marriage broke down with Jennifer (who is seen as America's sweetheart) and b) all her talk about them being "so incredibly happy, soul mates, he's the best father, bla bla bla". She can't just say "I'm bored with him", she'd be the laughing stock in the world! So this awful path that she has chosen has more than one purpose IMO. I think she felt this was the only way. It just back fires because people don't believe her and will trash her for it, and she hurts the children, which is the worst of it all...
She is a vile woman and i'm sure she is poisoning the kids minds against their father. He should get full custody since she is trying to alienate the kids from their father!
I'm so glad Brad is fighting back now instead of passively letting Angelina trash him.
It was time for Brad to step up his game against this psycho woman, who single-handedly destroyed the family and the kid's life. Before anyone asks, yes, I think she is the one responsible for the whole debacle, because she chose the war path, while lying. scheming, manipulating everybody around her. She should be locked in a mental hospital.
Seriously, I thought she was suppose to be one of those celebrities who wanted to keep her private life private. She makes me wanna vomit, always has.
I admire her humanitarian efforts, but she seems bat shit crazy in her personal life. What kind of mother demands full custody? She is putting all of the kids through an ugly fight.
OH ANGIE PLEASE EAT A BURGER!!! Seriously. I am a huge fan of The Walking Dead, but last time I checked you didn't have a starring role in it. FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD!!!!!
Angelina your children's privacy is a priority, you should know this as a mother.
I am shocked by your actions and I can't find you a suitable role model.
This lady gotta stop.....
Putting aside the fame, this seems to follow the pattern of so many 'average' divorces that I've seen. The relationship breaks down, the man is almost always the one to leave/move out, tries to give space to the woman who is often so witchy and bitter, then all of a sudden she starts filing legal papers and saying he's abandoned them, he's a deadbeat, he doesn't care, this and that, even if she's the one who demanded space/demanded he move out. He tries to at least salvage his relationship with his kids and she starts blocking him there too. Seen it literally dozens of times. Not saying men are infallible, but women tend to let their romantic problems spill over into parenting. The romantic relationship fails and suddenly he's also a terrible father or not allowed around the kids.
Angelina is the most self absorbed egotistical self centered bee-atch on the planet. It's all about her. Her tribe of international children are mere accessories like an expensive purse or a yappy pocket dog.
Brad is right. But he made his own bed. If he had stayed with Jen he could get baked and not have to hide it.
I'm with Brad. He should get joint custody....
Brad, i'ma gonna say the same thing to you that that annoying commercial keeps saying to me, " Thank you Captain Obvious." She's a big ole sack of NUTS. We know that.
Angelina looks like Skeletor.
I saw a part of Malenfant the other day and thought it striking that AJ acts the same way; hurting the kids to get back to the father out of spite. Couldn't watch it so I turned it off; so awful it is happening in real life, too.
Actually, I think Skeletor looks better than her.
Everyday that Jolie has the kids all to herself, is one more day of brainwashing. Jolie is a smart cra cra & is using the media to tarnish Brad & make him out to be an unfit parent. It's Brad who has been the reason why the kids have had a close to normal life up to now. But with Jolie, the kids will need help for mental disorders they will no doubt develop under Jolie's care.
Conniving is another word that describes Jolie.
When Angelina was younger, she hired a hitman to kill herself. The level of craziness of this woman is unimaginable.
I refuse to believe that a woman who teaches her six year old to be a transsexual is guilty of abuse
He is not whining, he behaves like an adult in this divorce, unfortunately Jolie is mental, and there is no reasoning with her. I don't care about Brad's dark secrets, if he has any, because nothing can be worse than what Angelina has already showed to the whole world in the past and just right now.
Brad is concerned about his children and maintaining his relationship with them. That is why he is seeking joint custody. ALL of the press leaks have been from Angie's team (usually when she is losing).
Angie is the one that set this whole thing in motion to keep the kids all to herself. Brad has been nothing but calm and compliant in the face of truly scurrilous accusations on Angie's part. If she doesn't stop soon on her own it will be a judge who slaps her down for her behavior and attempts at parental alienation.
She's Coo Coo for Cocopuffs and always was.
Go Brad, go brad
Oh shut up Brad is right, all court documents are available to the public, you know the parties' names, you get the case number and VOILA! Anybody can obtain the documents with all personal information listed unless there is a restraining order in place or other precautions that does not list personal info.. In the end, he's right, the public does not need to be able to access this information because next thing you know the paparazzi will be at visits which will definitely affect the children..
Angelina has said nothing publicly? She sniped him from the beginning, accused him with false allegations, leaked out info about the terms of the temporary agreement with the threapists name, address, with the whole schedule, and you say she has done nothing wrong? She is nuts, and should be very ashamed of herself, but she is not capable of that, because she is sick, a narcissist sociopath.
Yes... why she might falsely accuse him of child abuse. Or being a drunk. Or being a drug addict.
Oh wait: she already did and the authorities investigated and cleared him.
As far as Maddox and Pax go... they are acting like bratty teenagers whose mother is alienating them from their father because that is what they are.